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Smokers On Baht Buses


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There are about 80.000 cars in Pattaya, about 1 Billion in the world.

If you see the fume from these shitty old baht-buses and from these big buses you want to stop breathing.

The modern way of live in western societies like US and Europe did blow so much CO2 in the athmosphere, that the world temperature does change very fast. They are burning the last jungles down to make more fuel for vehicles.

They make billions of people addicted to nicotine just to make big and save profit (nicotine addiction is a real severe one - not just a kind of habit).

So if you want to help to improve air-quality. please start to walk, never use fuel consuming units (like cars, baht -buses, airplanes, airconditions, light (electric ). And if you will do this, we will continue this discussion ....

No, I dont smoke (anymore). I was luckily able to stop it after 30 years. But I cant stand these intolerant behaviour of non-smokers !

If you really want to to help, start fighting against these crazy kind of modern living, we (mostly) all participate in (see above) and start to change you own (possibly) wrong behaviour !

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There are about 80.000 cars in Pattaya, about 1 Billion in the world.

If you see the fume from these shitty old baht-buses and from these big buses you want to stop breathing.

The modern way of live in western societies like US and Europe did blow so much CO2 in the athmosphere, that the world temperature does change very fast. They are burning the last jungles down to make more fuel for vehicles.

They make billions of people addicted to nicotine just to make big and save profit (nicotine addiction is a real severe one - not just a kind of habit).

So if you want to help to improve air-quality. please start to walk, never use fuel consuming units (like cars, baht -buses, airplanes, airconditions, light (electric ). And if you will do this, we will continue this discussion ....

No, I dont smoke (anymore). I was luckily able to stop it after 30 years. But I cant stand these intolerant behaviour of non-smokers !

If you really want to to help, start fighting against these crazy kind of modern living, we (mostly) all participate in (see above) and start to change you own (possibly) wrong behaviour !

You've completely missed the point. When I'm pissed that someone is blowing smoke or ash in my face it has absolutely nothing to do with Pattaya's (or the world's) air quality. It's purely a matter of personal comfort for me in my little corner of the universe. Dissipated air pollution is a lot easier to handle.

I have a very direct approach if someone is blowing smoke or ash in my face. I politely (first time) request that they stop doing it. If they don't, I'm not so polite the second time.

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So if you want to help to improve air-quality. please start to walk, never use fuel consuming units (like cars, baht -buses, airplanes, airconditions, light (electric ). And if you will do this, we will continue this discussion ....

I walk when I can within reason but it is absurdly unrealistic to expect people not to use motorized transport in a city the size of Pattaya metro area.

Here in Blighty,

This ain't Blighty. Do they have baht buses there? No? Well then ...

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As a man who likes his chish and fips (with or without a gratuitous beer), I've always, perhaps mistakenly, put you in the anglophile bracket. I thought, therefore, you might have an appreciation of things "Blighty".

Nevertheless, there's a real point: that people who whinge about smoking will whinge about it wherever it occurs. Your puritanical streak, as manifested in this thread, is redolent of your Blighty-based forbears who made that voyage so many years ago.

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I am a Yank and my "forbears" were about as non-Anglo as you could possibly imagine! Also, you've got me wrong. Don't care what people do to THEMSELVES. Do care that they harm others.

Edited by Jingthing
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Don't care what people do to THEMSELVES. Do care that they harm others.

That's an interesting point. How far does one take the concept of what constitutes harm to others? Personally, I have very little time for many other members of the human race, and perceive their very existence as causing me distress and harm (either wittingly or not), but even I would not dare suggest that they should therefore be excluded.

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Second hand smoke kills and there is science to prove it. In one sense you are right, Americans are more advanced in understanding how dangerous second hand smoke from ciggies is than other nations. Culturally, smokers in the US are personas non grata. We sell the cancer sticks to the world though, a certain dark symmetry in that. We also sell a lot of military hardware but we don't want those used on us at home either.

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But you miss my point: life itself kills (please forgive the oxymoron). There are many more things to get wound up over than someone having a puff.

There are many "philia" in this world, one of the least worst being anglo.

