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Tt&t Crapped Out Again


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I have a Maxnet Premier 2 MBit, which ususally runs fine. However during the last week I lost connection toally (ususally over the weekend). Sitting the entire internet without internet access is very annoying, usually get connected again Monday afternoon.

I am looking now for an alternative. Anybody using True 8MB now? Is is available also on TT&T phone lines or do you have to switch over to True completely?

I could also subscribe to BTV Cable Net.....but got no idea how P2P (Torrent) would work on there.


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DNS Addresses:

TT&T Primary DNS: 

TT&T Secondary DNS:

TOT Primary DNS: Supercyber/Silvercyber = (Goldcyber =

TOT Secondary DNS: Supercyber/Silvercyber = (Goldcyber =

Forget about these - DNS provided by Thai providers is notoriously flaky. Use OpenDNS instead - details at www.opendns.com

Thanks Phil,

the open dns link is the <deleted>!!!!!!! my connection via phone modem is way better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again!

Barry :)

Shat is "<deleted>" about it? There have been reports that TT&T Maxnet's cheap domestic usage package (can't remember the name) blocks access to external DNS, maybe that's your problem. Works fine for me and many others here... Besides, changing DNS doesn't change your line, has nothing to do with using a phone modem.

Whatever open dns is doing my connection on any modem seems to work great quicker & not dropping!

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My recent run in with them:

Our net goes out so we call them. They inform us that we are late on a bill and must pay it. They are unable to tell us what months bill we are late on, which makes no sense at all. I also know we are not late.

So my lady yaps them about this and they have us do the typical restart the router and put the blame on us. They then say that an "engineer" will call us.

The "engineer" finally calls us the next day to inform us that the, and I quote, "number one cablen is kha-put" and that all TT&T was down. I couldn't argue with the man and neither could my lady as this could happen. He then tells us they are working on the lines and they will call us when our service is restored.

Another day passes. Nothing. I foolishly think they are working on something big.

Yet another day goes by and something started to feel off. Even if the #1 cable was down, it would be fixed by now. My lady calls the main office and asks them if the cable is fixed. They had no idea what she was talking about and told her that there was never any such problem and that our service was off due to non payment in February.

At this point I am seeing red as blood was filling my eye sockets. My girlfriend found the paid bill from February and called them back. They told her it was too late and she would have to go to the Carrefour office tomorrow to show them.

The next day, she went to the office, showed the bill, yapped a little bit and the service was on within an hour.


If the first money on the phone would have said what month, it would have been resolved. Then some uber-monkey flat out lies to us about a cable being down, only to find out THEY messed up in billing and didn't credit us for a bill we already paid 3 months before YET the first time we heard about it was May!

So I called to have CAT installed. I'm going to have two connections now, perhaps between the two of them I can stay online 80% of the time. I make my living online so I need to be up and running as much as possible. It is my own fault for not having a back up line in place years ago. Live and learn.

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As I said before, beware when you're letting one of Maxnet's guys use your bathroom

The last THREE times a male Thai was in my house who was working on or delivering something, those same nights we had attempted break-ins.

I think the bottom line is, unless your life or job depends on it, don't let them in your house period.

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My recent run in with them:

Our net goes out so we call them. They inform us that we are late on a bill and must pay it. They are unable to tell us what months bill we are late on, which makes no sense at all. I also know we are not late.

So my lady yaps them about this and they have us do the typical restart the router and put the blame on us. They then say that an "engineer" will call us.

The "engineer" finally calls us the next day to inform us that the, and I quote, "number one cablen is kha-put" and that all TT&T was down. I couldn't argue with the man and neither could my lady as this could happen. He then tells us they are working on the lines and they will call us when our service is restored.

Another day passes. Nothing. I foolishly think they are working on something big.

Yet another day goes by and something started to feel off. Even if the #1 cable was down, it would be fixed by now. My lady calls the main office and asks them if the cable is fixed. They had no idea what she was talking about and told her that there was never any such problem and that our service was off due to non payment in February.

