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My Rant On Thai Drinking Habits


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if you ask me...Brits Canadians Germans French are far worse than Thais...where else do you beat each other up for fun. grab chicks on their asses and walk drunkenly on the streets, yelling out national anthems? (brits and binge-drinking)...does that sound like its paced?

Haven't seen that barbaric attitude in Thailand..on that level. And yes, alcoholics are everywhere...don't tell me your country hasn't got any. They even got the audacity to beg for their alc.money..


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I always manage to drink til I'm wasted. Just can't help myself. It's like the final event, drinking those extra beers til you space out.


At least he admits it.

And please please please STOP PUTTING ICE IN MY <deleted>*CKING ALE. :o

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if you ask me...Brits Canadians Germans French are far worse than Thais...where else do you beat each other up for fun. grab chicks on their asses and walk drunkenly on the streets, yelling out national anthems? (brits and binge-drinking)...does that sound like its paced?

Haven't seen that barbaric attitude in Thailand..on that level. And yes, alcoholics are everywhere...don't tell me your country hasn't got any. They even got the audacity to beg for their alc.money..


if you ask me..

Yes, we are always interested in other people's opinions.

Brits Canadians Germans French are far worse than Thais.

Really? Not in my experience.

where else do you beat each other up for fun

Not sure if for fun, but I have witnessed a lot more violent behavior here by drunken Thais than I ever did in the Uk. Bottles, knives and guns the norm

grab chicks on their asses and walk drunkenly on the streets

Yes , many Thais take the opportunity to molest women at times of celebration such as songkran.

Most are too drunk to walk, so they drive their cars and motorbikes.

does that sound like its paced?

Sorry, I dont understand what this means

Haven't seen that barbaric attitude in Thailand..on that level.

Where have you been?

They even got the audacity to beg for their alc.money..

Again, where have you been? You really think that the Thais dont beg for money to buy alcohol?

So I ask you again, where have you been in Thailand?

When you have experience of Thailand away from the tourist areas, you may well know what you are talking about.

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With the other groups I would include native americans, aboriginal australians and in some cases Scandinavians - Social groups that have not been exposed to drinking alcohol for the last few generations.

I think you mean only exposed for the last few generations.

Forget the Skandies - they're part of the great Celtic pissartist swathe.

I've done the 10 day thing, and was only too happy to get back to the beer :D

I just managed 6 days and glad to get back on a couple of Leos today.

Do you know how much it costs for a beer in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland ?- I know from first hand expereince (I have a few Scandihooigan friends) that alcohol just doesn't agree with them. They can't handle it when they start drinking - Crying, singing and fighting - usually in that order.

Celtic are the Irish, scots and the welsh - who can handle a drink.

I think you're forgetting the English are Celtish too you know :o albeit with some Saxon-Norman genes swimming about in the genepool as well :D

Yes the hobby thing seem's to be a telling lack on the thais. Somehow they like the 'family, family' group so much they forget about being an individual and concentrate on group-think and somehow fearing individualism.

This can be good and bad for drinking. If the group majority drinks, the rest drink with them.

If the group majority don't then the rest won't :D

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In the first 7 years I was married, my Thai wife's total alcohol consumption was 16 half-finished bottles of pink Spy and 4 half-finished glasses of Champagne. 8 years. Never tipsy.

In the 8th year of marriage she announced to the family that she was "giving up" alcohol! She felt it was just not right for her.

Has not had a drop since!


This is far from unusual in Thailand, especially among the devout.

God I love this country! I have a toast to her sobriety each and every day.

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Drink til there is no more alcohol [or money to buy].

Drink til they drop or puke.

Keep topping off the drinks, so it's impossible to sip slowly [pace yourself].

They blame the drink [and not the drinker] for actions committed during a drinking session.

They drive while drunk [as we just witnessed this last deadly week].

They get loud and stupid, often showing off their drunkenness.

They are in total denial about the damage it does to families, innocent victims of accidents. They drink at any occasion, death, house warming, weddings, graduations, children's birthdays [setting a good example for the next generation].

Drinking and selling of alcohol at wats makes me wonder about the 'values' of Buddhism.

And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up..."

Similar to many farangs.

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Similar to many farangs

Comments like these and "it's the same in every country" etc etc are by people who have no idea what they are talking about. Probably by people that have never been outside of the tourist areas.

Yes, for sure you will see Farangs on holiday having too much to drink. How often do you see a drunk have to be carried home in a handcart in Farangland? I see it nearly every day in rural Thailand!

How often have you seen a drunk having a p**s completely unconcerned that he is facing a group of young 8 - 12 year old girls all of whom can see his penis?

How often do you hear about a man coming home to find his unconscious drunken wife being raped?

