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After reading through all this im not even sure what the original point was.

My wife is older then I am. That doesn't stop an occasional stare or bad vibe from farang or Thai, normally Thai but we see more Thai. It bothered my wife a little the first few times but really doesn't anymore. There are allot of people discriminated daily in ways that affect there jobs and well being... so this is really very minor.

In your situation I would have gotten pissed myself. It would have been hard for me not to ask them if there was a problem, my advice don't - but not sure if I can follow it :). It sounds like they were just some kids being stupid though and Im not convinced they intended to piss you off.

I would not go from words with a stranger to a physical confrontation ever only self defense -

There was a young military man in my home-town that got into a confrontation with some guys while he was waiting for his girlfriend to grab some soda from a store. One of the guys threw a beer bottle at him or his truck -it broke and cut him in the neck. When she came back out he was bleeding to death. He died right there. The guy that threw the bottle went to prison - im not sure how long. The girlfriend was pregnant a few years later she joined the army and she was killed in Iraq.

I just tell that to remind people the good guy don't always win - and things can go bad fast. Im sure your wife would never want you to place yourself in any type of danger. I know mine would be completely disappointed and ashamed if I did.

good luck :D

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It truely defies logic how many people can't handle a simple insult.

How do they survive day-to-day?

Damm, they certainly wouldn't last 10 minutes in any really stressful situation.

You've forgotten what its like to be young and full of goo. You are old and mild now right? Try to remember.

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These guys who join the topic 7-8 pages in and start off giving the OP a load of grief need to start their own forum. Forum for bellends. The poor lad was clearly p!ssed off and wanted to vent his anger. There is nothing wrong with his topic. Its a topic people can relate too. I agree with Sabum 100%.The OP has backed up his story with a pic and shows clearly how strong he feels about it all.Good on ya mate.

" rremarkably insecure " I dont think so!

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You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

Thanks Sabum,

I'm not the kind of guy who hides behind his forum nick, I am open and don't really care what people say about me. Just don't say anything bad about my wife, that makes my blood boil. I have no idea why people are so afraid of posting anything about themselves. Unless they have some dirty laundry they don't want out in the open.

People don't like to be so open on the internet because its too public and who wants the whole world to know about your personal feelings.

I have now seen yours and your mrs innocent, young, naive, immature faces and also know what annoys you so if i ever see you out in a bar rest assured i will take the piss!

Not being open on the internet is not about hiding dirty laundry its about not wanting to publicly broadcast personal private details that could be used against you in a negative way.

I would not worry about these guys from Khao Sarn they were just being laddish you need to get a thicker skin or do not attempt to learn Thai because you'll be fighting with alot of Thais when you hear them talking about you or your mrs!

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now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.


I have now seen yours and your mrs innocent, young, naive, immature faces and also know what annoys you so if i ever see you out in a bar rest assured i will take the piss!

Why would you want to annoy someone for no reason?  

Edited by bonobo
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I have now seen yours and your mrs innocent, young, naive, immature faces and also know what annoys you so if i ever see you out in a bar rest assured i will take the piss!

I look forward to meeting you some day and I probably won't mind if you take the piss after that. I would mind if we had never met and you say something bad about my wife.

I would not worry about these guys from Khao Sarn they were just being laddish you need to get a thicker skin or do not attempt to learn Thai because you'll be fighting with alot of Thais when you hear them talking about you or your mrs!

I can speak Thai and I often hear comments from the Thais. My wife has a birth mark on her neck that looks a bit like a love bite. The Thais love to comment about that but they are never completely rude and insulting like those idiots were in KSR.

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A little bit off-topic, but why are most people so reluctant to let anything of themselves be known?  I don't mean giving out bank account numbers or such, but a simple photo?  I rather think it is nice to be able to have an image in mind when reading a post from someone.  I think it helps create a little more of the fantasy that we are all part of a group of like-minded friends here, and isn't that what most forums are?  A internet community?

I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.)  Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.  Later, I posted some photos of me in my profile including one or two in uniform, and I received some comments that until I posted that, some forum members did not believe me that I was actually a Marine.

This board is so quick to shout out "troll" and to disbelieve people.  I think if we were more open about ourselves, then we would nto be so quick to take umbrage and disbelieve otehr posters.

