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Allowance For Wife ?


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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

Hi vibe.

Can you tell me this?

Your fiance earns 60 000 Baht per month.

Why on earth do you fee the need to give her anything?



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My girlfriend makes about 10k per month doing nails. I get about 90k per month from my job. I don't really think it's prostitution to help her out with her standard of living. Most people are looking at this from one side: if the lady isn't getting paid, she'll leave. Well, perhaps the man WANTS to help the girl out and make her (and/or her family) a little more comfortable. I'm sure someone has brought up this point already in this thread, but sometimes the myopic tendencies of posters here is really frustrating.

For the record, I give my girlfriend 4000 baht per month and she won't accept a satang more. While most will now yell 'Long-Con!', I truly believe she's just too proud to take any more from me.

Financial discrepancies between 3rd-world countries and developed nations are bigger than some of the reportedly PC posters here seem to realize.

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My girlfriend makes about 10k per month doing nails. I get about 90k per month from my job. I don't really think it's prostitution to help her out with her standard of living. Most people are looking at this from one side: if the lady isn't getting paid, she'll leave. Well, perhaps the man WANTS to help the girl out and make her (and/or her family) a little more comfortable. I'm sure someone has brought up this point already in this thread, but sometimes the myopic tendencies of posters here is really frustrating.

For the record, I give my girlfriend 4000 baht per month and she won't accept a satang more. While most will now yell 'Long-Con!', I truly believe she's just too proud to take any more from me.

Financial discrepancies between 3rd-world countries and developed nations are bigger than some of the reportedly PC posters here seem to realize.

There is a world of difference in the allowance you give and what the OP is saying.

Your wife works.

She is happy on 4K and refuses more. Means to me she has more integrity.

Many of us help out, that is what we do in relationships, so no problem there and I do not see how that is a 'Long Con'.

When a woman gets as much as the OP gives, she does not work and then she says it is not enough, most of us know the score.

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For the record, I give my girlfriend 4000 baht per month and she won't accept a satang more. While most will now yell 'Long-Con!', I truly believe she's just too proud to take any more from me.

There is a world of difference in the allowance you give and what the OP is saying.

Your wife works.

She is happy on 4K and refuses more. Means to me she has more integrity.

Many of us help out, that is what we do in relationships, so no problem there and I do not see how that is a 'Long Con'.

When a woman gets as much as the OP gives, she does not work and then she says it is not enough, most of us know the score.

Yeah, I totally agree with your point, G54. There is a big difference between my situation and the OP's. However, there seem to be many posters making blanket statements to the effect that any financial aid is prostitution.

You're right that this not a Long Con, I just wanted to get the to punch before various trolls call it so. Also, I'll let my girlfriend (not wife!) know that you think she has integrity :) .


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My girlfriend makes about 10k per month doing nails. I get about 90k per month from my job. I don't really think it's prostitution to help her out with her standard of living. Most people are looking at this from one side: if the lady isn't getting paid, she'll leave. Well, perhaps the man WANTS to help the girl out and make her (and/or her family) a little more comfortable. I'm sure someone has brought up this point already in this thread, but sometimes the myopic tendencies of posters here is really frustrating.

For the record, I give my girlfriend 4000 baht per month and she won't accept a satang more. While most will now yell 'Long-Con!', I truly believe she's just too proud to take any more from me.

Financial discrepancies between 3rd-world countries and developed nations are bigger than some of the reportedly PC posters here seem to realize.

Completely different mate.

Your girl is clearly honest and hard working. What are you supposed to do, let her go skint whilst you live a more lavish lifestyle?. There is a big difference between 'paying' and 'contributing'.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Wow you guys are huge asshol_e making your wifes work an INSANE AMMOUNT of hours for a few bucks when she could be way more useful around the house or community.

Why not teach her how to make the same ammount of $ in 10% of the hours with your oso, big farang brains?

Salary to girlfriend = retarded

Making girlfriend work for peanuts = retarded

Conclusion: Use mental capacity.

Edited by greenwood01
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For the record, I give my girlfriend 4000 baht per month and she won't accept a satang more. While most will now yell 'Long-Con!', I truly believe she's just too proud to take any more from me.

There is a world of difference in the allowance you give and what the OP is saying.

Your wife works.

She is happy on 4K and refuses more. Means to me she has more integrity.

Many of us help out, that is what we do in relationships, so no problem there and I do not see how that is a 'Long Con'.

When a woman gets as much as the OP gives, she does not work and then she says it is not enough, most of us know the score.

Yeah, I totally agree with your point, G54. There is a big difference between my situation and the OP's. However, there seem to be many posters making blanket statements to the effect that any financial aid is prostitution.

You're right that this not a Long Con, I just wanted to get the to punch before various trolls call it so. Also, I'll let my girlfriend (not wife!) know that you think she has integrity :) .


(Wife) Freudian slip by me. Sorry :D

Well, those making blanket statements about any monetary contribution clearly do not care for the woman in their life. If we love a woman we want to help.