How often in your home country do you have people coming to your house and begging for money to buy whiskey? Used to happen to me every day, not so much now as most have learnt not to waste their time. They still try to beg from my girlfriend though on a regular basis.

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Only once in over the year we have been together has my bf drank alcohol. He had one bottle of beer to celebrate something. That one bottle was enough to make his face beetroot, his eyes red and glazed, and cause him to sing. Quite drunk!

Neither of us drink alcohol, but some of our friends do. Never seen any of them drink to excess though, or drink drive.

I dont know about generalisations though. Thats only my personal experience.

that is the result of an allergy.

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Only once in over the year we have been together has my bf drank alcohol. He had one bottle of beer to celebrate something. That one bottle was enough to make his face beetroot, his eyes red and glazed, and cause him to sing. Quite drunk!

Neither of us drink alcohol, but some of our friends do. Never seen any of them drink to excess though, or drink drive.

I dont know about generalisations though. Thats only my personal experience.

that is the result of an allergy.

No, this is due to an enzyme that processes alcohol. It is very common in Asians and is often called Asian Flush.

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I think those that are saying there is no place in world that drinks like an Issan village should consider what the have for comparison. I seriously doubt they have ever lived in similar socioeconomic situation, especially in their home countries. Alcohol abuse tends to be rampant in places such as Issan villages all over the world. For the one poster claiming he lived in a “sober” village, I suggest perhaps he was only exposed to the sober side of that village. I would bet money there were drunks and drunken parties he was never allowed to see.


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Drinking and selling of alcohol at wats makes me wonder about the 'values' of Buddhism.

And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up falang'.

IMHO, [demon] alcohol is the single biggest enemy to Thai culture and the Thai family unit and They will be the last to admit it. do a google and see how many AA or equivalent organizations there are here.

Have you never got drunk at Christmas?

I don't join them drinking but I explain why and generally(usually from the alcoholic ones) get the utmost respect.

Alcohol is a big problem here, and I know more about it than most, but it's the same in my country(Scotland).

Unfortunately, there are NOT many AA or equivalent organisations in Thailand. There are many AA meetings for expats but only in Khon kaen are there daily AA meetings for Thais.

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I think one of the big differences is that many Thais drink at home or at family parties rather than going out to the pub so they don't get the normal flash points (taxi queue, kebab shop etc.) I have never seen any kind of trouble at any of these drinking sessions.

Over Songkran I did see several fights one was between two large groups of young drunken men, it was really nasty I saw a handgun machette's and a samuari sword. I saw a very different side to Thai drinking that day and it really took the enjoyment out of it me and I decided to go home and never come out on the last day of Songkran again!!!

I know some Thais who don't drink at all or drink in moderation, but most Thai people I know drink on a daily basis and most are not having a drink or two, they are drinking to excess!!

I know of numerous cases of deaths directly caused by drinking and in my GF's family I can see many people who are going to have major health problems or die as a result of drink.

I certainly know about the pressure to drink from Thai family, which is all very nice and hospitable but you kind of get fed up of having glasses of nasty whisky pushed in your face, some are almost like the Mrs Dolyle character from father ted, persistantly trying to get me pi$$ed when I am driving thier loved one home!!!!!!!

As for drink driving I would say that 75% of the drivers on the road on a Fri/Sat night are over the limit, although the Police do seem to be making a real effort to clamp down on this, I have been breathalised 6/7 times in the last couple of months and before you ask always under the limit;]

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And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up falang'.

I have never experienced this in Thailand.  When I turn down a drink, they accept this. I credit this to the "he's a farang, and farangs are different from us" train of thought.

Now in Russia, it is a different story.  Most Russians will try everything to get you to take a drink with them.  I have had them tell me that by not drinking, I was giving an insult to the entire country!

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And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up falang'.

I have never experienced this in Thailand.  When I turn down a drink, they accept this. I credit this to the "he's a farang, and farangs are different from us" train of thought.

Now in Russia, it is a different story.  Most Russians will try everything to get you to take a drink with them.  I have had them tell me that by not drinking, I was giving an insult to the entire country!

In Scotland we were told never to trust a teetotaller.

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Only once in over the year we have been together has my bf drank alcohol. He had one bottle of beer to celebrate something. That one bottle was enough to make his face beetroot, his eyes red and glazed, and cause him to sing. Quite drunk!

Neither of us drink alcohol, but some of our friends do. Never seen any of them drink to excess though, or drink drive.

I dont know about generalisations though. Thats only my personal experience.

that is the result of an allergy.

No, this is due to an enzyme that processes alcohol. It is very common in Asians and is often called Asian Flush.

