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Stilnox (zolpidem) Available From Hospitals In Thailand?


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NOTE to forum moderators: This is not a thread requesting controlled substances OTC - so please do not delete.

Despite some of the reported side effects of Stilnox (aka Ambien, Zolpidem) I've used it successfully on and off for insomnia for a few years now. No hangover and no memory effects.

However during a recent visit to my GP - I was told there were problems with the current supplier and health ministry license here in Thailand, and that the drug is currently unavailable. Sure enough having called a couple of the better known hospitals here in Bangkok - Stilnox (Zolpidem) is currently unavailable in Thailand.

Does anyone else know anything more about this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Basically, I know only what you already know. Two doctors I talked to thought it would be avaiable at some future date, but were not willing to predict when. I did not ask why it was not available. I am used to things disappearing from grocery shelves for weeks, so I thought this was in the same vein.

NOTE to forum moderators: This is not a thread requesting controlled substances OTC - so please do not delete.

Despite some of the reported side effects of Stilnox (aka Ambien, Zolpidem) I've used it successfully on and off for insomnia for a few years now. No hangover and no memory effects.

However during a recent visit to my GP - I was told there were problems with the current supplier and health ministry license here in Thailand, and that the drug is currently unavailable. Sure enough having called a couple of the better known hospitals here in Bangkok - Stilnox (Zolpidem) is currently unavailable in Thailand.

Does anyone else know anything more about this?

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  • 5 months later...

Most hospitals carry this here - as do many Pharmacy's, most of these will sell without prescription at a low price, as it is a "non benzodiazepam" and relatively safe - 30 to 50 baht from memory. You can also see a doctor at many of the clinics and get it there, which is often cheaper than the hospitals and far less drama.

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Most hospitals carry this here - as do many Pharmacy's, most of these will sell without prescription at a low price, as it is a "non benzodiazepam" and relatively safe - 30 to 50 baht from memory. You can also see a doctor at many of the clinics and get it there, which is often cheaper than the hospitals and far less drama.

Silnox is a controlled substannce in Thailand (as it is in most countries), and (unlike many countries) in the most restructive category, category P2:

"P2 - Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2

Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health."

Sales by a pharmacy are therefore illegal. In addition, as it is a brand name import, there is no way it is going to be inexpensive unless it is either counterfeit or stolen.

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  • 8 months later...

Most hospitals carry this here - as do many Pharmacy's, most of these will sell without prescription at a low price, as it is a "non benzodiazepam" and relatively safe - 30 to 50 baht from memory. You can also see a doctor at many of the clinics and get it there, which is often cheaper than the hospitals and far less drama.

It's very difficult to get this drug at a drugstore. It's a very very dangerous rug - stay away from it.

Ambien is a prescription sleep medication used to treat insomnia, or difficulty sleeping. The drug is classified as a federally controlled substance because it has the potential to become habit forming. Ambien's Medication Guide states that the drug is intended for short-term use only and should be taken under doctor supervision because it has several potentially dangerous side effects.


Ambien is only prescribed for the short-term treatment of insomnia because the body can develop a tolerance for the drug's sedative properties. After the body becomes used to the sedative, a person may require a higher quantity of the drug to produce the same results, which can lead to abuse or dependency. According to the Ambien Medication Guide, if a person abuses the medication and takes higher doses than recommended, his body can become physically addicted to the drug.


According to the Ambien Medication Guide, one of the most common side effects of the drug is activity while asleep. A person may do things while still partially asleep and have no recollection the next day. Sleep activity while on Ambien can be dangerous, because people have been found to walk out of their homes while not fully awake. The Ambien Medication Guide reports instances of people driving their cars while on the drug, thus posing a danger to others as well as themselves.


Ambien can potentially alter a user's behaviors and thoughts. The Ambien Medication Guide states that the people taking the drug may become confused or irritable if they wake up while the medication is still effective. In some instances, Ambien may also cause hallucinations. The Ambien Medication Guide warns that the drug is not recommended for people who have suffered from depression because it can possibly worsen depression symptoms and cause suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Allergic Reactions

The Ambien Medication Guide states that the drug can possibly trigger a fatal allergic reaction. During an allergic reaction to Ambien, a person may have difficulty breathing because the throat and tongue may swell. Nausea and vomiting are not normal side effects of the drug and are considered indicative of an allergic reaction to the drug. If an Ambien allergic reaction is not treated properly, it can result in death; however, the Ambien Medication Guide states that fatal allergic reactions are rare.

Preexisting Conditions

According to the Ambien Medication Guide, the drug can be dangerous if a user has certain preexisting conditions. People who have suffered from substance abuse or addiction are advised not to take the drug due to its high risk for physical dependency. The Ambien Medication Guide warns that those with preexisting lung, liver or kidney diseases shouldn't use the drug because it can worsen the conditions. The drug can also cause sedation in unborn babies and is not safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Read more: What Are the Dangers of Ambien? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5375277_dangers-ambien.html#ixzz0vzoo0M4e

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It's very difficult to get this drug at a drugstore. It's a very very dangerous rug - stay away from it

Read more: What Are the Dangers of Ambien? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/...l#ixzz0vzoo0M4e

I understand what the risks are and have heard and seen the bad press it gets. I've been on Stilnox for almost 6 years. 1/2 tablet at night as required. The only side effects I get is a touch of morning sickness if I don't take one. Been on the same dose for all this time so am probably lucky in so far as I'm not addicted or crazy or running around in my sleep.

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It's very difficult to get this drug at a drugstore. It's a very very dangerous rug - stay away from it

Read more: What Are the Dangers of Ambien? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/...l#ixzz0vzoo0M4e

I understand what the risks are and have heard and seen the bad press it gets. I've been on Stilnox for almost 6 years. 1/2 tablet at night as required. The only side effects I get is a touch of morning sickness if I don't take one. Been on the same dose for all this time so am probably lucky in so far as I'm not addicted or crazy or running around in my sleep.

Try not taking it for 3 days and telling us that your not addicted.

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