Edited by Bird on the Wire
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Yeah, ya dam_n slobs! Quit smoking.

And brush your teeth and floss. Cause that yellow shit is caking up your snaggletooth chompers.

And wash your hands cause your fingers smell like a chimney and your clothes. Oi vey!

Can't you just live downwind of me -- forever? Like never come close and please don't smile whatever you do.

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Look at us all complaining about the passive smoke on a baht bus in Pattaya. Yet one would think the smoke and smog from other vehicles is far more of a health hazard.

Would you rather sit next to someone having a smoke, or be riding a scooter and have 10 trucks and baht buses blowing fumes all the way to your destination?

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Look at us all complaining about the passive smoke on a baht bus in Pattaya. Yet one would think the smoke and smog from other vehicles is far more of a health hazard.

Would you rather sit next to someone having a smoke, or be riding a scooter and have 10 trucks and baht buses blowing fumes all the way to your destination?

I would rather do something about both problems........but I would like to add that many places are allowing smokers to give cancer to non-smokers.

I was eating at Tequilla Reef........some foreigners starting smoking inside (even though they have a sitting area outside for smokers).

The staff did nothing about it and thought it was funny when I pointed out to them that people are not supposed to smoke inside.

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I'm a smoker and this really has nothing to do about the evils of smoking, it's just lack of consideration on the part of the smoker and bad manners.

Most smokers realise that breathing their 2nd hand smoke is unpleasant for other people, some are arrogant, ignorant and/or inconsiderate and just don't care.

I wonder if they'd like it if you farted in their face?

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I quite agree that in relation to other people, "some are arrogant, ignorant and/or inconsiderate and just don't care".

Seeing as uncle is so aware of others' feelings, yet is an admitted smoker, one must presume that he alerts the entire jangwat when he's about to spark up, just in case that someone within 2 yards might, 67 years later, develop "loong" cancer.

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I quite agree that in relation to other people, "some are arrogant, ignorant and/or inconsiderate and just don't care".

Seeing as uncle is so aware of others' feelings, yet is an admitted smoker, one must presume that he alerts the entire jangwat when he's about to spark up, just in case that someone within 2 yards might, 67 years later, develop "loong" cancer.

Are you for real?? There is no need to alert the whole Jungwat, just make sure others do not breathe in your smoke. No I think that this is you attempt at sarcasm, not a very good attempt.

In public areas I will move away and downwind from people unless they are smoking themselves. When in a market, I will not smoke as it is impossible to do so without my smoke annoying other people. In an area designated as a smoking area I will not move away. I would not sit in a Baht bus and smoke.

That is showing some consideration for others.

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The most fascinating and widely recognized health benefit of smoking is its ability to seemingly alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses, including anxiety and schizophrenia. According to an article published in 1995 in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, schizophrenics have much higher smoking rates than people with other mental illnesses, and appear to use it as a method of self-medicating. The article postulates that nicotine found in cigarettes reduces psychiatric, cognitive, sensory, and physical effects of schizophrenia, and also provides relief of common side effects from antipsychotic drugs.

The treatment of schizophrenia isn't the only positive effect that nicotine has on the brain. A series of very interesting studies from multiple academic sources confirms that the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease is surprisingly higher in non-smokers than in smokers.

So, if you guy's don't want our help - Go take another Baht Bus!!

Edited by joskydive
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The most fascinating and widely recognized health benefit of smoking is its ability to seemingly alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses, including anxiety and schizophrenia. According to an article published in 1995 in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, schizophrenics have much higher smoking rates than people with other mental illnesses, and appear to use it as a method of self-medicating. The article postulates that nicotine found in cigarettes reduces psychiatric, cognitive, sensory, and physical effects of schizophrenia, and also provides relief of common side effects from antipsychotic drugs.

The treatment of schizophrenia isn't the only positive effect that nicotine has on the brain. A series of very interesting studies from multiple academic sources confirms that the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease is surprisingly higher in non-smokers than in smokers.

So, if you guy's don't want our help - Go take another Baht Bus!!