Some posters here were droning on about how it is natural to think an older farang man with a younger Thai women are a sexpat/sex worker couple.  So the OP posted his photo of him and his wife. I see nothing wrong with that.  It helped set the scene better so we can understand the situation.  And if I ever meet him someplace (not that I would recognize him just passing him on the street, I would shake his hand and ask him how he and his wife were doing, not "take a piss at him."

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I have now seen yours and your mrs innocent, young, naive, immature faces and also

know what annoys you so if i ever see you out in a bar rest assured i will take the piss!

I look forward to meeting you some day and I probably won't mind if you take the piss after that. I would mind if we had never met and you say something bad about my wife.

Quite right old boy... now I understand..you do have a sense of humour and these lads in Khao Sarn were just the average jerks you see in Thailand who still think they are in their own country and can behave in a drunken boorish way......

I would not worry about these guys from Khao Sarn they were just being laddish you need to get a thicker skin or do not attempt to learn Thai because you'll be fighting with alot of Thais when you hear them talking about you or your mrs!

I can speak Thai and I often hear comments from the Thais. My wife has a birth mark on her neck that looks a bit like a love bite. The Thais love to comment about that but they are never completely rude and insulting like those idiots were in KSR.

So what would you differently now that you have had alot of advice and time to reflect on the whole situation - what would be your method in having to deal with them now?


is that the mods having a pop at me & you???? :)

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You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

Thanks Sabum,

I'm not the kind of guy who hides behind his forum nick, I am open and don't really care what people say about me. Just don't say anything bad about my wife, that makes my blood boil. I have no idea why people are so afraid of posting anything about themselves. Unless they have some dirty laundry they don't want out in the open.

I have now seen yours and your mrs innocent, young, naive, immature faces and also know what annoys you so if i ever see you out in a bar rest assured i will take the piss!

Why don't you go urinate now instead of waiting to meet him in a bar. You could be waiting a long time . It also might help you stop being so rude once you are rid of your piss.

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Well it's not like you are in disguise. If you are a man of advanced years with a small slim female of Thai origin by your side walking down Koh San road you can expect the reaction that you encountered.

People base their judgements from information gathered. Old Farang man. Young Thai girl. Financial transactions are not a remote contigency - they are a given.

Deal with it by not dealing with it. Ignore it. Or if you can not ignore it then perhaps there is a reason why you can't deal with it. Perhaps they are right and you are paying for playing and deep down you know it and thats what made you see red?

Um again from my post, I am 28, my wife is 23. Not a very big age gap.

Good for you too many saddos on TV Ive posted pics before of me and my wife doesnt bother me or her and she thinks everyone here is ting tong anyway.You look a great couple.

Ok Ok Guesthouse never introduce your wife here etc yes I know, however it may put away the "they're all fat old bloke bar girl stereotypes".

Im 75 and shes 16 honest!!!

This will be the same woman who sends me money in the Uk when im short (shame on me) the same one who saves every penny, buys secondhand clothes and has total control over our finances and we spend half the year apart. I think that nails about 3 stereotypes on the head. :)


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So what would you differently now that you have had alot of advice and time to reflect on the whole situation - what would be your method in having to deal with them now?


is that the mods having a pop at me & you???? :)

I would still confront them, not looking for a fight mind you, just to demand an apology or at least to let them know that what they are doing is wrong. The way they dissapeared when they noticed my anger points to the fact that they are cowards and realised they had gone to far. My telling them to f***k off the first time was just instinctive. If I could do it again I would have gotten up and gone over to their table to confront them, in a calm manner.


I'm not sure...

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A little bit off-topic, but why are most people so reluctant to let anything of themselves be known?  I don't mean giving out bank account numbers or such, but a simple photo?  I rather think it is nice to be able to have an image in mind when reading a post from someone.  I think it helps create a little more of the fantasy that we are all part of a group of like-minded friends here, and isn't that what most forums are?  A internet community?

I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.)  Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.  Later, I posted some photos of me in my profile including one or two in uniform, and I received some comments that until I posted that, some forum members did not believe me that I was actually a Marine.

This board is so quick to shout out "troll" and to disbelieve people.  I think if we were more open about ourselves, then we would nto be so quick to take umbrage and disbelieve otehr posters.

