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Are You Taller Than Your Thai Partner?


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Just out of interest because western women (on average) are taller than thai men (on average). In the UK I rarely see couples where the man is shorter than the woman or maybe I just don't notice :D My bf is 4" (10cm) shorter than me and I'm 5'6" (169cm) but he said he's short by thai standards anyway :)

So I'm being nosey- are you taller than your partner?

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Just out of interest because western women (on average) are taller than thai men (on average). In the UK I rarely see couples where the man is shorter than the woman or maybe I just don't notice :D My bf is 4" (10cm) shorter than me and I'm 5'6" (169cm) but he said he's short by thai standards anyway :)

So I'm being nosey- are you taller than your partner?

I'm 5'10" and have been taller than every person I've been with in Thailand except one American and one Thai. But I'm too tall to expect anything else. :D

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Im 5'6"/5'7", and bf is severaI inches taIIer, so I can stiII wear a bit of a heeI if im in the mood to. There are taII Thai guys around but I agree that its not so common. I have to say that i reaIIy do Iike that he is taIIer than me, but doesnt reaIIy matter. Funny thing is, he is actuaIIy taIIer and has a bigger/stronger buiId than my ex in the UK. :)

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I'm 157 cms (5'2") so am short by Western standards but tall compared to Thais! My husband is 172 cms so I got a tall one, and I like it! :D

I have a couple of girlfriends who are much taller than their Thai men and neither party cares. The women wear heels without a second thought.

We're all the same lying down (or so I've been told!)... :)


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Nope. And he weighs more than me too :D

But, I live in the South and Southern men (and women) tend to be much bigger than the rest of the country. My husband is actually the shortest one of the siblings, including his sister!

I taught in Taiwan before coming to Thailand and always said I couldn't date a guy who weighed less than I did (and me at about 54K!) --those guys wrapped their belts around twice :)

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I am 5'8ish (around 174cm) and Mr Sabai is a good few inches taller (I think he is around 6ft). He is usually the tallest thai guy around though. My bff is much taller than her thai bf and they do look funny on the bike I must say, but love conquers all and they couldn't give two sh*ts what they look like!

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Yes I am, but she THINK she is smarter. :D:D:)

Haha, liked that! :D

Also, nice to see (what I presume is) a Thai man posting here. I know we have a few Thai ladies and gents, but really not enough!

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I'm 6ft & Mr Boo is about 3 inches shorter. Not noticed any issue here in UK as there are quite a lot of couples where the women is taller & although we do get some looks in LOS I can never know if it cause of that or just cause we are a thai man/farang women combo but 8 years & one child down the line it's a bit late to worry about. :)

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I'm 6ft & Mr Boo is about 3 inches shorter. Not noticed any issue here in UK as there are quite a lot of couples where the women is taller & although we do get some looks in LOS I can never know if it cause of that or just cause we are a thai man/farang women combo but 8 years & one child down the line it's a bit late to worry about. :)

Haha, they aren't looking at you and Mr Boo, they are just looking at you! You are an Amazon.

Ok,yes, I am a shortie, but she's still an Amazon :D

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I'm 157 cms (5'2") so am short by Western standards but tall compared to Thais! My husband is 172 cms so I got a tall one, and I like it! :D

I have a couple of girlfriends who are much taller than their Thai men and neither party cares. The women wear heels without a second thought.

We're all the same lying down (or so I've been told!)... :)


I'd have to say that is the politically correct way of telling the joke. and, it does seem to matter. The height thing. Is this ok, ladies?

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I am on the short side so I have never dated a guy shorter than myself so couldn't tell you one way or the other if the joke is true, but I do know that for some guys, a taller girlfriend is an issue. My cousin is 6 feet tall and had a difficult time when young, she was an attractive girl and told me that there were times when she had great difficulty with men who were intimidated by her height. She is tall and slender with long legs so I can only think that the problem must lie with the man and his own ego?

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I am taller(Im 5'7ish, He is prob 5.5/6)and weigh much more than my husband, I'm a BBW and he is A SHT :D

I have to say his muscles make up for it for his short legs :). He never feels short until he goes to Canada where all his friends are average of 6 feet and taller. The only thing that bothers me about his height is that I had to give up wearing my 4 inch heels!

