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Member of Thai rak Thai party

IMHO the Thai Rak Thai Party is doing a remarkable job of bringing the Kingdom back from abyss of the Asian financial crisis. That Thailand now has the second highest GDP growth in Asian is due to the remarkable leadership of Prime Minister Taskin and his Thai Rak Thai Party.

As someone who has lived in the Kingdom for a great many moons, I am delighted to witness Khun Taskin's  dynamic leadership which is gradually raising  the country's standard of living for  the farmers and  ordinary workers.

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So maybe the job Taksin is doing is so good that he will be in power for a long time to come.

It should be interesting to see just how much Thailand and its people benefit.


plachon...I suspect that Joe Cummings received a large advance from the LP publishers and while in S'pore penning his oeuvre he would have been considered a well paid expat...

nothing worse than claiming backpacker status under false pretenses (hisssss...)

Listen...somebody give me a big advance...I'll put the world dead to rights...go back to Bolivia to live and write...they got excellent beer in Cochabamba (but no cheeseburgers)



On Sundays in Cochabamba they have nice spicey meat pies called saltenas...excellent when washed down with local Taquina beer. You got to watch out as hangovers at 3k meters altitude are murder...not much drinkable water and the oxigen is thin. Hangovers = dehydration that occurs when O2 is scarce

Now there was the time in Mexico City at the hotel up the Calle Uruguay from where DH Lawrence stayed that you could only survive hangovers with continous orgasms. The maid would knock the door to change sheets and you would say 'ven pa' nosotros' and she would flee screaming down the hall.

Crazy gringos and the Calle Uruguay...down town Mexico City. Not a backpackers haven but not too far off...there is even a cantina Madrid (see Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart)...cheap digs and good food...


You said it brother... the Mexicans ain't got the shit that we have to deal with per the next year immigration rules. You want to retire there on a small income nobody cares...not like some local PM <deleted> dishing out 1m baht privilege cards and shafting the others. Someone needs to pull the rug out from under Sinatra for him to realise that white folks made this country...the tourist proclivity for cheap pussy and nice beaches bouyant like empty oil drums.

You got to consider, the PM was a cop and then got rich...how does that happen???Now he's tipped to replace Matahir Mohd. in Malaysia when he steps down as the regional leader. God help SE Asia.

By the way...it was reported that locals in Ahudtaya pulled the plug on the terrorist Hambali as he was a suspicious individual. But the $10m bounty are going to the cops only. $10m would go a long way to helping Ahudtaya deal with yearly flooding but the money will go into some fat corrupt cops' pocket instead. How many more Mercedes can you buy you dumb primates?

Love it...love it...


Does being asked to get off the weight machine in my local gym whilst sitting still for one minute between the four sets I do, count as I hate farang,

it was the Thai owner who asked me as a Thai lady wanted to use the machine, I told him I had 2 sets left and I would be off the machine, he said no you have to get off for a minute between the sets, then he asked me if I understood, which I replied of course your speaking English.

I duly finished the set I was interrupted on and stood up next to the machine for a minute the woman had gone!

every set I did I stood up for 1 minute after this, nobody made a move on to my machine, and everyone else, (Thai) sat on their machines during sets!

I’m normally very relaxed with Thai style, but this has really pissed me off tonight, as it became a farang vs. Thai thing out of nothing.

This woman couldn't wait the 2 minutes it would have taken me to finish! She wouldn't have done this to a Thai male! I’m sure of that as I watched her in the gym for the next hour and she only used machines that were empty. So why mine!

sometimes yes they do things, cus we are farangs.

However, hate us, I don't know.



You said it brother... the Mexicans ain't got the shit that we have to deal with per the next year immigration rules. You want to retire there on a small income nobody cares...not like some local PM <deleted> dishing out 1m baht privilege cards and shafting the others. Someone needs to pull the rug out from under Sinatra for him to realise that white folks made this country...the tourist proclivity for cheap pussy and nice beaches bouyant like empty oil drums.

from your argument above you are obviously a sensible human being capable of rational decisions.the rational decision in your case would be to leave for a place where you would feel more welcome.where white folks like yourself would be appreciated more.  what are you waiting for?? whats holding you back?? yes,the thais might feel that life was harder without you here,but i'm sure they would somehow manage.

need a hand with your bags?


