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Get this!!!!!!!

Just found out that my wife, legally married in Thailand, but who left me 2 years back just after the house I designed, had built, and paid for was finished, has gone to the Uk with her new boyfriend. Silly girl left our boy with friends opposite a friend of mine when she went.

Now, there's kid involved, our 3 year old son, we are still legally married, and I would have thought that the UK would not want an ex-bargirl who fleeced one of its citizens jetting off to its shores, especially when I'm still paying to feed the boy etc. Now, she must have had to show her bank book; why didn't the Embarrasmentabassy ask where the monthly payments came from?

Obviously something very wrong. Very difficult to get a visa for your wife generally, but the Embassy has no problem granting visas to go with someone elses. Wonder if Tea Money was involved, or if the new lucky boyfriend knows the right people. He's got a shock coming.

Anybody having problems with the uncivil servants down Wireless way, pls pm me for details if you need to quote precedent.

I think they may have done themselves some damage.


Soi Sauce

Really sorry to hear about your problem, if your wife had a visa with you as a sponsor did you advise the staff at the embassy that the relationship was no more?

Of course if the new guy was sponsoring her she wouldn't need to show her bank books, he just needs to proof of his ability to sponsor her trip, they would have needed to convince the embassy that they had a long term relationship, and maybe they had one. Of course owning property can be seen as a reason to return, was the house you built in her name?

I think that you need to talk to someone at the embassy, if you haven't already done so, if you think the visa might have been fraudulently obtained, though as it's her visa they might listen but not say what they are going to do.

In the meantime you need to seek legal advice to protect your own interests.

Good luck



I wish you best of luck and won't even attempt to advise you here as I am new to immigration law myself.

I would be intrigued to know how she went about this though having just been through the legit and honest way myself, so please update us.


Correct me if I am wrong but I dont think the Embassy/consulate issue travel visas any more, I think its been subbed out to another company.

So mayber your venting your spleen on the wrong people

Correct me if I am wrong but I dont think the Embassy/consulate issue travel visas any more, I think its been subbed out to another company.

So mayber your venting your spleen on the wrong people

Only the front and tail end parts of the process have been contracted out, the Embassy no longer gets involved in form checking, collection of documents and delivery of applications or indeed, meeting with applicants except in the case of interviews - the remainder of the visa approval/issuance process is vested in Embassy staff.


Somehow i don't see your point here. You are blaming embassy for the fact that your wife got what she wanted in the first place (house and money) then dropped you and found other bloke ?

Don't know about UK but usually embassies will issue visa if applicant meets their requirements. In any case she is married to UK citizen, has good record with the embassy due previous visas, has house and money in thailand so why deny her visa for short holiday back in UK ? it was actually your own decision to give her a house as well it was your own decision to let her go without divorce.

Just why not divorce her, take custody of your son if you so wish and move on. Sure you lose your thai visa or extension based on marriage but you can also get it as you have a thai child.


The OP hasn't made it clear whether his wife ever travelled to the UK with him, and if so how long ago. It's only within the last couple of years that fingerprints have been taken as part of the application process, so if she had a visa before then and has used a different identity, eg slight change of name, use of maiden name, the Embassy would have no way of knowing about the previous application. I know of a Thai woman who was arrested as an overstayer in the UK, and a fingerprint check showed that she'd previously been fingerprinted in the UK and removed as an illegal entrant in a completely different name - she presented a genuine passport and a good application the second time, and the Embassy had no reason to refuse her, they're not clairvoyant.

If the OP's wife didn't declare any previous travel or the fact that she's still married she has arguably gained the visa by deception - whether or not the deception is material to the application is for the Embassy to judge. They're not there to make moral judgements or assuage hurt feelings. The OP should report what he knows and leave it at that.


Do you need sponsor for UK visa always ? As far as i know most countries in europe (shengen area) Thais without any "local" sponsor can get a tourist visa as long as they can show return tickets, proof of accommodation and sufficient funds for the holiday trip. Easiest way is to book package tour. Also i would assume as a spouse of UK citizen you do not need your spouse approval for visa ?


I have read and re-read the OP and i just don't quite get what the girl in question has done wrong here. She has fleeced you apparently (thats not an Embassy issue) for which you must be to blame , no-one else. Not nice , but whats that to do with her visa application?

As i read it , she has really upset the OP, found someone else and gone off on holiday. Happens all the time , nasty maybe but not a reason to deny a visa is it?

Listen , you would struggle to find anyone more anti the British Embassy than me , but on this one occasion , i don't see what they have done wrong. Hurts me to say it , but i don't.

Get this!!!!!!!

Just found out that my wife, legally married in Thailand, but who left me 2 years back just after the house I designed, had built, and paid for was finished, has gone to the Uk with her new boyfriend. Silly girl left our boy with friends opposite a friend of mine when she went.

Now, there's kid involved, our 3 year old son, we are still legally married, and I would have thought that the UK would not want an ex-bargirl who fleeced one of its citizens jetting off to its shores, especially when I'm still paying to feed the boy etc. Now, she must have had to show her bank book; why didn't the Embarrasmentabassy ask where the monthly payments came from?

