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U.k. Pensions.


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I recently became eligible for my OAP from England but I can only get the single man's pension. I have been in contact with Pensions Office and they have accepted my Thai marriage certificate as authentic but tell me I cannot have the married man's pension unless my Thai wife has a U.K. National Insurance number. To obtain this my wife must visit a Job Centre in the U.K and apply for one, and then wait until it is issued, which could be up to 6 months. Has anybody else had a similar problem and if so how did they overcome it? I have been told that a visit to the British Embassy in Malaysia could help. I am happy to marry my wife again in a nearby country if that proves necessary. Any help from anyone will be much appreciated.

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This is interesting, so after we [me and gf] have been together night and day for near 4 years in Thai and Uk, and we now live in Thai for near 3 years full time, my pension comes up in 7 years, so from what you are saying, all i have to do is get gf a NI number next time we are in UK and i will get a married mans allowance? doesnt she need a work permit or something for this?

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I agree, I think you have to personally apply for National Insurance Number in the UK probably at job centre, the website to look up is:


The Pensions Service Telephone Number +44 191 218 7777 open 8-8pm Mon to Fri.

I hope this helps and would appreciate it if you are able to update us as to the outcome. :o

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You will find that this allowance is being stopped next year. Anyone already getting it will continue to do so until 2020. No new applications from 2010.

april 10 2010 (i think its the tenth i know as i qualify about 3 weeks before.)

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A new National Insurance Number can be issued on the spot, I know because I applied and was issued with a number in about 10 minutes.

thanks for info,which area you live as my job centre, say she need a job first, and of course employer want ni when give job (catch22)

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I recently became eligible for my OAP from England but I can only get the single man's pension. I have been in contact with Pensions Office and they have accepted my Thai marriage certificate as authentic but tell me I cannot have the married man's pension unless my Thai wife has a U.K. National Insurance number. To obtain this my wife must visit a Job Centre in the U.K and apply for one, and then wait until it is issued, which could be up to 6 months. Has anybody else had a similar problem and if so how did they overcome it? I have been told that a visit to the British Embassy in Malaysia could help. I am happy to marry my wife again in a nearby country if that proves necessary. Any help from anyone will be much appreciated.

Anybody who reaches 65 before 5th April 2010 will be entitled to a married/dependence allowance for their wife regardless of her nationality or where you live and as far as I'm aware it's not essential that your wife has an NI number although I believe it's very difficult and time consuming to get the allowance if she hasn't got one (especially if you don't live in the UK). The money is then paid untill 5th April 2020 when it will stop. Anybody who reaches 65 after 5th April 2010 will not be entitled to the allowance.

I seem to remember from a previous thread on TV about two years ago somebody successfuly applied for a NI number for his Thai wife whilst living in Thailand but the job centre made it very difficult for him and it took about two years to get it. If you're going to apply next time you visit the UK your wife will have to be there on a settlement/ILR/FLR visa, she will not be eligible for an NI number if she is just on a visit/tourist visa.

my job centre, say she needs a job first, and of course employer want an NI when give the job (catch22)

A lot of job centres (wrongly) say they can't issue an NI number unless the person already has a job. Of course everybody who qualifies is entitled to one but the easiest way to get round an awkward job centre without creating a fuss (and possibly going to the bottom of the queue) is to take your wife to a local employment agency to register for work, they will need an NI number and will give you a letter for the job centre confirming employment once the NI number has been issued.

I don't know if the job centre still do it but they used to issue temporary numbers. This was made up with 'TN' (temp number) 'DD/MM/YY' (the persons date of birth) then 'M' or 'F' (for male or female).

This meant somebody new in the UK could actually start work without having to wait for their NI number to be issued.

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You will find that this allowance is being stopped next year. Anyone already getting it will continue to do so until 2020. No new applications from 2010.

Quite right too. Why on earth should a pensioner who comes here and marries a native get money from the UK?

