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Bringing Firearms(handguns&assault Rifles) Into Prateht Thai


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I know there are some fellow firearms enthusiasts on this forum somewhere. Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep). Any and all information such as airlines rules and regulations(i.e. packaging, transporting, etc.), paper work or registration when arriving at suvarnabum, etc. on said topic would be much appreciated. :opeeaaccee

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never going to happen.... forget about it now

I just found this...http://www.iatatravelcentre.com/TH-Thailand-customs-currency-airport-tax-regulations-details.htm#Import%20regulations

I understand everybody does not like guns but please only post helpful info about said topic and not things like "dont bother" or "it's unnecessary". I am looking for facts not opinion. :o

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I think you will find as a Farang you can not own guns in Thailand and thus can not import them.

So lets say for the sake of argument since foreign citizens cannot own or posses firearms, How would a Thai citizen go about importing or bringing firearms to Thailand with them>? :o

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I think you will find as a Farang you can not own guns in Thailand and thus can not import them.

So lets say for the sake of argument since foreign citizens cannot own or posses firearms, How would a Thai citizen go about importing or bringing firearms to Thailand with them>? :o

The Thai citizen would go to the police chief of their district to file for the permit.

That permit would be shown to customs at time of importation. They could also do the same through a gun shop. ( this I know for sure )

Non Thai's can bring in firearms for sporting competitions only..... afaik

Edited by flying
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Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep).

They are not rules and regulations - they are laws.

And it is illegal for a foreigner to own a fire arm in Thailand - by logical argument illegal for a foreigner to import a fire arm too.

In that respect I don't see the subject as being much different from importing "controlled substances" that you might be able to own and use in your own country but that are illegal in Thailand.

That being the case, why are these threads discussing something that is illegal left open?

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Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep).

They are not rules and regulations - they are laws.

And it is illegal for a foreigner to own a fire arm in Thailand - by logical argument illegal for a foreigner to import a fire arm too.

In that respect I don't see the subject as being much different from importing "controlled substances" that you might be able to own and use in your own country but that are illegal in Thailand.

That being the case, why are these threads discussing something that is illegal left open?

Do these laws cover 'Airsoft' gun ownership for ferangs, in the same way??


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Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep).

They are not rules and regulations - they are laws.

And it is illegal for a foreigner to own a fire arm in Thailand - by logical argument illegal for a foreigner to import a fire arm too.

In that respect I don't see the subject as being much different from importing "controlled substances" that you might be able to own and use in your own country but that are illegal in Thailand.

That being the case, why are these threads discussing something that is illegal left open?

Someone actually posted what you have already if you had bothered to read anything beside the original post you would know that. So I changed the question to how a Thai Citizen would import firearms :o

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It is a law.

A certain movie star who travels with his own security was denied permission for his soldiers, sorry, bodyguards to carry wepons in the Kingdom.

This is a person who made several films here and has contacts at giddy altitudes in the administration. He was offered several Boys in Brown on secondment. Wouldnt you know, he refused the generous offer.

Now me, if I needed an assault rifle I would just....hold on. I dont need an assault rifle. Silly me.

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I think you will find as a Farang you can not own guns in Thailand and thus can not import them.

So lets say for the sake of argument since foreign citizens cannot own or posses firearms, How would a Thai citizen go about importing or bringing firearms to Thailand with them>? :o

The Thai citizen would go to the police chief of their district to file for the permit.

That permit would be shown to customs at time of importation. They could also do the same through a gun shop. ( this I know for sure )

Non Thai's can bring in firearms for sporting competitions only..... afaik

I see and let me just say thank you for reading the whole discussion and offering knowledge instead of opinions and not repeating something that was already said. How would authorities be able to confirm that a foreigner's firearm is for a competition?? So when the (Thai) Citizen comes to the arriving airport in Thailand customs would hold their firearm(s) until they obtain a permit?? And how is it possible to do it from a gun shop? I assume you are speaking of the gunshop the firearm(s) were or will be purchased(outside Thailand)??