At this point I am seeing red as blood was filling my eye sockets. My girlfriend found the paid bill from February and called them back. They told her it was too late and she would have to go to the Carrefour office tomorrow to show them.

The next day, she went to the office, showed the bill, yapped a little bit and the service was on within an hour.


If the first money on the phone would have said what month, it would have been resolved. Then some uber-monkey flat out lies to us about a cable being down, only to find out THEY messed up in billing and didn't credit us for a bill we already paid 3 months before YET the first time we heard about it was May!

So I called to have CAT installed. I'm going to have two connections now, perhaps between the two of them I can stay online 80% of the time. I make my living online so I need to be up and running as much as possible. It is my own fault for not having a back up line in place years ago. Live and learn.

Sounds like a nightmare!

Its a good idea to get a back up (I have TOT as a spare) as MaxNet seem to have a habit of putting the blame on the customer.

Not too impressed with their Customer Service.

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Sounds like a nightmare!

Its a good idea to get a back up (I have TOT as a spare) as MaxNet seem to have a habit of putting the blame on the customer.

Not too impressed with their Customer Service.

It was a pain in the butt. And truth be told, I can understand billing mix ups, it happens, no big deal. But what really got the blood squirting from my ears was 1st the phone girl too lazy to look and tell us what month we were late, and 2nd, the flat out lie from the guy who said the cable was down.

Had they just shot me straight to begin with, it really would not have been such a big deal.

And yes, shame on me for not having a back up all the while. A lesson learned.

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I got the same problems...outages over the weekend, nobody cares, no telephone, no internet.

Calling them, yaya engineer will call you...bla bla....please restart modem....(did that 1000x times), install bu cd (I have a wlan network running, brigde the modem/router, but no need to explain this to them as they won't understand it anyway).

I have enough of Maxnet now. We are BTV subscriber, so what about their internet? Is there any chance to get the internet without a fixed phone line (which I never need)?

How about True? How are the experiences so far in Pattaya? I doubt you'll ever reach 8 MBit, but I am really more after reliablility than speed.

I have to admit that for more than 2 yrs I was ver satisfied with Maxmet, but recently their service is heading way south.


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I got the same problems...outages over the weekend, nobody cares, no telephone, no internet.

Calling them, yaya engineer will call you...bla bla....please restart modem....(did that 1000x times), install bu cd (I have a wlan network running, brigde the modem/router, but no need to explain this to them as they won't understand it anyway).

I have enough of Maxnet now. We are BTV subscriber, so what about their internet? Is there any chance to get the internet without a fixed phone line (which I never need)?

How about True? How are the experiences so far in Pattaya? I doubt you'll ever reach 8 MBit, but I am really more after reliablility than speed.

I have to admit that for more than 2 yrs I was ver satisfied with Maxmet, but recently their service is heading way south.


Well I signed up to the 2 MB Premier service last week on the basis that anything must be better and cheaper than IPStar.

And it is - much better and much cheaper. (1.7MB d/l vs 100-300; 1.1K Baht Vs 4.4K Bht)

Yes, it dropped for about an hour on Sunday evening, and I switched to my GPRS until it came back.

Time will tell if I get mega pissed off, but so far it is a dream compared to IPStar. I can finally watch my Multichoice Satellite TV without constant internet outages, and wonder upon wonder, I can finally stream videos. I'm in 7th heaven. :)

I know it probably won't help me much, but I cannot find a number for a TT@ T engineer in my papers. Can anyone enlighten me?


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I got the same problems...outages over the weekend, nobody cares, no telephone, no internet.

Calling them, yaya engineer will call you...bla bla....please restart modem....(did that 1000x times), install bu cd (I have a wlan network running, brigde the modem/router, but no need to explain this to them as they won't understand it anyway).

I have enough of Maxnet now. We are BTV subscriber, so what about their internet? Is there any chance to get the internet without a fixed phone line (which I never need)?

How about True? How are the experiences so far in Pattaya? I doubt you'll ever reach 8 MBit, but I am really more after reliablility than speed.

