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Hi @all

its my first post here so to introduce myself

we are doing not a big farming here in the northeast

like oilpalms, rubber, jatropha (?), rice, dragonfruit and next year starting with avocado

but to say: a member of this forum called me a hobby farmer. Still friends.

on topic now

i have the idea (pighead? maybe :) ) to built or buy a windmill

Detail: we have the whole year gentle termal wind (a lake on the on and a huge rock on the other side)

rainseason stormy like everywhere

water from the lake (max depth to suck 1,5m)

a watertank can be placed (250m 4" PVC already fixed, high div ~7m)

By searching all these technical things i decided to try the old westernmill + pistonpump

Here a link i found because this company is working ia in china

contacted them allready and waiting for next

www ironmanwindmill com/

What do you think? Importend enough to discuss green energy ?

I would appreciate to read opinions and if possible some informations



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Depends what your expectations are regarding pressure and capacity, windmill /piston (stroker ) pumps are low in both areas.

If you just want to slowly fill a tank /reservoir then irrigate from there it is feasible .

Most windmills are built to operate in steady winds but cannot handle the storm winds we get here during the wet season, They tend to disintergrate into lots of pieces.

During high winds the mill is usually locked up so the thing cannot operate, for safety reasons.

How far into the North East are you situated? oil palms do not do to well if you are to far North.

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If you just want to slowly fill a tank /reservoir then irrigate from there it is feasible .

....but cannot handle the storm winds we get here during the wet season.

During high winds the mill is usually locked up so the thing cannot operate, for safety reasons.

How far into the North East are you situated? oil palms do not do to well if you are to far North.

Hi ozzydom

thanks for answer

Thats exactily what I want

filling up the tanks with windenergy

from water level to the top of the tank its ~11m div

low wind but high torque is the special of the westernmill

so the combination mill&pump makes it

btw for irrigation I dont need pressure (no sprinkler etc)

in the stormy = rain season I dont need so much water

and sure there's a regulator in the mill's gear for storm

About where I am, if you are in Sawan Dean Din I am 1h N/O from you

google Bung Khong Long

and our palms are growing well

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