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Walking Your Dog In Your Neighbourhood


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I wonder if anyone (with a dog) has had a similar experience. I was walking my dog in my neighbourhood when a Thai lady requested that I walked elsewhere becasue her neighbour's dogs, who are NEVER walked, go beserk everytime I go pass and thus become a noise nuisance to the neighbours. I agreed to do so less frequently and wlak elsewhere whe I could as she was polite about it, although I did think I was on a public road and she should actually take it up with her neighbour with the nuisance dogs.

Anyway, I still sometimes walk past that house, becasue it is just convenient. Alas, the owner of the nuisance dogs (a farang) came out and proceeded to shout abuses and obscenities. Now, surely a farang should know better especially when it is his own dogs who are out of control whereas mine was meekly on leash next to me without a sound?

On another occassion, a dog escaped from another house and approached aggressively. Owner did nothing except to call to no avail as the dog came dangerously close with lots of snarling and teeth bared. Only in self defense did I then strike out at the dog with a stick. This was after a lot of shouting at it and trying to scare it away (not sure what language it understood). I apologised to the owner but she went beserk (understandably I guess) but hey, it was her dog who attacked. Again the issue was "don't walk your dog here".

So I guess my question is: do responsible dog owners (who pick up poo, walk their dogs and ensure they are not a nuisance to anyone else) have any rights with regards walking a dog in your own neighbourhood or are we just meant to lock them in our own yards till they become neurotic barkers or exhibit other antisocial behaviour for lack of exercise? Any ideas where to walk a dog in peace; I am not scared of soi dogs as they seem to be less of a threat than humans!

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I wonder if anyone (with a dog) has had a similar experience. I was walking my dog in my neighbourhood when a Thai lady requested that I walked elsewhere becasue her neighbour's dogs, who are NEVER walked, go beserk everytime I go pass and thus become a noise nuisance to the neighbours. I agreed to do so less frequently and wlak elsewhere whe I could as she was polite about it, although I did think I was on a public road and she should actually take it up with her neighbour with the nuisance dogs.

Anyway, I still sometimes walk past that house, becasue it is just convenient. Alas, the owner of the nuisance dogs (a farang) came out and proceeded to shout abuses and obscenities. Now, surely a farang should know better especially when it is his own dogs who are out of control whereas mine was meekly on leash next to me without a sound?

On another occassion, a dog escaped from another house and approached aggressively. Owner did nothing except to call to no avail as the dog came dangerously close with lots of snarling and teeth bared. Only in self defense did I then strike out at the dog with a stick. This was after a lot of shouting at it and trying to scare it away (not sure what language it understood). I apologised to the owner but she went beserk (understandably I guess) but hey, it was her dog who attacked. Again the issue was "don't walk your dog here".

So I guess my question is: do responsible dog owners (who pick up poo, walk their dogs and ensure they are not a nuisance to anyone else) have any rights with regards walking a dog in your own neighbourhood or are we just meant to lock them in our own yards till they become neurotic barkers or exhibit other antisocial behaviour for lack of exercise? Any ideas where to walk a dog in peace; I am not scared of soi dogs as they seem to be less of a threat than humans!

I used to have the same problem till i just realized, smile and ignore them, they usually go away after awhile, the people part. After talking to many thai friends they all said if they dog is out and attacking your dog on a leash of its yard then it is fair game to stick it and legal.

i used to try the stick trick until i learned they always come back the next day, now, after trying to chase the attacking dog away, I let him attack my 120 pound Akita and then they decide next time to only do a few meek barks. worked well for the last 3 years. If your dog is not big enough, I suggest pepper spray after exhausting all other options, it works the same.

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I wonder if anyone (with a dog) has had a similar experience. I was walking my dog in my neighbourhood when a Thai lady requested that I walked elsewhere becasue her neighbour's dogs, who are NEVER walked, go beserk everytime I go pass and thus become a noise nuisance to the neighbours. I agreed to do so less frequently and wlak elsewhere whe I could as she was polite about it, although I did think I was on a public road and she should actually take it up with her neighbour with the nuisance dogs.

Anyway, I still sometimes walk past that house, becasue it is just convenient. Alas, the owner of the nuisance dogs (a farang) came out and proceeded to shout abuses and obscenities. Now, surely a farang should know better especially when it is his own dogs who are out of control whereas mine was meekly on leash next to me without a sound?

