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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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"Since the inception of Federal Reserve in 1913 a number of large and small wars have commenced, With the three most pronounced - the World War I, World War II and Vietnam...The United States official declaration of war with Vietnam in 1964..."

That's wrong - you're getting even the most obvious details of your postings incorrect. Despite your conviction otherwise, there never was a declaration of war with Viet Nam.

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“Treasury Secretary Geithner and Carl Bildt touted a shorter recession not a 10-year recession….partly because a 10 year recession would damage Bilderberg industrialists themselves, as much as they want to have a global department of labor and a global department of treasury, they still like making money and such a long recession would cost them big bucks industrially because nobody is buying their toys….the tilt is towards keeping it short,” said Tucker.

Tucker concluded by noting that Bilderberg members seemed grim faced at this year’s meeting and that geo politically, “Things are going bad for them, Americans are responding, Europeans are responding, and their program is being blocked.”



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"Since the inception of Federal Reserve in 1913 a number of large and small wars have commenced, With the three most pronounced - the World War I, World War II and Vietnam...The United States official declaration of war with Vietnam in 1964..."

That's wrong - you're getting even the most obvious details of your postings incorrect. Despite your conviction otherwise, there never was a declaration of war with Viet Nam.

(Obviously they mean the Gulf of Tonkin Incident)

Is that all you can say? Cmon more please :)

Your not another from the brainwashed naam clone are you?

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"Treasury Secretary Geithner and Carl Bildt touted a shorter recession not a 10-year recession….partly because a 10 year recession would damage Bilderberg industrialists themselves, as much as they want to have a global department of labor and a global department of treasury, they still like making money and such a long recession would cost them big bucks industrially because nobody is buying their toys….the tilt is towards keeping it short," said Tucker.

Tucker concluded by noting that Bilderberg members seemed grim faced at this year's meeting and that geo politically, "Things are going bad for them, Americans are responding, Europeans are responding, and their program is being blocked."



If im still alive when it all comes out i cant wait to ridicule the sheeple on here.(bookmark this thread) :D

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"(Obviously they mean the Gulf of Tonkin Incident)"

Who is "they"? The "they" that wrote the article that you cut-and-pasted? Johnson used the Golf of Tonkin incident to wage the "war" in Viet Nam. Since the was was not declared, Congress claimed that the president violated the terms of the War Powers Act. I assume you did not know that because it wasn't on the website you read. When Nixon expanded the war to Cambodia, the US Congress too claimed that the president violated the War Powers Act. I'm sure you did not know that.

When Nixon finally met the Chinese premier, Nixon was told that since the US backed the Nationalists after WWII, America fought two unnecessary wars: Korea and Viet Nam. China could have kept their allies in line, but allowed them to wage war against the US, simply to teach the US a lesson. I'm sure you did not know that either.

Your posts are filled with such unadulterated nonsense, it's useless to address each point. You've found an audience, people too intellectually dull to do their own research. They watch Eric's video, and post remarks similar to "great", and "compelling". They read your posts and claim that "now, all a sudden, it all makes sense". These are unwell folks.

"Is that all you can say? Cmon more please "

You should spend less of your time browsing the hyperbole and hysteria of "alternative media" conspiracy websites.

"Your not another from the brainwashed naam clone are you?"

Similar to Eric and his like-minded conspiracy fanatics, you ignore your posted lies and misinformation, and rely on ad hominem attacks. If I had to be a clone of someone, I'd choose Naam over you.

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"(Obviously they mean the Gulf of Tonkin Incident)"

Who is "they"? The "they" that wrote the article that you cut-and-pasted? Johnson used the Golf of Tonkin incident to wage the "war" in Viet Nam. Since the was was not declared, Congress claimed that the president violated the terms of the War Powers Act. I assume you did not know that because it wasn't on the website you read. When Nixon expanded the war to Cambodia, the US Congress too claimed that the president violated the War Powers Act. I'm sure you did not know that.

The War Powers Act was not enacted until 1973.

