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Two Thais Sentenced To Death By Hanging

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Just to clarify the obvious, the first video is official and was released on American TV, the second video narration is an official, but the video was messed with. People will believe just about anything that comes through their TV, even though nowadays, the bulk of the media is government controlled. TV is the biggest for of brainwashing and hypnosis we've ever seen on this planet. Just glad the internet is still, for the most part regimented.

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If the rest of the world would be this harsh on drug traffickers, perhaps we would not have such a drug problem.

I just wonder why there is still murder in USA with all the death sentences. Obviously capital punishment is NOT working.

I firmly believe killing is wrong, whether done by individuals or by the state. Nobody has the right to take another man's life, for no reason.

Helping the drug addicts to get away from drugs, now that would make sense: and helping the farmers to make a decent living without having to grow cannabis or opium or coca, now that would make sense.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

You have got to be kidding me. I bet you most people who do ya baa or heroin or any hard drugs started with beer or whiskey before they tried drugs, does that mean all people who drink will become drug addicts?

I just came back from Amsterdam and the only thing the stoned tourists who smoked cannabis were doing was sitting around and eating food! Now the drunk out of control guys on the other hand were causing loads of problems (we have all seen the drunk out of control tourists in bangkok or pattaya). I know plenty of people in America who smoke canabbis and none of them do drugs like speed or heroin.

As far as all who are quick to judge others and to say they should die, it just blows my mind that you can make these judgements without knowing these people stories or having walked in their shoes. It is really sad to see all the anger and misery from people who are quick to yell for a death sentance and I urge you all to meditate on love and mercy. I guarantee you if you can focus your energy on love and mercy you will feel happier with yourself and well as with others.


#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

It's not the fact that people smoke grass that makes them "venture" into the realm of harder stuff; weed is not a gateway to the abyss. There's been extensive research into this issue (examples: here and here, but there are dozens more). Most of the people here writing along the tit for tat lines show typical knee jerk reactions. A word of advice: go out a give it a serious try, before you chip in ;-)

Drug dealers or not, hanging them is rather harsh... RIP


I don't understand what the problem is, the broke Malaysia's law and have to pay the consequences, I think the penalty is harsh but that is the right of the malaysian people to choose the sentances not us.

As for comments as for it was only cannabis, it was still trafficing and in excess of 18kg is not a small amount. As well the sentences in malaysia or singapore have always been harsh and if you dont like the penaltys you shouldnt commit the crime.

Basically it is som nam naa. Sorry to the familly. RIP

I have no sympathy for drug traffickers of any kind! Today it is "only" cannabis tomorrow it will be heroin or ya baa they trade.

They play with fire, they must know what the consequences are when get busted, in particular in Malaysia!

You are obviously one of those people who thinks if you drink beer you going to start drinkingt whisky. Or, if you do grass, you going to do crack.

That's a load of rubbish. I know many people here that do grass for recreation and never touch the 'hard stuff'.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

can't say i agree, your opinion is that cannabis makes people switch/take to heroin and ice etc...? i've seen many people that drink alcohol get on to harder drugs like X be most of all cocaine alcohols best mate! This happens when they are affected/pissed there is a huge lack of control in there decision making so when offered drugs they are all for it and as you drink more as it is legal they end up getting hooked on X, speed, ice, cocaine... i think it comes down to the mindset of the person, are they an addictive type of person in all aspects of there lives, do they go to the extreme on everything are they just wanting to escape from there lives looking for a natural high when they cannot find it they take drugs to get it? Depression is the gateway drug, i would say someone who is depressed will be more likely to become an illegal drug user. I'm not saying that cannabis like any drug legal or not is not harmful. if cannabis was legal everywhere no one would think twice about it just like alcohol and smokes (which kills more people) it would get defended all the time.

drugs will always be a huge issue a never ending one, as will the choices of people right from wrong do or dont.

I don't understand what the problem is, the broke Malaysia's law and have to pay the consequences, I think the penalty is harsh but that is the right of the malaysian people to choose the sentances not us.

As for comments as for it was only cannabis, it was still trafficing and in excess of 18kg is not a small amount. As well the sentences in malaysia or singapore have always been harsh and if you dont like the penaltys you shouldnt commit the crime.

Basically it is som nam naa. Sorry to the familly. RIP

I understand, but I don't agree with your logic. I really don't agree that the majority of people in Singapore would side with their government on capital punishment for trafficking marijuana. And if they did, what a sad place Singapore would be. Just because certain laws exist in certain countries, does not mean the majority of people voted those laws in. The world we live in today does not possess democratic governments. Governments of today (and probably time immemorial) are run by individuals who will do anything to attain and hold their power.

As long as we have brainwashed people on the other side of the fence making excuses for governments wrong doings, it will continue to be a long upward battle in the fight to improve human rights.

I'm really surprised to see how many fear ridden people there are posting on this topic. There is a pattern of the people supporting this fiasco have no experience with drugs and therefore will never fully understand the issue at hand. There is a huge difference in perception from one who has experience and knows, over one who is told to believe something through fear based tactics.

