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Farang Superiority Complex


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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

I suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :):D

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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

I suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :):D

Thai baht strong? Uhm, you know the conversion, right? Once the housing and banking crisis is turned around by dumping all the baggage, bad loans and obsolete companies, everything will turn around. Why am I superior, easy, I weigh more.

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

And if Farangs ever became the majority here we would eat them out of the country. There wouldn't be enough gai or moo to go around. Fat people rule!!!!!!!

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

And if Farangs ever became the majority here we would eat them out of the country. There wouldn't be enough gai or moo to go around. Fat people rule!!!!!!!

Well, with the mixture of xenophobic visa policies and declining tourism due to year after year of dismal news, I think this fear of farangs eating all the food here is of little concern to non-delusional people.

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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

I suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :):D

lets just look back a few short years to the asian melt down which started here in Thailand when they floated the baht. During the recovery the IMF and international community put the s.e. asian countries on notice to get their houses in order which is when the bankruptcy laws began being inforced, npls began being repossesed and sold at auction so thailand and s.e. asia have just gone thru their melt down and are on the road to recovery but far from out of the woods. I have never met anyone from America who believed Thailand owed them anything but I have met many who have the skills, work ethic and integrity to make a positve impact if given the opportunity.

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The decline in feelings of superiority will correlate within the 95% confidence interval with the corresponding decline in home country GDP.

Can't see the point about Thailand owing them a living, no welfare state here.

I think most people don't have these feelings to be honest.

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My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

...i wasn't aware foreigners could receive welfare from the Thai government....

Or by "owes them a living" do you actually mean "owes them the right to live without prejudice and discrimination"?

I guess i'm in that group that would like to be able to lead a live in Thailand free of such things...silly huh...

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Actually, I think one of the reasons a lot of farangs get 'suckered' over here is because they hold the mistaken belief they are culturally inferior.

Well some of them are, but you can spot them a mile away.

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Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't this a classic TROLL thread?

I like Troll threads. They stir things up on this generally gutless forum.. And generally, I am smarter than almost all of the Thais I meet. Therefore I could run this country better than they can.

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Umm, shouldn't this be turned on its head??

Why do Thais think they're superior to Westerners?

We come here thinking we'll be treated as equals and are horribly suprised to find that we're not?? :)

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Umm, shouldn't this be turned on its head??

Why do Thais think they're superior to Westerners?

We come here thinking we'll be treated as equals and are horribly suprised to find that we're not?? :)

Thank you for saying it F1.

It's how it is for sure.

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

And if Farangs ever became the majority here we would eat them out of the country. There wouldn't be enough gai or moo to go around. Fat people rule!!!!!!!

Well, with the mixture of xenophobic visa policies and declining tourism due to year after year of dismal news, I think this fear of farangs eating all the food here is of little concern to non-delusional people.

You stay delusional, I will stay happy.

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Thailand is not doing OK. It has been on the brink of a civil war for quite some time now.

And if Farangs ever became the majority here we would eat them out of the country. There wouldn't be enough gai or moo to go around. Fat people rule!!!!!!!

Well, with the mixture of xenophobic visa policies and declining tourism due to year after year of dismal news, I think this fear of farangs eating all the food here is of little concern to non-delusional people.

You stay delusional, I will stay happy.

Don't believe for one second you are anything other than an ATM in this country, to the people, to the government.

I love it here because I've the daughter and the house and wot not. Carved out a little bit of heaven for myself. But I'm constantly fending off the Thai 'welfare state'.

'Insert your ATM card here.' (I'm showing you my bum right now by the way).

It's the way it is. I deal with it. But if I could turn back time . . .. oh baby, oh baby . . . I'd have never got on that f'ing aeroplane.

I don't mean to be rude to you here. I like you and all, I'm just saying is all. Okay? Sorry 'about that.

My apologies in advance. Sorry again.

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I don't know where to start.

And if I did. it would take weeks to get through the introduction.

I don't agree that farangs are superior to Thais.

But I am.

I agree you are, because you've a lovely hat!

(Can I get one of those some place?, I rather like that)

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Yes I know, this topic goes against the grain, usually it's the other way round, why are Thai's like this, why are Thai's like that etc etc..

My angle is, why are Farangs like they are, why do they think that Thailand owes them a living ?

Why do Farangs think that they know so much better than Thai people when it comes to running Thailand ?

Take a look at what has happened to western countries, I can pretty much say that there was not one Thai person involved in the total mess the western world has found itself in.

Collapse USD, Collapse GBP, Thai Baht still strong, I wonder why ?

Maybe when Thai people have fcuked up Thailand in The same way as Farangs have fcuked up their own countries, maybe , just maybe you can look them in the eye and say we are equal.

Until then, the west has fcuked up big time, and the Thai is doing OK !!!

I suppose now someone will blame that on a Thai person............... :):D


put the crack pipe down

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Most groups think of themselves as superior to other groups.  China is Jungwo in Chinese, or the "Central Nation."  Nazi Germany pushed the Aryan supremacy concept.  Many, many tribal peoples name for themselves is simply "The People" in their native languages.  The US has tried to push its brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the world.  Many Muslim groups have tried to force everyone to convert to their brand of Islam and have even gone to far as to destroy national cultural heritage when it does not reflect Islam (Bamiyan), Thais feel themselves culturally superior to Lao, many Europeans look down upon the US as a cultural wasteland, Castilians feel they are the cream of teh crop in Spain, Christian missionaries strive to convert people of other faiths--I can go on and on.  This is natural human reaction.

There is also the issue of perspective.  Americans, Russians, Europeans, and CHinese might consider space travel the penultimate technological achievment, so they might look down upon people of other nations who have not yet achieved that feat. Yet monks in Tibet might think that spiritual awareness is the most important thing in life, and they might look down upon the poor blighted people of those same Americans, Russians, Europeans, and Chinese.