Smoking may be good for schitzophrenia, but it makes your member soft and saggy.

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The most fascinating and widely recognized health benefit of smoking is its ability to seemingly alleviate symptoms of mental illnesses, including anxiety and schizophrenia. According to an article published in 1995 in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, schizophrenics have much higher smoking rates than people with other mental illnesses, and appear to use it as a method of self-medicating. The article postulates that nicotine found in cigarettes reduces psychiatric, cognitive, sensory, and physical effects of schizophrenia, and also provides relief of common side effects from antipsychotic drugs.

The treatment of schizophrenia isn't the only positive effect that nicotine has on the brain. A series of very interesting studies from multiple academic sources confirms that the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease is surprisingly higher in non-smokers than in smokers.

So, if you guy's don't want our help - Go take another Baht Bus!!

Smoking may be good for schitzophrenia, but it makes your member soft and saggy.

Sorry, wouldn't know about that since I don't have one but, yes, it is an anti-inflamatory aswell.

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But, you see, should someone develop loong cancer within the jangwat, they'll blame you: the smoker.

I think your signature speaks volumes.

If you have a problem with the content of my posts, please make yourself clear what the problem is instead of posting your snide comments.

Are you attacking me because I am a smoker?

I don't need other people to point out that it's a bad habit/addiction, but at least I do my best not to allow my addiction to inconvenience others. Is there something wrong with that?

Jingthing, I was responding to your OP and JRTexas, who had to suffer because of the lack of consideration of people smoking in a restaurant.

Smokers are well aware that other people rightly object to breathing their smoke, yet some are selfish enough not to care. It is possible that a smoker on a baht bus may consider that he is "outside", but there is no possible excuse for smoking inside a restaurant.

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I have noticed an increase of rude smoking behavior on baht buses.

While I do believe it is technically not allowed to smoke on baht buses, this is not enforced.

A baht bus is not the great outdoors. It is people crammed together in close quarters. Not only is smoke passed, but burning embers as well. Stop it. You know who you are ...

This is an outrage

You should insist on a reduction of the fare, for this heinous crime.

Or some reduced fare vouchers from the driver.

To be used on any baht bus in pattaya.

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Yeah they are open air. Would you mind if I take an asparagus piss in there while you are riding? They are open air. You could always get off ...

Thanks for the comments from the considerate smokers. We all have vices. I am addicted to coffee but I don't spit coffee I have swirled around my mouth at passing strangers, unless they ask.

Ohhhhhhhh Jingthing.. You're hilarious :)

As to the smoking in Baht buses, I am a Non smoker. I don't mind other smokers but smoking in a baht bus where the smoke (and other hot lit particles) are blowing into someones face is just unacceptable. I don't use the baht buses so haven't seen this happen myself but I would not be very happy if it happened to me. My boyfriend is a smoker and before now when we have been sat near a fan, a burning piece of his cigarette has blown onto me and burnt me. The same thing could happen in a baht bus but enter someone's eye. Very dangerous.

Unfortunately there are some very inconsiderate people in this world who couldn't care less what other people think.

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I'd imagine if Barry Obama went to Pattaya and was tooling around in a baht bus, he wouldn't hesitate to light up.

Interesting obsession, mate.

I wouldn't be surprised if he is still a stealth smoker, but the funny reality (which I don't agree with) is that if he had presented himself as an open, shameless smoker he would have had a much harder time being elected.

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jinthing, there is always something bothering you, i agree about the baht bus and smokers but jai yen yen. spend 10 baht and take another songtaw, keeping your lungs clean, instead of crying about it or showing your man enough to take it and refusing to give in by getting off the bus. they can put that on your headstone after all the second hand smoke

i can see it now

" jingthing... what a man.... he showed them and took the second hand smoke along with the evil eye"

enjoy your life in pattaya and dont let "everything" get you down the good outweighs the bad

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Its a public transport, smoking is allowed (or at least tolerated by the drivers), so get used to it, or hire your own Bahtbus, drive a bike or buy a car.

How much is the price of the ride at the moment? still 5 Baht?

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