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Hello, Any Young Professional Out There? I Am Back


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Hello all

I introduced myself to this about perhaps two years ago and I was then away from Thailand on secondment so never really followed up much.

Thailand is definitely known (whether true or not) by expats outside Thailand as a country for those who wish to come to have fun rather than to live. It has always been known as a bit more difficult place in Asia to find young professional gay expats.

Just want to know a bit more people around really, please shout if you are out there!

Just wanted to be very clear that I am not insulting anyone who is not professional or not young. Just that I think we all need to know people of our similar lifestyle and age group from time to time. You will have similar issues and experience.


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Hi Timothy,

Welcome back from your secondment! Of course I and most of us on here will remember you and if the other members do not I suggest you read the posts by Timothy from 2 years ago.

I can see by your new post that not much has changed nor has your opinion about living in Thailand, which is odd being you are Thai. That said has your schedule become more free? I seem to remember that was a big problem with you before as you had a chance to meet young gay professionals but did not have the time.

You say that Thailand is known around Asia as a difficult place to meet young gay professionals but I don't believe that is true since I know many among my friends. I also seem to remember from meeting and speaking to you that you were not even out of the closet with friends, work, family, etc. So what I think you are looking for is a group of closeted young professionals, which may be more difficult.

I do seem to recall someone on here looking to get a group together once a month of "young professional gays" so I would do a search on here or I'm sure some other member remembers who it was and can direct you likewise.

That said, now that you are back I'm sure I will see you sitting at the end of the bar at Balcony talking with those "young gay professionals" where I ran into you often. I will be sure to say hello!

Good luck!

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That said, now that you are back I'm sure I will see you sitting at the end of the bar at Balcony talking with those "young gay professionals" where I ran into you often. I will be sure to say hello!


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Hi flightcrew

Thanks for your message.

I am not sure what you meant by saying I have not changed and whether I should or I should not. What should a Thai be when you said I am odd being a Thai?

:) I think that sounds a bit American and no you are not being odd at all by saying so as an American, hahaha

I have been less busy with the recession and my friends (at least 15 or so of them and all straight) know about me. My few work friends do as well but I do not see why I need to make an official annoucement in the workplace. I am not looking for any closeted young professional, I think you are quite wrong in your conclusion.

It is a matter of finding people of similar background and age group. It is true that a man should be wise by welcoming friends of all backgrounds and experience. I know quite a few of them, but what I dont know is people who are in a similar circumstance and situation and this has nothing to do with being in closet. If they choose to be in closet, I would leave it to them to decide what is best for them. I would not judge them as I have no rights to do so.

I think Thailand is definately more difficult than HK or Singapore or even Shanghai when it comes to finding young professional people. The country and the city are better known for people to come for a quick visit. In your case, perhaps you are being lucky.


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You may also want to indicate what you consider as 'young,' 'professional,' etc. because local standards may vary. :)

I would have said as follows:

Young - 20 something to 35

professional - bankers, accountant, engineers, doctors, lawyers. I think I meant to say people who are financially independent and can live comfortably (and can pay mortgages and holidays).

I think the term 'professional" is the same in most cities in the world. I would not count farmers or civil servants or sons and daughters of billionaires. Not that because they are better or worse but because I think to certain extent your career tells a lot about you and your life.

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Obviously a bit ting-tong. And TInglish.

"Hello, Any---------"

Probably needs a full stop (period) to split the two. Could be split by an exclamation mark for emphasis, but this a bit fierce or in-ya-face. Looks like a splice of some kind, as it stands. The capitalization of 'any' following the comma is acceptable as an advertisement or announcement/banner. However, the noun 'professional' would certainly be 'pluralized' (if you accept pluralize as a verb) by native speakers.


Hello! Any young professionals out there? I am back!

(Protracted yawn...)

Anyway, this should be posted on GayRomeo or the other twinky dating places.

MODS-please try harder to maintain acceptable rubbish levels on 'ere.

P Ed

p.s. am I any good to you as an Old Professional?

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There's nothing wrong with Timothy looking for other like-minded individuals on here, P-E; especially as he emphasizes a social group.

Timothy, given your target group, I would say you won't find that many people on here (maybe a few) or anywhere else in Thailand who qualify. Under 35 and professionally employed in the manner you describe is rather young for Thailand and most of those folks are tourists or teachers (some of whom I would describe as professionals). I would say that if you were being realistic, you should start looking in the 40-50 year old band, or socialise with other Thais the right age, or find another country to look in.

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Can I now start advertising on here for young professionals of a certain speciality? I would like to contact sexologists.