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I am 1.78 or 5.10. My last boyfriend was 1.65, thus much shorter, but he compensated that with his perfect body and face. He is a football player.

My previous bf was actually a Chinese of 1.85, which felt very good to me. I must say that as a Dutch girl my height of 1.78 is considered average in Holland and not considered tall.

I prefer a man who's taller and stronger than I am so that if we get into trouble it isn't me who needs to protect my boyfriend.

I found a Thai who is 1.95. He would be considered tall man, even in Holland and the world knows the Dutch are the tallest nation in the world! The problem: he's a single effeminate gay man.

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I am 1.78 or 5.10. My last boyfriend was 1.65, thus much shorter, but he compensated that with his perfect body and face. He is a football player.

My previous bf was actually a Chinese of 1.85, which felt very good to me. I must say that as a Dutch girl my height of 1.78 is considered average in Holland and not considered tall.

I prefer a man who's taller and stronger than I am so that if we get into trouble it isn't me who needs to protect my boyfriend.

I found a Thai who is 1.95. He would be considered tall man, even in Holland and the world knows the Dutch are the tallest nation in the world! The problem: he's a single effeminate gay man.

Hahaha, always the way. Went to a gay bar with a good friend of mine and I have to say the place was packed with the most gorgeous Thai guys all in one location. A bit depressing tbh :)

My husband has a few cousins (or rather sons of cousins) who are quite tall, one who is even about 193. So, they are around, you'd be better off looking in Bangkok or the South for the taller ones tho. The Southern men tend to be larger than the Northern ones.

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I am 1.78 or 5.10. My last boyfriend was 1.65, thus much shorter, but he compensated that with his perfect body and face. He is a football player.

My previous bf was actually a Chinese of 1.85, which felt very good to me. I must say that as a Dutch girl my height of 1.78 is considered average in Holland and not considered tall.

I prefer a man who's taller and stronger than I am so that if we get into trouble it isn't me who needs to protect my boyfriend.

I found a Thai who is 1.95. He would be considered tall man, even in Holland and the world knows the Dutch are the tallest nation in the world! The problem: he's a single effeminate gay man.

Hahaha, always the way. Went to a gay bar with a good friend of mine and I have to say the place was packed with the most gorgeous Thai guys all in one location. A bit depressing tbh :)

My husband has a few cousins (or rather sons of cousins) who are quite tall, one who is even about 193. So, they are around, you'd be better off looking in Bangkok or the South for the taller ones tho. The Southern men tend to be larger than the Northern ones.

Looking for a man in the south? Really? Me getting on a plane, bus or train and walking the streets of a southern city, looking in every nook and cranny and lifting up tiles to find a man… that sounds so desperate. I lived in BKK for two years, but I tend to attract more men in Pattaya, but not the right kind of men.

I am sure there must be some decent men in Pattaya, although it has a bit of a money-boy reputation. There are dentists and hospitals full of doctors, right? There must be one of them who’s been divorced or widowed. Where do they hang out in their free time? Pretending to be sick and flirting in hospitals or having healthy teeth capped is not an option for me.

I only tend to see Thai women and "women" walking around with farang men and I have a feeling it’s not really about love. I have never met a well-educated rich Thai woman dating a farang man, especially not a poor one. I also don't see farang women with Thai men.

Is it fair to say that it is practically impossible for a Caucasian woman to find a nice Thai man who is seriously seeking a relationship (despite the fact that the Thais are obsessed with white skin). I often read that Thai men aren’t the best spouses in the world anyway. So girls, how many of you have found real love in Thailand (with short or tall men) and are not supporting your Thai men and their families financially?

In addition, if your husbands' cousins' sons are so tall and still looking for a woman, can you introduce me to them?

Edited by tulipgirl
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Sorry if you thought I was implying something, I most assuredly was not. Just a tongue in cheek comment that clearly went astray.

Nope, hubbies cousins are all taken, Thai women tend to grab the good ones up quite young where I live and unless you are interested in a 17 year old (he's the tallest single one), I am afraid I can't help you.

and Shotime, :)

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Looking for a man in the south? Really? Me getting on a plane, bus or train and walking the streets of a southern city, looking in every nook and cranny and lifting up tiles to find a man… that sounds so desperate. I lived in BKK for two years, but I tend to attract more men in Pattaya, but not the right kind of men. (I think you took sbks recommendation too literal...she was talking about the chances of finding a TALL Thai seems to be higher in the South. She wasnt recommending going south just to find a man....)