I have to admit that for more than 2 yrs I was ver satisfied with Maxmet, but recently their service is heading way south.


Well I signed up to the 2 MB Premier service last week on the basis that anything must be better and cheaper than IPStar.

And it is - much better and much cheaper. (1.7MB d/l vs 100-300; 1.1K Baht Vs 4.4K Bht)

Yes, it dropped for about an hour on Sunday evening, and I switched to my GPRS until it came back.

Time will tell if I get mega pissed off, but so far it is a dream compared to IPStar. I can finally watch my Multichoice Satellite TV without constant internet outages, and wonder upon wonder, I can finally stream videos. I'm in 7th heaven. :)

I know it probably won't help me much, but I cannot find a number for a TT@ T engineer in my papers. Can anyone enlighten me?


Oh dear, I stayed in the Maprachan area 2 yrs ago, with IP Star....and I would comment, that even an analog modem is superior to IP Star. I think the drop outs are concerned with the cabling in my area, but it is annoying as they would never tell you the truth. I contacted CAT now, but they have to check whether they cover my area. Their lines apparently end about 300 m before my home....:-( Let's see.

Good luck with the Premier Package, when it's up an running, it does a good job indeed!


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Oh dear, I stayed in the Maprachan area 2 yrs ago, with IP Star....and I would comment, that even an analog modem is superior to IP Star. I think the drop outs are concerned with the cabling in my area, but it is annoying as they would never tell you the truth. I contacted CAT now, but they have to check whether they cover my area. Their lines apparently end about 300 m before my home....:-( Let's see.

Good luck with the Premier Package, when it's up an running, it does a good job indeed!


My joy and elation is short lived.

MY ADSL has been down since around 6.30 p.m.

Anyone else have a similar problem?

Also can anyone please give me the number to call the engineer? I know it probably won't do any good, but I have to call someone.

Thanks :)

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Today we had trouble with TOT at the office. Apart from restarting the router 3 times today (has become a routine, but tomorrow is the day I smash it against the wall and jump on its remains....), we couldn't reach our SMTP server anymore. All other internet worked...then by and by webpages came back with 404.

Pinged the smtp server. Got a time-out back, but also its IP address. The IP address pinged normally. Let the wife call TOT, NO PROBLEM on their side. While she is on the phone, a friend of mine from Laem Chabang calls, asking if he can come over with his laptop as some urgent e-mails got stuck in his outbox...

Reminds me of "Flakes" by Zappa:

We are millions 'n' millions

We're coming to get you

We're protected by unions

So don't let it upset you

Can't escape the conclusion

It's probably God's Will

That civilization

Will grind to a standstill

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Today we had trouble with TOT at the office. Apart from restarting the router 3 times today (has become a routine, but tomorrow is the day I smash it against the wall and jump on its remains....), we couldn't reach our SMTP server anymore. All other internet worked...then by and by webpages came back with 404.

Pinged the smtp server. Got a time-out back, but also its IP address. The IP address pinged normally. Let the wife call TOT, NO PROBLEM on their side. While she is on the phone, a friend of mine from Laem Chabang calls, asking if he can come over with his laptop as some urgent e-mails got stuck in his outbox...

Reminds me of "Flakes" by Zappa:

We are millions 'n' millions

We're coming to get you

We're protected by unions

So don't let it upset you

Can't escape the conclusion

It's probably God's Will

That civilization

Will grind to a standstill

You probably already use opendns, so not much more to do but keep after ToT, TT&T, CAT, and maxnet as the sometimes enablers and oft times destroyers of electrical communication in this country.

I have called and complained often, my strongest suggestion is NOT to let their massively incompetent "engineers" near your gear.

Remember that any science beyond the understanding of a people will be considered magic. I assure you they chant and throw chicken bones at their servers.


Edited by kdf
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My joy and elation is short lived.

MY ADSL has been down since around 6.30 p.m.

Anyone else have a similar problem?