Well...you know, Taxexile, there's the matter of the Thai wife and her family to consider...I guess I could just ditch them but that wouldn't be very nice, would it? What I'm trying to put across is that the new immigration laws blatantly favor rich tourists over expats on modest incomes. Like a lot of people on this thread I expected to be able to retire here and live happily forever after. Now in the face of the new regs...those plans may have to be re-evaluated. I wonder what would happen if the government were exposed as money-grubbing a**holes and tourists with a conscience took their trade elsewhere? Not likely to happen...but just suppose?

Yeah...you can help with my bags...just show up in the departure lounge with your hand trolley and some K-Y jelly and I'll show you where to put them...


tutsiwarrior , i stand by my thread, but the offer of help with your bags is withdrawn

i found parts of your posting offensive and insulting.

if you dont like it here,move.

if you cant afford to live here,move somewhere cheaper.

the fact that the goalposts have moved resulting in some changes to your plans should come as no surprise. this is asia.the thais have lived with these kinds of sudden changes in circumstances for ages.what makes anybody think that we falangs should be treated any different.

we are not so special,and if a few thousand foriegn residents and tourists cannot meet the new criteria,they will just have to leave.its not fair,its a pisser,but there is probably no point complaining and becoming offensive about it.just deal with it as best you can.i sincerely hope that families are not split up and i doubt very much if they will.adversity is the mother of invention and i'm sure ways will be found to adapt to the new


good luck and dont waste any money on the ky.   :laugh:


taxexile...lighten up man...nobody should move as a result of the new regs. Everybody is hoping that they may be rescinded so that we don't have to consider new plans for retirement. Just want to point out that proposed policy is not good. To compare Thais and falangs with regard to  immigration hardship is a misnomer...I never heard of an immigrant Thai in Thailand. Thai folks have something in place that allows them to survive even the harshest of government pronouncements...like their families. Us falangs just show up and hope not to disturb but would like to stay on with a minimum of hassle. Yeah you can ride the water just like Rimsky-Korsakoff and the first movement of Scheherizade but when the music dies you are ######ed.

There ain't no reason to waste breath on this one. Nobody has to go anywhere. taxexile...if you reckon that falangs got it good here then OK...I say that it is tenuous and becoming difficult. If you got a wife and a family that would be affected by the new regs then let us know...otherwise put up or shut up.

I withdraw my 'white man' comment as it was inappropriate and probably the impetus for this meaningless dialog...

Best regards...

Adversity?...I don't think that Frank Zappa would have agreed with you...musical genius needs no excuse...


Maybe the great FZ has all the answers.

"Movin' to Montana soon

Gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon

(yes I am)

Movin' to Montana soon

Gonna be a mennil-toss flykune"


I love it...I love it...a tribute to the great man on an arcane chat line in SE Asia. Did anyone ever catch a Mother's concert when the nonsense songs were dispensed with then FZ tied back his greasy mop and got down to business? The Mother's were not a band...they were an orchestra playing finely composed pieces under the direction of a mad genius. Back in the 60s everyone liked to drop acid before a concert...what a waste...the thunder and subtlety of a one hour uninterrupted set needed no extra stimulants.


The backpacker seems to revolve around one-upmanship.  If one has been somewhere then the other one has to have been somewhere more obscure/less touristy. They like to brag about how little they pay for accom. There is a seniority culture.

Quote :-

Edited by Kan Win


Correct ......................

They are ................... Good people ........ well most anyway.

???  :D  B)  :o


Hey Kan Win...no denying that backpackers are good people...just a bit annoying when in polite company.

Whassamatta?...you pass out at your keyboard and lean on the the elipsis keys? Be advised that this is a family website...

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