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On behalf of the admins, moderators and members of ThaiVisa - Photography and the Arts Forum, please introduce yourself to the forum. Join in our discussions, perhaps, even create your own thread. :D

Cameras, lens, filters that you could be 'Flash' about (pun was in there btw) that you use together with the type of software should you wish to tell us about.

We are all here to learn no matter the skill level. :D

Don't be intimidated by others' images nor their comments, since they too put their pants on one leg at a time. :D

Thanking you, :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :)

  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi, it says to introduce yourself, so here goes. An American from the Washington, D.C. area, who has just moved here on a retirement visa (well, tha's in the process). Retired educational administrator and former science teacher. Photographically, now use a Canon D50.


  • 3 months later...

Hi, Guys,

My name is Russ and I am from Americas. Photography has been my passion for many years. From the early range-finder 35 days, through the Nikon reflex days and now third genertation Canon digital explosion. All good, all fun. Now, with film and cost irellevent, no end to pulling the trigger. I had to leave my studio lights behind and I do miss them but my subject matter makes up for all that loss. Down to two bodies and three lens now for space and weight as I travel Asia. Check out my site, www.bellagrego.mysite.com I have done my best to edit to within the percieved limitations of self-imposed guidelines by this forum and it's moderators. There is and always has been much debate over the feminine form and it's renderings. From Michaelangelo and Rubens to "The age of innocence".



Nio, from USA originally, been in Thailand about 6 years now. I have a hobby photo site [visualthailand.com] which has evolved over the past 1.5 years from just photos, to photos, videos, stories, travel reviews, Classifieds, and many other things. It is a 100% free website with no advertising. I started this hobby when I found I was constantly taking photos every where I went and decided to find a place for them. The website has evolved from requests mostly from tourists wishing to come to Thailand for the first time and not wanting to get screwed, so I try to provide real photos, real info and real review.

Ok, honestly I took most of the photos on my website with a Sony pocket digital camera. I later evolved to a Sony H50 for the zoom. I am not a photographer and have no idea now to use a DSLR even though I received one as a gift (Olympus E-300 Evolt) with some nice lenses, but never had a clue how to use it and I guess no patience after getting frustrated with blurry or over/under delevoped attempts at photos.

Hopefully I will have a chance to meet some of you and get some pointers on using a real camera.


Nio, from USA originally, been in Thailand about 6 years now. I have a hobby photo site [visualthailand.com] which has evolved over the past 1.5 years from just photos, to photos, videos, stories, travel reviews, Classifieds, and many other things. It is a 100% free website with no advertising. I started this hobby when I found I was constantly taking photos every where I went and decided to find a place for them. The website has evolved from requests mostly from tourists wishing to come to Thailand for the first time and not wanting to get screwed, so I try to provide real photos, real info and real review.

Ok, honestly I took most of the photos on my website with a Sony pocket digital camera. I later evolved to a Sony H50 for the zoom. I am not a photographer and have no idea now to use a DSLR even though I received one as a gift (Olympus E-300 Evolt) with some nice lenses, but never had a clue how to use it and I guess no patience after getting frustrated with blurry or over/under delevoped attempts at photos.

Hopefully I will have a chance to meet some of you and get some pointers on using a real camera.


Hi Nio,

Welcome to ThaiVisa and this fourm. :)

Joined you on your site, have not really had a look at you photos yet, but will do when time is allowed and please post your questions on our forum re:-

I am not a photographer and have no idea now to use a DSLR even though I received one as a gift (Olympus E-300 Evolt) with some nice lenses, but never had a clue how to use it and I guess no patience after getting frustrated with blurry or over/under delevoped attempts at photos.

Hopefully I will have a chance to meet some of you and get some pointers on using a real camera.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

P.S. Let me start you off then :D

Ok, honestly I took most of the photos on my website with a Sony pocket digital camera. I later evolved to a Sony H50 for the zoom. I am not a photographer and have no idea now to use a DSLR even though I received one as a gift (Olympus E-300 Evolt) with some nice lenses, but never had a clue how to use it and I guess no patience after getting frustrated with blurry or over/under delevoped attempts at photos.

Hopefully I will have a chance to meet some of you and get some pointers on using a real camera.


Can you tell us where you live then someone may be able to meet up with you

and give you a few pointers.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,

Richard Crookes - digital/trad artist/illustrator with a specialism in western calligraphy. I visited Thailand recently to meet a long standing female friend here who is also an artist. Trying to find the best way to be able to live and work in Thailand.