I am sure there must be some decent men in Pattaya, although it has a bit of a money-boy reputation. There are dentists and hospitals full of doctors, right? There must be one of them who’s been divorced or widowed. Where do they hang out in their free time? Pretending to be sick and flirting in hospitals or having healthy teeth capped is not an option for me.

(I cant help you with where professional Thai men hang out, but I do know its possible to find "decent" men by accident. Actually, just recently, i had some dental work done and my dentist, who is around a similar age to me and good looking, has shown interest. Quite funny really given the circumstances. However, im already taken :) Most of the time its about being open and friendly and being in the right place at the right time. Good luck on finding the right places to go to)

I only tend to see Thai women and "women" walking around with farang men and I have a feeling it’s not really about love. I have never met a well-educated rich Thai woman dating a farang man, especially not a poor one. I also don't see farang women with Thai men. (I think its pretty unfair of you to make assumptions about western/Thai relationships. Of course I realise that many relationships between Thai women and Western men are about money, but I dont presume all. As for farang women with Thai men..you dont see them? Really? I realise its not as common, but i certainly see it..even up here in quiet Chiang Mai.- Usually couples who seem very well matched too. Not that it matters though.)

Is it fair to say that it is practically impossible for a Caucasian woman to find a nice Thai man who is seriously seeking a relationship (despite the fact that the Thais are obsessed with white skin). I often read that Thai men aren’t the best spouses in the world anyway. So girls, how many of you have found real love in Thailand (with short or tall men) and are not supporting your Thai men and their families financially?

(That one really raised an eyebrow. I guess you havent read some of the successful stories of the western women/Thai men relationships on here? Some whom have been married many years and have kids. As for me, my partner has more money than I, and although I always try to balance out what he pays for, he insists on paying more than me. I dont mean anything extravagant. We are both careful with money. I just mean day to day things such as eating out etc. As for supporting his family..do women actually ever do that? Do you think all Thai males in relationships with western women have less money? My partner has his own business and I have my own work. I support him emotionally as does he me. Money has never come into it. (Except that he has always told me that if i need help with anything to just ask him, though i never would). We have only been together 15months, so of course only time will tell if it will work out long term. ..and yes, we have ups and downs and issues, like every relationship anywhere. As for all Thai being obsessed with white skin, thats another generalisation. Again based on truth, but doesnt mean all. My partner actually really likes it when i get colour on my skin from sunbathing. Plus, another cliche to dispel, that Thai men are not family men etc. Well all I see is a loving father who works hard to give his kids a good education. He hugs his kids and plays with them, and its obvious how much they adore him. All these things I believe are just normal..how it should be in any relationship.)

In addition, if your husbands' cousins' sons are so tall and still looking for a woman, can you introduce me to them? (Ok..I dont mean to be cruel here, but after all the things you wrote, do you really think anyone here would be quick to introduce you to someone they are close to? I really do hope you find a good guy and that it dispels some of the negative thoughts you have, but personally I would be hesitant to introduce someone who seems to come over as so cynical. You may be nothing like that in real life, but if you are, then maybe you should let go of any pre-conceived notions and open yourself up to meeting new people. Of course be cautious, just as you should be with anyone new, just let go of the negative thoughts.

Good luck.)

..is this post for real? Or am I just taking the bate in replying..

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Weird one that one..... :)

Boo, is your littl'un tall for his age?

I have never gone out with an Asian man but have done with smaller Europeans. I am also tall, 5 8, skinny minny etc. and it didn't bother me one iota.

But there is the "security" that comes with being with someone who is bigger for the protection thingy.