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"(Obviously they mean the Gulf of Tonkin Incident)"

Who is "they"? The "they" that wrote the article that you cut-and-pasted? Johnson used the Golf of Tonkin incident to wage the "war" in Viet Nam. Since the was was not declared, Congress claimed that the president violated the terms of the War Powers Act. I assume you did not know that because it wasn't on the website you read. When Nixon expanded the war to Cambodia, the US Congress too claimed that the president violated the War Powers Act. I'm sure you did not know that.

When Nixon finally met the Chinese premier, Nixon was told that since the US backed the Nationalists after WWII, America fought two unnecessary wars: Korea and Viet Nam. China could have kept their allies in line, but allowed them to wage war against the US, simply to teach the US a lesson. I'm sure you did not know that either.

Your posts are filled with such unadulterated nonsense, it's useless to address each point. You've found an audience, people too intellectually dull to do their own research. They watch Eric's video, and post remarks similar to "great", and "compelling". They read your posts and claim that "now, all a sudden, it all makes sense". These are unwell folks.

"Is that all you can say? Cmon more please "

You should spend less of your time browsing the hyperbole and hysteria of "alternative media" conspiracy websites.

"Your not another from the brainwashed naam clone are you?"

Similar to Eric and his like-minded conspiracy fanatics, you ignore your posted lies and misinformation, and rely on ad hominem attacks. If I had to be a clone of someone, I'd choose Naam over you.

What I don't understand about people with your kind of mentality is if you have such obvious disdain

about people who c hoose to believe in these issues, what compells you to come onto a thread like this in the first place

and then attack posters with such ferocity? Don't you have better things to do with your time ?

Does it scare you that much the group of people discuss these issues outlandish as they may seem

to you?

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Bilderbergs etc etc are responsible for small problems like this.............

"The trends now indicate that our(USA) country is going bankrupt. The probability is, our country will move toward a military dictatorship, to prevent riots and complete social break down. Once the US breaks down, all the other cultures will under go similar things.

As of now, the world financial system is on the brink of collapse, due to its own shortcomings. The comptroller of currency stated in 2003 that the interest on the US national debt will not be affordable in less than 10 years. This theoretically means total bankruptcy for the US economy. And it's implications for the world, are immense.

In turn, the fractional reserve based monetary system is reaching its theoretical limits of expansion and the banking failures you are seeing are just the beginning. This is why inflation is skyrocketing, all debt is at record levels and the government and fed are hemorrhaging new money to bail out the corrupt system. For, the only way to keep the banks going is by making more money… the only way to make more money is to create more debt and inflation. It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and there is no one willing to take new loans, while defaults grow, as people are unable to afford their current loans. Then the expansion of money will stop and contraction will begin on a scale never before seen, ending a century long, pyramid scheme. This has already begun."

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"We're in a lot of trouble! Because of you sheeple that are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you sheeple read books. Because less than 15% of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole and entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube! This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people!"

"And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome, goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network! So you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a travelling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business."

"But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colours, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion!"

Edited by BygonKeaw
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Bilderbergs etc etc are responsible for small problems like this.............

"The trends now indicate that our(USA) country is going bankrupt. The probability is, our country will move toward a military dictatorship, to prevent riots and complete social break down. Once the US breaks down, all the other cultures will under go similar things.

As of now, the world financial system is on the brink of collapse, due to its own shortcomings. The comptroller of currency stated in 2003 that the interest on the US national debt will not be affordable in less than 10 years. This theoretically means total bankruptcy for the US economy. And it's implications for the world, are immense.

In turn, the fractional reserve based monetary system is reaching its theoretical limits of expansion and the banking failures you are seeing are just the beginning. This is why inflation is skyrocketing, all debt is at record levels and the government and fed are hemorrhaging new money to bail out the corrupt system. For, the only way to keep the banks going is by making more money… the only way to make more money is to create more debt and inflation. It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and there is no one willing to take new loans, while defaults grow, as people are unable to afford their current loans. Then the expansion of money will stop and contraction will begin on a scale never before seen, ending a century long, pyramid scheme. This has already begun."

I am getting confused now - I thought one of the 'you must watch this' youtube vids confirmed that the USA had been bankrupt since the 1930s and the FED was the administrator?

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Thanks Bygone some interesting bits in there.

And yeah, who is Eric, HHGZ You've been asked several times, obviously you don't read responses to your posts.