I use photography a lot in my work but wouldn't call myself a photographer - I use a fuji 6900.

if anyone wants to see any work ... www.rcrux.com or myspace/rcrux

planning to return to TL in the new year for as long as i can manage


ok, this is my introduction,,,My name is Andy, I come from the highlands of scotland, im an electrition (rtrd),in 2001 i crashed my motorbike in scotland,after multiple oporations i came to thailand to settle on an "O"class visa, i am just about to return to the UK. to sell one of my houses so i can buy a small buissiness and stay on a work permit, at the moment i live in chai-yah-phum, but there is nothing for me to do here, i have built a house,baught land and a tractor, i grow rice and palm oil but this is still no life for me and my daughter isnt getting the education she needs.So thats me, oh and Hi all,,,


The old hands need to post here as well. So here goes.

My father was a keen photographer and I came to hate it, as I was his chief model.

Mind you the memories in the photos are good to look back on now. :)

In my early 20's I decided to take the plunge and bought an Exa 500 with 50mm lens,

later adding a 135mm and a 28mm. Black and white in those days and Dad did the D&P for me.

I upgraded to and Olympus OM-2 and added an OM-4 body later. One body for slides

and the other with colour print film loaded. Lenses 135mm and a 21mm.

The wide lens was super. I was stupid and left the camera bag in sight on the back seat of the car

in Malaysia and someone broke the window and stole it.

In 1990 I bought my first Canon EOS 600 with a 28-70mm zoom, adding a 70-200mm later.

That has been the basis for my photography for many years. I moved into the digital age

with a Canon 10D body and more recently traded that for the 40D.

I play around with post processing, but mainly it is just resizing and leveling.

Main subject areas are travel shots and people.


I bought my first DSLR two months ago and virtually all information with which I made my decisions on the purchase were from this forum. I have plans to upgrade my lenses as I can. MY first purchase is a Canon Kiss X3. I went grey to save a few bucks and bought the kit with the two entry zoom lenses I plan to purchase a couple of primes soon and a decent zoom later. I liked the weight of this particular model and decided to go cropped on my first purchase to save some money and give me some learning time before I jump off the deep end.


I have been living in Chiangmai province for the last 17 years now after retiring from the army at 40 in 1992 after 25 years service.

My father introduced me to photography when i was ten, as he developed and printed a B+W film in the kitchen at home. He was a dispensing chemist for Boots and during WW2 as an infantryman he took a few chemicals in his pack and developed his film when he could. Back home he built his own enlarger from wood and kept it in a cupboard under the stairs, then later when we moved, in the loft.

Upon joining the army at 15 I took one of his old cameras, a Foth-Darby 35mm, to my training in Carlisle for two years. Then my first posting was to Sharjah and i discovered the joys of buying by Hire Purchase and got several cameras from the NAAFI there. Several small 16mm minature cameras, I have forgotten the models now, and eventually my first SLR...a Pentax SL which I used with a seperate meter. This led to a long association with Pentax cameras, although later I came to realise that the lens quality and hence sharpness (a constant desire of mine) did not compare to the Nikon/Canon ranges.

I got well into processing and collected a huge amount of darkroom gear and was able to run the darkroom in many army units i was posted to and often was assigned the task of unit photographer. I never bothered with colour negative processing since I preferred slides and eventually got into the Cibachrome process by Ilford and had many of their special darkroom accessories for the printing. I also used a special slide duplicator and bulk copy film which i reloaded into special cassettes and made slide copies for one of the army units I was at.

My last posting before retirement from the army was HongKong. It was from there that I started to visit Thailand and decided to retire here. There were many good photo dealers in HK and some had excellent seconhand gear so my system grew out of all proportion and came to include medium format too.

Few things compare to a 6x7 transparency on Kodachrome 64 film.

I have always collected too many cameras, especially in my film days. We of little talent try to make up for it by looking for success in the 'right' equipment...knowing all along that it is the eye behind the lens which is all important ;-)

My film days were mostly Pentax equipment...which included : Pentax Spotmatic/SL/ES/ME/MX/LX/645/67 and several Pentax compact cameras including the little 110 set..... also Rolleicord Vb /Practica / Rollei 35....and finally Leica M6 with 35mm/50mm f1.0 Noctilux/135mm lenses....to be replaced by Canon EOS 5 with Tamron 28-200mm zoom..a beautiful combo. (this last was stolen when i stayed at a temple....and so for my own wedding I had no camera and therefore no photos...ironic!)

