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Help! - Car, Passport And All Personal Documents Stolen By Woman In Phuket

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At 19.30 on Sun 17 May just before I was leaving my place at Surin Beach to get a flight from Phuket to KL then onwards for a short visit to the UK (on a cheap non-changeable ticket) a (now) ex-girlfriend, took the following:

My car: Suzuki Carribean, Reg Khoo-Khai Choo-ching 854, greenish-turquoise.

My UK passport, all money (not much), all credit cards and ID, laptop, I-phone, my sim cards for Thailand, UK and Malaysia, data backup disc, all my luggage for the airport including home-made presents for my children. Also my UK explosives acquisition ID card (part of my job). This is serious.

The personal stuff is in a Black Vaio laptop bag. The rest in big bubble wrap packages x 4 in the back of the car.

If anyone sees this woman or the vehicle please tell me! I’d be happy to pay a reward for the first person who retrieved the stuff, say THB 10,000 cash or bank transfer, but that would have to wait until some money arrives from my KL bank! (Trust me, I’m an English gentleman: I pay my debts).

Obviously I have no mobile – my house number is 076 325532.

Or PM me here (I think I’m not allowed to publish my email?)

I have informed the British Embassy about the passport, am not yet sure how to involve the Thai Police. I will ring the local office now.

Any advice?

She is definitely still in Phuket

Thanks, Mark.



This is very tough luck. You definitely have to report the loss to the Thai police as you need the police report to get the arrival stamp transferred to the new passport.

Hope you get your stuff back.


Definately get in touch with the police asap. I would recommend also the Tourist Police (I believe their numbers are posted in the Phuket Forum). Give the police as much info as possible, including her home province/town if you know it (I would suspect she's not from Phuket?). Best of luck.


Do you know where she lives or how to contact her by phone? Do you have a copy of her ID card and/or passport? You must report the theft to the Thai Police, simply go to a police station at Surin where the theft took place and make a report, give them all the details you can. Do it now. Are you ex RE or RAOC?


And don't forget to tell the police about the 10k reward. That will speed things up.

Definately get in touch with the police asap. I would recommend also the Tourist Police (I believe their numbers are posted in the Phuket Forum). Give the police as much info as possible, including her home province/town if you know it (I would suspect she's not from Phuket?). Best of luck.

Thanks to you all for all the support - so quick! I have known this woman for 12 years and considered her once a best friend. But she has a terrible temper if she does not get her own way - eg in making plans without telling me first. That's why I was trying to cool it, the stress is getting to me.

She was born in Bangkok, and has a family home in Hua Hin. I do have a copy of her ID card. She won't answer her phone. (I of course have the number)

Since I have now almost certainly missed my flight tomorrow out of KL, this is very serious, and reluctant though I am to involve the Police with someone who was once a friend, I suppose I have no choice. It's very sad.

But I have to look dispassionately at the evidence - what kind of person would do such a thing? I am shocked. I was going to visit my children: my 5 y/o is expecting me. (He lives with ex in the UK). I am growing to hate Phuket, it's been one thing after another.


Here's a development. I've just discovered a hidden savings statement for Baht 1.3M, in her name, but sent to an address in Phuket which I don't recognise. Obviously this could be where she is now.


I can only decipher:

--- Moo Baan ?Jarinsut/ Jarinsud

Moo 3 Thambon ???Thep - ka ???

Ampee Thalang


Can anyone translate for me please, and does anyone know where this is?

Mods: I have removed the house number.

PM me if you live in that road and fancy collecting the reward!

And here's another long shot. She was involved with a Golf Pro before, who I believe is the source of the Baht 1.3M. **more personal details deleted*** He has a nice house somewhere in Phuket, but he moves around a lot for the tournaments - Europe, Indonesia.

She still has a key to his house, but I've no idea where it is. I have absolutely no hard feelings against the man - I'd be happy to meet him for a beer. But the woman in question has always prevented me from finding out who he is. He apparently proposed about a year ago but she turned him down. He travelled to Hua Hin to see her there.

Can anyone identify this mystery man? He is apparently successful with golf, but I know nothing of the sport, so wouldn't know where to start. A long shot I know! But I suspect it's likely she is staying at his house, so gently retrieving my stuff from there might be possible. If I (and the Police) knew where it was.

I'm really pressed for time if I'm to catch my ex-KL flight Monday night.

Many thanks




Come on Man, go to the police with all you have, remember to tell them about the 10.000. Sound like you want to give HER the 10.000 if she comes back, wake up so they can stop her if she try to leave Phuket


Go to the police.. immediately.. While its a kinda pathetic checkpoint the north of the island might stop the car leaving the island if they know theres money in it for them..