Maybe Flightcrew has a point. I seem to remember something from about two years ago, something which involved norse folklore, and mythical beings who had somehow emigrated to soi 4.


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I don't think you're going find a "true" young professional at around 20 yrs of age...anywhere, even back in your home country!

U need to move up the bracket of your young professional friends to ( 28-45 )!!...seriously

Edited by teacup
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I don't think you're going find a "true" young professional at around 20 yrs of age...anywhere, even back in your home country!

U need to move up the bracket of your young professional friends to ( 28-45 )!!...seriously

Agreed! Being that Timothy is around 35 himself.

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I don't think you're going find a "true" young professional at around 20 yrs of age...anywhere, even back in your home country!

U need to move up the bracket of your young professional friends to ( 28-45 )!!...seriously

Agreed! Being that Timothy is around 35 himself.

35 and still pea-wit of the diff between the "idealistic" and actual "reality" in real world.....haha

I'm 29 - young (but not hansum), prof. as Timothy called it....but waay off limit to timothy cause I'm straight!! :)

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I don't think you're going find a "true" young professional at around 20 yrs of age...anywhere, even back in your home country!

U need to move up the bracket of your young professional friends to ( 28-45 )!!...seriously

Agreed! Being that Timothy is around 35 himself.

35 and still pea-wit of the diff between the "idealistic" and actual "reality" in real world.....haha

I'm 29 - young (but not hansum), prof. as Timothy called it....but waay off limit to timothy cause I'm straight!! :)

Thats funny teacup, I always thought you were a Thai woman. And certainly not 29 given your rather lengthy marriage.

Nothing wrong with being idealistic or even looking for friends (or more) among one's peers.

Regardless, I don't see the need to disclose Timothy's personal details here or elsewhere unless he wishes to disclose them himself. Just a suggestion before this gets nastier.

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Young - 20 something to 35

professional - bankers, accountant, engineers, doctors, lawyers. I think I meant to say people who are financially independent and can live comfortably (and can pay mortgages and holidays).

I ran into a guy in Finland on my recent vacation there. A professional and stock exchange broker. Talked to him quite a while waiting our mutual friend to show up and found him...er...extremely boring. I asked him why he chose that field and he replied that it was because that choice was safe and provided something to him (I personally think that 'something' was a control freak trying to take over the life itself). I was so bored up to my teeth. When do people realize that there is more to life than money, position and 'being professional'?

I admire people with intellect and have found so few in those circles mentioned by OP. Good luck! You are going to need it.

EDIT:// Does someone really find meaning in people who can..."pay mortgages and holidays". Sounds so Victorian, somehow.

Edited by onni4me
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Hello all

I introduced myself to this about perhaps two years ago and I was then away from Thailand on secondment so never really followed up much.

Thailand is definitely known (whether true or not) by expats outside Thailand as a country for those who wish to come to have fun rather than to live. It has always been known as a bit more difficult place in Asia to find young professional gay expats.

Just want to know a bit more people around really, please shout if you are out there!

Just wanted to be very clear that I am not insulting anyone who is not professional or not young. Just that I think we all need to know people of our similar lifestyle and age group from time to time. You will have similar issues and experience.


Well, you are being insulting. I am gay, professional and an ex-pat, but old!. But then, why should I want to bother with you?

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In my home country oje can call himself "professional" after the practical education is finished and the final theoretical and practical exams passed and the diploma has been received.

I have TWO diplomas, went through that procedure twice - electrician and motor mechanic, specialized in motorbikes and two-stroke engines.

So yeah, i am a double-professional.

According to my boyfriend i am gay as well, type "power queen".

However i am 34 years old and not rich enough to drive a Benz. So - do i qualify..?

Best regards.....


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SBK, don’t tell me you’re one of MY paparazziiiii too…hehe :D

Oii…don’t judge the book by its cover, sometimes the ending could surprise U….wink wink

To the OP, you definitely should move up the bracket, since Sbk is here now

No offense p’Sbk…just jooooking!!!! Haha

Ok I better go now, before Sbk using her poof poof wand on me :)

Best of Luck, Tim .....and all j/k from me about the brain DNA ofcourse


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Well, you are being insulting. I am gay, professional and an ex-pat, but old!. But then, why should I want to bother with you?

Ok, I just have to ask. Seriously? you are insulted because you are not in an age group that he finds attractive?

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Guys, many thanks for comments.