If this forum represents the average western thinking individual, then I really am shocked at how effective the scare tactic has proven to be.


Stupid reason to give death penalty, Cannabis is a light drug. It is not as bad as other chemicals such as Amphetamine, Heroin and so on.

Not agreed.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

You have never seen anyone who has had a beer before he used a harder drug? You have got to be kidding me. Do you think any Heroin users have never had a cigarrette or drank a cup of tea? Where have you been living all of your life?


good lord, are you people all so ignorant? two questions...

for my fellow pot heads...

would you smuggle 20kg of weed into a country where the death penalty is an obvious result? if you say yes, you have been having a bit too much of your medicinal grade hydroponic :o

for the non-herb friendlies...

the question is about the death penalty, do people deserve to die for this? sure, they broke a law and got caught.... but do you honestly believe they should be killed for it?

just my two cents! more like 1/2 a cent cause i don't give a she-ite about to smugglers caught.... i have a fat bowl that needs lighting :D

Just to clarify the obvious, the first video is official and was released on American TV

Yup- I remember that commercial clearly, but don't remember this one, which I just saw in the Youtube "Related Videos"

Never mind Heroin- What is she on???

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

This is incorrect and not supported by statistics.

The only correlation one can see in a limited number of countries, and this is not related to the drug itself, is that a person not afraid to use illegal substance is less afraid to use heavier illegal substances. But there is no truth to the gateway theory with lesser drugs as a joint as a stepping stone towards heroin...

Statistics can be made to say what people want them to say..

It's obvious that starting with a harmless cannabis joint leads onto more substantial and harder drugs....how can i say this.. from my own personal experience and of many friends from my younger days. We all started smoking weed and moved onto harder drugs..

I've never yet met a heroin user who did not start out smoking weed, moving quickly onto speed/coke/pills then the heavy stuff.

Its a joke. The police make huge amounts from smuggling, they dont want it legal it would kill the golden goose. Illegal makes it expensive, expensive means profit for the elite. Legalize it all! Its not the governments business what people do with their own bodies. make it legal make it safe and cut the crimes!


And for all you who support the laws and are morons... Please read, now I know this is about America, but what makes you think your country didnt just follow for fashion reasons and actually did some studies? Because trust me Thailand didn't.

Excellent article! Thank you!

good lord, are you people all so ignorant? two questions...

for my fellow pot heads...

would you smuggle 20kg of weed into a country where the death penalty is an obvious result? if you say yes, you have been having a bit too much of your medicinal grade hydroponic :o

for the non-herb friendlies...

the question is about the death penalty, do people deserve to die for this? sure, they broke a law and got caught.... but do you honestly believe they should be killed for it?

just my two cents! more like 1/2 a cent cause i don't give a she-ite about to smugglers caught.... i have a fat bowl that needs lighting :D

Oh hel_l no I wouldn't smuggle anything... Blatantly stupid, but it doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion or concerns on the matter, I don't think I bothered defending them at all lol.

My other goal is to hopefully make some people who have the draconian right wing Christian fear so deeply set into them rethink their ideas and perhaps, questions what they have simply been told.

Anyone have that video where the kid on pot blows his head off with a shotgun? Thats the funniest anti dope commercial ever "Oh man, I AM SO HIGH RIGHT NOW, look at this shot gun" ........ *screen blanks, bang* "POT KILLS" I always watched that in Harold and Kumar and made sure to be blazing when it came on.

Malaysian court sentences two Thais to hang for drug trafficking

KUALA LUMPUR: -- Malaysia's High Court on Wednesday sentenced two Thai nationals to death by hanging for trafficking almost 20 kilograms of cannabis five years ago, a news report said.

Sureeya Wuttisat, 45, and Asan Tong, 47, both from Thailand's southern province of Narathiwat, were detained in April 2004 at a petrol station in the central state of Pahang, the official Bernama news agency said.

Meanwhile... 2 days later... in fellow ASEAN Indonesia...

Heroin Smuggling Foiled

Jakarta: -- Customs and airport authorities of Juanda Airport arrested one Thailand national carrying 2.6 kilogram worth about 5 Billion Indonesian Rupiah [ 16,395,456 Thai Baht ], officials reported on Friday.

The 27 year-old Thai flew in from Singapore with Silk Air flight MI 226 on Thursday (24/4) afternoon.

The heroin was packed into two containers weighed 1.270 kilogram and 1.401 kilogram which were seamed in a bag and carried into the cabin by the smuggler.

- Tempo Magazine (Indonesia) / 2009-04-24

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

I guess everbody has it's own opinion yes tobacco is a drug so is alcohol so is coffee and tea but I have never seen anybody who had this drugs and then switched to heroin or ice or what ever.

