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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging


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this is utter stupidity at it best- and all those who agree with this are simply backward ..I want to limit my isults, losers, who cannot see reality, who have failed in their own life,

WE, well some of us are human. We have a choice. Continue this medieval way of thinking and progress .

First of all- the death penalty is wrong and does not work.

This is simply because of two proven factors.If a country, especially one in this region has a death penalty it means statistically an innocent person will one day die.

Agree- disagree? You have no choice but to agree.

Secondly, show me where the death penalty has worked?

America- it has been documented how if one man kills another, which would mean he is going to die, he is far more likely to commit more acts.Why not kill a few more?

Some country's used to have the death penalty not so long ago for kidnapping, until it was shown that the kidnappers simply murdered those victims because... why not? no witnesses, and they are sentenced anyway.

And please,please,please do not think that the laws in S,pore/Malaysia have stopped a single person who wants to buy drugs from getting them.

I know this first hand. The prices up- yes, the crooks richer- yes.

Although the laws have sent innocent people to die.Happy with that? is that the human way?

First of all- " an eye for an eye only leads to more blindness" secondly you support unworkable, proven failed laws.


Those criminals who you help keep rich and at the top control both the laws and the drugs, you are supporting them paying for this expensive legal/backward/stupidness process.

Next its cannabis, a plant,one which grows naturally,that does a lot less damage than legal things that do not grow naturally.

I want to scream at all of those fools that think drugs automatically are 'bad" if so, why are they a human need( Maslow), why , did it seem, reseach is a tad unclear,but all points in one direction, that there were far less crimes and death asscoiated with drugs until they became illegal?

Making something illegal does not stop it, look at all the working girls( I think partaking of that is a form of rape- she is not really willing, has to do it, customers fuel this dependency - look at how f-ed up we are)

They are illegal, they are also what keeps Thailand on the map.And crooks richer, and the less able even more down the scale.

making something illegal makes it such that when someone wants to follow their human need, they must go to a dealer- someone who often does not care what shit it is mixed with, nor will offer advice on how to limited the negative effects.

Take "ice" for example,it was discussed here, here it is not "ice" as it is in the place the name comes from (japan) it is similar,( call 4- meth something, same family) but really can f XX you up. Ice can be taken for years, and the japs have proven this with limited negative effects, it is not addictive.

Many people take on a regular basic and function due to this middle road policy they used to have where one can get advice on this.Plus I am told the yakuza would make sure it was not something else, this spoil their long tern money maker, I am not advocating it.

I am saying the last person to be selling it is the person we have elected to do by our backward thinking- the dealer.

You are not going to stop it. Those laws do not work( malaysia drugs on the rise)

The countrys with the crimes now less associated with drugs, and deaths of drug users are nether land's.And surrounding country's,

And, all you hang 'em high, seem happy about this, supporting policys that mean innocent people dying, or dying for something which no sensible person can call a crime.Making crooks richer.

2010 is the year.

We may of walked out of the jungle yesterday when i read some things.Man is destroying himself and this planet by this.

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#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :)

Actually, I suspect if anyone bothered to do a study, it would be found that the majority of hard drug users had been users of alcohol, tobacco and coffee earlier in their life. There is a fundamental logical flaw in the statements like "the majority of heroin users started by smoking marijuana" ... they also started by drinking water - THINK about it!! The correct question is, do the majority of those who smoke marijuana go on to using harder drugs. I know many people who smoke marijuana and NONE of them have gone on to harder drugs.

a complete and utter myth and i lived in holland many years that one leads to another

not only is it a myth, but most of my smoking friend are very much against the "harder" drugs( and are people aware that heroin does no harm to the body so long as it it properly and regularly administered?)

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That's your opinion. When you're appointed supreme ruler of your own nation, apply the laws you see fit.

Unfortunately for these two smugglers, the people of Malaysia don't quite see things like you do.

If they had no intention of obeying Malaysian law, they shouldn't have ventured into the country. They did, and now they'll pay the price.

Whining and moaning won't change the circumstances.

Advice for drug smugglers: steer clear of Malaysia.

such backward thinking..oh I see you may from texas,okay that explains a lot

I will be kinder

look at your logic, or rather lack of it

here i am sitting here, i am doing this.. this is okay here... but if i move a few inches to the front i step into a place where it is not okay-so i die

who has the right to say " this is my country"?