Also can anyone please give me the number to call the engineer? I know it probably won't do any good, but I have to call someone.

Thanks :)

FWIW TT&T has had no problems here in Nongprue (near Croc farm) anytime recently. When it occationally goes down (avg once a month or so) the old reset usually does the trick, i.e. unplug the power to the modem, wait a second or two, then plug it in again.

The TT&T helpdesk is 1103 btw.

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My joy and elation is short lived.

MY ADSL has been down since around 6.30 p.m.

Anyone else have a similar problem?

Also can anyone please give me the number to call the engineer? I know it probably won't do any good, but I have to call someone.

Thanks :)

Same over here.

Actually the whole ADSL signal disappeared, so I quickly checked that there was still phone signal, fearing they stole a piece on main cable again!

Fortunately there was still a dial tone.

Don't know when it came on again, but it's working again this morning.

For this kind of problem might be several reasons. We are actually hooked up to a micro DSLAM, a box hanging in an electricity pole. The DSLAM is fed electricity by a small meter underneath.

Any power problem will give the exact result we had, good dial tone, absolutely no ADSL signal.

Those micro DSLAM's allow us to get fast ADSL in remote locations, but the trade of is that if there are problems, it might take a while to get online again, as there is a fair chance an engineer will have to drive up to the box and get it going again.

As opposed to the big DSLAM's in the city, located at the phone exchange, with most likely technicians permanently present, and with most likely some proper power back up in the form of UPS assisted with a generator for longer power cuts.

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It came on again around 1 a.m.

Most annoying, as although I have a GPRS backup, I was looking forward to an evening of high-speed internet access to do a load of things on my new laptop.

Such is life!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Forget about these - DNS provided by Thai providers is notoriously flaky. Use OpenDNS instead - details at www.opendns.com

Phil, help please.

My TT& T connection was getting increasingly flaky - adsl flashing but connection kept dropping out. So yesterday I went to the "opendns.com" site and reset my router for the new dns addresses.

I have a DLInk router, model 2640T , and on the DNS screen I have 3 options:

"use auto discovered DNS server only"

"use user discovered DNS server only"

"Disable DNS relay"

Under the first option I cannot change the DNS server address.

Under these second Option I could change the DNS address to the two quoted on the opendns.com web page, for DLInk routers. So I did so.

I clicked "enable" and everything was fine.

The only problem is that every time I reboot my PC, the DNS addresses default back to the TT@T DNS servers. I can't seem to make the change permanent, even though I click enable.

Any idea how to do this? Maybe there is something else I have to do?

Thanks. :)

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Normally with the D-links you have save the settings, otherwise they're gone the next reboot. In my d-link it's under tools and system commands...


My DNS screen looks like this:


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Normally with the D-links you have save the settings, otherwise they're gone the next reboot. In my d-link it's under tools and system commands...


My DNS screen looks like this:


Thanks Monty.

The website just tells you to click "apply", nothing about going into the tools menu and saving the settings.

My screen is a bit different to yours but I've found it, and saved and rebooted.

Should be Ok Now. :)

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Another question.

An earlier post suggested down loading a patch which:

"will increase your half-open TCP connection limit from 10 to 50."

What effect does this have on your internet connection? Better speed?, more stable?

If it is of benefit, presumably you need to take the same action on all computers connected to that adsl?

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Just for the records, a TT&T sales girl came to our office the other day as I am thinking of getting rid of TOT as they are even worse. I was not in, but the secretary gave her a print-out of this thread and asked her for a quotation. The TT&T lady left that paper with the different packages and prices with the secretary.

A week later, she comes back, with a re-enforcement of two more sales girls. I asked her if she read the print-out...no, but she gave it to her boss. ok. Sales girl was under the impression that I will just sign whatever contract and job is done, but I quizzed her a bit about the different packages and she had NO CLUE what to answer other than "biz" is for business and "cafe" for internet cafes. She promised to send over someone with more knowledge.

