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The Sick Cow Story


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hahh havent heard this kind of cow story before. that family is being ridiculous.

to treat the cow doesnt cost such big money...

Thithi, one of the biggest jokes amongst falang men is the dreaded "sick buffalo" story their farm face hooker girlfriends give them asking for money.

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I don't get it. The OP just makes a statement & doesn't ask for any advice/replies but yet gets all of the above comments (stereotypical - with written surround sound - buffalo type, even if tongue in cheek) from both men & women! Without the usual interfering mods no less! Hahahha. It's such a soap... :o

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hahh havent heard this kind of cow story before. that family is being ridiculous.

to treat the cow doesnt cost such big money...

Thithi, one of the biggest jokes amongst falang men is the dreaded "sick buffalo" story their farm face hooker girlfriends give them asking for money.

heheh i c nasty nasty.

then i would say "My dad's baby cow is sick. Can you gimme some money? I will wait till it dies then I will go to the market buying ingredients, but for cooking such cow thing we need some expensive hi-so ingredients. gimme money na na na muah muah" HAHAHAHAHAHA

soooo stupid

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Here I am married for almost two months, ready to go back today to the USA for 3 weeks and my wife just gave me the sick cow story. One of her dads baby cows is sick and they need money to give it medical attention.

I thought this only happens to Farang suckers who dont live here and are in telecommunication relationships but I was wrong. I guess all the money I have given her and her family doesnt mean anything. They are trying to get every nickel out of me before I go back to the USA.

Needless to say I am not giving her or her family any more money. I already paid sin sid and 3 bahts gold two months ago.

For a culture as polite as the Thais seem to have, they have alot of nerve and are rude in many other respects.

That's your biggest mistake, sin sod and gold.

I did neither and when the Mrs rolls out the sick dog, cattle, chicken routine _ I simply reply "Honey, you knew I was a cheap bastard before we got married, why should it change now".

:o:D :D

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From all the time I have spent living in Isaan I have never seen a sick cow or buffalo in the village. The Thai way if anything dies is to eat it or sell it, simple as that.

you never saw them because immediately one Farang pays for the treatment and the buffalo recovers so fast so you just didn't notice it.

Ask the experienced Farangs in Pattaya who come every year to visit their girlfriends: they know that the kwais get all the time sick :o:D :D

a very sensitive species, like racing horses.

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Contrary to popular Falang wisdom, Thai bovines do from time to time need a veterinarian's hand and aren't blessed with eternal life.

I think that the Khwai has made an udderly good point here.

not bad, thought for a minute you might put your hoof in your mouth but that one rolled out smoother than a calf's nose after feeding.

If she asks you for more than 5000 baht then you will know it's a scam, unless it's some kind of miscowculation.

It sounds like it might be worth while having a chat with her but it might just go in one ear and come out the udder.

Personally I think it's just a load of bull****, and remain un-mooved, baaahhh ! :D

Perhaps the OP might explain, to his new Thai relatives, that the reason he is visiting the USA is to assist his family there, who have a whole herd of sick bovines, managed on their behalf by their acowntant ? :o

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A Thai friend of mine was recently told by her maid that she would have to go back to Isaan because her mother had been hit by a buffalo, and then tried to get a loan of 3k out of her.

So the maid got the sick buffalo and sick mother all in one story :o

Thais/farang same same. Don't get so paranoid. It'll drive you to beer Chang.

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A Thai friend of mine was recently told by her maid that she would have to go back to Isaan because her mother had been hit by a buffalo, and then tried to get a loan of 3k out of her.

So the maid got the sick buffalo and sick mother all in one story :o

Thais/farang same same. Don't get so paranoid. It'll drive you to beer Chang.

was the buffalo injured after hitting her mother?

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As some Posters mentioned, cow desaese, sickness is usualy not so expensive-should not be, better-cheaper, buy a new one,

but, than ther is the highly qualified and wanted all the cows in the village fathering special bull and

there are the very expensive show cows with the long ears

and you do not want to let die one of this very expensive mother cows or,

possibly in the future for a high price to sell baby cow from them!

So with this animals the price tag for the medicine and Dr. can go up a lot.