Also, at the very least, send her a text (assuming she is only not answering, not that her mobile is turned off), telling her that you've reported the theft of your car and possessions to the police. If she's aware that she is being actively pursued, maybe that will scare her into returning your things.

Here's a development. I've just discovered a hidden savings statement for Baht 1.3M, in her name, but sent to an address in Phuket which I don't recognise. Obviously this could be where she is now.


I can only decipher:

--- Moo Baan ?Jarinsut/ Jarinsud

Moo 3 Thambon ???Thep - ka ???

Ampee Thalang


Can anyone translate for me please, and does anyone know where this is?

Mods: I have removed the house number.

PM me if you live in that road and fancy collecting the reward!

And here's another long shot. She was involved with a Golf Pro before, who I believe is the source of the Baht 1.3M. **more personal details deleted*** He has a nice house somewhere in Phuket, but he moves around a lot for the tournaments - Europe, Indonesia.

She still has a key to his house, but I've no idea where it is. I have absolutely no hard feelings against the man - I'd be happy to meet him for a beer. But the woman in question has always prevented me from finding out who he is. He apparently proposed about a year ago but she turned him down. He travelled to Hua Hin to see her there.

Can anyone identify this mystery man? He is apparently successful with golf, but I know nothing of the sport, so wouldn't know where to start. A long shot I know! But I suspect it's likely she is staying at his house, so gently retrieving my stuff from there might be possible. If I (and the Police) knew where it was.

I'm really pressed for time if I'm to catch my ex-KL flight Monday night.

Many thanks


The address is on a housing estate about 1k north from Two Sisters monument, just past the PPT petrol station and temple :)


Gentlemen, many thanks for the support and advice. I do see a pattern developing here: ‘Call the Police.’ :D

Well, I’ve always been reluctant to start wars unless absolutely necessary. Like a love affair, any impetuous fool can start one, but ending it without sustaining damage is rarely easy.

… are you ex RE or RAOC?
Neither. I currently run a PMC, specialising in EOD and area clearance. Battle cry: ‘Death or Ferrari!’. Neatly avoiding all that tedious ethno-centric patriotic stuff :D

Anyway, you did all persuade me to report the crime. The Police in Cherng Thalee were very helpful and took it seriously.

Now here comes the interesting bit.

Within four hours I receive a call from the OC saying all my stuff, and car, will be at the station, ready for me to collect tomorrow at 15.00.

Astounding! Can it be true? Will report tomorrow.

I’ve lost my air ticket now, but at least I can cancel tomorrow’s planned trip to the Embassy in Bangkok to chase a new passport.

The address is on a housing estate about 1k north from Two Sisters monument, just past the PPT petrol station and temple :)

Thanks. I checked it out in a taxi today. It is a now-derelict house she used to rent, so it was a waste of time!


well looks like thai police save the day yet again - not clear if 10k made difference :)

regardless of anything else would the police report not be needed if applying for a replacement passport?

well looks like thai police save the day yet again - not clear if 10k made difference :)

regardless of anything else would the police report not be needed if applying for a replacement passport?

And also a police report for the insurance claim for theft of vehicle? What I did appreciate, was the photo of the lady in question that you posted along with the vehicle originally? I thought that a really smooth move. What prompted it's removal? After reading the post, and seeing the photo, I was tempted to suggest a 'Rogues Gallery' forum, where members can post photos of scam artists and similar.

... What I did appreciate, was the photo of the lady in question that you posted along with the vehicle originally? I thought that a really smooth move. What prompted it's removal? ...
The mods removed it, along with the forename of the golf chap.

Anyway, all went well at the Police station. I have revised my opinion of the Thai police: I found them polite and helpful, especially the senior officer present, who also spoke good English.

There was no suggestion of anti-foreigner bias. It was necessary to be firm, and politely not put up with any nonsense, but apart from that it was a not unpleasant experience.

I had all my stuff returned, unmolested, including all cash.

Please ignore the above references to the golf chap by the way. Neither he nor his house was involved in any way. My hypothesis was wrong. The lady has had no contact with him for a long time.

She was in a rented room in Cherng Thalee.

The ‘secret’ savings were not savings. They were debt. She is buying (another) house which explains why she was always short of money. Something I could never understand.

