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Death Of 9 Month Old Baby In Saraphi

Gonzo the Face

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I know that this forum is now associated with The Nation.

But trying to say something kind about that newspaper is very difficult.

In the photo section in the upper left of the Nation Internet Webpage, they have usually 5 rotating photostories.

There is one regarding a 9 month old baby that died from an illegal operation, this according to the photo tagline

But again how do we get to see the story?

Clicking the photo doesn't work and there is no apparent link.

Can onyone help , that maybe has some info on the article?

This Newspaper really needs to shape up. It used to be a excellent paper, Now they cannot even write a headline and are very misleading.

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Actually It's CM related as the story comes from there, but anyway.

They often put up pictures on the website with a caption, but no story. I've seen this all my life in print newspapers, just showing a picture with a caption and no story. But, perhaps it's that they do have the story in their print version. That picture part is just for pictures, and doesn't always relate to any full story they have. So? I admit it'd be nice to have more details as that kind of story you want to know more about.

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I saw it on there and after trawling the site couldn't find the story.

I have never seen a newspaper print solely a picture about something as serious as this without a story to match.

Not even a search could bring up a story.

The thing is, it is not just a picture they had a short summary with it. People are obviously going to want to know more.

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This is the only thing that shows up on their website. Google search shows no other information.

Friends and relatives attend a funeral of a nine-month-old toddler; Raksakul Chaikanta, who died in an illegal nursery in Chiang Mai's Sarapee district on Friday.
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This is the only thing that shows up on their website. Google search shows no other information.
Friends and relatives attend a funeral of a nine-month-old toddler; Raksakul Chaikanta, who died in an illegal nursery in Chiang Mai's Sarapee district on Friday.

Well thanks for that. That is about all I could find also along with the photo...

Maybe someone will have some input from a Thai language newspaper

Anyone ????

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Ah , illegal nursery, this has somewhat now jogged my memory.

It was in fact (if its the same incident) on the Thai news (at a guess) about 1-2 months ago.

I can't remember the details but I remember they interviewed a nursery assistant/teacher on TV.

So basically this is old news, not really appropriate for front page at present.

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Here is a related article from the Thai Rath website (in Thai). The incident happened a few days ago, s young boy, nine months old, apparently fell in the bathroom of the nursery and hit his head but was still conscious, was first taken to Saraphi Hospital and then transferred to Maharaj Hospital where he died on 20May. The parents have asked the police to prepare a case against the owner of the nursery.

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Ah , illegal nursery, this has somewhat now jogged my memory.

It was in fact (if its the same incident) on the Thai news (at a guess) about 1-2 months ago.

I can't remember the details but I remember they interviewed a nursery assistant/teacher on TV.

So basically this is old news, not really appropriate for front page at present.

There was another incident just a couple of days ago cmsally. It was on the Thai news and in the paper.

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I do think that this last report is the incident in question.... It was supposed to have happened this past Friday [22nd].

What does a 9 month old fall from? A ladder ?

The story I had been given, [ now, this is just what was told to me, no proof, or back-up] is that the responsibility was first denied by the nursery staff. then they said , as the baby was bleeding from the mouth due to the fact that they had dropped him.

It was also said that the attending doctor, had said something to the effect that the injuries sustained did not come from being dropped. Signs of abrasion and other trauma were supposedly evident.

Strange that there has been nothing in any of the media about this other than" illegal nursery."

Seems to be more under wraps than the mystery of the Phi Phi guest house tourist deaths.

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Now they cannot even write a headline and are very misleading.

I wonder if they have a native English speaker to edit articles before they are posted online. I struggle to read their online articles often because they are too littered with grammatical errors and awkward wording. Back during the red shirt riots, they were posting lots of updates and some of them made absolutely no sense at all. Not even a spell check done before some were posted. I'd be happy to just read every article before they are posted.

Here is an example of an article that never should have gotten past the editor. I think it's even had changes made to it. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/rea...spanish+thaksin

Edited by mnbcm
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Jungian, as you have apparently seen/heard more, can you give us a brief update please ?

What I do know as a fact is that the child received a head injury which was the cause of death. The nursery was not a legal business and from what I understand one of the "child care givers" was bathing the child and the child fell and hit his head, the care giver then tried to give the child milk and the child spit it up at which point the care giver thought the child was choking and took the child to the hospital where they discoverer the head injury which was determined to be the cause of death.

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This whole thing is so sad. I feel sorry for what the parents are having to go thru. The loss of any child is heartbreaking, but when its one so small and young, and really totally dependent on their caregiver, this just rips me apart.

My prayers and condolences go out to those parents and all who are affected.

... and as much as one would feel drawn to criticize the party who dropped the baby, that person must be going through hel_l about now. You can never be too careful.

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