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I know there are some fellow firearms enthusiasts on this forum somewhere. Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep). Any and all information such as airlines rules and regulations(i.e. packaging, transporting, etc.), paper work or registration when arriving at suvarnabum, etc. on said topic would be much appreciated. :opeeaaccee

Probably cheaper to buy here or take a drive over to Cambodia

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It is a law.

A certain movie star who travels with his own security was denied permission for his soldiers, sorry, bodyguards to carry wepons in the Kingdom.

This is a person who made several films here and has contacts at giddy altitudes in the administration. He was offered several Boys in Brown on secondment. Wouldnt you know, he refused the generous offer.

Now me, if I needed an assault rifle I would just....hold on. I dont need an assault rifle. Silly me.

I got kinda excited toward the end haha :D " if I needed an assault rifle I would just....hold on. I dont need an assault rifle. Silly me.... :D:o:D "

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I know there are some fellow firearms enthusiasts on this forum somewhere. Anyhow, I was wondering what the rules, regulations, stipulations and conditions are for a foreign citizen bringing legally owned firearms to the Kingdom of Thailand(Specifically KrungThep). Any and all information such as airlines rules and regulations(i.e. packaging, transporting, etc.), paper work or registration when arriving at suvarnabum, etc. on said topic would be much appreciated. :opeeaaccee

Probably cheaper to buy here or take a drive over to Cambodia

That makes sense. I heard firearms in Thailand are 2 and 3 times what they would cost here(in the US) which is why I'm trying to find out if the effort to import(legally of course) would be worth it. Is it pretty easy to locate a dealer in Cambodia or does it help to have a friend who knows someone? Cambodia is not really one of those places you go and have a stroll and come back across the border in one piece everytime, you know?

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How would authorities be able to confirm that a foreigner's firearm is for a competition?? So when the (Thai) Citizen comes to the arriving airport in Thailand customs would hold their firearm(s) until they obtain a permit?? And how is it possible to do it from a gun shop? I assume you are speaking of the gunshop the firearm(s) were or will be purchased(outside Thailand)??

On the competition deal I am sure there are papers that clubs pre-file.

As for the Thai citizen import.............

No you need to obtain the permit first.

The reason is you are actually getting a permit to aquire at that point.

So you need to furnish make & model, caliber,barrell length, serial number etc.

At the point of arrival the customs officer will match the info against what you have brought in. Of course you must also follow the airlines rules for transportation.

PS: When I said gun shops I meant they could handle the importation of the firearm once you ( the Thai ) have acquired the permit. I am speaking of a gun shop in Thailand & of course they will be charged import duty etc.

Edited by flying
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Do these laws cover 'Airsoft' gun ownership for ferangs, in the same way??


Officially, nobody can import airsoft guns.

People do try and import disassembled airsoft guns from HK, but it is highly risky!!!!!!!

If you are caught in possession and it is not loaded, thats a very grey area, but most likely it will be confiscated

being caught with a loaded airsoft gun will get you in to trouble, and will cost you

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How would authorities be able to confirm that a foreigner's firearm is for a competition?? So when the (Thai) Citizen comes to the arriving airport in Thailand customs would hold their firearm(s) until they obtain a permit?? And how is it possible to do it from a gun shop? I assume you are speaking of the gunshop the firearm(s) were or will be purchased(outside Thailand)??

On the competition deal I am sure there are papers that clubs pre-file.

As for the Thai citizen import.............

No you need to obtain the permit first.

The reason is you are actually getting a permit to aquire at that point.

So you need to furnish make & model, caliber,barrell length, serial number etc.

At the point of arrival the customs officer will match the info against what you have brought in. Of course you must also follow the airlines rules for transportation.

PS: When I said gun shops I meant they could handle the importation of the firearm once you ( the Thai ) have acquired the permit. I am speaking of a gun shop in Thailand & of course they will be charged import duty etc.

Just to clarify one thing. The customs will provide the (Thai firearm ownership)permit or a temp permit to acquire Thai owner permit after you provide all the necessary info and it is found to be correct and exact? They will check the firearm(s) at the counter where customs process all incoming person(s) after arriving??