You can find out in more detail by watching this truely great but extremely controversial film (beware followers of religion) :)

inspire yourself http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...amp;q=zeigeist+

Here are a couple of reviews on the 1st page from imdb.com

What's important is that it gets you thinking, 2 February 2008


I found this documentary to be excellent. It is a thought provoking, well executed expose' on the manipulations of the masses by those with wealth and power. Some who watch it will find many of it's connections far-fetched, but the fact of the matter is: there are many sources to back them up.

The Truth is, this film doesn't have to be 100% correct, or 75%, or 50%. There's still some serious problems with the world if a forth of it's information holds water. And even if it's all bull, it'll shake you into questioning what is true. And that's all it needs to do.

No one should have any illusions abut what the War on Terrorism or our Federal Banking System.

As a student of both American and European History I found the explanations given in this documentary to be reasonable and logical. Watch it!

Inspired Eye-opener, 6 March 2008


This film explores three themes which seem totally unrelated: the Christian faith; the attacks of September 11, 2001; the American Federal Reserve System and Income tax. I have never seen a documentary in which images and music were put together in such a powerful and artistic way. The film depicts the fraudulent Zeitgeists that have been used through the centuries to subdue others into acquiescing. It shows that the one truth we are fed daily is a carefully crafted lie, which hold us spellbound. I regret the movie replaces the seen-trough lies with conclusions which had better not been drawn: it would have sufficed to point to the many similarities between The Bible and older books, like the Egyptian book of the dead, without adding the conclusion that Jesus of Nazareth might never have existed. Emphesizing this option as being the most likely one, takes the focus away from the extensive lies which surround Christianity for certain, as is exposed in this film.

It rightly connects the tragic events of 9/11 with the true perpetrators thereof, and does not shy from showing the terrible consequences in human life both on that day and in the years that followed in a fraudulous "War on Terror", which to most people in it is very real, but for its inventors just a cruel joke on a population of semi-sentient humans, who slaughter human life as some humans would slaughter cattle.

Finally, it reveals that unbelievable manipulation has reached a 100-year anniversary after the 1907 panic and the 1913 introduction of the Ferderal Reserve bill, which opened the way to stage not one but two World Wars, which to the casual beholder did little to change the balance of power in the world, but in truth transfered power from the open to the shadows on a grand scale.

A film worth watching over and over again - if you can stomach its dreadful horrors, both in picture and in concept

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"We're in a lot of trouble! Because of you sheeple that are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you sheeple read books. Because less than 15% of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole and entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube! This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people!"

"And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome, goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network! So you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a travelling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business."

"But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colours, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion!"

EZ bro, you are sounding a bit frothy now. Don't be a stereotype. melodrama never works on a forum.

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"We're in a lot of trouble! Because of you sheeple that are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you sheeple read books. Because less than 15% of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole and entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube! This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people!"

"And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome, goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network! So you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a travelling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business."

"But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colours, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion!"

EZ bro, you are sounding a bit frothy now. Don't be a stereotype. melodrama never works on a forum.

LOL hey if i dont pretend im nuts then people might take me serious :)


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"We're in a lot of trouble! Because of you sheeple that are listening to me right now. Because less than 3% of you sheeple read books. Because less than 15% of you read newspapers. Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. Right now, there is a whole and entire generation that never knew anything that didn't come out of this tube! This tube is the Gospel. The ultimate revelation. This tube can make or break presidents, popes, prime ministers. This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us if it ever falls into the hands of the wrong people!"

"And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome, goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network! So you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a goddamned amusement park! Television is a circus, a carnival, a travelling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business."

"But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colours, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion!"

I don't watch television at all, or YouTube videos for that matter.

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Yo BYg please do not so many paste and copy from other sites intending that is the real truth ok?

Do some real research yourself and come back.

You and Naam are getting a bit boring.

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Actually i was copying as i know some people dont click on links its a transcript from a film that has lots of evidence to back it up.

As for researching i have been doing alot of it! what do u suggest? read it and then change around a few words to make it your style?? Give me a break, im just passing on info and trying to make some people less like sheeple.

Lets stop bickering alexlah b4 u even start cus it bores me :)

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Now with the whole world complaining about the NK nukular test bomb I am asking:

How about the DU munition that has been dumped on Iraqi, Balkan and Afghan soil huh?

