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Is It Time To Go Home


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TO Teacup

Didn't realize it was competition you are after on a simple posting. How unaspiring. I was simply pointing out events and needed improvements, right now the US might be ok, but as with everything in life nothing in life is stable and we as humans have very little control over much in life. My only real dream in that we see some actual improvement in the US. i dont know what mr Barak Obama can do in 4 years, but based on the mass amount of wealth division. Eventually in the US it will be your either poor or rich, the middle class is slow disappearing, wages have not realistically ever caught up with the actual cost of living. Health care in the US is a joke. Between the national debt of being more than 10 trillion and raising, plus social security debt. the only thing the US can do is raise taxes, spend less. American Auto industry is a joke they failed to innovate, only did they when gas prices where more than $4 dollars a gallon, to much reliance on SUV's, Trucks for profits. Between Bank Bailouts, Airlines Bailouts, Auto Bailouts, I woner who is next in line to come up and ask for a bailout. Anyway I'm logging off this topic I basically have a love - hate relationship with the US. Whenever I go home all I see are thugs who wear baggy pants who care more about thug culture and rap, disregard for anything and showing their butt cheeks and speaking ebonics ( note I have meet those who are educated, speak actual english, but their far few and inbetween )


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My reason for being here: An endless supply of Beautiful, Young Thai Ladies.

And if you are nice and honest to them and treat them with respect, they will not cost you hardly any money at all to have fun with. (oh, and don't let them know/think you have much money.)

I am 38 and handsome, but I still could not get the same age/beauty women back in the States. Even if I could, if people saw me with a 20 y.o. girl, society would frown on it.

And the beauty is that I know as I get older these lovely ladies will still be here.

These reasons alone are enough for me to put up with any problems (and there are not that many really) with living in Thailand.

I Skype with my mother and father everyday so I don't feel too far away from them. Also, I know that within the next 20 years my parents will pass and I will receive a good amount of inheritance and will be able to stop working. I fly home once a year to visit them too.

But, basically, the availability of women here is 100% my reason for being here.

Should you be talking about this now - even if it is inevitable?

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If you have kids in school and are at all interested in sending them to a school with a western style education, then it costs significantly more to live in Thailand than it would in the west.

Precisely why I'm preparing to go back in 2011.

I can imagine looking out of the window, again, at the driving rain.

Phoning a 'customer care' number and being put on hold.

Crossing the road to avoid a group of noisy, drunken youths lurching towards you.

Listening to a fat, twenty-something cow trying to attract the attention of her mate 'Trace' who's 100 yards away.

Spending another Saturday evening in an eight by eighteen feet garage as the outdoor Barbeque has been rained off.

Will I miss Thailand?

Edited by nanyang
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If you have kids in school and are at all interested in sending them to a school with a western style education, then it costs significantly more to live in Thailand than it would in the west.

Precisely why I'm preparing to go back in 2011.

I can imagine looking out of the window, again, at the driving rain.

Phoning a 'customer care' number and being put on hold.

Crossing the road to avoid a group of noisy, drunken youths lurching towards you.

Listening to a fat, twenty-something cow trying to attract the attention of her mate 'Trace' who's 100 yards away.

Spending another Saturday evening in an eight by eighteen feet garage as the outdoor Barbeque has been rained off.

Will I miss Thailand?

You know Tracey? :)

I agree with your post. :D

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The US gallon is 3.785 liters, does that help.

petrol slight cheaper but can't use real comparsion since in the US we use gallons and not liters

Why did the OP leave his own country in the first place, was it just a cost comparison?

You can live cheaply in Thailand if you try to live like a local, if you try to live with all your "western luxuries" it will cost you more.

I came to Thailand as on balance I thought it was better for me than living in the UK, yes some things get to me, police and officials corruption and Thai drivers for example but when I return to the UK there are even more things that get to me and I am always glad to come home, so again on balance I prefer Thailand.

I think the cost of living is really hurting some people but, in my case, that's due to the fall in value of the GBP rather than increased costs here. I think that that fall in purchasing power is making people question why they are here and looking at going back. I was drinking from a mate of mine from my embassy on Friday and he told me that he was aware that the fall in the GBP is affecting a lot of UK expats.

I for one will probably stay, but I will continue to keep my options open.