I am not saying this is necessarily a good reaction, although I am sure sociologists can give a multitude of reasons for this.

Edited by bonobo
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Most groups think of themselves as superior to other groups. China is Jungwo in Chinese, or the "Central Nation." Nazi Germany pushed the Aryan supremacy concept. Many, many tribal peoples name for themselves is simply "The People" in their native languages. The US has tried to push its brand of democracy and capitalism throughout the world. Many Muslim groups have tried to force everyone to convert to their brand of Islam and have even gone to far as to destroy national cultural heritage when it does not reflect Islam (Bamiyan), Thais feel themselves culturally superior to Lao, many Europeans look down upon the US as a cultural wasteland, Castilians feel they are the cream of teh crop in Spain, Christian missionaries strive to convert people of other faiths--I can go on and on. This is natural human reaction.

There is also the issue of perspective. Americans, Russians, Europeans, and CHinese might consider space travel the penultimate technological achievment, so they might look down upon people of other nations who have not yet achieved that feat. Yet monks in Tibet might think that spiritual awareness is the most important thing in life, and they might look down upon the poor blighted people of those same Americans, Russians, Europeans, and Chinese.

I am not saying this is necessarily a good reaction, although I am sure sociologists can give a multitude of reasons for this.

There's nice people and nasty people, people's just people and we are all equal in death.

Oh about the bit in bold, have you ever been to Leeds?

Good post though, interesting and valid.

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or Hull, or Blackpool, or Manchester ... :)


Here's your hat.

Thank you very much, I shall wear it with pride!

Yes, pretty much anywhere big in the UK, Bristol's quite nice though, is a dump.

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Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't this a classic TROLL thread?

In fact, no.

Seems strange than when the paranoid posters of ThaiVisa are slagging off Thai people, it's perfectly acceptable. Yet when the proverbial boot is on the other foot, it's classed as a troll thread....

Oh dear..looks like I'll have to become as bitter and twisted as the majority of posters here to be accepted.

You CHOOSE to be in Thailand right ?

You CHOSE to come here in the first place , right ?

You surely knew the laws regarding Land Ownership before you decided to put the land in a Thai Nationals name, didn't you ?

You must surely have known something about the Visa policy in Thailand, or did you do no research ?

JingThingy, this is not aimed at you, cos I know you have lived in Thailand for a few years, and I would guess you are pretty happy here as you would have left if you were not happy...........or are you staying just to spite yourself ?

Me, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I was so pissed off with Thailand.

Then again, I do have a choice, I suppose the guys that do fawk all but moan about Thailand and still stay, don't have a choice, cos if they did, why the fawk do they stay ?

No, they must be happy, farangs are so great, so superior, so intelligent, do you think they would stay and invest in a country they appear to despise ?

NO!!!! Cos they're farangs and they know best, you can see how great Farangs are from the bullshit of the Gulf War to the collapse of the western Banks, I am sure the Thai peopkle are really envious of that position..... :)

Farangs............I've shit em'.

Edited by Maigo6
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Seems strange than when the paranoid posters of ThaiVisa are slagging of Thai people, it's perfectly acceptable

I don't get it. Is this supposed to be the Happy News Channel? Only good and happy news and views? MAKE ME VOMIT. :)

For example, just a few days ago i was pickpocketed on a baht bus. By Thai people! I lost my black leather COIN PURSE, gosh darnit! So do you want me to sing the praises of petty thieves because they are Thai and I am in Thailand? WHY? Today I bought an electronic repair item and I know I was double charged but I was just too lazy to bother shopping around. And then the sales girl demands a TIP!!!***_*@#$!@#@ I should enthuse about that, being treated like a human ATM machine by Thais just because they are Thai and I am in Thailand. WHY??????????????????

Edited by Jingthing
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Sometimes it's simply theraputic to bitch.

It beats shootin' someone in the face. Donnit?

Just because someone's moaning about their visa or another guy's whining about traffic or can't get Mountain Doo ... don't mean they hate it here.

They're just having a whinge.

Some here are more prolific whingers than others. You know who you are. :)

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Correct me if I am wrong. Isn't this a classic TROLL thread?

In fact, no.

Seems strange than when the paranoid posters of ThaiVisa are slagging off Thai people, it's perfectly acceptable. Yet when the proverbial boot is on the other foot, it's classed as a troll thread....

Oh dear..looks like I'll have to become as bitter and twisted as the majority of posters here to be accepted.

You CHOOSE to be in Thailand right ?

You CHOSE to come here in the first place , right ?

You surely knew the laws regarding Land Ownership before you decided to put the land in a Thai Nationals name, didn't you ?

You must surely have known something about the Visa policy in Thailand, or did you do no research ?

JingThingy, this is not aimed at you, cos I know you have lived in Thailand for a few years, and I would guess you are pretty happy here as you would have left if you were not happy...........or are you staying just to spite yourself ?

Me, I'd be gone in a heartbeat if I was so pissed off with Thailand.

Then again, I do have a choice, I suppose the guys that do fawk all but moan about Thailand and still stay, don't have a choice, cos if they did, why the fawk do they stay ?

No, they must be happy, farangs are so great, so superior, so intelligent, do you think they would stay and invest in a country they appear to despise ?

NO!!!! :)

I stay because;

1. Daughter

2. Garden

3. Cheap cigs

4. Cheap flowers and trees and wonderful garden centres.

5. Because contrary to popular belief the authorities leave me alone to make the best decisions I can for my little family here.

6. I like the sunshine, mainly because of photosynthesis makes me plants grow lovely.


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