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Any know of a really good car details shop in Phuket, need it for outside and inside (leather seats) of my car

I recommend the big car care place on Samkong, mid way between Bangkok Phuket & Vishara Hospitals, opposite Steak 50 restaurant. Their detail prices not cheap, but they do a good job. They have a comfortable waiting lounge, but I usually go over to Steak 50 for my lunch. Beware.. very busy at the weekends.

Any know of a really good car details shop in Phuket, need it for outside and inside (leather seats) of my car

I recommend the big car care place on Samkong, mid way between Bangkok Phuket & Vishara Hospitals, opposite Steak 50 restaurant. Their detail prices not cheap, but they do a good job. They have a comfortable waiting lounge, but I usually go over to Steak 50 for my lunch. Beware.. very busy at the weekends.

It is called Meguier's & I agree it is a good place & comfortable if having to wait. They also have an internet connection there. I don't know about a full detail price but standard car clean price is comparable to elsewhere & cheaper than the likes of Big C. If you buy a bottle of their wax you can bring it with you when you go & get a reasonably priced clean & wax.


The shop is called C-CUBE and it's the only "Official" Meguirs in Phuket.

Do not go to Car lack, they are useless.



Thx guys will try that one, but i did not think they could do it on the spot, back in Europe they wanted my car for 2 days, i want the really big treatment, Lacquer sealing, leather cleaning, engine cleaning.


You don't have to book in advance. You join the queue, and you might get lucky and they start immediately. They have a number of service bays and quite a lot of staff. How long ... depends on what you want done. The price list details a long list of detail options.



dam_n good service, a little expensive but what the <deleted>, 4000 for inside details, look like new now. Outside i got the big one so all together 12.500, and then you get a book with discount for wash and wax. Cars look like brand new now.


dam_n good service, a little expensive but what the <deleted>, 4000 for inside details, look like new now. Outside i got the big one so all together 12.500, and then you get a book with discount for wash and wax. Cars look like brand new now.

Yes, I did say it was pricey, but nice people, do a good job. I get them to do my oil change, air filter clean, belts.

dam_n.. 12,500 I have owned cheaper cars in the west !!

True ... my very first car was a Triumph TR3 sport car, cost 70 pounds, mind you that was 41 years ago. Think of what it would be worth today.... sigh sigh... You can see from my avator that I'm reliving my late teens... :D .. :)

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