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Linux And I-pod.


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I recently settled on using Ubuntu on my eeePC netbook. I am pleased to report that I am very happy with it. It does everything I need right now. I am not contemplating switching my other laptop to a Linux system. The only application I can think of that would stop me is i-tunes. I think that i-tunes works brilliantly with my i-pod and don't want to loose any of the features. I understand that 'Amarok' is highly recommended as an alternative. I wonder how comprehensive is it? Can I still download podcasts and the like?

Is anyone using their ipod with Linux, and if so how?

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I use Amarok for my ipods. Works like a charm and there's no squawking about 'authorised' computers and crap. You can download podcasts from them web and put them on your ipod, but there's not itunes store features.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

A simply copy and paste works with the default Rhythmbox on most Ubuntu releases to my ipod works perfect, but I also agree Amarok is fine too if not better.

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