But many users of dope just do that !! :o

can't say i agree, your opinion is that cannabis makes people switch/take to heroin and ice etc...? i've seen many people that drink alcohol get on to harder drugs like X be most of all cocaine alcohols best mate! This happens when they are affected/pissed there is a huge lack of control in there decision making so when offered drugs they are all for it and as you drink more as it is legal they end up getting hooked on X, speed, ice, cocaine... i think it comes down to the mindset of the person, are they an addictive type of person in all aspects of there lives, do they go to the extreme on everything are they just wanting to escape from there lives looking for a natural high when they cannot find it they take drugs to get it?

Depression is the gateway drug, i would say someone who is depressed will be more likely to become an illegal drug user.

I'm not saying that cannabis like any drug legal or not is not harmful. if cannabis was legal everywhere no one would think twice about it just like alcohol and smokes (which kills more people) it would get defended all the time.

drugs will always be a huge issue a never ending one, as will the choices of people right from wrong do or dont.

The truest thing said in this thread.

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

You need to be downtown Riyadh after Friday mornings mosque's empty out if you really want to see an example of "a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life"

But everyone knows the rules so it's a case of "som num naa"

And there is no point in quoting #1 & # 2 as they are both legal. # 3 is not. :o

#1 drug = Tobacco

#2 drug = Alcohol

#3 drug = Cannabis

This kind of sentence makes no sense at all, when governments allow the sale of cigarettes and alcohol which takes far many more lives than soft drugs like dope. Heroin is another matter; but the death sentence?? A good long jail term is punishment enough... and hanging!? I couldn't think of a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life.

You need to be downtown Riyadh after Friday mornings mosque's empty out if you really want to see an example of "a more barbarous and inhumane way of ending someones life"

But everyone knows the rules so it's a case of "som num naa"

And there is no point in quoting #1 & # 2 as they are both legal. # 3 is not. :o

Anyone have recollections about the American attempt at Prohibition of Alcohol...?

Twasn't pretty for 10 years.


To me, death by hanging for possessing grass anywhere on our planet is totally insane. They are just a bunch of control freaks with disproved theories that smoking grass would lead to abuse of hard drugs.


Mind altering substances should maybe be taken in a place for mind altering.... so that other people can feel safe by not being close to them when they sometimes loose their mind.

Mental institution, with psychologist and psychiatrist would be appropriate for people that have mental issues. If society is too hard it is OK to allow hiding in drugs. The number of mental patients is a good measurement on how crazy society really is.

A good way to reach real enlightenment is meditation. A drug dealer will say it helps with some drug, but enlightenment can not be rushed and doesn't have to be rushed, because It comes step by step when you are mentally ready for it.

Think for yourselves!

Why do drug dealers want you to take their drugs?......They make money on you.

That goes for ALL drugs including painkillers and other medications that you can buy legally with you local pharmacy dealer. Meditation is probably the only free "drug" without side effects that enlighten you for real and probably will make you very healthy and very "young" at and old age.

Ex. "Pain" is a signal for you to listen to, accept and make real changes or real activities to fix it. Then the "pain"-signal has been listened to and is therefor irrelevant. -Try it! :o

To me, death by hanging for possessing grass anywhere on our planet is totally insane. They are just a bunch of control freaks with disproved theories that smoking grass would lead to abuse of hard drugs.


Grass is a light drug and it shouldn't be illegal.

The consequences and mode of behaviour of a drunken person are far worse than that of someone who is high on grass.


The people of Malaysia are free to make and enforce laws as they see fit. It's their country.

You don't have to agree with their decisions, but you do have to face the music when you get caught breaking the law.

I'm amused by some characters here who believe that since they don't personally agree with the laws of a country, they shouldn't be held responsible for breaking them. Absolute nutters who refuse to respect others.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try opening up a stall selling bibles. :o


Yup, grass shouldn't be illegal in my opinion, but that really doesn't help these guys who'll be swinging from a rope. Might be wise to disregard what others think, and pay attention to what the folks in power think--that matters!


Thinking it is an insane punishment,

is not the same as saying 'ignore that punishment and do the crime'.

Yes it was the law there, they likely knew that and were greedy

or just plain stupid anyway and ignored it.

That said it doesn't make the laws any LESS ridiculous.

If it was backed off to the wrist slap most places have it,

most pot people would rarely interact with heavier drugs,

they are typically very different and not compatible.

Lock em up for a spell. Sure no question.

Hang them... naw, save that end for bulk Yabba, Ice, Heroin dealers smugglers.

Sense of proportion is needed.

The criminalization typically pushes the low level, occasional smoker ~

INTO the hands of much worse people, who then push the harder stuff.

Most ignore that commercial pressure, some don't.

Those same few are also the same ones to likely ibibe too much booze

and do socially restricted acts towards others while under the influence.

The pot smokers I know are typically very mellow and meditate also,

and are earth oriented and positive in their outlook, non-violent

and happy people to be around.

Can't say that about many drinkers, no yabba or Ice users

and almost none on heroin. It's apples and oranges.

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