Obviously something very wrong. Very difficult to get a visa for your wife generally, but the Embassy has no problem granting visas to go with someone elses. Wonder if Tea Money was involved, or if the new lucky boyfriend knows the right people. He's got a shock coming.

Anybody having problems with the uncivil servants down Wireless way, pls pm me for details if you need to quote precedent.

I think they may have done themselves some damage.

I don't think the Embassy would be interested in any previous relationships your wife had. They would only be interested in whether she can meet the criteria for the visa she's applying for.

A slightly different situation, I married a Thai lady over 15 years ago and she moved to the UK with me, then we separated after about 8 years (she was at fault). She is still living in the UK (with British Citizenship) but 4-5 years ago I moved to Thailand and met somebody else. I took my girlfriend (now my wife) to the UK 3 times on tourist visas and each time stated that I was separated, but not divorced, and not once did the British Embassy ask for any further information. They were only interested in the information we'd supplied for the visas, my marriage situation was never queried so I would imagine the same rules would apply to a Thai person who is separated.

I can understand your frustration after being 'ripped off' the way you were but if she hasn't actually broken the law I don't think the British Embassy will take your loss into consideration when assessing her visa application. Sorry.

I have read and re-read the OP and i just don't quite get what the girl in question has done wrong here. She has fleeced you apparently (thats not an Embassy issue) for which you must be to blame , no-one else. Not nice , but whats that to do with her visa application?

As i read it , she has really upset the OP, found someone else and gone off on holiday. Happens all the time , nasty maybe but not a reason to deny a visa is it?

Listen , you would struggle to find anyone more anti the British Embassy than me , but on this one occasion , i don't see what they have done wrong. Hurts me to say it , but i don't.

Have to agree here - for a visitors visa she needs to show funds to support herself which both you and her new boyfriend undoubtably are supplying, and reason to return which should be straightforward since she has a child still in Thailand and property.

I would be more concerned about the welfare of your son.


If the applicant shows that they meet the criteria for the visa applied for then the embassy will grant it.

The fact that she is married to, but seperated from, a third party is irrelevent, the embassy have done nothing wrong here. That her relationship with you broke down is no bar to her travelling to the UK, either independantly or with the help of a sponsor.

Of course, if you have evidence that she obtained the visa fraudulantly then you should report this to the Home Office.


Is it just me or is everybody else focusing on the wrong thing here? She left a 3 year old with friends and fu_cked of to another country with her new boyfriend, caring mum.

Why didn't she take her son with her?


Is it just me or is everybody else focusing on the wrong thing here? She left a 3 year old with friends and fu_cked of to another country with her new boyfriend, caring mum.

Why didn't she take her son with her?


Par for the course in Thailand. We're all immune to it now.


Brigante7 & CharlieB

The OP was complaining mainly about the embassy issuing a visa; hence my post.

As she is still married to the OP it is extremely unlikely that she has recieved a settlement visa. She can't get a spouse visa as she cannot marry her boyfriend as she is still married to the OP. She cannot get a fiance visa as she will not be free to marry within the 6 months of such a visa.

So what type of visa does she have? I suspect a visit.

We know nothing about this woman nor the friends she has entrusted with the care of her child. For all we know ahe may be a loving mother who has left her child with responsible friends while she takes a holiday in the UK.

Even if she has somehow obtained a settlement visa she may well be in the same position as many mothers who have come to the UK with their partner to get work, accomodation etc. sorted before sending for their child(ren). We have seen several recent posts from people who have followed this route and are now ready to bring the child(ren) over. You have not criticised them in the way you have this woman. Are you now doing so?


Back in 1990ish when I used to work in and around London hotels I would frequently see Thai ladies who worked the "massage circuit"...when I confronted an embassy official with "it seems to me your giving the visa's to the wrong people" :) she blushed and hurriedly stamped my wifes visa


I am not sure I get the OPs point even though I have found the British Embassy's attitude rather strange about issues.

The fact that he has been fleeced by his chick is of no consequence, what the Embassy is worried about is her extending her visit into some permanent residency. The fact she has a son in Thailand is to her benefit as it is unlikely she will desert him and will therefore return to Thailand.

What I do find a little strange is this. I have travelled to the UK on several occasions with my GF but she has never opted to declare that she is making the trip with me paying for it because it tends to cause enormous problems. On the other hand they are perfectly prepared to accept that she is financing the trip herself despite the fact that a first class ticket is equivalent to probably half her bank statement. In fact last time she applied I think she got a 5 or 10 year visa - which I dont seem to be able to get in Thailand.

she has never opted to declare that she is making the trip with me paying for it because it tends to cause enormous problems.

Problems with whom? Certainly the embassy would have no problems with you funding the trip; assuming you can afford it.

they are perfectly prepared to accept that she is financing the trip herself despite the fact that a first class ticket is equivalent to probably half her bank statement

If she has the funds to pay for the trip, even if it is a large part of her savings, that that is sufficient. It is not up to the British embassy to dictate how she spends her money.

We require further clarification before we jump to any conclusions.

