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So.. Erm... What Time Do You Start?


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I don't live full time in Thailand yet but when I pull into port my wife lets me drink like a fish non stop for 2 days straight. My waking moments consist of chugging Glenfiddich while sitting in my underwear on the internet complaining and crying about all the crazy crap I see at work and calling back to the states to slur I love and miss you to every one I care about. Then it is maybe 2 or 3 drinks if we go out for dinner or dancing for the rest of the time I am home.

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Saturday, 1.30 - 2PM on the way out of the office (1/2 day) but only 4 or 5 pints.

Weekdays 6.30 - 7PM on the way out of the office but only 4 or 5 pints.

Sunday, 1.30 - 2PM but only 4 or 5 pints.

Luckily for my liver I don't follow this regime every day :)

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This morning I was offered Lao khao at 6-30 am by the locals in the village. This is normal for the Thais here and any village that I've been in.

I'm not drinking at the moment, but before I used to start at about 4PM and finish at 7 or 8PM when I would eat. In the village, I go to bed early.

When in Pattaya I wouldn't usually have a drink before my evening meal and so start about 8-30 PM.

Drinking early morning is definitely not a habit I would want to get into.

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My first beer usually comes about 8-9 PM., earlier if I head to the pub straight from work. I have also been known not to make it back to the office from lunch on occasion :) , although that only happens on particularly bad days.

When on holiday though my first beer accompanies my breakfast, with my last beer accompanying me to bed.

Edited by Moonrakers
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I don't drink - ever. Being an early 30's Brit living in England I feel like a "minority" especially on Friday/Saturday nights when my fellow Countryman/women (especially the women) are out on the tiles. Drinking has no appeal to me, it just makes me feel bad. I think bars and nightclubs are depressing places and people that frequent them seem lost to me. I guess it's the emptiness or the void ,they're trying to fill with the instant gratification of bright lights, music and the alcohol buzz.

There are so many awesome things to do and see on this planet, with so little time, it seems a shame to waste this precious life drunk in a bar. If people just changed the way they look at themselves/life, the world there are so many ways to get "high" it's incredible. For me, the study of Natures Handiwork never ceases to amaze.

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Anytime you hold up the bottle, no matter what time of day.

Wake me from sleep and hand me the glass, I'm there.

Be it beer, tequila, Jager, or Col. Jack.. pour the shot, lets party.

it's all 'bout livin'. L I V I N'!


Lead the Way!

Carry On.

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I don't drink - ever. Being an early 30's Brit living in England I feel like a "minority" especially on Friday/Saturday nights when my fellow Countryman/women (especially the women) are out on the tiles. Drinking has no appeal to me, it just makes me feel bad. I think bars and nightclubs are depressing places and people that frequent them seem lost to me. I guess it's the emptiness or the void ,they're trying to fill with the instant gratification of bright lights, music and the alcohol buzz.

There are so many awesome things to do and see on this planet, with so little time, it seems a shame to waste this precious life drunk in a bar. If people just changed the way they look at themselves/life, the world there are so many ways to get "high" it's incredible. For me, the study of Natures Handiwork never ceases to amaze.

Life is not sitting in a Bar getting drunk for everyone, one can have a very pleasant time drinking Alcoholic Refreshment within moderation.

We do not 'all get drunk' some of us can handle a drink or three :)

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I don't suppose many of you have celebrated May day around Magdalen college in Oxford. I don't know if it still goes on but it used to be a morning, well up until around 08:00, of messing around on the river. To help with the celebrations the local pubs used to open from around 07:00 until 09:00 and yes it was a bit surreal wandering half pished through throngs of "normal" people going to work.

It still goes on

The pub we went to was the oldest one in town - full to the seams with people really enjoying themselves - no fights, etc. This was 25 years ago - I guess now there would probably be fights.

That would be the Bear Patsy and still no trouble, unless you count the students leaping into the river off Magdalene Bridge.

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About 2 years ago my Mothers friends daughter passed away here in the UK. She was in her mid thirties, an alcoholic. She drank herself to death. Apparantly she had destroyed her liver. The end of her life was neither pretty nor dignified. I saw her in the days leading up to her death and it was very disturbing. I also saw the effect her alcoholism had on her family over the years and the pain and anguish her passing caused, which was as equally disturbing

Anybody who has or think they may have a drinking problem for god's sake get some help. Drinking at 6:00 am surely is a bad sign?

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Anytime you hold up the bottle, no matter what time of day.

Wake me from sleep and hand me the glass, I'm there.

Be it beer, tequila, Jager, or Col. Jack.. pour the shot, lets party.

it's all 'bout livin'. L I V I N'!


