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So.. Erm... What Time Do You Start?


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When I used to work the Red Ete at the hospital, I'd normally have a couple of beers when I got home.

Now here in Bangkok, I'll normally pop down and have a beer at the local pub near our office, so I guess around 5.30pm, although I have been known to nip off a bit earlier from time to time. Nothing heavy in the week, and normally back home by 8pm.

now depending who you ask, the story is a bit different.

I have it on good authority (Brian at Crossbar) actually, the Mr. Toad is a daily visitor - even has his own stool :) - as for his ETA, all you need to do is look at the times of his posts. Anything around this time or a few hours earlier and he is in the pub.

Edited by bkkjames
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I remember waiting for a train early one morning at Copenhagen railway station and watching the commuters arrive -- plenty of the office salarymen would stop off at a kiosk for a momentary Carlsberg before heading off to work.

Drinking isn't about when you start; it's about whether you can stop once you've started.

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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time

The only beer that is close to water is American. :D

Or to quote Monty Python in Live on the Hollywood Bowl:

(As Aussies)

- We thought we would bring some of our own beer as we heard drinking your domestic kind was kinda like making love in a canoe.

- Making love in a canoe?

- F*cking close to water.

Aussie lager is not much different from American. Ever heard of Fosters? :)

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When I used to work the Red Ete at the hospital, I'd normally have a couple of beers when I got home.

Now here in Bangkok, I'll normally pop down and have a beer at the local pub near our office, so I guess around 5.30pm, although I have been known to nip off a bit earlier from time to time. Nothing heavy in the week, and normally back home by 8pm.

now depending who you ask, the story is a bit different.

I have it on good authority (Brian at Crossbar) actually, the Mr. Toad is a daily visitor - even has his own stool :D - as for his ETA, all you need to do is look at the times of his posts. Anything around this time or a few hours earlier and he is in the pub.

:) I may be a daily visitor James, but I am not in the pub at the moment. :D

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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time (as in with meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner...at least when they are out at the pubs for meals. plus the fact that water costs just as much or sometime more than a beer?)

is this really true? I mean it sounds logical, but have I been made a fool all these years? :D

that's nonsense.


I did have a disclaimer

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Hic !!

More important has to be what time you finish and after how long.

Just remember, the ugly ones appear beautiful after a couple of hours on the booze. Then you wake up the next morning.....

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Just thinking of the weddings I've attended here, The Thais at the groom's home look as though they have done an all nighter. They carry on until it's time to go to the venue. Usually the brides home. It gives me a hangover just watching 'em. :)

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From a Bavarian friend I learned the German expression "fruehshoppen". It means meeting up with a lot of people in a pub in the morning, with the intention of having certainly more than 1-2 drinks. It might be a specifically Bavarian thing, and one can assume the vast majority of the people occasionally partaking in such a session in the weekend are not alcoholics.

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I could be talking total nonsense (but based on nonsense friends have fed me with over the years!)

but Ive been told that for Germans/Austrians beer is not much different to water? and hence they drink it all the time (as in with meals, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner...at least when they are out at the pubs for meals. plus the fact that water costs just as much or sometime more than a beer?)

is this really true? I mean it sounds logical, but have I been made a fool all these years? :D

that's nonsense.


I did have a disclaimer

...so, your post was fabricated or what??

Edited by Birdman
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It all depends what you want to do with your life.

After 24 hours dry, is it something you're craving that stops you from thinking straight ? If the answer is yes, you may have a problem.

If thinking straight is the least of your problems, why bother ?

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I'm getting too old for all nighters... tried one a few months ago and had to head for bed at about 3 a.m. Got up at about 7 and a friend was still supping the vodka.

I think the body tells you that you have reached your limit, if your head has not done it already.

It is 4 am here in Swissland - I am drinking coffee and writing here because there is a rain storm outside. Also waiting for a phone call from the States...

I hate time zones...

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If somebody is regulary drinking at 6am continuing all day then you can safely say that is not social drinking and it is not drinking for fun. Over a long time of this routine (drinking all day) the body begins to need alcohol and the mind craves alcohol. To suddenly stop can cause epilectic seizures and in some cases death. A friend back in the UK aged 33 is currently at this stage and we are trying to arrange another intervention. It's sad. He doesn't want to stop.

My rule is that if I haven't had a drink by 8pm, then I won't bother drinking as I know if I do I will be up until 12 - 1am and work will be crap the next day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

don't knock Fosters

my son will have to graduate from mom's milk soon

the transition from milk to real beer can be harsh

so thankfully there is fosters

or we could try most American beers

but not before breakfast

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