Edited by theoldgit
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TO Teacup

Didn't realize it was competition you are after on a simple posting. How unaspiring. I was simply pointing out events and needed improvements, right now the US might be ok, but as with everything in life nothing in life is stable and we as humans have very little control over much in life. My only real dream in that we see some actual improvement in the US. i dont know what mr Barak Obama can do in 4 years, but based on the mass amount of wealth division. Eventually in the US it will be your either poor or rich, the middle class is slow disappearing, wages have not realistically ever caught up with the actual cost of living. Health care in the US is a joke. Between the national debt of being more than 10 trillion and raising, plus social security debt. the only thing the US can do is raise taxes, spend less. American Auto industry is a joke they failed to innovate, only did they when gas prices where more than $4 dollars a gallon, to much reliance on SUV's, Trucks for profits. Between Bank Bailouts, Airlines Bailouts, Auto Bailouts, I woner who is next in line to come up and ask for a bailout. Anyway I'm logging off this topic I basically have a love - hate relationship with the US. Whenever I go home all I see are thugs who wear baggy pants who care more about thug culture and rap, disregard for anything and showing their butt cheeks and speaking ebonics ( note I have meet those who are educated, speak actual english, but their far few and inbetween )


Well you wouldn’t get many bad yap yap away about the US from ME here.

Well for me, multiculturalism is what makes the US great. If you are an american, you probably wouldn’t realize how lucky you are to be born and live in the country that full of opportunities and freedom. Not to mention, its location of the many world top universities. That’s why many immigrants are still flocking here. You have the choice to come here and work hard to make a living and enjoy freedom. And the fact that a poor kid that grew up in a falling down house in a falling down neighborhood can grow up and become a successful business owner. Yes "many" have times when life is tough and everything seems to stacked against them, but if you don't buy into the victim mentality, you can do and become anything here.

However generally, it’s not the country for the weaks and weak minded, if you can’t constantly reinvent yourself to adapt with the ever changing economy, then it’s better to move to Thailand,…coz life here will be tough for you........(not including the retired people, of course)


The majority of people in the US, I have found to have good hearts, strong back, good minds, and aren't afraid to use any of them....... every four years they can choose a new direction without blood shed.

Does the US have problems right now? You bet it does, but I don’t doubt the US will fix and overcome it once again…knock knock wood here. It has in the past and it will again. Maybe not without some pain but it will.

Yes US also has many bad point just like everywhere else in the world, but the benefits overall far outweight the other costs, for ME.

Oh… however I can’t really say all those above about THAILAND. At the moment,.....Nothing there for me, except my family.

Just ME here

Edited by teacup
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LOL, OP you can't complain about living costs here and then also justify paying 'your' lady B20,000 a month. You sound ridiculous, and 20,000 is well over the average monthly wage here.

At least double the wage here.

It is difficult for farang to really know the true cost of living here.

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It's slowly but surely getting that way that over-all it’s much cheaper for me to live in the UK.

I pay heavily to live here but at what point do I say enough is enough?

In Thailand i rent a house for 15.000 Baht per month.

In the UK I own my own house.

In Thailand my lady costs me somewhere in the region of 20.000 Baht every month.

That’s 35.000 Baht or 700 pounds worth of outgoings I don’t have in the UK.

The annual visa shit is another story.

Contrary to belief, the cost of living in the tropics doesn’t come cheap.

I've had twelve wonderful years here but!!

Is it time to bail out and go home?

I am going home but for two reasons:

Firstly, my wife is pregnant and we want our baby to be raised in the UK

Secondly, I find myself bouncing from job to job. I get a position, fix what I was there to do, work hard and then the owners decide that I can be replaced by a Thai for a lot less money. They needed my skills to do a certain job, but then felt a Thai at half the cost coudl maintain it...

Before I go, I'm looking at what I'll need to buy in the UK and as I'm shipping all my goods home, I'm looking at stocking up on stuff that is cheaper here than there and there's almost nothing that's cheaper here.

Bedding, towels, pillows, pots and pans, TVs, Hard Disk recorders and so on. Everything is more expensive than Comet, Curry's or Amazon. ( if buying from Central etc ). The only thing I found worth shipping back is some furniture.

As for apartment / house prices eithr buying or renting, it's ridiculous and the same goes for any car price with the exception of a few hondas and toyotas.

Apart from eating out and a few other small items, Thailand is pretty expensive these days.

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Lets factor in a few things as I haven't seen it on here

1. Are you single, married, dating, or with kids

2. Is your income solely from working, retirement, or something else

3. Do you lead a western life style

4. Location of where you live

5. What kinds of bills are you paying ( mobile phone, cable, internet, etc )

Those I believe who are entirely depend on their currency are always doomed, as it is already showing currencies have fallen. Maybe you feel its time to go home, I can't find a real reason to go back home my salary back home was 2,500 USD this is after taxes mind you every month I felt i just got by how so this is based on 1 month

Rent $700 USD

Electric $150

Water 100

Groceries & Supplies $450

Car insurance 200

Health Insurance 200

Gas 110

Cable / Internet 90

Mobile phone 60

by the time I pay bills, and my basic fun on just having cable and internet. not much left and need to save. If I go eat out $10 dollars is an average meal. If your going home good luck to ya

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How much cost you to rent a house in UK (If you don't own one)? I don't know, i'm from Switzerland and for 15'k you'll get 2 parking spaces in Switzerland. Not a house and no apartements!