Some posters here were droning on about how it is natural to think an older farang man with a younger Thai women are a sexpat/sex worker couple.  So the OP posted his photo of him and his wife. I see nothing wrong with that.  It helped set the scene better so we can understand the situation.  And if I ever meet him someplace (not that I would recognize him just passing him on the street, I would shake his hand and ask him how he and his wife were doing, not "take a piss at him."

"take a piss at him." You are obviously American as you have mentioned being a Marine so in case you don't know "take the piss" in British English means to have a laugh / wind some one up for fun

In this case the OP needs a bit of tension release about the subject so a bit of light hearted banter (taking the piss) would help him..

Not as you think and put it "take a piss at him" which means to urinate all over him ! completely different meanings....

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now if see you, i can think to myself, there is that bellend from thai visa who rents the most expensive room in a building that contains no flats with more 1 bedroom on the river, has very thin skin, and no regard for his own personal privacy.

your need to post your picture shows you are rremarkably insecure. you will continue to be affronted, whether the slight is real or imagined.

You are so jealous and pathetic its absurd. Good for him posting his pic, most of the posters here just lie and lie with no proof that what they say is true, at least this guy backed it up.

interesting read that, did you have formal training or are you a savant?

your comment also begs the question: why should i feel the need to prove myself to you or anyone else online?

you should be careful, i am ex sas and i know the chief of police.

Ha ha SAS "Sold As Seen" I know the "Chief" too, would that be Wiggum?? :):D


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Good for you too many saddos on TV Ive posted pics before of me and my wife doesnt bother me or her and she thinks everyone here is ting tong anyway.You look a great couple.

Ok Ok Guesthouse never introduce your wife here etc yes I know, however it may put away the "they're all fat old bloke bar girl stereotypes".

Im 75 and shes 16 honest!!!

This will be the same woman who sends me money in the Uk when im short (shame on me) the same one who saves every penny, buys secondhand clothes and has total control over our finances and we spend half the year apart. I think that nails about 3 stereotypes on the head. :)

Thanks mate, you two look like a great couple too. I have a pic, of my wife and I, that looks very similar to your photo. But it was taken at a game reserve in South Africa. We are also on a walkway in the bush and at exactly the same angle. I'm going to see if I can dig it up.

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"take a piss at him." You are obviously American as you have mentioned being a Marine so in case you don't know "take the piss" in British English means to have a laugh / wind some one up for fun

In this case the OP needs a bit of tension release about the subject so a bit of light hearted banter (taking the piss) would help him..

Not as you think and put it "take a piss at him" which means to urinate all over him ! completely different meanings....

I thought it was more mean-spirited, to rile someone or belittle him.  My bust on not understanding the Queen's English!

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Good for you too many saddos on TV Ive posted pics before of me and my wife doesnt bother me or her and she thinks everyone here is ting tong anyway.You look a great couple.

Ok Ok Guesthouse never introduce your wife here etc yes I know, however it may put away the "they're all fat old bloke bar girl stereotypes".

Im 75 and shes 16 honest!!!

This will be the same woman who sends me money in the Uk when im short (shame on me) the same one who saves every penny, buys secondhand clothes and has total control over our finances and we spend half the year apart. I think that nails about 3 stereotypes on the head. :)

Thanks mate, you two look like a great couple too. I have a pic, of my wife and I, that looks very similar to your photo. But it was taken at a game reserve in South Africa. We are also on a walkway in the bush and at exactly the same angle. I'm going to see if I can dig it up.

Chumphon mangroves, nice place down there, empty beaches and we chatted to a local fisherman who took us over to the islands for 1000 baht, all day trip including lunch.

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"take a piss at him." You are obviously American as you have mentioned being a Marine so in case you don't know "take the piss" in British English means to have a laugh / wind some one up for fun

In this case the OP needs a bit of tension release about the subject so a bit of light hearted banter (taking the piss) would help him..

Not as you think and put it "take a piss at him" which means to urinate all over him ! completely different meanings....

I thought it was more mean-spirited, to rile someone or belittle him.  My bust on not understanding the Queen's English!

It can mean those two as well all depends on the situation and the context it's said in.

As in those boys who said things in the bar "were taking the piss" = baiting/ belittling /riling people for a reaction

But "taking the piss" out of the OP in a bar about this posting would be tongue in cheek for a laugh

For the OP - I wouldn't consider fighting these people 3 onto 1 there is only ever going to be 3 winners ....