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I have been trying to obtain the Adult Dependent Increase Since Last May

The Story so far. We were Married in the Uk in Feb 2008 My wife returned to Thailand shortly after we got Married

She was in the Uk 4 months

I phoned The Pension Service Just to enquire. Can I get A pension Increase Based on my Marrage.

Pension Service. Yes you can claim for Adult Dependent. Me But My Wife is in Thailand is that possible

Do you send her Money ? Yes I do

I will send the Form out to you You Will need to Send your Original Marraige Cert And Your Wifes Original Birth Cert

My wife sent her Original Birth cert back to the Uk. I sent the form back together with the Docs.

Before the Docs came back, I Phoned My Local Pensin Service Advisior A Mrs hewitt Who came to see me at Home.

I told Her that I had sent off my forms and Docs but it was now over 2 months and nothing had come back

She said the Pension Service were very busy, and she would try to hurry it on for me.

I had made A number of phone calls only to be told the same thing Sorry we are very busy

Please Note. At No point was I asked for A NI Number for my wife. Although The provision for Ni number is on the form. I did not think that would be necersary as the claim is being made on my Contributions, And was told that my wife was in Thailand made no differance

I came back Thailand in March for 2 moths and again in Sept Still here

I have Phoned & E Mailed The Pension sevice Telling them I am in Thailand for the time being with my address in Thailand

Mail came back after 2 weeks to say they had sent New application Forms to my address in the UK. Haaaaaaa

Have Emailed Again on 8 April As yet No reply

I will Tel My Local Pension service Advisor Later Today

It Is Now Over 1 Year Stalling Tactics ????

Now at A loss as to what to do untill I go back. Waiting For Visa. Embassy Very Busy :o:D

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Todays Budget...

Winter fuel allowance to be maintained at higher level - £250 for over 60s and £400 for over-80s - for another year

• The basic state pension will be increased by at least 2.5%, regardless of inflation

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You will find that this allowance is being stopped next year. Anyone already getting it will continue to do so until 2020. No new applications from 2010.

Quite right too. Why on earth should a pensioner who comes here and marries a native get money from the UK?

Because after paying into the system for a working life of nearly 50 years he is entitled to his pension. Or would you rather have the UK government discriminate and say we've taken all your payments but we'll

only give you your pension if you agree to live where we say you can and marry who we say you can? They already freeze peoples pensions if they choose to live in certain countries, do you really think they should

take the contributions and then refuse to pay people altogether?

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You will find that this allowance is being stopped next year. Anyone already getting it will continue to do so until 2020. No new applications from 2010.

Quite right too. Why on earth should a pensioner who comes here and marries a native get money from the UK?

Because he has supported the system for up to 50 years, paying-in every week or month, in the expectation that he will get his 'rights' when his time comes ?

Why should it matter, where a pensioner lives, or what the nationality of his wife is ? He should get what he has paid for !

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A new National Insurance Number can be issued on the spot, I know because I applied and was issued with a number in about 10 minutes.

thanks for info,which area you live as my job centre, say she need a job first, and of course employer want ni when give job (catch22)

All she needs to do is sign on looking for work down at the job centre, not having a job or having a job has nothing to do with this issuance of a N.I. number. So, go to the job centre and demand there and then for a number to be issued, they can do it if they unglue themselves from the chair.

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I know a 70 year old US guy who married a 20 year old peasant he met in Pattaya 6 years ago. If he dies tomorrow, she'll get his pension until she dies - which could be another 75 years! That's a lot of money - is that right?

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You will find that this allowance is being stopped next year. Anyone already getting it will continue to do so until 2020. No new applications from 2010.

Quite right too. Why on earth should a pensioner who comes here and marries a native get money from the UK?

neeranam, shove it up your arse , theres a good lad.

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I know a 70 year old US guy who married a 20 year old peasant he met in Pattaya 6 years ago. If he dies tomorrow, she'll get his pension until she dies - which could be another 75 years! That's a lot of money - is that right?

we're not talking about yanks. are you off your meds again.