Edited by LyceeIceCream
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Just to clarify one thing. The customs will provide the (Thai firearm ownership)permit or a temp permit to acquire Thai owner permit after you provide all the necessary info and it is found to be correct and exact?

No they only verify it matches your permit at customs.

I believe at that point you are clear.

You have already gotten the permit/acquire at the cop shop.

My wife wanted to bring back her 9mm from the US to Thailand.

But we did not know that she would need all that info or we would have brought it.

So next time we are there she needs to go get the permit to bring it in on the following trip.

It is a hassle but if you have seen the price of good firearms in Thailand you know.

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Cambodia is not really one of those places you go and have a stroll and come back across the border in one piece everytime, you know?

I beg to differ here - I know many people who frequently go to Cambodia but I do not know anyone who has come back in more than one piece :o

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Cambodia is not really one of those places you go and have a stroll and come back across the border in one piece everytime, you know?

I beg to differ here - I know many people who frequently go to Cambodia but I do not know anyone who has come back in more than one piece :D

Quite right Orac but I think this just proves we know and he doesn't.

I too have never seen anyone come back in more than one piece but only seen the poor Cambodian people with less pieces(Limbs).



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Do these laws cover 'Airsoft' gun ownership for ferangs, in the same way??


Officially, nobody can import airsoft guns.

People do try and import disassembled airsoft guns from HK, but it is highly risky!!!!!!!

If you are caught in possession and it is not loaded, thats a very grey area, but most likely it will be confiscated

being caught with a loaded airsoft gun will get you in to trouble, and will cost you

Wait a minute, last week I purchased a high power (CO2 gas) airsoft gun that shoots small metal BB balls from an airsoft store and no-one mentioned to me that it is illegal or that I would need a permit for it. In fact during Songkran I took it with to the wifes village and the cops there were pretty impressed with it.

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Airsoft guns are not illegal, they are just toys.

Proper air pistols and rifles are illegal though, without a license.

Farangs with permanent residency can own a firearm, therefore there is no reason to close the thread, is there Guesthouse? To propose that in the first place was stupid and rather sad anyway.

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Actually while out shooting with the airsoft gun I met an Italian guy who did manage to get a permit for his 9mm. Apparently if you can prove that you handle a large amount of cash every day then you can get a permit. He has a Non-B and work permit if that makes a difference.

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Cambodia is not really one of those places you go and have a stroll and come back across the border in one piece everytime, you know?

I beg to differ here - I know many people who frequently go to Cambodia but I do not know anyone who has come back in more than one piece :o

So then you know of the MILLION PLUS LANDMINES just laying around over there and burma. To be completely honest I don't want to goto cambodia. It is a less civilized and completely unappleaing version of Thailand and beside potentiality to obtain I would not waste my time going there. :D Lonely people will argue about anything..

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Cambodia is not really one of those places you go and have a stroll and come back across the border in one piece everytime, you know?

I beg to differ here - I know many people who frequently go to Cambodia but I do not know anyone who has come back in more than one piece :D

Quite right Orac but I think this just proves we know and he doesn't.

I too have never seen anyone come back in more than one piece but only seen the poor Cambodian people with less pieces(Limbs).



:o Just because you have never seen it happen does not mean it can't or won't..

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never going to happen.... forget about it now

I think you will find as a Farang you can not own guns in Thailand and thus can not import them.

Here we go again.

This must be a more common discussion than "How much sin-sod do I pay"?

They are not rules and regulations - they are laws.

And it is illegal for a foreigner to own a fire arm in Thailand

It is a law.


e2a - pardon?

Edited by edgarfriendly
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Do these laws cover 'Airsoft' gun ownership for ferangs, in the same way??


Officially, nobody can import airsoft guns.

People do try and import disassembled airsoft guns from HK, but it is highly risky!!!!!!!

If you are caught in possession and it is not loaded, thats a very grey area, but most likely it will be confiscated

being caught with a loaded airsoft gun will get you in to trouble, and will cost you

Since there are several playing fields (airsoft and paintball) in BKK with attached stores at some, I would find this statement to be at odd with what I have seen.

But then again I cannot read Thai and as such haven't bothered to read the player-forums here (there are some if you look).

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