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Embassy Letter Confirming Pension

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Does anyone know how much the letter is now, the admin fee and the EMS fee IN BAHT.

With the holidays etc I have left it a bit late..anyone know how long the letter takes and if I can go in one day, take the docs and get the letter. I am registered with the British Embassy.


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2040 Baht Collect the next working day after submitting. http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for...ng-in-thailand/


I have just spoken to the lady who deals with the letters, she told me 1872Baht plus 100Baht for EMS...so that is what I have sent...hope it ok..I will let you know if not.

The 'lady' is correct, the Embassy web site is wrong.

I sent 2140 baht, 2040 baht for the letter, and 100 baht for EMS return.

When my letter came EMS, inside the envelope with the 'precious' letter was a printed receipt, and change, and a note saying they could not send the loose coin change as the Thai Mail Service didn't allow it. Maybe they'll get round to correcting their web site, or put their prices up!

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