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well mate there is wheat amongst the chaff. i'll conferm for you the facts.... the pension service, tyneview park,, ipc claims, newcastle upon tyne, ne98 1ba, england. phone,,, 01912187777... you dont need to be in uk at anytime. send marriage/birth certs. you need application form. they will give spouse a n.i. number from there. they will work overtime to piss you off. it took me 13 months but i did get it. after you get it they will not send the spouses n.i. number so you have to right again for it. not possible over the phone. currently waiting for n.i number to arrive. as you see i was a year getting it. i finally asked for the complaints procedure , to which the put the office manageress on. as i was paying for the call i told her to ring me as it would all be in my complaint. she rang me back and sorted it out in two weeks. bearing in mind this was a year after it all kicked off. if you need help pm me. as stated it fades out aprill next year but continues to pay out till 2020. the spouse is also entitled to bereavement payment , 2000pds, they dont tell you that either, the spouse also get a OAP when she reaches 66ish, depends how old she is, and for life. will you all try to stay focused. its bad enough deeling with the gov. never mind the fool on here.thank you.

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I recently became eligible for my OAP from England but I can only get the single man's pension. I have been in contact with Pensions Office and they have accepted my Thai marriage certificate as authentic but tell me I cannot have the married man's pension unless my Thai wife has a U.K. National Insurance number. To obtain this my wife must visit a Job Centre in the U.K and apply for one, and then wait until it is issued, which could be up to 6 months. Has anybody else had a similar problem and if so how did they overcome it? I have been told that a visit to the British Embassy in Malaysia could help. I am happy to marry my wife again in a nearby country if that proves necessary. Any help from anyone will be much appreciated.

this guy got an NI for his wife...


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well mate there is wheat amongst the chaff. i'll conferm for you the facts.... the pension service, tyneview park,, ipc claims, newcastle upon tyne, ne98 1ba, england. phone,,, 01912187777... you dont need to be in uk at anytime. send marriage/birth certs. you need application form. they will give spouse a n.i. number from there. they will work overtime to piss you off. it took me 13 months but i did get it. after you get it they will not send the spouses n.i. number so you have to right again for it. not possible over the phone. currently waiting for n.i number to arrive. as you see i was a year getting it. i finally asked for the complaints procedure , to which the put the office manageress on. as i was paying for the call i told her to ring me as it would all be in my complaint. she rang me back and sorted it out in two weeks. bearing in mind this was a year after it all kicked off. if you need help pm me. as stated it fades out aprill next year but continues to pay out till 2020. the spouse is also entitled to bereavement payment , 2000pds, they dont tell you that either, the spouse also get a OAP when she reaches 66ish, depends how old she is, and for life. will you all try to stay focused. its bad enough deeling with the gov. never mind the fool on here.thank you.


I can confirm that I am going along the same path that you followed except that instead of sending our marriage certificate and birth certificate which they asked for when returning the dependant adult application form, I send our marriage certificate and her current passport which was shortly to expire as wife had never seen her birth cert.. They were quite happy with these as they had wanted 2 official documents showing the birth date and this was on both documents. The passport & marriage cert. were then past over to their Thai experts for translating into English!!!!!! (Passport is already in English!!) and this process took about 4 months. They then received them back with English translations and about 6 weeks ago all were passed over to whichever dept. issues the N.I. number. I am told?? that when they receive this number they will arrange the payment into my bank. Can't wait as each week add one more figure onto the total and now is almost looking adequate for a celebration meal out!

We live here and there has never been any question of our having to go to a UK Job Centre or whatever have you to apply for a number in England.

I would also like to say that whenever I have telephoned the Pension Office I could not have found them more helpful.

Egg. also thank you for mentioning the Gbp 2,000 bereavement payment. I must look into this as when you reach our age you never know how soon that day might come!!!!

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