I would just ignore them or laugh and say yeah right.... end of story ...... and move on

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I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.) Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.

There is no such thing as, "just a Marine" soldier. Chesty Puller is turning over in his grave! :)

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I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.) Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.

There is no such thing as, "just a Marine" soldier. Chesty Puller is turning over in his grave! :)

Yeh, they're ...Royals!!! :D

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I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.) Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.

There is no such thing as, "just a Marine" soldier. Chesty Puller is turning over in his grave! :)

Except you never refer to a Marine as "soldier!" :D

Edited by bonobo
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Norrad, FWIW, I think you make a sweet couple and wish you guys lots of luck.

Gutsy to post your pic. I know my missus would not appreciate it if I did.

I would also feel quite angry if someone would shout such slurs towards my wife and I.

I used to like KSR when I came to Thailand the first few times. Now? Nah.

Foreigners with Thai wives/GFs will always get looks from others, Thai or otherwise.

Kaw hai mee kwaam suk khap :)

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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Norrad, FWIW, I think you make a sweet couple and wish you guys lots of luck.

Gutsy to post your pic. I know my missus would not appreciate it if I did.

I would also feel quite angry if someone would shout such slurs towards my wife and I.

I used to like KSR when I came to Thailand the first few times. Now? Nah.

Foreigners with Thai wives/GFs will always get looks from others, Thai or otherwise.

Kaw hai mee kwaam suk khap :)

I enjoy khao sarn with my Thai mrs we go there a few times per month... never had any issues there and much prefer it than sukhumvit when with mrs.

Maybe cus we are in a 30's we seem to end up chatting to older farang couples on holiday and not the younger crowd but still like to drink, sing and dance with the younger crowd...

Who gives a hoot what they think.... lifes to short to for this sort of rubbish from kids...

just found out a chap i worked with in blighty has got 3 months to live with a brain tumour - just in his 50's eats healthy, exercises all the good things.....

get on with your life and enjoy it...don't let these morons bring you down....

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just found out a chap i worked with in blighty has got 3 months to live with a brain tumour - just in his 50's eats healthy, exercises all the good things.....

get on with your life and enjoy it...don't let these morons bring you down....

Good, sound advice.

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just found out a chap i worked with in blighty has got 3 months to live with a brain tumour - just in his 50's eats healthy, exercises all the good things.....

get on with your life and enjoy it...don't let these morons bring you down....

Good, sound advice.

Spot on. You're going to get 'looks' 'cos of the perception of Thai/falang relationships world-wide. But - as long as you can believe you're happy and everything is fine, who cares what others think?

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I made a simple remark once about being a Marine who served in Iraq (along with 200,000 or 300,000 others by now who have done that.) Not SAS, SEALS, M16, etc, just a Marine.

There is no such thing as, "just a Marine" soldier. Chesty Puller is turning over in his grave! :)

Except you never refer to a Marine as "soldier!" :D

I remember being refered to as "bald-headed wambats" and 'ladies", and having to call a rifle a rifle, instead of a gun, but I don't remember the thing about not calling Marines soldiers. Well, it was a long, long time ago. :D

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are there a lot of hot thai girls /teenagers on khao sarn road? i remember in the past thai girls asking me if i would take them there but i never bothered.

A lot? No.

It is (has become) a popular place for Thai teens to hang out, but they are usually in big groups and are more punk/alternative oriented. There is some interaction between the foreigners and locals but not much.

It can be quite a zoo at night. Don't remember if day of the week matters, but I would say Saturday nights would see more locals.

Check out the Suzie Bar for local talent. You see the odd lost backpacker there. At least that's how it was a few years ago.

Referring to the age issue, I am 36, the missus 34.

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are there a lot of hot thai girls /teenagers on khao sarn road? i remember in the past thai girls asking me if i would take them there but i never bothered.

A lot? No.

It is (has become) a popular place for Thai teens to hang out, but they are usually in big groups and are more punk/alternative oriented. There is some interaction between the foreigners and locals but not much.

It can be quite a zoo at night. Don't remember if day of the week matters, but I would say Saturday nights would see more locals.


More on Friday nights, I would say...

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