Two days later we are informed that there is no line available for us. :)

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I have spoken to the senior engineer at TT&T today who informed me that the dark side is in the process of getting a new fiber optic link that will split the current load, the time scale is 2 weeks for completion. He showed me the map and the nodes that would be helped and it is most of the nodes on the East side of Pattaya.

I know him through a friend so he has no real reason to lie, but as we all know things don't always go to plan, however lets hope this does as the service is very intermitant for many out here at the moment.

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Today, we had the TOT sales team in the office. They came with a bunch of technicians that had a look at the connection speed and tested the cables.

the sales team got pretty much the same rap the TT&T guys got, but came up with an interesting proposal: I will get for a week a 4 Mbit line for free for testing. If I'm happy with the service I can keep it. I'm not yet sure about the price, had the feeling they were not sure either.

Test starts tomorrow, will report back.

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I have spoken to the senior engineer at TT&T today who informed me that the dark side is in the process of getting a new fiber optic link that will split the current load, the time scale is 2 weeks for completion. He showed me the map and the nodes that would be helped and it is most of the nodes on the East side of Pattaya.

I know him through a friend so he has no real reason to lie, but as we all know things don't always go to plan, however lets hope this does as the service is very intermitant for many out here at the moment.

I had no banking connection with OZ for a month, so got a Tech in from Wattana and he rang TT&T Max-net while he was on my computer. They said I was paying for Indy up to 4Mb that covers the local area only?

He had to reset the server for OVERSEAS, works fine now and very fast.

For your info and action.

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I have a CRAP TOT connection for years because I can't get another provider in my area.In fact my modem disconnects from the dslam several times an hour during all day.The biggest error is between 10.30 am and 2 pm when it will disconnect about 18 times.Sometimes for a minute sometimes for 30 minutes.Of course the problem was my modem so I bought a new modem which gave the same problem.So because the problem was still my modem for sure they provided me with one of their test modems.

So after 2 days they came back and I showed them the modem log and the connection dropped right at the time that they were at my house.So they said we will come back tomorrow with the boss and left without their modem.Didn't see them again for a few months but the problem still same.After 3 months or something I got a call that they needed back their modem.Yeah right,I don't have your modem mate.

This week I managed to get them back at my house.This time they said the problem was the connecting line between my modem and their box outside the house.So they connected a new wire from their own to test for 1 day.Next day they came back to find that the same problem still was there.

They rolled up their wire again and were ready to leave when I asked them what they gonna do about the problem.

They answered me:we will speak technician. :)

Haven't seen them since.

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I have a CRAP TOT connection for years because I can't get another provider in my area.In fact my modem disconnects from the dslam several times an hour during all day.The biggest error is between 10.30 am and 2 pm when it will disconnect about 18 times.Sometimes for a minute sometimes for 30 minutes.Of course the problem was my modem so I bought a new modem which gave the same problem.So because the problem was still my modem for sure they provided me with one of their test modems.

So after 2 days they came back and I showed them the modem log and the connection dropped right at the time that they were at my house.So they said we will come back tomorrow with the boss and left without their modem.Didn't see them again for a few months but the problem still same.After 3 months or something I got a call that they needed back their modem.Yeah right,I don't have your modem mate.

This week I managed to get them back at my house.This time they said the problem was the connecting line between my modem and their box outside the house.So they connected a new wire from their own to test for 1 day.Next day they came back to find that the same problem still was there.

They rolled up their wire again and were ready to leave when I asked them what they gonna do about the problem.

They answered me:we will speak technician. :)

Haven't seen them since.

:D sounds all so familiar! What I did in similar situations, I asked them to speak to the technician by myself from MY mobile, so I can keep his number just in case. If it goes as far as in your case, I would ask them to have a meeting with the field engineers, the "technician" and whoever else. Worked always fine with me and the time invested is well worth it, especially if you run a business and NEED internet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am sure on one of the posts in the Pataya forum someone gave a link to a piece of free software that would monitor your routers connection speed Signal to Noise Ratio and attenuation. If any one has this link could you please PM me.

Thanks in adavance.

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