Thats for the more sophisicated extortionist-lady.

And, if there is a lot more money needed or available from the falang, than,

its always the possibility to have a sick father, mother, grand-father-mother, aunt uncle, ect.

Been there, done that!

Regarding to the Thread-starter, if he does not answer now, he is a TROLL!

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Definedly not a troll, this has been developing story here in TV for a while and like someone said has had all the signs of a definite train wreck since day one. OP has seek advice and has been advised in several threads in the past and has decided to spend the money and go for it. Maybe having second thoughts now...

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Definedly not a troll, this has been developing story here in TV for a while and like someone said has had all the signs of a definite train wreck since day one. OP has seek advice and has been advised in several threads in the past and has decided to spend the money and go for it. Maybe having second thoughts now...

I agree the OP has started a few threads about his upcoming marriage, etc. I also seem to remember that he said they had only had the wedding ceremony and not registered at the Amphur. I hope for his sake that is still the case!

I will say I feel sorry for him but some of these posts have me LMFAO!

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=One Poster asked. when did they met, how long did he know her?=

I checked Postings and it looks like the OP met her in July 2008 Online, but I could not see when they where meeting in person.

So, the relationship is not so long running.

I am not surprised with anything what will or could happen.

They (the GF) always try to get more, money, land, valuables in there own hands and if it does not work out,

than try again later with the same or a new story.

If the boyfriend moves on,

in Thailand easy possible, (on many corners are other ladys waiting to lay theire hands on the possible sponserer),

than this lady, family will try the same, so better I take the milk out now!

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not sure how much Sin sod you paid . and only 3 baht gold . - hat is consider to be cheap --

even in my country we would had paid more then 10 baht gold and maybe 200-500k for getting married .

is a show or stablity to the family that you can take care of her .

while i do not agree with the custom , but i do love my wife enough to part with the small amount ..


the words " COW " in thai - also refer to ( him or Her .

if she said .> COW mai sabai - she maybe refering to a person instead of a COW .

whahahah just thinking positive .


only 2 month . and you already counting your cent . if you love your money more then you love her . you should had waited longer to get married .

-- took me 6 days to ask my wife to marry me . and i still love everyday .

i invested maybe a few million on her and her family . and in return her family had made me million . so i think is fair .

as a family . i go way out to help them .. and in return tere go way out to help me .

recent her mom just give me 25 plus rai of land . - cos the money i invested she reinvest into buying land in their province . i am more then happy to put all thos ename under my wife name .

after all . , what i need is Love and a small . home . if money is catalyst to happiness ,. i would be mroe then happy to burn it to get happiness .

not that my thai relative is asking me any money at all . - in fact . my mother in law .. started by giving me back all the sinsod .. and the 10 baht gold i used for the wedding .. she say as new couple we need the money to buikd a family and maybe business .


and what is 5000 baht . compare to your net worth .

what you need to consider is ..

this the money you invest worth the return ..

if you feel that is a losing investment ..

two chocie . think like a businessman ,, protect your invisted , cut short and let go .

otherwise . - is time you and your wife sit down and have a long talk ..

maybe you having some comunication problem to start with . and you really need to draw the line for her ..

is better now then later .


i know my wife on my birthday party wher ei invested some 30 plus thai to it .. and i only know like 5 people .


i saw her and i know i found the person i want to spend my life with .

i ask her to marry me on the 6th days . and she tell me . if i am serious . ask my parent to bring an elder as withness . so i can go to meet her parent and arrange a date to get married .

and i did .. we went down . talk on how much sin sod we should come up with ..

and i did my own survey -- i was worrying that being fast marriage i am going to be a sucker .. but it turn out .. ok ..

few days before i went to talk about my own sin sod . i went to a thai wedding in her village .. and the sin sod between thai is - 100k + 10 bhat gold .

more or less i am telling myself .. maybe i would have to pay 2 - 3 times more ..

but on the days itself .. there started with 10baht gold . and 100k . -- notthing fancy . ask if i am ok with it .

i agree to it right away . everyone is happy .


we even had a huge wedding .. with about 800 guest .

blah blah blah ..

so not all thai girl is bad .--- sometime is where you look ..