Now my wife and I carry compact Panasonics and we used the Fuji S7000 in our studio for several years. The Fuji 4800 and M603 were our first digitals and started our early studio off. I got the Olympus E-1 when they were much reduced in price and after looking for a replacement for the Fuji S7000 in the new S9500 which disappointed me because I got one of a bad batch, i eventually ended up with the new Fuji S100fs which has grown to be my favourite. I expected the Panasonic LX1 to be good but I seem to have got a bad one and even after repair it fails to meet my standards of sharpness.

My wife likes video so we got one of the first JVC Everio DVD cams with HDD 30GB storage...then when that was in for repair I got a Panasonic SD9 with HD capability and SD card storage.

I enjoy making videos of the Thai dancing in temples every year and have some on my Youtube account and Vimeo.






Hi all. Colin Martin, Aussie (Kalgoorlie), 58 years senile. Lived in Thailand 1991-2000 included in 42 years of roaming the world. The wife and I sold out of our businesses in China and returned to a new house in her village in Surin in 2008. It works for me, I have enough of mega-city living.

Had a box camera as a kid, a couple of SLR's and instamatics over the years, but never really got into it, probably because my life never had check in baggage. That's a regret, would love to do it all again with a good camera.

Bought a Canon S51S in February this year to start recording the wildlife around our property. Great little camera, but I quickly realized it was too limited for wildlife. Now have a Canon 50D with some excellent glass - both hopefully can be fully repaired after hitting the tiles recently. Working with RAW format has been a revelation. I use Picasa 3 software for quick sorting etc and the Canon software for post processing.

It has been a rapid learning curve and I work almost exclusively in the creative zone now, usually on full manual. There is so much more to learn. This forum has been a great asset and the more experienced and talented members are generous with their advice and knowledge.

I can now produce great thumbnails with the occasional, accidental quality pic.

  • 1 month later...

Hello to all photo-enthusiasts here.

My name is Bernd; I'm originally from Switzerland but now I live and work in Bangkok since about 10 years.

I started to develop my interest into photography when I was a child and my father showed me and my brother how to develop our own films in the darkroom. I still remember that as a child I was so disappointed when I saw that our first photo developing on the paper in the darkroom was just a B&W image without colors. I just would have liked to see photos representing a colorful world - and I never changed that preference.

I always liked to take photos of nearly anything with all kinds of equipment but I started to dive more deeply into my hobby in February 2008 when I bought a great camera (Nikon D300). I am excited to have started on an ever lasting journey of learning and discovery.

My equipment:

Nikon D300

Nikkor 50mm 1.4

Micro Nikkor 105mm 2.8 VR

Nikkor AF-S 300mm f/4

AF-S Nikkor 17-55mm 2.8 G ED DX

Tokina 12-24mm 4.0

For me nature is the finest artist there is...that's why I love taking pictures of nature's beauty. Whenever I can capture a good shot of nature's beauty, of flowers or animals I feel happy. My love for nature was given to my by my father who is a Microbiologist. I studied Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology and also in my professional life I'm working to a certain degree with nature. I never cease to be deeply fascinated by nature.

You can find a collection of my photos on Flickr.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, :)

My name is Nimira, I'm originally from Russia. Now I live in Koh Samui (already 2 years). Before Thailand I lived some months in Switzerland (Geneve).

I started to shoot 4 years ago.

I use Canon 20D, Canon lens 17-40mm, 70-200mm, Zenitar fish-eye, Zenit 50mm.

Some of my photos are here http://nimira.ru (you should use Mozilla Firefox or Opera, cause there may be some problems with opening pages in Internet Explorer).

  • 1 month later...

I have been living in Thailand for 13 years and post under the name of farangrakthai (but was a cat on this forum, a blue one, in another life) :) .

I use a canon 450D with mainly 4 lenses:

The kit lens that comes with the Canon 450D at the time I bought it, 17mm-55mm

A very cheap but very useful lens in low light, the 50mm f1.8

And well, 2 more expensive lenses, the 10-22mm and the 24-105mm from Canon.

Pictures are here http://www.flickr.com/photos/farangrakthai/ and in quite a few other places.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone,

My name is Locky and I'm originally from Australia.

I dabbled for a few years in Fashion and Wedding Photography.

I managed a Photo lab for a few years before moving to Thailand to live with my partner. We now have a little baby girl, who has launched a new area of Photography to explore and play with.