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Wow you guys are huge asshol_e making your wifes work an INSANE AMMOUNT of hours for a few bucks when she could be way more useful around the house or community.

Why not teach her how to make the same ammount of $ in 10% of the hours with your oso, big farang brains?

Salary to girlfriend = retarded

Making girlfriend work for peanuts = retarded

Conclusion: Use mental capacity.

We do not make our g/f or wives work. The work ethic is something bred into the majority of us. It gives us freedom to have our own financial independence. If a woman is working in a shop or office or factory she also has daily interaction with workmates and that can expand her social life.

Not all are able to work in the farang way or are even happy to do so. That makes your statement about us being arsehol_s mirrored.

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

So why are you giving her 10k?

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I guess in a perfect world the economic power of husband and wife is equally distributed with each contributing half.

Not sure how that works out in Thai-Farang couples where the Farang is earning at least 10 times as much as the Thai wife. Naturally the Farang ends up contributing more to the relation money wise than the Thai or not?

You seem to have missing the point.

In a perfect world the economic power is not distributed at all. Husband and wife see each other as the same entity, and thus money is not distributed but is owned 100% by the couple as a whole.

You are thinking "the husbands earns 100k and the wife earns 10k" you need to shift your thinking to a "the couple earns 110k" mentality.

Makes me realise what a good wife I have got when I read posts like this ,,,,,,,,anyway we have a joint UK bank account ,, she has a card same as me ,, if she wants anything she makes a withdrawl ,, but to be honest its such trivial amounts ,, but it does give her a bit of financial independance ,, having said that if she wants for anything she will ask me and to be honest as her husband I view ALL we have as OURS

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and his mates that have to pay a salary to their wives each month have been asked several times on this thread to predict what would happen if they stopped paying for their wives.

Not one reply. :)

They know dam_n well what would happen. What's that song?...

"Hit the road Jack, and don't be coming back no more no more no more no more..." :D

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Ahem...so you are saying that a poor village guy will pay his poor wife's family a monthly allowance after marrage?

For the rest of his life he will pay her parents every month?

Is this what your wife told you?

Oops sorry Scotsman...carry on... :)


try the following on for size, I shit you not, I know of at least 2 suckers, sorry meant to say farang jai dee, who give their wife all their salary every month, because the wife told them thats Thai way, husband give money to lady for lady take care, was how I heard it put.

Funnily enough, these women all come from a certain area of Thailand, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to know what region.

There are Thai guys working in a factory up the road from me, from this area who I play sport with, when I asked them about this bs, they almost spat their beer out, the word buffalo was mentioned, I dont think they were asking for donations for any sick animal they may or may not have had.

The wife has never heard of such a practice, neither have Thais living around me, in fact I wont repeat what the Thai males told me would happen if their wife was to ask.

On to your next point,do you think Somboon is going to give part of his salary to support his wifes family?

he has his own family to take care of, then his parents.

Also noone living round me has ever heard its the duty of the youngest daughter, I assume the guys who spout this rubbish are actually married to the youngest daughter, what a cop out for the rest of the family, theres one born every minute.

The Thais I know said its the duty of everyone in the family, if they have any spare after taking care of their own family.

Other stories too numerous to mention, funnily enough most of these experts in all things Thai, neither live here nor speak Thai, some guys must be desperate for a wife if they are willing to put up with such nonsense.

Was talking to a guy the other day who was telling me he had to go up to the village to meet his girlfriends family, I asked who suggested it and why do you have to go?

The next part of the conversation was even better, he told me it was tradition for the farang to put on a big party so the family could gain face, and his pary would only I repeat only cost 30,000 baht.

After enquiring who told him such rubbish, the answer was his girlfriend. Need I say anymore.

It all starts in the selection process, these freeloaders should have been weeded out from the start.

I can only relate about experience in the North and Isaan.

Often the youngest daughter and her husband live with the girl's parents. They will be responsible for taking care of the parents and will inherit the house.

One ex girlfriend of mine is the youngest daughter, but she had her own house. Her younger brother and his wife live in the parents' house, take care of them and will inherit the house.

Whichever child lives in the house, it is considered that all the children should chip in to the finances.

Often male children will contribute nothing.

Nothing is cast in stone.

It is very common here for the husband to hand over all his monthly pay to his wife. In many cases it's probably because the husband would spend nearly all on alcohol and not on taking care of the family. He would be thrown out if he didn't.

My sister in law has one daughter, when the daughter married, her (Thai) husband paid 50,000 Bt sinsod and moved in with the family. He handed over all his earnings to his mother-in-law and got an allowance back. He and his wife are now working in Bangkok, but the MIL bugs them for money all the time.

My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

Come on guy,stop it. I spilled my coffee over the keyboard already.

If my other half had an income of 60,000 Baht per month, I would give her nothing and would certainly expect her to contribute to the family budget.

But then again, if she had 60K/month she would have a higher income than me.