You wanna see some results of that?

Go here but I tell you it is very disturbing, maybe you better close your eyes and deny it ever happened.


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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed today that United States President Barack Obama contend to a face-to-face debate with him at the United Nations if he is re-elected next month as Iran’s president.

We all know it will never happen as they rule out the use of telepromters.

What a joke this Obama guy is.

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Now with the whole world complaining about the NK nukular test bomb I am asking:

How about the DU munition that has been dumped on Iraqi, Balkan and Afghan soil huh?

You wanna see some results of that?

Go here but I tell you it is very disturbing, maybe you better close your eyes and deny it ever happened.


Alexlah you should warn people a bit more about what the images rather than just saying "very disturbing" Members they are infact images of horrificly deformed or dead children/babies.

However saying that people need to know these things. Sad sad.

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tss... tss... there, there boys! i leave you 24 hours alone and you start fighting? play nicely again, copy and paste, watch video clips, pat each other on the shoulders and stand united against the ignorants and those who are in denial of <insert appropriate apocalyptic forecast>. but don't forget to check under your beds for hidden Bilderberg monsters (or depleted uranium) before you go to sleep.


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My sincere apologies for posting a link that will confront you with reality, guess it will not be a good idea posting a link to some pictures after a so called "Smart" bomb did its job.

Not so surprising why so many soldiers commit suicide. Most peeps back home are just fine with these wars as long as it is not in their backyard.

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"As for researching i have been doing alot of it!"

Your research consists of trolling conspiracy related websites. You've challenged us to do our own research but, what you really want us to do is to read your favorite conspiracy websites, and agree with you. We're too smart for that.

Several people posted in this thread that "4 of the 9-11 hijackers are alive and well". Simply, that is a lie. The posters point to a BBC article written days after the incident. Unfortunately, for you conspiracy mongers, the article has been updated, and I'm sure that you're favorite conspiracy website didn't tell you that (if you did your own research, you'd know that). After the article was revised by the BBC, conspiracy mongers pointed to the revision that it was further proof that there was a conspiracy, and the BBC was part of it.

Even before you've read the article, you've branded it a lie. For the rest of us:

On October 27, 2006, BBC’s Steve Hermann wrote:

A five-year-old story from our archive has been the subject of some recent editorial discussion here. The story, written in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, was about confusion at the time surrounding the names and identities of some of the hijackers. This confusion was widely reported and was also acknowledged by the FBI. The story has been cited ever since by some as evidence that the 9/11 attacks were part of a US government conspiracy. We later reported on the list of hijackers , thereby superseding the earlier report. In the intervening years we have also reported in detail on the investigation into the attacks, the 9/11 commission and its report. We’ve carried the full report, executive summary and main findings and, as part of the recent fifth anniversary coverage, a detailed guide to what’s known about what happened on the day . But conspiracy theories have persisted . The confusion over names and identities we reported back in 2001 may have arisen because these were common Arabic and Islamic names. In an effort to make this clearer, we have made one small change to the original story. Under the FBI picture of Waleed al Shehri we have added the words "A man called Waleed Al Shehri..." to make it as clear as possible that there was confusion over the identity. The rest of the story remains as it was in the archive as a record of the situation at the time. We recently asked the FBI for a statement, and this is, as things stand, the closest thing we have to a definitive view: “The FBI is confident that it has positively identified the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, the 9/11 investigation was thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and the House and Senate Joint Inquiry. Neither of these reviews ever raised the issue of doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers.”

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Why didn't the US declare war on SA? After all most of them HJ were from there?

Why don't we gather 10.000 people next BB meeting and storm the place? Do a bit of waterboarding to some of them, see what comes out?


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My sincere apologies for posting a link that will confront you with reality, guess it will not be a good idea posting a link to some pictures after a so called "Smart" bomb did its job. Not so surprising why so many soldiers commit suicide. Most peeps back home are just fine with these wars as long as it is not in their backyard.

It didnt offend me at all. Just warning the people that think reality is something that is not infact reality.