Agreed ,....every case has different circumstances, but my observation back in the 1990's was just prior to an Embassy scam being uncovered,.....allthough I do find it peculiar when in such a short space of time this lady returns with a new partner and is succesful when I know of other people who have struggled with their first genuine application.


We need to be a bit careful with our assumption's, I said there might be an issue for the OP to discuss with the Embassy IF his wife had been to the UK with him, as far as I can make out he has never said that she had a UK visa before.


  • 2 weeks later...
Brigante7 & CharlieB

The OP was complaining mainly about the embassy issuing a visa; hence my post.

As she is still married to the OP it is extremely unlikely that she has recieved a settlement visa. She can't get a spouse visa as she cannot marry her boyfriend as she is still married to the OP. She cannot get a fiance visa as she will not be free to marry within the 6 months of such a visa.

So what type of visa does she have? I suspect a visit.

We know nothing about this woman nor the friends she has entrusted with the care of her child. For all we know ahe may be a loving mother who has left her child with responsible friends while she takes a holiday in the UK.

Even if she has somehow obtained a settlement visa she may well be in the same position as many mothers who have come to the UK with their partner to get work, accomodation etc. sorted before sending for their child(ren). We have seen several recent posts from people who have followed this route and are now ready to bring the child(ren) over. You have not criticised them in the way you have this woman. Are you now doing so?

And I was saying that the OP should be more worried about his child than his wife which is why I asked if people (Including the OP) were focusing on the wrong thing.



You then said "She left a 3 year old with friends and fu_cked of to another country with her new boyfriend, caring mum."

I posted a respnse to that, including "many mothers who have come to the UK with their partner to get work, accomodation etc. sorted before sending for their child(ren). We have seen several recent posts from people who have followed this route and are now ready to bring the child(ren) over. You have not criticised them in the way you have this woman. Are you now doing so?"

Care to answer that question?

You then said "She left a 3 year old with friends and fu_cked of to another country with her new boyfriend, caring mum."

I posted a respnse to that, including "many mothers who have come to the UK with their partner to get work, accomodation etc. sorted before sending for their child(ren). We have seen several recent posts from people who have followed this route and are now ready to bring the child(ren) over. You have not criticised them in the way you have this woman. Are you now doing so?"

Care to answer that question?

Happy too, there is a big difference between leaving a small child with a close relative and a friend acrosss the road, never mind a friend of the husband you have left. I can state 100% that if my wife had a child when we met and was prepared to leave the child in Thailand when she came to live in the UK then there is no way I would have been happy about her leaving the child in Thailand and would not be able to understand how she could do it but then that is me.

Like you say 7by7 she is most likely on a tourist visa, again a big difference between leaving your kid for 6 months to go on holiday and moving to a new country to get settled before having your kid join you.

Answered enough for you or should I continue?



You seemed to have missed my point; which is as follows.

We know absolutley nothing about this woman, her reasons for travelling to the uk, or even how long for, nor the circumstances in which she has left her child. Except for the extremely limited information given by the OP, which is naturally biased by his feelings toward her.

Yet you have lept to the conclusion that she has abandoned her child!

What I am trying to get you to do is put your prejudice away and keep an open mind.

You seemed to have missed my point; which is as follows.

We know absolutley nothing about this woman, her reasons for travelling to the uk, or even how long for, nor the circumstances in which she has left her child. Except for the extremely limited information given by the OP, which is naturally biased by his feelings toward her.

Yet you have lept to the conclusion that she has abandoned her child!

What I am trying to get you to do is put your prejudice away and keep an open mind.

As she is still married to the OP it is extremely unlikely that she has recieved a settlement visa. She can't get a spouse visa as she cannot marry her boyfriend as she is still married to the OP. She cannot get a fiance visa as she will not be free to marry within the 6 months of such a visa.

So what type of visa does she have? I suspect a visit.

Like you 7by7 I came to the same conclusion that the OP's wife must surely be on a tourist visa and thus is away on holiday and thus has left her 3 year old with her husband's friend (OP's words) while she is away with her B/F which is a big difference to moving to another country and your kids joining you in the near future.

While we might not have all the facts what we do have is what the OP has told us and it is that info that I was replying to and that is the info that I based my reply on.

My wife has several friends who have left their kids in Thailand when they moved to the UK, usualy with the grandmother or father, and I find it hard to understand why they don't want to bring their kids over to the UK but again that is just me.



I, too, cannot understand why a woman moving to live in the UK would not want her children to come with her, although I can understand a temporary seperation while acommodation etc. is sorted out.

A holiday, though, is different; and we don't know how long she intends to be in the UK, it could be a couple of weeks, it could be longer. When I first knew my wife we went to the Philippines to visit my brother for two weeks, leaving her two children in the care of her sister. Are you condemning her in the way you have this woman?

Even if she has used her boyfriend to get into the UK so she can work, and we have no reason to suspect this, she would only be following a well trod path in SE Asia, where many women leave their children with friends or family to travel away for work and send money home.

We simply do not have enough unbiased information to enable us to judge this woman.

If the OP is concerned about the welfare of his child then the obvious solution is to seek custody, not post a rant on an internet forum..

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