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Some of the toughest Thai men I know are small and short. And nobody on the island would mess with them for even a second. Size doesn't mean safe :)

As for the rest of the post by tulipgirl, well, guess she needs to read the ladies forum a bit more. I certainly don't support my Thai husband and I also know Thai women with western husbands who truly love their husband and don't need his money either. I would think living in Pattaya could turn anyone cynical :D

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Just out of interest because western women (on average) are taller than thai men (on average). In the UK I rarely see couples where the man is shorter than the woman or maybe I just don't notice :D My bf is 4" (10cm) shorter than me and I'm 5'6" (169cm) but he said he's short by thai standards anyway :)

So I'm being nosey- are you taller than your partner?

I am Canadian and 175cm and my Thai wife is 153 cm.I am sort of short by Canadian standards.I am a teacher,and after meeting my future wife I compared her height to a group of about 15 grade 9 female students,and only one student was as short as her..take good care

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Some of the toughest Thai men I know are small and short.
Quite true :)!
I live in the South and Southern men (and women) tend to be much bigger than the rest of the country

I find this interesting. The reverse is true in China. Obviously, there must be some genetic influence -- anyone know what this would be? Environmental influences? Diet? Has this been the case for a long time or is it a recent development?

(Some) Bangkokians may be bigger/taller simply due to affluence/better diet. (More ethnic Chinese, too, but I think most originate from Southern China? Still perhaps taller than Thais, on average?)

The Japanese (and perhaps South Koreans?) are quite tall by world standards.

Just by the by, tulipgirl, as you state "...There must be one of them who’s been divorced or widowed. Where do they hang out in their free time?", I am thinking that you may be a little older than the average single Thai. Generally speaking, in Asian countries, you simply won't find huge numbers of (genuinely) single folk over a certain age.

Edited by WaiWai
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I only tend to see Thai women and "women" walking around with farang men and I have a feeling it's not really about love. I have never met a well-educated rich Thai woman dating a farang man, especially not a poor one. I also don't see farang women with Thai men.

Is it fair to say that it is practically impossible for a Caucasian woman to find a nice Thai man who is seriously seeking a relationship (despite the fact that the Thais are obsessed with white skin). I often read that Thai men aren't the best spouses in the world anyway. So girls, how many of you have found real love in Thailand (with short or tall men) and are not supporting your Thai men and their families financially?

In addition, if your husbands' cousins' sons are so tall and still looking for a woman, can you introduce me to them?

Wow Tulipgirl, you sound quite unhappy.

While I'm not surprised that someone who lives in Pattaya believes those stereotypes, I think what you said is quite unfair, untrue and racist to all parties. My girlfriend is a doctor and has never asked for support. We have a relationship just like any that would be found in the west, based on love, and enjoyment of each others company.

I also have a good farang female friend who is dating a nice "hi-so" Thai guy, and they seem very happy together. There may be cultural problems for both sides, but if it's a good relationship, you work them out.

I find that those with negative views about relationships here are either creating self-fulfilling prophesies or need to check where they are and who they're with. Perhaps moving away from Pattaya would help, but then again, Thailand is not for everyone...

Edited by Meridian007
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Hey Patsy, Baby Boo has just turned 2 years old & measures at 3 ft 2 inches, so yeah, I think he'll be a tall one but then coming from my genetics (me 6ft, dad 6'5 etc) the chances were high & although Mr Boo is not as tall as me he is a chunky man so the boy is tall & broad.

You planning to wait for the next 16 years to get the perfect guy then ? :D

And tulipgirl, have a read through the ladies section, there are quite a few of us with thai husbands/partners who dont' match your generalisations, decent men are out there but tbh somewhere like Pattaya isn't going to give the best impression as it is so money orientated & a nice bloke will pick up on your vibe in an instant so you're probably better off looking for a farang partner, there is alot of them in Pattaya & I'm sure they are all perfect bf material :)

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Hey Patsy, Baby Boo has just turned 2 years old & measures at 3 ft 2 inches, so yeah, I think he'll be a tall one but then coming from my genetics (me 6ft, dad 6'5 etc) the chances were high & although Mr Boo is not as tall as me he is a chunky man so the boy is tall & broad.

I believe you are correct, Boo. Your child is likely to be a tall one. I read several manuals that all said that the height of a child at 2 years old will be double that as an adult. It proved to be the case for both of my children. That means you kid is going to be well over 6 feet tall. That is a nice height for a man... but not so good for a girl unless she likes basketball or tennis, and other sports where height is an advantage.

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