As I pointed out.. I pay more for less than either of my parents pay to rent in the UK..

Phuket rental market for something nicer than a little dumpy place runs up fast over 50k..

How much would cost you a Lady in the UK? I guess you'll stay alone overthere, forever, unless you'll get someone arrount 60 years old.

Dont extrapolate your life onto others.. I am no 'handsome man' but mid 30s and with some disposable income for a nice lifestyle have never been short of company or need to date a pensioner.

Visas? Ok, no Visa fees in UK. But you'll pay taxes overthere. If i would stay and work in Switzerland (normal income as a normal salesman or automechanic) would cost me about 10'000 USD for Taxes only, not include social security and health insurance.

My wealth is offshore and handled by a blind trust, no tax concerns... Even tho I would never bother to apply I am fairly sure they would pay me to be there, including rent, and all kinds of benefits.. I wont claim on my own reasons tho.. However free emergency medical is worth knowing about//

How much you;ll pay fore car? Yeas cars are cheap overthere, but the road tax, insurance and labour and service costs gonna kill you.

Couple hundred quid year to tax and insure.. Services done properly.. Thinkign motoring apples to apples is cheaper here you have to be kidding..

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As I pointed out.. I pay more for less than either of my parents pay to rent in the UK..

Phuket rental market for something nicer than a little dumpy place runs up fast over 50k..

How much would cost you a Lady in the UK? I guess you'll stay alone overthere, forever, unless you'll get someone arrount 60 years old.

Dont extrapolate your life onto others.. I am no 'handsome man' but mid 30s and with some disposable income for a nice lifestyle have never been short of company or need to date a pensioner.

Visas? Ok, no Visa fees in UK. But you'll pay taxes overthere. If i would stay and work in Switzerland (normal income as a normal salesman or automechanic) would cost me about 10'000 USD for Taxes only, not include social security and health insurance.

My wealth is offshore and handled by a blind trust, no tax concerns... Even tho I would never bother to apply I am fairly sure they would pay me to be there, including rent, and all kinds of benefits.. I wont claim on my own reasons tho.. However free emergency medical is worth knowing about//

How much you;ll pay fore car? Yeas cars are cheap overthere, but the road tax, insurance and labour and service costs gonna kill you.

Couple hundred quid year to tax and insure.. Services done properly.. Thinkign motoring apples to apples is cheaper here you have to be kidding..

You're both right.

Truth is it depends how you live in both countries, individual circumstances.

I earned a fortune in the UK. £Thousands a week. But I lived in dire conditions and I hated it. If I was still there now, I'd be living in horrible conditions but earning nowt. Cos' there's no <deleted> work!

Anyway, if you live in Phuket or the hole that is Pattaya, you will pay though the nose. If you live upcountry and manage your money right, you'll live on pennies and have a nice garden, to put stuff in like flowers

If you choose to drive a BMW, you'll pay through the nose. But Ford Rangers are cheaper here. I like pick-ups because you can fill the back with flowers.

If you spend your money on whores and booze you'll soon be skint. But you won't if instead you just buy flowers.

If you go out to dinner all the time, you'll run out of money fast, but you won't if you eat flowers.

D'ya know what I mean, flower?

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If you have kids in school and are at all interested in sending them to a school with a western style education, then it costs significantly more to live in Thailand than it would in the west.

Precisely why I'm preparing to go back in 2011.

I can imagine looking out of the window, again, at the driving rain.

Phoning a 'customer care' number and being put on hold.

Crossing the road to avoid a group of noisy, drunken youths lurching towards you.

Listening to a fat, twenty-something cow trying to attract the attention of her mate 'Trace' who's 100 yards away.

Spending another Saturday evening in an eight by eighteen feet garage as the outdoor Barbeque has been rained off.

Will I miss Thailand?

You know Tracey? :)

I agree with your post. :D

At least 'Tracey' will tell you to 'f off' if she finds you unattractive.

You know where you stand! :D

If she doesn't - you know she genuinely finds you attractive.

Horses for courses.

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My reason for being here: An endless supply of Beautiful, Young Thai Ladies.

