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Do You Clean Yourself With Water After You Go To The Toilet?

Dont Panic

Do you spray?  

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also to be mentioned is the soothing effect of de bum gun flow on de inflamed bunghole after a runny shit an' de associated irritation of tissues thereof...approaching this issue with tissue can be painful and ultimately worthless for the intended purpose as one can only dab and not wipe... :)

('approaching the issue with tissue...'? marvelous, where's me Gerard Manley Hopkins award? :D )

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I am genuinely confused how other people use the hose:

"Spray then dry yourself with tissue" ??!!

If I use tissue, I tissue first then spray afterward.

It sounds like a lot of people on this thread use it whilst sitting on the toilet- for me that's unthinkable- for one, it will get my entire backside wet, and two, the position of the legs while on the toilet doesn't really allow the water to get that far into the a$s.

For me, toileting in thailand or asia is a complex affair . Once I finish, I squat all the way down on the shower floor like a rural thai and then spray thoroughly with the hose AND use soap. Furthermore, I occasionally put my finger 'inside' a little bit (gross, I know), to get the residual feces that normally wood ooze out had I not done so (gross, I know). I then have to dry myself with a towel and put all my clothes back on. In short, I only defecate at home.

Toooo much information, methinks.

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I am genuinely confused how other people use the hose:

"Spray then dry yourself with tissue" ??!!

If I use tissue, I tissue first then spray afterward.

It sounds like a lot of people on this thread use it whilst sitting on the toilet- for me that's unthinkable- for one, it will get my entire backside wet, and two, the position of the legs while on the toilet doesn't really allow the water to get that far into the a$s.

For me, toileting in thailand or asia is a complex affair . Once I finish, I squat all the way down on the shower floor like a rural thai and then spray thoroughly with the hose AND use soap. Furthermore, I occasionally put my finger 'inside' a little bit (gross, I know), to get the residual feces that normally wood ooze out had I not done so (gross, I know). I then have to dry myself with a towel and put all my clothes back on. In short, I only defecate at home.

Toooo much information, methinks.

this can be done quickly and easily while sittin' on the throne, no need to get down in the bathtub; I always use me fingers as me bunghole architecture is a bit complicated and residual stuff always gets stuck...just hose off the fingers afterwards...

I've always thought that feces phobia is a western thing...sorta like 'the horror'...like Col. Kurtz said 'you have to make a friend of horror...'

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It seems to be very difficult to male a good poll.

Now we have only two answers possible

spray + tissue

tissue only

could someone ( I do not have my toolbox here) please add:

use sliced bread

spray only, then run around the bathroom backwards three times

thanks, that will be an enormous relief.


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Thanks for the interesting read. It seems we all have a bit of fun here. I'd rather poop in the woods than try to squat on one of the little Asian thrones... and then douse myself with a pan full of water. I ALWAYS carry TP with me when I travel... along with those little wipes they supply on airlines. I'm sure the Thai diet is different enough that it doesn't affect their bodies the same way western foods (and especially cheese and dairy products0 affect western societies.

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Some of the threads on TV may raise a smile but this one caused peals of laughter with some hilarious posts. Shouldn't read this one when you are at work. :)

I agree totally, I very seldom get involved with these threads, because someone has normally stole my thunder. I have lived here for 5 years, and never realized that the little hose behind the toilet was for anything more than cleaning the toilet. I went to a friends house one time, and told him your out of toilet paper. He said you use the sprayer to clean your ass. I laughed and walked away. It wasn't until today (over a year later) that I realize he was sincere. I have never laughed so hard at any thread on this forum! I think I may even try this "custom", just don't tell my wife. She's Thai but lived in the US for the past 40 of her 62 years and would be horrified!

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Please remember not to eat with your left hand, in Thailand or at home.

Be warned I am left handed!

BTW the practices of muslim "handing" and the thai custom of wai-ing have obviously developed for health reasons in hot climates. Clever fellows. I presume Inuit tribes use seal fur as toilet paper?

Great thread BTW! :)

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I have read here that some of you use it to clean internally or spray the water up and in and not just over to clean the surface. I don't know about you all. I wont drink tap water here.. and even have bottled water when I brush my teeth. The idea of spraying the water up and in sounds like a bad idea at best .. If you are one that uses it internally I would like your take on the safety factor.

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These should become a permanent fixture in the West and as they are effective and would decrease the number of trees cut for arsewhipe as well as putting much less pressure on sewer systems.

Almost forgot... in the US the toilet paper industry would lobby against it so I guess you can write off that idea.

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