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"As for researching i have been doing alot of it!" Your research consists of trolling conspiracy related websites. You've challenged us to do our own research but, what you really want us to do is to read your favorite conspiracy websites, and agree with you. We're too smart for that. Several people posted in this thread that "4 of the 9-11 hijackers are alive and well". Simply, that is a lie. The posters point to a BBC article written days after the incident. Unfortunately, for you conspiracy mongers, the article has been updated, and I'm sure that you're favorite conspiracy website didn't tell you that (if you did your own research, you'd know that). After the article was revised by the BBC, conspiracy mongers pointed to the revision that it was further proof that there was a conspiracy, and the BBC was part of it. Even before you've read the article, you've branded it a lie. For the rest of us: On October 27, 2006, BBC's Steve Hermann wrote: A five-year-old story from our archive has been the subject of some recent editorial discussion here. The story, written in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, was about confusion at the time surrounding the names and identities of some of the hijackers. This confusion was widely reported and was also acknowledged by the FBI. The story has been cited ever since by some as evidence that the 9/11 attacks were part of a US government conspiracy. We later reported on the list of hijackers , thereby superseding the earlier report. In the intervening years we have also reported in detail on the investigation into the attacks, the 9/11 commission and its report. We've carried the full report, executive summary and main findings and, as part of the recent fifth anniversary coverage, a detailed guide to what's known about what happened on the day . But conspiracy theories have persisted . The confusion over names and identities we reported back in 2001 may have arisen because these were common Arabic and Islamic names. In an effort to make this clearer, we have made one small change to the original story. Under the FBI picture of Waleed al Shehri we have added the words "A man called Waleed Al Shehri..." to make it as clear as possible that there was confusion over the identity. The rest of the story remains as it was in the archive as a record of the situation at the time. We recently asked the FBI for a statement, and this is, as things stand, the closest thing we have to a definitive view: "The FBI is confident that it has positively identified the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, the 9/11 investigation was thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and the House and Senate Joint Inquiry. Neither of these reviews ever raised the issue of doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers."

Dont believe everything you read :)

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Why didn't the US declare war on SA? After all most of them HJ were from there? Why don't we gather 10.000 people next BB meeting and storm the place? Do a bit of waterboarding to some of them, see what comes out? :)

I said b4 the next one ill be there, Just to see for myself.

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"Since the inception of Federal Reserve in 1913 a number of large and small wars have commenced, With the three most pronounced - the World War I, World War II and Vietnam...The United States official declaration of war with Vietnam in 1964..."

That's wrong - you're getting even the most obvious details of your postings incorrect. Despite your conviction otherwise, there never was a declaration of war with Viet Nam.

Post No.4 on this thread - by hhgz: "I think that a writer associated with "prisonplanet.com" is likely to provide a fair and balanced view of any "secret society"


For anyone who wants to know where hhgz's head is at just read his post no.4 (as quoted above) and then read what Alex Jones has to say re the Bilderbergers or 911 etc.

Edited by deprogrammed
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Alex/Eric, what's the difference - his video is nonsense. When someone believes he has developed a unified conspiracy theory, it has to be air tight. It's similar to sudoku, you don't get a wrong number in one cell - the problem is evident in many cells. When Alex lies about one thing, his supporters reply, "Sure he lied about one thing, but everything else is OK." When a second lie appears, his supports say, "OK, so he lied about a second thing, the rest is OK." When you point out a dozen things that are wrong, his supporters say, "You're not a free thinker, you should do research." Well, we do, and it's evident that the conspiracy fanatics are the ones who refuse to open their eyes, and do research. Bygon developed a conspiracy theory that had "the US declared war on Viet Nam", as his lynchpin argument. Well, he's wrong - the US never declared war on Viet Nam - and the conspiracy websites that he trolls are wrong. There is a point of law that could very well be used to advance the conspiracy theory of why the US did not declare war (in Viet Nam, in Afganistan, or in Iraq) However, no conspiracy website has visited this point. Since no conspiracy website has visited this point, neither you nor you like-minded friends have considered this point. Put on your thinking cap, deprogrammed, you might make sense of this yet.

I remember the old days, when only minorities complained about being exploited by the man. Now, with the advent of the internet, and the explosion of "alternative media websites", we can now call ourselves victims. Thank goodness for the alternative media blowhards!

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