The flush by itself or in combination with other, more serious, symptoms is often referred to in English/other languages by Asians as an "allergy" or similar.

Some people find the flush itself sufficiently unpleasant as to prevent them from drinking. Sometimes, an itchy rash-like condition or even welts may break out.

The intolerance/hyper sensitivity to alcohol which occurs in some Asians and causes the flush often comes together with more serious effects, though.

alcohol intolerance — which means you are more sensitive to the normal effects of alcohol. Alcohol can cause a variety of immediate adverse effects on the body, including headache, rapid heartbeat, nausea or vomiting, heartburn, abdominal pain, nasal congestion, or warm, red, itchy skin. Many people of Asian descent experience an unusual flushing reaction after drinking alcohol — even in very small amounts. This is caused by a genetic disorder in which the body is unable to break down alcohol completely

One sign of this condition is the very rapid drunkenness many have noted here.

(By the way, perhaps the small quantities needed to cause drunkenness in some people may be the cause of the apparent lack of hangovers someone mentioned?)

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Having lived here for 8+ yrs [and survived 10 songkrans], I've come to the realization that [most] Thais have a totally unhealthy relationship with alcohol.


Drink til there is no more alcohol [or money to buy].

Drink til they drop or puke.

Keep topping off the drinks, so it's impossible to sip slowly [pace yourself].

They blame the drink [and not the drinker] for actions committed during a drinking session.

They drive while drunk [as we just witnessed this last deadly week].

They get loud and stupid, often showing off their drunkenness.

They are in total denial about the damage it does to families, innocent victims of accidents. They drink at any occasion, death, house warming, weddings, graduations, children's birthdays [setting a good example for the next generation].

Drinking and selling of alcohol at wats makes me wonder about the 'values' of Buddhism.

And if you don't join them in a drink, you are 'a stuck up falang'.

IMHO, [demon] alcohol is the single biggest enemy to Thai culture and the Thai family unit and They will be the last to admit it. do a google and see how many AA or equivalent organizations there are here.

And FYI, I am a drinker my self, but have learned decades ago, when to stop [or at least slow down] and I am not saying that I am better than they are, but just admitting that I don't like to drink 'Thai Style'

Having a very loving relationship with alcohol this is exactly the reason that I rarely go to the village during holidays. I don't need any help.

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You may wish to consider observing Thais of a different social position. A great many Thais limit their alcohol intake. I drink more than a few of my friends and I'm a wuss by western standards.

Why does that make you a wuss ?? A wuss by any standards ( western ) or otherwise is the man that hasnt got the balls to go into a bar or for a meal and order himself an orange or a coke if that is all he wants ,,,,,while submitting to the drunken alkies around him saying ( go on just have one beer ) go on mate ,,,,go on ,just one ,,,,,, go on ,,,have one ,,,,,then ,well your gonna have another aint ya ?? ,one more ,,,, then one more,,,,,,,who gives a flying fk now ???????? weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here we go wonderland ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//

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Having lived here for 8+ yrs [and survived 10 songkrans], I've come to the realization that [most] Thais have a totally unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

Except for the bit about Buddhism, you pretty much described Scotland.

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"My previous wife's Village is a sober Village and special events are alcohol free in most cases.. It is still not perfect , but is a safe and comfortable environment for young and old alike... And the Parties are still FUN, and spiritual if needed.."

Just where is that village where they don't drink.....I'd like to go there and find [another] wife!! and just see sanity for a change.......

Outside of Chiang Mai , there is a Village called Ban Gat ( Near San Patong ) and from there you go Ban Phun.. Beautiful , tranquil and a few little stores.. Sorry , no Bars for meeting the Local beauies. Just hang out at the market corner or Temple , and they will come .. They all seem to want to meet foreign men of the wealthy persuasion. And to them , we appear Rich.. My wife was generous and self confident. Never asking for $$ for the sick Water Buffalo or New House.. If I gave her a 1,000 Baht , and told her to go and spend the afternoon out in Chiang Mai , she would reeturn with 700 Baht , shoes for her Mother, and Shirt for Dad, and a treat for me.. NOW THAT IS DIFFERENT.

Try this test , I had one woman I was seeing , tried the 1,000 Baht test , and she came back demanding 400 more Baht for her new running shoes.. 1,400 Baht for running shoes for someone who watched TV all day ?? Beauty is skin deep in all Cultures.. When it is combined with a good heart , you all Win.. I look for a simple woman, waitresses, laundry, maids, etc.. and AVOID BARS..

ALSO , To be Intelligent does not mean you need to be Educated well.. Some people are just plain smart.. Add that to Thai Beauty and charm, with SAocial skills and drinking behaviour , and you have the 1 in 10 Perfect Thai wife...

Good Luck..

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