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Pattaya Tot - Adsl = Are You Happy


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This may sound a stupid question considering all the constant negative comments here about TOT ADSL internet connections, my friend who lives in Pattaya has a TOT ADSL connection, ( Basic Package ) and has given up trying to download any thing at all. He thinks that due to the vast numbers of TOT ADSL subscribers in Pattaya area, his not being able to download any thing is totally due to the oversubscribed situation in Pattaya. I have a feeling that his problem may lie with his PC setup and not the ADSL connection, So do you manage to download every thing you want , with out too many problems , or are you like my Pattaya friend and have given up trying ? , could my friend be totally correct and trying to download any thing with a TOT ADSL connection in Pattaya is just one big pain in the backside . Are you by any chance happy with your Pattaya ADSL connection :o

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On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being very satisfied), I'd say TOT adsl is a 6. I am not sure what package I am on but I pay 1000 baht a month. There are times I don't get a connection, but usually if I try later, it's back on again...it's not a big issue for me, as I just do personal emails. If it's urgent and I have no connection, I go to the internet cafe nearby. The TOT speed I have is rather slow (some websites are slow to load) but again for emails only without large attachments, it's fine. I think if you wanted to download a 100KB file like music/video, it might take a few hours. Perhaps do it overnight?

My neighbour uses TTT...pays a lot more but seems to be speedier. But they also have instances of no connection, although I think less often than what I experienced with TOT.

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I'm decently happy with my TOT DSL, I have the silver cyber package 1536/768 Kb. I took me over a year to get any phone line connected on the dark side. When finally installed, it worked as a charm for about 6 months. After that, dropping my connection daily or no connection at all. Having TOT techs come over once or twice a week for about a month to check the line and telling me that my line couldn't support the speed, and that I should downgrade. Well I finally got hold of a tech that could fixed it, after that it's been up to par for the last 9 months or so. I can sustain download speeds at about 110KB (~900Kb) outside of Thailand, and if I do a speed test within Thailand I get the full download speed that I pay for.

As it's working this well now, I'm a bit hesitant to take up TOT on their current offer to double my speed for the same price, I'm currently paying 790THB/month. As I suspect my line will not support it, and then I start having the same problems I did 9 months ago.

So all in all, I can usually download what I want without any problems.

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My neighbour had TOT last year and he never had a connection. The funny thing is that he had to pay every month although he couldn´t use the internet.

Finally he switched to HiNet by CAT like I have and he is very happy now with it.

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Had TOT and Maxnet for a while at the same time here in Pattaya. At TOT neither the internet nor the telephone worked without bigger problems. Streaming video with TOT - often around 5 KB/s - useless. The same server at Maxnet at the same time with a 2 Mbps connection like TOT - 222 KB/s - no problems. I am not kidding now - when I had TOT alone I very often used my dial-up connection at Ji-Net. With the compressor of them much faster than TOT when reading something. Of course not in the case of downloads. But sometimes TOT was so slow that I could not use it at all. And I had a perfect line in respect of modem connection.

The service at TOT Pattaya - for me the worst experience in all my 10 years here. The TOT hotline much more polite but the result not better - you can complain but for me it never changed anything. I sent there screenshots and many other things to show my problems. I never got any response. Not correct - when I called them directly they told me that TOT is for servers in Thailand. For servers outside Thailand they do not provide the speed what you pay for. This is pretty tricky - the server of Bangkok Post for instance seems to be in the USA and the server of Thai Visa seems to be in Singapore. The server for the TOT speed test seems to be in Thailand and so shows a good speed ;-)

Maxnet is somehow boring - because it always works. At TOT you click and pray... At TOT not even my telephone worked very often for days. At Maxnet (TT&T) my phone never got disconnected in all the long time - no need to enter all the phone settings again because of the missing power when you get disconnected. At TOT I had to enter the settings at least once a week.

If you don't want to pray...with Maxnet you are in heaven. So no need to pray anymore :-) But again - since everything works you might get bored... Even worse - TT&T upgraded my Maxnet connection from 2 Mbps to 3 Mbps for free. So if you want to talk to hotlines stick to TOT. It is very hard to find a topic for the TT&T hotline.

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