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Invitation To International Energy Conference In Bangkok

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Invitation to Thaivisa Members:

Opportunities with Alternative Energy

An international conference organized by

Ministry of Energy


The Nation

Friday, May 22, 2009

Intercontinental Hotel


Raising reliance on alternative or renewable energy is the only way to balance the crushing burden of expected rise in oil prices as production dwindles and minimize the climate change impacts from burning petroleum products.

While there seems to be a consensus on this proposition, views vary as to the desirable extent of that reliance, and at what cost in the medium term, particularly at a time of global economic crisis.

This conference brings together, for the first time in Thailand, experts in various sub-fields of energy generation and distribution to explain the latest thinking on alternative energy - wind, solar, nuclear, biofuel – and debate the practicality of resorting to each one of them or a combination of a few.

The international conference will pave the way for business leaders and policymakers to better frame strategies and policies for the future. Businesses, of course, look for opportunities and cost competitiveness, while it is the task of a government to secure sustainable plans.

Number of participants will be restricted to 500, including business leaders, policymakers, innovators, scientists, engineers, educators and environmentalists.


See attached file for more information. If you want to attend, please email your contact details to support[at]thaivisa.com ASAP, as the number of participants are limited to 10 (ten) members form Thaivisa. First come first served!



The help files are not at all helpful as to how to start a new topic, so, this being the closest I can find, I'll post as reply, here.

Study: SE Asia will be hit hard by climate change

By MICHAEL CASEY, AP Environmental Writer Michael Casey – Mon Apr 27, 5:15 am ET BANGKOK – Southeast Asia will be hit particularly hard by climate change, causing the region's agriculture-dependent economies to contract by as much as 6.7 percent annually by the end of the century, according to a study released Monday.

Read more at http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090427/ap_on_...limate_change_4

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