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If a woman is working in a factory she also has daily interaction with workmates and that can expand her social life.


I don't see the joke

think naughty.....then read it again, Uncle :)

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My wife gets around double that amount. She pays some household expenses, but not all, as she carries supp credit cards for the larger household exps. She would also transfer some of this money into her mother's bank a/c each month. The understanding is that I shouldn't be called on to financially assist any relatives...if she wants to give some money to her mum, sister, or niece...she does it from her monthly allowance. She would also be saving a small amount each month so that her month-end bank balance looks reasonable (i.e., she doesn't spend everything), and in that way her bank account conduct may look more or less satisfactory in the event that we apply for bank loans.

I am in a similar situation. I give my finance 10K a month, and that is for her to do what she wants with, but I am not to be called upon to assist or borrow to family members. She does give some to her mother and grandmother, like 2K a month, but its her money, so fine. She has a full time job that pulls in 40K a month, and a side business that earns about 20K/month. So all in all she is earning 60K-70K a month, and manages to save most of it. She saved and built her mother a house over 2 years, cost 600K, but she did it. Now she is saving for a car, wants to pay cash for it, does not want any debt at all, which I like as well.

So why are you giving her 10k?

Yes, why would that be?

Please enlighten us.

Edited by ivowatson
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My wife and I use the same account. She has full access to all accounts. We don't think about it as being your money and my money. When we lived in Europe, I had the highest income so expenses were paid from my income. Now my wife has the highest income, so she pays for most expenses.

We've a fair amount of savings, but we try to live from our income, which is not high. This way of living is really wonderful, because we don't need to think about who's spending too much money, we can both spend what is necessary and nothing more.

Edited by kriswillems
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Sorry Teacup, I'm a bit slow at times :)

No problem

I'm still learning my way around all these encypted pun pun too :D

So tell us Teacup: does your bf give you enough allowance to have your cake and eat it too?

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Sorry Teacup, I'm a bit slow at times :)

No problem

I'm still learning my way around all these encypted pun pun too :D

So tell us Teacup: does your bf give you enough allowance to have your cake and eat it too?


Yea like trying to bleed blood from a stone!!!


It’s always time well spent to just call HOME :D

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While working in Saudi once, about 10 of us sitting around sipping sid one evening and this very subject came up. All of us but one were married to falang women. An electrician in the group offers, "hel_l, I don't send my old lady anything. She don't drink and already has a pussy, so why does she need money?" He was probably joking but his comment offers a little respite from tiresome threads about how much support one gives his ...whatever?

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and his mates that have to pay a salary to their wives each month have been asked several times on this thread to predict what would happen if they stopped paying for their wives.

Not one reply. :)

They know dam_n well what would happen. What's that song?...

"Hit the road Jack, and don't be coming back no more no more no more no more..." :D

Surely you could rewrite the same statement above as what would happen if they stop providing for their wives (you say wives not GFs) and I assume children in some cases so that they have more money to blow on booze and cheap women.

I certainly would expect to be be thrown out and rightly so though it appears from some of these posts that I might have more support from some parts than I would deserve.

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Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


Agree 100%.I am a farang woman.I have a job and also have enough time and joy to take care about my man.But..I have also self-respect. God, save us, woman, from men who think like you.

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Allot of guys are talking about how their women should have jobs... Shit, mine has a job, To take care of me and be a good house wife. If I wanted a career woman I would have married an American. hel_l no, give me a sexy wife who spends her time keeping the house nice, buying makeup, cute shoes, and sexy dresses so that every time we go out she's looking hotter than fire. And when we get home she has all the time in the world to take care of Big Daddy. I'm old school, I'll pay the bills and all wifey gotta do is take care of me.... Man I love Thailand :)

Obvious why you live ehre.


Agree 100%.I am a farang woman.I have a job and also have enough time and joy to take care about my man.But..I have also self-respect. God, save us, woman, from men who think like you.

Maybe he has been listening to too much rap music.

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My wife and I both have ATM cards to the same bank accounts and if she needs something she takes the money out and buys it....as do I do the same.

It sounds like you are talking about a teenage daughter more than a wife...

same same..one account,2 cards..she can take whatever she needs..usually between 15 to 30,000 B per month..my bpen rai khrap..

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Bar girls will always asks for more. I give my girlfriend like 70-100k baht at begening of month an she pays for everything, rent, electricity, all my expenses, internet, medical bills, food every single thing.. she can buy anything she wants with the money in the account, yet she has never bought any clothes, maybe 1 cream a month.

If your gf has no trouble using your money for her stuff and doesnt feel bad about leeching off you, she cares about you to the sum of 0,00000.

What are your hourly rates for your "expert" analysis?For my part, I am careful not to slag all bar girl relationships,however that was not my choice of wife.I don't blame bar girls;In general I blame farang sex tourists and farang alcoholics who end up making the bar girls jaded and what they become.I'll generalize that the bar girl uses her big head,and the farang uses his little head,and the vicious circle goes round and round.

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