Do you own USA? You may have a passport,almost anyone can,which means no body owns it

the people of Malaysia do not vote for these laws, they do not oppose them

Do you have any idea how many of them take drugs on a regular basis? I have seen dutu's on the pipe.

Should we obey a law we see unjust because it is a law?

I have no intention of following any other law than the one in my heart.

And look at the lawmakers? do they inspire confidence?

If one does not "whine and moan", black's may still be looked down upon, women denied the vote just like it was in the good old USA. Was'nt texas the last place to have a unversity that banned interracial relationships on campus up until recently( clinton changed it)

Someone applied a law they saw fit- someone like me , moaned and whined.

The law changed.The world became a slightly better place.

So, so behind............we all are God help us

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Hmm while i do question the need for the death penalty... I have little sympathy for those caught doing the deed...

Simple... if you want to take the risk in smuggling, you risk your life...

The 2 gentlemen took that risk and now they face the results of getting caught... Surely they thought about/discussed the risks of getting caught and even attempted to reduce those risks... They knew full well what they were getting into.

The fact that the death penalty does not serve its purpose is for a different debate i fear...

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It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

It's obvious that starting with harmless alcohol leads onto more substantial and harder drugs. I've never met a heroin user who did not start out drinking beer and taking shots.

These days in any Western country you will not find many under 30 who have never tried weed ...and the overwhelming vast majority don't move on to heroin.

QFT. Nobody can argue that cannibis more dangerous than alcohol, but cannibis is illegal in most countries and alcohol is legal in most, go figure.

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It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

It's obvious that starting with harmless alcohol leads onto more substantial and harder drugs. I've never met a heroin user who did not start out drinking beer and taking shots.

These days in any Western country you will not find many under 30 who have never tried weed ...and the overwhelming vast majority don't move on to heroin.

QFT. Nobody can argue that cannibis more dangerous than alcohol, but cannibis is illegal in most countries and alcohol is legal in most, go figure.

difficult to tax that the simple reason

I hope you mean channbis is less harmful than alchol-which is perhaps the worst drug of all( depending upon variables)- and ironically- legal

what does that tells us?

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Somchai: ...but what if we get caught smuggling this 20kg of hash in Malaysia?

Sombat: They will probably sentence us to death

Somchai: But if we make it, we will get paid 200,000 baht each...more than we can make in 2 years

Sombat: Yes, 200,000....I'm willing to risk my life for 200,000 and a new Honda Wave

Somchai: And if we do get caught, don't worry, I know a Forum of guys that will say the law is stupid and hash should be legal

Sombat: Can they get us out?

Somchai: hel_l no. But druggies write long meaningless posts

Sombat: So what are you saying Somchai?

Somchai: Think about the money Sombat...the money...we know what could happen....but the money....think about that

Sombat: You are right Somchai...and if we get caught we'll cry and whine like girls that the law is not fair

Somchai: I like the way you think Sombat

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Hmm while i do question the need for the death penalty... I have little sympathy for those caught doing the deed...

Simple... if you want to take the risk in smuggling, you risk your life...

The 2 gentlemen took that risk and now they face the results of getting caught... Surely they thought about/discussed the risks of getting caught and even attempted to reduce those risks... They knew full well what they were getting into.

The fact that the death penalty does not serve its purpose is for a different debate i fear...

you have valid point for sure

so, every time you go 1 mile over speed limit should you be thrown the book at.You knew you were in the wrong.

paid all you taxes?

I once was told/read that if every person was punished to the full extent of the law for everything they ever did nearly everyone would be classed a criminal.Many would be in jail. I know I would.

Secondly, smuggling drugs is one of the safest and surest way to get rich quickly.

The people who get caught do not cause so much a drop in the ocean to the big picture.The big boys do not give a dam .A certain ex -leader of the worlds biggest knock shop does now because he got bunged out and want the money he made from that trade back- and so does his boys.

And do we know the full story behind this? Yes, you are right, they most probabaly did know that they risked death. And its also most likely that these poor people did it out of necessity rather than greed because there simply is not available to them the choices, the government,the options we enjoy from the west.

Consideration should be given for the persons circumstances.

poor farmers , perhaps lacking in the thinking skills his government have made sure he has not received risking that to ensure his family's welfare should not be put to death.

There is no debate about the death penalty.Its fact- it does not work.Nobody can argue it.

And innocent people will die. So, how can anyone support it?