And if you are nice and honest to them and treat them with respect, they will not cost you hardly any money at all to have fun with. (oh, and don't let them know/think you have much money.)

I am 38 and handsome, but I still could not get the same age/beauty women back in the States. Even if I could, if people saw me with a 20 y.o. girl, society would frown on it.

And the beauty is that I know as I get older these lovely ladies will still be here.

These reasons alone are enough for me to put up with any problems (and there are not that many really) with living in Thailand.

I Skype with my mother and father everyday so I don't feel too far away from them. Also, I know that within the next 20 years my parents will pass and I will receive a good amount of inheritance and will be able to stop working. I fly home once a year to visit them too.

But, basically, the availability of women here is 100% my reason for being here.

Christ you must be an ugly bastard. Seriously, you're only 38 years old and the '100%' reason for you being here is because of the availability of cheap prostitutes way into your dotage? :)

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My reason for being here: An endless supply of Beautiful, Young Thai Ladies.

And if you are nice and honest to them and treat them with respect, they will not cost you hardly any money at all to have fun with. (oh, and don't let them know/think you have much money.)

I am 38 and handsome, but I still could not get the same age/beauty women back in the States. Even if I could, if people saw me with a 20 y.o. girl, society would frown on it.

And the beauty is that I know as I get older these lovely ladies will still be here.

These reasons alone are enough for me to put up with any problems (and there are not that many really) with living in Thailand.

I Skype with my mother and father everyday so I don't feel too far away from them. Also, I know that within the next 20 years my parents will pass and I will receive a good amount of inheritance and will be able to stop working. I fly home once a year to visit them too.

But, basically, the availability of women here is 100% my reason for being here.

Christ you must be an ugly bastard. Seriously, you're only 38 years old and the '100%' reason for you being here is because of the availability of cheap prostitutes way into your dotage? :D

Harsh but fair. :)

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Why would you want to return to that miserable United Kingdom social mentality and superficial morality? There is more to life than a bunch of Euros.

Yes, and there's rather more to life than an endless supply of cheap booze and whores. In whatever particular order.

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Why would you want to return to that miserable United Kingdom social mentality and superficial morality? There is more to life than a bunch of Euros.

Yes, and there's rather more to life than an endless supply of cheap booze and whores. In whatever particular order.

Not all of us fellas are here for that, carriemai. But I do hear you.

I'm bringing up my daughter and did you know I've green fingers? Doing the garden.

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It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!

Oliver Cromwell, 1653

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quoted from 'Teacup'............

"Well you wouldn’t get many bad yap yap away about the US from ME here.

Well for me, multiculturalism is what makes the US great. If you are an american, you probably wouldn’t realize how lucky you are to be born and live in the country that full of opportunities and freedom. Not to mention, its location of the many world top universities. That’s why many immigrants are still flocking here. You have the choice to come here and work hard to make a living and enjoy freedom. And the fact that a poor kid that grew up in a falling down house in a falling down neighborhood can grow up and become a successful business owner. Yes "many" have times when life is tough and everything seems to stacked against them, but if you don't buy into the victim mentality, you can do and become anything here.

However generally, it’s not the country for the weaks and weak minded, if you can’t constantly reinvent yourself to adapt with the ever changing economy, then it’s better to move to Thailand,…coz life here will be tough for you........(not including the retired people, of course)


The majority of people in the US, I have found to have good hearts, strong back, good minds, and aren't afraid to use any of them....... every four years they can choose a new direction without blood shed.

Does the US have problems right now? You bet it does, but I don’t doubt the US will fix and overcome it once again…knock knock wood here. It has in the past and it will again. Maybe not without some pain but it will.

Yes US also has many bad point just like everywhere else in the world, but the benefits overall far outweight the other costs, for ME.

Oh… however I can’t really say all those above about THAILAND. At the moment,.....Nothing there for me, except my family.

Just ME here................."



Well Nong Teacup, you said it best.

I share the same love and royal for the USA. Seems this greatest country in the world have been good to us. Although years of living in Thailand are greater than years of living in the USA, I feel more at home and enjoy my life here more than anywhere else. :D

Like you said...."nothing there for me , except my family."

That's so true. I just got back home ( in the USA) a few days ago after spent less than three weeks in Thailand. After meeting some members of my family and a few childhood friends.....then what ? :) I kept asking myself.

Time to go home I guess.

Chok dee nong Teacup.

Pe Tinky

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TeaCup & P- Tinky

Glad you both appreciate the US for what it is.

Not surprising that it takes a couple of immigrants to sing the praises of the USA.

Considering that is what the US really was & is all about.