I am not sure why a few people are a bit harsh for my topic. I am surprised. People can generalise Thais here in many not so pleasant ways and that is acceptable. Some made comments on how the world should be more acceptance and understanding. Mine is just another post and I am not committing a crime.

It is sad to see that although many of you have been through tough times in your youth and in your home countries, but you have forgotten them all. It does not hurt to be a little nicer.

I am not doing a bf search and no matter how much some of you wanted it to be, it is not.

paulleddy - thanks for your correction. You are being most kind.

flightcrew - the last time I checked my passport, I am much younger than the age that you made up for me. I have just been told that I am 25-26. I think the point is that I do not appreciate your unauthorised disclosure and falsification of my personal information. I hope you understand.

onni4me - I noted your points. I simply wanted to hang out with people who I can relate to and I do not see why you took it in such a way that I have committed a crime. I have friends from all background and cultures but I simply wanted to know more of people who are under similar circumstances and issues. I believe we and you do as well. You need someone who can understand the concern and issues around you and vice versa. This has nothing to do with who is better than others.

peaceblondie - your message also reminds me of what it is to be narrowed minded.

Navalator - You don't have to ask why you should want to bother with me, you of course don't have to. With your kind of expression, I don't think you want to. Do you think I want to bother with you anyway?

When I was away, I posted a similar thing on a similar website which is quite well known in the other two cities. I actually met some young professional expats who were based there and they come from different parts of the world. I met bankers, doctors, teachers and so on from Aus, UK, HK, Jap around my age and a few of them have become my friends.

I appreciate the comments that it is hard here to find what I wanted and that's why I said it would be to start with. There are fewer professionals here to start with.

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I agree with ijustwannateach - Bangkok is not as big a hub of "professional" industries as some of the other cities you have mentioned, and people may already be "old" by the time they made it through the corporate ranks and managed to be dispatched overseas. Just a friendly reminder that it might be futile, and not because old farts all want to date you?

As for myself, I'm 28, when I was young I thought I'd become a professional, but the truth is that I could've never become a professional, it's not in my blood, and then I realized it's not a way I would choose to live. So nope, I'm not in your social group :) God I need a sugar daddy in the mirror image of Navalator!

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Hi all,

I'm neither an expat based in Thailand nor an active member in this forum, or particularly this sub-forum. However, I always find this site the most informative and helpful by such valuable information members sharing around. Yet,at the same time I was stunned by how people overacted sometimes (and I believe that is somehow a feature from an open forum, sadly).Having said that, I think this topic is getting fired unnecessarily. The OP is simply taking his effort to look for his ideal friends selected from his stereotyped standards. And these standards somehow sadden some mates or simply they find OP's message silly or unrealistic (at least BKK context?). Guys, please! If you don't think it's for you or for your good, you can just ignore it. Painless choice.

@OP: I don't know whether you're getting upset by previous responses, but it proves how people think towards your input, at least. However, as long as you have replies, it shows that there are still people having concern on your issue and even taking time to response. It may not be good, but it's not bad either. Better than having no reply indeed.

@flightcrew1: It's always my truly high respect and appreciation for what you have contributed to this forum (espiecially airlines information which I found them most helpful). However, in my humble opinion, you and the OP may have had unsettled issue in the past and this obviously affected your post. I believe, as many others here, that personal disclosure is not a good way to keep it go on. Being a gentle and kind person (as I always think about you), you would defintely have a better way to crack this down. I do think so. Also, I hope you are not getting irritated by what I've written so far. Waiting for your coming smart, yet informative posts (airlines sharing, I love it!)

Last but not least, good luck to the OP. But it's like you already had a wake-up call to think twice before taking any serious relationship.


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kevin, thank you for your input, as you say, disclosing personal information is not a good way to go on, and in fact, is against forum rules. So, I shall ask that the rules be re-read with these specifically in mind:

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.

19) Not to post other members' personal details, photos or web site details. Doing so will result in an instant ban.

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Hi all,

@flightcrew1: It's always my truly high respect and appreciation for what you have contributed to this forum (espiecially airlines information which I found them most helpful). However, in my humble opinion, you and the OP may have had unsettled issue in the past and this obviously affected your post. I believe, as many others here, that personal disclosure is not a good way to keep it go on. Being a gentle and kind person (as I always think about you), you would defintely have a better way to crack this down. I do think so. Also, I hope you are not getting irritated by what I've written so far. Waiting for your coming smart, yet informative posts (airlines sharing, I love it!)

Thanks Kevindk for the wake up call! Your correct! I was getting irritated because I felt it was a rehash of 2 years ago and felt no matter who Timothy met, he would not follow through!

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