Edited by Ta22
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Wow.. you think that long argument for "all Thai girls arent bad" really was in your favor? You BOUGHT your wife after 6 days (lol ya its true love from her end!) and you think its worth it because you say its alright if you buy love... but what you bought wasn't love, it was the ILLUSION of love. Hope you enjoy your illusion and it doesn't turn into a horribly ugly dose of reality any time soon buddy... I really do.

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you used BOUGHT - and i take that as insult -

but then again .. i'm the one being happy not you .

i;m the one that so far after i got married made about 4 million after i got married .

and everyone is happy and i am buying my new cars soon which i will still put in my wife name ..

is a matter of trust . which i do not expert you to try to understand .


i hope you do find true love some day . if your poor sence of relationship is about who own what .. then i think you are better off bumping around bars and paid for yoru love life .

just a little info for your sorry statement .

my wife is richer then me . :o


and till now i can tell you right away . i love my wife , on first sight . and we got married .

you are open to your own view . bt then again . i do not expect someone like you to understand what love is .. cos chances is you would never find one with your state of mind .

good luck .

when i fall in love , the last thing i consider is where she is from . -

pardon me . if i got abit too strong on my words .

but what i want to say is .

what is there to lose in life ..

one fine day we all die .. and if we do not try and get stuck up with how much you spend or how much you earn . at the end of the days all thoss paper you collected is not even worth a moment of happiness .


money can do alot of thing if you use it rightly . i hardly carry any with me nowaday ...

i entrust all to my wife . - if you ask me if i worry she run away with it .

well . my reply to you or anyone who ask would be ,, if she want to run away with my money .. - she do not need to run .. just let me know and she can walk away .. slowly with every cent i have .

and i can alway start again .. and i will not give up if such day happen ..

cos as simple as .. i love my wife - and if she do choose money over me .. i am more then happy to grant her that .


after all when the time come .. only the memory of happiness can go with you .

not those money you save .

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I thought this only happens to Farang suckers who dont live here and are in telecommunication relationships but I was wrong. I guess all the money I have given her and her family doesnt mean anything. They are trying to get every nickel out of me before I go back to the USA.

being an expat doesn't stop you being a sucker (quite teh reverse)

what did you expect 'all the money' to mean exactly?

if even you focus on the money why are you apparently surprised they do?

whingeing about the money in such situations usually occurs when the money is all gone or the farang feels the requests are getting too much - no whingeing when still comfortable with it and lost in playing the big man

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I thought this only happens to Farang suckers who dont live here and are in telecommunication relationships but I was wrong. I guess all the money I have given her and her family doesnt mean anything. They are trying to get every nickel out of me before I go back to the USA.

being an expat doesn't stop you being a sucker (quite teh reverse)

what did you expect 'all the money' to mean exactly?

if even you focus on the money why are you apparently surprised they do?

whingeing about the money in such situations usually occurs when the money is all gone or the farang feels the requests are getting too much - no whingeing when still comfortable with it and lost in playing the big man

I think people newish to Thailand have this ideology that they are saving some poor little girl from a fate worse than death and will help the family too like a knight on a white charger..... pop ! wake up and get real.......

You're stuffed - you've paid out too much now rich farang and now are the money tree....

send your mrs out to work asap in the US and get her use to earning/spending/saving/giving her own money...

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Here I am married for almost two months, ready to go back today to the USA for 3 weeks and my wife just gave me the sick cow story. One of her dads baby cows is sick and they need money to give it medical attention.

I thought this only happens to Farang suckers who dont live here and are in telecommunication relationships but I was wrong. I guess all the money I have given her and her family doesnt mean anything. They are trying to get every nickel out of me before I go back to the USA.

Needless to say I am not giving her or her family any more money. I already paid sin sid and 3 bahts gold two months ago.

For a culture as polite as the Thais seem to have, they have alot of nerve and are rude in many other respects.

I hope you get post-nuptial agreement BEFORE you take her to the USA.

In australian you just need to live with a woman (unmarried) for 6 months in the same house and they can quite possibly take half of your money.... I dont think the situation is quite as bad in the USA but i WOULD look into it. Perhaps get an American lawyer to draft your agreement before you leave Thailand.

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