On another occassion, a dog escaped from another house and approached aggressively. Owner did nothing except to call to no avail as the dog came dangerously close with lots of snarling and teeth bared. Only in self defense did I then strike out at the dog with a stick. This was after a lot of shouting at it and trying to scare it away (not sure what language it understood). I apologised to the owner but she went beserk (understandably I guess) but hey, it was her dog who attacked. Again the issue was "don't walk your dog here".

So I guess my question is: do responsible dog owners (who pick up poo, walk their dogs and ensure they are not a nuisance to anyone else) have any rights with regards walking a dog in your own neighbourhood or are we just meant to lock them in our own yards till they become neurotic barkers or exhibit other antisocial behaviour for lack of exercise? Any ideas where to walk a dog in peace; I am not scared of soi dogs as they seem to be less of a threat than humans!

Try Beach Road

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I also have this barking problem with my dog, however I am not the one out walking the dog, but my dog barks at another guys dog who he walks past my house several times a day. Every time they pass my gate, my dog barks like crazy.

However, unlike the people the OP has come across, Its not the guy who I blame for all the noise, but its my own dog.

I would never dream of complaining to anyone and telling them to refrain from walking past my house with their dog. I do not own the Soi.

I wouldn't change your routine for these people.

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poignant topic for me. i was walking my dog not too long ago, walk past the usual houses with fenced dogs. all the usual dogs bark at us (my dog does the same when other dogs come by the house) except, one house has it's gate open and it's dog is free to approach us. i have a large dog and this little bichon frise wannabe comes yapping at us at full speed. my dog is naturally submissive but she immediately arched her back and started to bark back. the little dog stops, barks a couple more times while my dog stands it's ground. then, he decides to go teeth first into my dogs neck, growling and grunting like only a purse dog can do. well, my dog wasn't gonna let this happen in public. my dog just finally snapped and went to town on this little dog. no punctures, no blood, just good old teeth around it's skull and the most vicious of growls.

the most gratifying part of the story is, the owner came out to save his otherwise vicious attack poodle. not one look at me or my dog at all. i was 10 seconds from punting this dog downfield. i don't carry a stick, maybe i should and i'm the world's biggest dog lover, but i have no problem putting my foot into the gut of an angry dog.

anyway, that dog doesn't come out anymore.

Edited by anothertorres
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Thanks LostinLOS for the pepper spray suggestion.

Guderain, that pic made me laugh...a 30kg lab on my scooter? I don't think so! :o

Asianrider, will try beach road tomorrow...at least I won't have to deal with cranky human pet owners

Everyone else, thanks for sharing your experiences...I feel better walking the dog now and don't feel like I am doing something clandestine, although who knows what awaits me on beach road :D

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These kind of dogs never got attacked by another dog.

when an agressive dog like this gets attacked by another dog who completely owns him he will not act like this towards stranger dogs again, and he will think twice next time.

Ofcourse in this super natural dog case, the master dog who wins is the dangerous dog who can possibly attack when walking in to a stranger dog.

The best solution is to purchase 2 agressivly trained combat dogs who will escort you without leach everytime when you go out for a walk, one infront of you-and-your dog and one behind.

Edited by tommybkk
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It just a nature thing for dogs to act like this when another dogs get in or near his territory. You and the farang owner should know this and act accordly, you move you dogs along as quickly as possible, and he should only call to his dogs to get their attention while you and your dog move on. By way yes yes I have had this experience with dogs wanting to go at it, my neighbors quitely call to their dogs while I move on.

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This is Thailand - I guess you've got to adapt and learn to 'walk' your dog like the locals do... :o


Hey, nice photo, and true can do as the local do, but be warn when you get near other dogs, be on the STRONG alert, why(?) your dog will react to the barking/action of the other dog(s) and might just cause you to lose control of your bike, best to take your dog for the ride in the car, with your window up a bit or in a secure area on the back your pickup truck :D:D:D .

Edited by BigSnake
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Thanks LostinLOS for the pepper spray suggestion.

Guderain, that pic made me laugh...a 30kg lab on my scooter? I don't think so! :o

Asianrider, will try beach road tomorrow...at least I won't have to deal with cranky human pet owners

Everyone else, thanks for sharing your experiences...I feel better walking the dog now and don't feel like I am doing something clandestine, although who knows what awaits me on beach road :D

Try a water gun and fill it up with vinegar.

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