One of the most enlightened country's on earth ( the UK) stopped it when they knew they had just taken the life of an innocent man.

How many poor blacks faced the horrifying electric chair for the simple crime of being black?

Read the book " circumstantial evidence" a black man sentenced to die, thankfully later overthrown, the circumstances were- he was black.

I certainly would do many things. I see true crime as , not only the sheer ignorance shown here by many posters, but violence, rape, child abuse,( all forms of violence),fraud,theft,etc

If we focused a little more on these things would be greatly improved. The taxes saved could go towards perhaps helping to stop the things that push these people to smuggle in the first place.

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Somchai: ...but what if we get caught smuggling this 20kg of hash in Malaysia?

Sombat: They will probably sentence us to death

Somchai: But if we make it, we will get paid 200,000 baht each...more than we can make in 2 years

Sombat: Yes, 200,000....I'm willing to risk my life for 200,000 and a new Honda Wave

Somchai: And if we do get caught, don't worry, I know a Forum of guys that will say the law is stupid and hash should be legal

Sombat: Can they get us out?

Somchai: hel_l no. But druggies write long meaningless posts

Sombat: So what are you saying Somchai?

Somchai: Think about the money Sombat...the money...we know what could happen....but the money....think about that

Sombat: You are right Somchai...and if we get caught we'll cry and whine like girls that the law is not fair

Somchai: I like the way you think Sombat

somchai- but one guy and his friend/group who post are not so meaningless, they have got people out, laws changed, reviewed( bettter not to say)...mmm ... meaningless.How could they be that?

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I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

Sums it up very nicely :D , so much so I just wanted to play it again for the bleeding hearts.

ps: I just noticed the date of the OP, TIME FOR :)

Edited by neverdie
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I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

Sums it up very nicely :D , so much so I just wanted to play it again for the bleeding hearts.

ps: I just noticed the date of the OP, TIME FOR :)

so you support policy's that have been proven to kill innocent people do you?

and if you find out that these were poor,rural, desperate men, perhaps, as is often the case bullied into what they did- would you pull the lever?

And, by the way, your drug trafficker too, we all are.Our body's all contain 'drugs"

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Somchai: ...but what if we get caught smuggling this 20kg of hash in Malaysia?

Sombat: They will probably sentence us to death

Somchai: But if we make it, we will get paid 200,000 baht each...more than we can make in 2 years

Sombat: Yes, 200,000....I'm willing to risk my life for 200,000 and a new Honda Wave

Somchai: And if we do get caught, don't worry, I know a Forum of guys that will say the law is stupid and hash should be legal

Sombat: Can they get us out?

Somchai: hel_l no. But druggies write long meaningless posts

Sombat: So what are you saying Somchai?

Somchai: Think about the money Sombat...the money...we know what could happen....but the money....think about that

Sombat: You are right Somchai...and if we get caught we'll cry and whine like girls that the law is not fair

Somchai: I like the way you think Sombat

somchai- but one guy and his friend/group who post are not so meaningless, they have got people out, laws changed, reviewed( bettter not to say)...mmm ... meaningless.How could they be that?

errr... sorry mate, can not answer that one for obvious reasons- we've been trashed

I wonder why."Meaningless".......crying like girls and whining whatever you may wish to call it has achieved rather a lot.

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I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

Sums it up very nicely :D , so much so I just wanted to play it again for the bleeding hearts.

ps: I just noticed the date of the OP, TIME FOR :)

so you support policy's that have been proven to kill innocent people do you?

and if you find out that these were poor,rural, desperate men, perhaps, as is often the case bullied into what they did- would you pull the lever?

And, by the way, your drug trafficker too, we all are.Our body's all contain 'drugs"

bjoe; you have pulled up old responses to rehash an old argument, you seem to delight in throwing out terms, names for whoever has a opinion different from your self proclaimed proclamations. Your remark about the state of Texas and the member from there, was uncalled for. As a bordering neighbor to Texas, we had a favorite son who once said "I never met a man I did not like". Some people thought he meant that this applied to the first meeting and his opinion may be swayed by continued contact with referenced individual. After reading your posts for some time on TV, I believe W. Rogers would have made an exception in your case.

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So, if alcoholic beverages were made illegal, and someone was caught bringing in a truckload of booze from a neighboring country, would you guys be saying the death penalty is appropriate? And don't say that alcohol is not a drug, because it sure as h_ell is.

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