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How's The Ebay Scene Here Now?

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I haven't done this before here, used to do it back home and made okay but it seemed too much work for small profit margins because Ebay was taking listing fees and then Paypal. I heard there are too many people doing it from here last I checked. Not talking about counterfeit goods here, but rather small unique market style items perhaps. Would there also be other issues such as shipping, legal, etc? How's the scene here for that now?

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I haven't done this before here, used to do it back home and made okay but it seemed too much work for small profit margins because Ebay was taking listing fees and then Paypal. I heard there are too many people doing it from here last I checked. Not talking about counterfeit goods here, but rather small unique market style items perhaps. Would there also be other issues such as shipping, legal, etc? How's the scene here for that now?

The problem here is getting the business and then profit margins, the ubiquitous market item stalls have been done to death and of course there's a general slump in demand anyway, you'd have to find something truly unique and inexpensive too to do really well. Depending which market you sell to you might find exchange rates rather crippling too. Ebay has also made it very difficult to conduct single item business and you'd have to approach this in wholesale fashion.

Yes big brand names are a real no, no, and then another no.

The PO side is surprisingly good, the only difficulty is that lower ratings are inevitable, and this can lead to suspension. So you have to post out quickly and never argue with customers.

There is a living to be had but it is hard graft, but I'd assume that things will get better.

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