Another example of Thai impulsiveness. Her having finally cleared a former house purchase in Hua Hin, she immediately digs herself into the same hole again. Insanity. There was no proper assessment of budget or repairs needed. She has removed walls etc, ruining the place, leaving it all half-finished with no money available, rendering the house worthless. 25 years of payments for a place which can’t even be lived in or rented out. Why do it? I give up.

Anyway, I’m off to UK on a new ticket to have a break from the madness which is Phuket. Bye for now, and thanks again for the support.

Another example of Thai impulsiveness. Insanity.

Anyway, I'm off to UK on a new ticket to have a break from the madness which is Phuket.

Wow, you learned a few lessons!

-Best friend of 12 years is no friend at all.

-Don't go to the police unless dozens unknown people tell you to do so

-1.3 million savings statement are debt

-Police are polite, helpful and speak good English. And solve cases in about 4 hours. But you have to wait almost another full day to get your stuff back (yes, I stole everything but i cannot give it back now. Is tomorrow okay?)

Lucky you were " firm, and politely not put up with any nonsense"

-She ownes 2 houses but lives in a rented room

She actually invited you to the place? "She has removed walls etc, ruining the place"

So, is she in jail now? I reckon you kissed and made up. No need to make any enemies.

I'm sure you'll be back soon to the Phuket madness.

Another example of Thai impulsiveness. Insanity.

Anyway, I'm off to UK on a new ticket to have a break from the madness which is Phuket.

Wow, you learned a few lessons!

-Best friend of 12 years is no friend at all.

-Don't go to the police unless dozens unknown people tell you to do so

-1.3 million savings statement are debt

-Police are polite, helpful and speak good English. And solve cases in about 4 hours. But you have to wait almost another full day to get your stuff back (yes, I stole everything but i cannot give it back now. Is tomorrow okay?)

Lucky you were " firm, and politely not put up with any nonsense"

-She ownes 2 houses but lives in a rented room

She actually invited you to the place? "She has removed walls etc, ruining the place"

So, is she in jail now? I reckon you kissed and made up. No need to make any enemies.

I'm sure you'll be back soon to the Phuket madness.

Well, there's an analysis which is comprehensive, interesting, convincing, and wrong in nearly every respect, from someone who does not know the parties and wasn't there.

Try some between-line reading, sir, there is a lot more to this which I would prefer not to divulge on a public forum. Except to say that the matter is closed to the satisfaction of all parties. Bye.

ps Unless perhaps you are one of the people mentioned in the various PMs? If so please identify yourself.

Another example of Thai impulsiveness. Insanity.

Anyway, I'm off to UK on a new ticket to have a break from the madness which is Phuket.

Wow, you learned a few lessons!

-Best friend of 12 years is no friend at all.

-Don't go to the police unless dozens unknown people tell you to do so

-1.3 million savings statement are debt

-Police are polite, helpful and speak good English. And solve cases in about 4 hours. But you have to wait almost another full day to get your stuff back (yes, I stole everything but i cannot give it back now. Is tomorrow okay?)

Lucky you were " firm, and politely not put up with any nonsense"

-She ownes 2 houses but lives in a rented room

She actually invited you to the place? "She has removed walls etc, ruining the place"

So, is she in jail now? I reckon you kissed and made up. No need to make any enemies.

I'm sure you'll be back soon to the Phuket madness.

Well, there's an analysis which is comprehensive, interesting, convincing, and wrong in nearly every respect, from someone who does not know the parties and wasn't there.

Try some between-line reading, sir, there is a lot more to this which I would prefer not to divulge on a public forum. Except to say that the matter is closed to the satisfaction of all parties. Bye.

ps Unless perhaps you are one of the people mentioned in the various PMs? If so please identify yourself.

aww why not divulge....you told us everything else about your personal life! LOL

Are you sure they are debts, thats what they all say wanting you to pay them!

aww why not divulge....you told us everything else about your personal life! LOL

Ha Ha. Hardly. I have an elegant solution, but this margin has insufficient space to contain it. :) [With apologies to Mr Fermat]

Where I come from for theft to be theft there needs to be intention to 'permanently deprive', and mens rea, I think it's called. Note all cash returned untouched. End of story. Further details classified. Sorry.

As I said before I do not start wars lightly. I have done very, very well in life following this system. People do things for reasons. As do I.

Are you sure they are debts, thats what they all say wanting you to pay them!

Yup. All paperwork was inspected and confirmed by Police. Quite clear. I also have original paperwork. My initial lack of attention was to blame: this part of the saga was no big deal.

Gentlemen, thanks again for your interest and advice. Sorry I can provide no further entertainment.

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