Before the birth of our child , I was a keen travel photographer, spending a bit of time traveling through Sth East Asia.

See my photos here

I shoot using a Nikon Digital SLR, which has proved its worth while on bumpy, dusty bus trips and long 3 day hikes through rainy mountains.

Also love my little compact Lumix LX3 which never leaves my side!

Hope to share any knowledge on cameras or techniques with the members here. :)

  • 1 month later...

Although I've posted so many photos on the other thaivisa forums I believe most folks already know me. I have a home in Duncan on Vancouver Island which is in BC, Canada. I sort of live there for about 7 months of the year when I'm not traveling. The other 5 months I center myself in Chiang Mai... when I'm not traveling around Thailand. I spent 40 years in the Forest Industry of BC, and I've been an outdoor writer and magazine illustrator forever (since 1957). I'm single and my first love is fly fishing, followed closely by photography, painting, illustrating, and generally anything in the way of the outdoors. I used to be an ardent hunter but I've kind of given that up the past few years. I just don't need the meat and I've collected all the trophies I'll ever need or want. I get most pleasure these days just helping other people enjoy life to the fullest. And, Thailand is a great place to do just that.

Most of my photos are somewhere within these two forum galleries. It's easy to tell my interests. Most of my pictures are my own, except for the funny ones to illustrate certain topics.




Introductions? Guess I should.

I'n a New Zealander living in Sydney (nothing unusual about that!) First visited Thailand in 1989 when I came to visit a Kiwi girl and her Thai boyfriend who I met in Sydney. Loved the place and always meant to come back.

Now I find myself married to a wonderful woman from Loei, visiting the village as often as possible and planning to retire there eventually.


I'm jamie aka saorsa. I live in Bangkok now when not working overseas/offshore building oil pipelines.

I always take a small camera when i go to work, but recently i have decided to get a DSLR and take things a bit more seriously. I am looking to get a Canon EOS 550D as I want to print some of my photos poster sized and it has 18MP res. I also have a Sony DSC-W270 which i just bought in Egypt and a full HD Sony camcorder.

I used to live with a graphic designer, so I know my way around photoshop, but mostly i use to create images for the web rather than enhancing photos. For photos, normally all I do is play with levels and curves.

I would say that currently I take more 'snapshots' than 'photographs', but hopefully that will improve.


  • 4 weeks later...

Hello users of graphic-software,

my name is Boris i am 27 years old i have studyd informatics with computergraphic.

beginning with information about computers through programming and net configurations i catched access to graphic software.

best programm for 3D is a with friendly user interface. 3d s Max is very super i tried gmax it has low possibilities but it is free.

i tried other 3d soft although cad. if you want good results try max.

i never wanted to do photorealistic 3d just graphic.

now me as a user of Mandriva linux (win xp just for internet) checked 3d graphic soft for that OS.

the best is blender just user interface is not for everyone. i found some info about Moonlight 3d Atelier it has also a differnt name

dont remember what it was. last versions were produced '98 '99 but they had nurbs. Moonlight 3d is = not = like Moonlight 3d Atelier.

first picture is a basic fast modell

+ must reboot because mmc did disapeard +

post-109614-098156200 1277914829_thumb.j

  • 5 weeks later...

Guess it is my turn.

I'm David O. Currently in Austin, Texas but I am 185 days from retirement and 186 days from the flight to Thailand. I'll be living in Chiang Mai at least for the first year while I study, and hopefully learn to speak, Thai.

I've been shooting since high school. Started with a 4x5 Speed Graphic and soon graduated to 35mm. I started shooting digital in 1999, while living in Saipan and haven't shot film since. I currently shoot a couple of Nikon D700s and love them.

If you would like some idea of what I shoot, you can take a look at my website.

Looking forward to meeting the Chiang Mai crowd when I get there.



Hi! My name is Jim....

I've been meaning to get some pics posted here for a long time! Finally got around to resizing some pics to add!

I've lived on Koh Samui, for about two years now, & in Thailand for nearly three years... where did that time go?

When not gardening, I generally out and about with camera in hand, looking for that perfect shot! Besides a Sony pocket camera, for which I have an under water casing, I have two Canons' D 30 & EOS 500D

  • 2 months later...

Hello, whilst I have used my father's Pentax 35mm SLR for many years I never really used it properly, so consider myself a keen novice.

For all intents and purposes moving on from a P&S to learning how to use my Olympus EP1 properly.

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