You both seem to have the right attitude....Congrats

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My reason for being here: An endless supply of Beautiful, Young Thai Ladies.

And if you are nice and honest to them and treat them with respect, they will not cost you hardly any money at all to have fun with. (oh, and don't let them know/think you have much money.)

I am 38 and handsome, but I still could not get the same age/beauty women back in the States. Even if I could, if people saw me with a 20 y.o. girl, society would frown on it.

And the beauty is that I know as I get older these lovely ladies will still be here.

These reasons alone are enough for me to put up with any problems (and there are not that many really) with living in Thailand.

I Skype with my mother and father everyday so I don't feel too far away from them. Also, I know that within the next 20 years my parents will pass and I will receive a good amount of inheritance and will be able to stop working. I fly home once a year to visit them too.

But, basically, the availability of women here is 100% my reason for being here.

Christ you must be an ugly bastard. Seriously, you're only 38 years old and the '100%' reason for you being here is because of the availability of cheap prostitutes way into your dotage? :)

Not really. Unfortunately I have to go back to Australia periodically and to be honest, the young girls 18-30 are built like Elephants and have a bad attitude to boot. I wouldn't even waste my time talking to them. I see good looking guys in their 20s-30s trying hard and getting knocked back by these Whales and think "boys, get your ass to Asia and nail some quality".

100% right lukeskywalker

But on saying that, there is far better quality in Cambodia than there is in Thailand.

And now, it seems the Thais are throwing people in jail for stealing a towel from the bar, it's definitely time to try somewhere else.

Edited by duchovny
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Well Nong Teacup, you said it best.

I share the same love and royal for the USA. Seems this greatest country in the world have been good to us. Although years of living in Thailand are greater than years of living in the USA, I feel more at home and enjoy my life here more than anywhere else. :D

Like you said...."nothing there for me , except my family."

That's so true. I just got back home ( in the USA) a few days ago after spent less than three weeks in Thailand. After meeting some members of my family and a few childhood friends.....then what ? :) I kept asking myself.

Time to go home I guess.

Chok dee nong Teacup.

Pe Tinky

Chookdee? For what?

For becoming the next Mrs. Teeebooooow!!!? :D

Not until next year tho, ok you still have one more year to droooolllll on him…..haha


Yay …U 2 ,with the glorious years in the land of the freeee

Cyea at the next gatorade game!…P’Tinky!!!!

Nong TC :D

TeaCup & P- Tinky

Glad you both appreciate the US for what it is.

Not surprising that it takes a couple of immigrants to sing the praises of the USA.

Considering that is what the US really was & is all about.

You both seem to have the right attitude....Congrats

Yes it’s amazing, isn’t it…. Your “attitude” can effect your vision of things.

And so far since I have been here, I haven’t had any problem with so-called the discrimination attitude from the american. I think that our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us. Just my thought here.

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TeaCup & P- Tinky

Glad you both appreciate the US for what it is.

Not surprising that it takes a couple of immigrants to sing the praises of the USA.

Considering that is what the US really was & is all about.

You both seem to have the right attitude....Congrats

'flying' thanks for an encouraged word.

My attitude is.... USA is the land of opportunities. If you're willing to work real hard and long hours, not afraid of geting your hand dirty, and believe in no any job beneaths you, you'll success at what you're doing and you will own a house within ten years. I have seen that happened to most people I know.

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quoyed from Teacup........

"Chookdee? For what?

For becoming the next Mrs. Teeebooooow!!!? ".....


Nong TC

It even sounds better :) when you say.....becoming the next Mrs. Tim Teebow of the Florida Gators.

Oh, how I just love my golden boy.

See you at the game next year.

Pe Tinky

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Yes it's amazing, isn't it…. Your "attitude" can effect your vision of things.

And so far since I have been here, I haven't had any problem with so-called the discrimination attitude from the american. I think that our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us. Just my thought here.

I agree with your thoughts about attitudes. It has always served me well when I am in Thailand. The same as it serves you now in the US. I do not see much discrimination as this part of the USA is quite detached & a melting pot of many nationalities. Of course I have seen it in small ways though through out life.

'flying' thanks for an encouraged word.

My attitude is.... USA is the land of opportunities. If you're willing to work real hard and long hours, not afraid of geting your hand dirty, and believe in no any job beneaths you, you'll success at what you're doing and you will own a house within ten years. I have seen that happened to most people I know.

Hi Tinkelbell

Yes you are of course 100% right. This is why so many new to the US folks do better than many born here. The only complaint I have is of course the high taxes we pay but.........ah well :)

Chok Dee to both you & Teacup !

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