Lead the Way!

Carry On.

No, that's called dying

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i do not drink at all nowadays

but when i used to not before dark

i never understood people going for a beer or two at lunchtime

made me to sleepy

my thai neighbour has a small shop where she also sells alcohol

a few of the locals on the street sometimes start drinking when she opens shop which can be early as 7am


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In general, because it get's darker earlier in LOS than a European summer, I tend to go out earlier, hence start drinking earlier :D

Although, I remember going to a club called "The Church" at The Cross in King's Cross, London.

Apparently it's an Antipodean instituition to get pissed early on a sunday afternoon :D:)

In the UK and LOS I drink when I fancy one. I have to admit - not often in the daytime - far too hot and it makes me sleepy.

But rules are meant to be broken :D


Edited by RAZZELL
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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time (as in with meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner...at least when they are out at the pubs for meals. plus the fact that water costs just as much or sometime more than a beer?)

is this really true? I mean it sounds logical, but have I been made a fool all these years? :)

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I follow the the advice of Madame Clicquot and

only drink (champagne) when I'm happy, and when I'm sad.

Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone.

When I have company, I consider it obligatory.

I trifle with it if I am not hungry and drink it when I am.

Otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty.

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My father used to be a alcoholic,besides that he was a good man.A couple of times i had to pick him up from the street,shameful experience.i was feeling pain for my mother too,she was working like a devil 24/7 dealing with 3 children and a often useless man.I think alcohol is a dangerous stuff,although it can be useful for socialising.I apply 3 rules for me:

1)Never drink alone

2)Never drink in the daytime before 6/7 PM

3)Never drink my brain off


The life can be sad sometimes,so let's enjoy a drink :)

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Some mornings when I go to work and take a private van-service there is a Thai middle aged gentleman, dressed fairly neat, that drinks 1-2 beers while waiting for the van to fill up and go... :)

I can't remember having a drink before 23.00 or so here... both since I'm no alcoholic and from the fact that I usually work late...

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Some mornings when I go to work and take a private van-service there is a Thai middle aged gentleman, dressed fairly neat, that drinks 1-2 beers while waiting for the van to fill up and go... :)

I can't remember having a drink before 23.00 or so here... both since I'm no alcoholic and from the fact that I usually work late...

I hope the middle aged gent wasnt the driver, wouldnt be the first time I have witnessed drivers drinking.

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I hope the middle aged gent wasnt the driver, wouldnt be the first time I have witnessed drivers drinking.

No-no, I think he is more middle-management. Hence the neat dressing.

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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time (as in with meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner...at least when they are out at the pubs for meals. plus the fact that water costs just as much or sometime more than a beer?)

is this really true? I mean it sounds logical, but have I been made a fool all these years? :)

that's nonsense. Though water and soft drinks cost as much as some alcoholic drinks in restaurants. But that's the case in many European countries. Some Austrians like to drink a glass of wine at lunch/dinner. Nobody drinks alcohol at breakfast except alcoholics.

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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time

The only beer that is close to water is American. :)

Or to quote Monty Python in Live on the Hollywood Bowl:

(As Aussies)

- We thought we would bring some of our own beer as we heard drinking your domestic kind was kinda like making love in a canoe.

- Making love in a canoe?

- F*cking close to water.

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I did the May Day in Oxford once. Strange to go to the Pub at 7 in the morning.... having set our alarms. Back in bed by 10 if I remember. The pub we went to was the oldest one in town - full to the seams with people really enjoying themselves - no fights, etc. This was 25 years ago - I guess now there would probably be fights.

No fights! But a few years back someone jumped from Magdalen bridge and broke their leg, causing the bridge festivities to be blocked off.

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Nice to know there are no fights!!

About the price of beer in Europe - In Switzerland a coffee or a soft drink is around the same price as a beer or a glass of wine. And it is very often that you see people coming off night shifts having an alcoholic drink whilst you are having your morning coffee. I don't blame them - I suppose their 7 a.m is like our 7 p.m. But we have the advantage of being able to enjoy a sunny day whilst they try to sleep with the traffic noises and neighbours vacuuming and stomping around.

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Working Night shift can completely mess up my day if I start drinking. Finish work at 6am.

Sh!t,shower,shave then feeling very tired come 2pm.Usually happens when watching the soccer.Much prefer a sleep and a good meal before I start drinking.

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When I used to work the Red Ete at the hospital, I'd normally have a couple of beers when I got home.

Now here in Bangkok, I'll normally pop down and have a beer at the local pub near our office, so I guess around 5.30pm, although I have been known to nip off a bit earlier from time to time. Nothing heavy in the week, and normally back home by 8pm.

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