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Annoying Thai Mosquitos


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In Africa we used to have these little penlike buzzers. battery operated. they emitted a sound at a certain frequency barely audible. no mozzies.  they were standard army issue there. have tried to find them here, but no joy.

We had something similar back in Oz too...

But they weren't battery operated... they plugged into a 220-250V AC power outlet.

Wish I could find them here... :D

If any of you Aussis back home are on-line, can you just nip down to the nearest Bunnings hardware store and let us know if they're still available? :o

Here in Thailand I find that the slow-burning coils work best.

The electric 'buzzer' repellers are available in Tesco under the brand name "Techno home", they are a hexagonal white plastic beastie about 1.5" on each side, plug in and go. The trick is finding them in the store, they are with the electical items NOT the mosquito stuff.

The only problem I find with them is that I can hear them at night, we have a chemical unit in the bedroom otherwise I can't sleep.

Not seen the battery ones here.

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DDT was banned in Australia and still is.

Garlic wont repel them except from your mouth area LOL.....it will stop them from biting you same as it does for dogs and fleas. I believe that only the female bites as she needs the blood for breeding same as the flea.

the best form of protection is loose fitting clothing with long sleeves at nights.

for killing them....put a fish pond in.....

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For the past year, I've been using a small electronic device called the ARS MAT12. Bought it at Carrefoure for about 150baht. Works great. It just a small cardboard looking repellent that you place into the device and it continues to work for about 12 hours. No mess, no smell, no smoke. Don't know if it kills the mosquitos, but it does keep them off. Such peaceful nights :o

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I live in Khampaeng Phet province and we have a lot of mossies.

I use 2 repellents depending on what is available at the time.

1 mosquito repellent that I buy in Villa or big supermarkets, the front of the bottle is green and says mosquito repellent and also PURE GREEN, and the back says TOXIC FREE and it was around 85 baht. Contains Citronella grass oil.

2 is called THAM MA CHAD on a small blue label and contains extract of Lemon Grass oil at 60 baht from my local OTOP shop. Both work well for me, don't smell too bad and i rarely get bitten.

Both are 120 ml plastic bottles.

I also like the tennis raquet bug zappers but I am too slow to catch the little buggers. :o

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You can carry around the zappers Rav. Over here you can buy these things that look like little tennis rackets. You see a mozzie and just a lazy forehand and the push of a button...snap,crackle..pop.They fry before your eyes. One of the most fun toys ever to come out of China.Hours of entertainment if you've had a few and there are plenty of mozzies about. :D Only worth about US$2.50 each.

Never seen those... I like the 'Fly Guns' maybe also 'toys' from China... spring loaded gun with string attached to a spoked wheel-like thing that you shoot at stationary flys... splatters them! But only good for mosquitos that are stationary :D

I want one! :o

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When I lived in Indonesia, we had a little device where you put some sort of liquid bug spray It had a ceramic type of wick in it which was heated by electricity. The theory was that the heated wick drew up the liquid and released it into the air. No lights and no moving parts. Worked okay as I remember...

Anyone seen something like this for sale in Thailand?

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Anna, have the same problem, they love me too :o Only suggestion is making sure you have good repellent, I always used thai brand, small blue & white bottle with thai writing & "15" on it. Really effective at keeping the buggers away but would take a layer of plastic off your lighter if you had any on your hands :D

You mean this stuff: :D


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When I lived in Indonesia, we had a little device where you put some sort of liquid bug spray It had a ceramic type of wick in it which was heated by electricity. The theory was that the heated wick drew up the liquid and released it into the air. No lights and no moving parts. Worked okay as I remember...

Anyone seen something like this for sale in Thailand?

Maybe something like this. I use it in the bedroom. Buy it at Makro.

Edited for spelling.


Edited by Ken
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Why not catch a gecko as my pet?

anyone know the best way to clean gecko sh1t off the pillows?

I love gecko. They are very kind. They wont hurt you. So dont worry.

Anna - yummy too!!! So once you rid yourself of those bastard mosquitos you can always throw your new found pet on the grill!!!! :o

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When I lived in Indonesia, we had a little device where you put some sort of liquid bug spray It had a ceramic type of wick in it which was heated by electricity. The theory was that the heated wick drew up the liquid and released it into the air. No lights and no moving parts. Worked okay as I remember...

Anyone seen something like this for sale in Thailand?

Maybe something like this. I use it in the bedroom. Buy it at Makro.

Edited for spelling.

Thanks, Ken, that loks like the same idea.... Work well for you?

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Sure do seem to be an awful lot of mozzies this year.Is it due to the drought as normally very few around ?

Even though Mossies need to breed in water, the drought may well be the reason why there seem to more around.

instead of breeding in the areas away from homes (ponds, paddies etc...) they could be breeding more in the large tubs of water around most houses...which would mean more around the residential areas...need to make sure the covers are on those things.

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While on this topic what I would really like to know is, once youve been bitten, what's the best thing to get rid of the itch??? Please dont tell me Tiger balm as I just end up getting it all stuck under my fingernails while I rake at my skin!

Something that really works, pharmacutical wise, no old wives tales about spitting on it etc..! :o

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Even though Mossies need to breed in water, the drought may well be the reason why there seem to more around.
instead of breeding in the areas away from homes (ponds, paddies etc...) they could be breeding more in the large tubs of water around most houses...which would mean more around the residential areas...need to make sure the covers are on those

Time to check if there are any such containers open around the house and maybe have a chat to the neighbours.

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While on this topic what I would really like to know is, once youve been bitten, what's the best thing to get rid of the itch??? Please dont tell me Tiger balm as I just end up getting it all stuck under my fingernails while I rake at my skin!

Something that really works, pharmacutical wise, no old wives tales about spitting on it etc..! :o

Any cortozone ointment will do the trick or you can use the tried but true calomine lotion.

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When I lived in Indonesia, we had a little device where you put some sort of liquid bug spray It had a ceramic type of wick in it which was heated by electricity. The theory was that the heated wick drew up the liquid and released it into the air. No lights and no moving parts. Worked okay as I remember...

Anyone seen something like this for sale in Thailand?

Maybe something like this. I use it in the bedroom. Buy it at Makro.

Edited for spelling.

Thanks, Ken, that loks like the same idea.... Work well for you?

Ajarn: works great for me. I got the "idea" from another couple in Korat and they use one in each of the bedrooms (theirs and kids). They "swore" by these devices, so.....yes works very well.

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While on this topic what I would really like to know is, once youve been bitten, what's the best thing to get rid of the itch??? Please dont tell me Tiger balm as I just end up getting it all stuck under my fingernails while I rake at my skin!

Something that really works, pharmacutical wise, no old wives tales about spitting on it etc..! :o

What about vinegar? It's supposed to be a great neutralizer for stings and such. Personally, I only itch for about 5 minutes, then it's gone... If I have some red tigerbalm around, that also kills the itch real fast for me...

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