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The Duke's - Don't Get It!


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I must admit that if I go to eat at Duke's I will try to use the smaller original place across the river rather than the night Bazaar restaurant. I find that the noise, from what ever nationality of guests, just seems to bounce off the hard reflective surfaces of thewindows/floors etc. and seems to get amplified. The is especially noticable when seated upstairs. There is a lack of soft furnishings to help absorb/dissapate the noise.

I also find that over at the original Dukes there are fewer small children around, most seem to get taken to Chan Klan. Whilst they are nice to look at occasionally they do have a habit, especailly when 4 or 5 are together, of being very noisy and after they have finished eating are usually allowed to run around the place shouting and knocking into chairs, waiting staff etc.,(have encountered this twice in Duke's on Chan Klan), whilst the adoring parents look on, smile and finish off their dinners.

I know this will ranckle some parents out there, don't get me wrong I'm not saying its all kids, but to those parents who sit there smiling while their offspring run riot, have a little thought for other diners, and try to maintain some form of control over your offspring.

Before the deluge of hate mail starts..........Yes I have children of my own, but I did manage to keep them under control, even when as babies in a restaurant, if they started to cry I would take them out of the restaurant, I certainly never let them run riot even with their little friends!!!!

good on you. actually there was another thread on "child haters while dining" not so long ago. you might want to consider "bumping" that up to let others know how well you manage your kids when compared to other parents.

As far as i know, the Duke's have always promoted themselves as being a family friendly, which do involve kids being in there from time to time.

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Had the awful Pompui pizza, don't bother, but the lazagna there is good. Pizza originated in Naples (Italy) but is just tomato sauce and cheese on a thin but chewy, yeasty crust. Delicious. Never tried the Dukes pizza but that is on my list of things to do before I die. :)

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Just a suggestion for all...

since pizza is Italian, why don't you try to eat one in an italian restaurant?

it'll never catch on you know.

No, i don't know, what do you mean?

eating pizza in italian restaurants.

that said, the first pizzeria was american of course.

i don't get your jokes...

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Hi all

after all the recent fuss/ravings about the Duke's, I thought I'd give it a try, having

managed to not eat there yet in the year and a half I've been living here.

And to be honest, we won't be eating there again. We thought we'd try some of our

favourite farang foods so ordered buffalo wings, ribs, and a pizza, and I had a couple of G n Ts :)

The sauce the wings came in was horrible, quite sour and un-appetising, and a small portion, the ribs

never came at all!!! so can't comment. The pizza was impressive looking, but SO SALTY

to make it almost inedible, and the G n T's were 150 bht each, extortionate!

For the 'pleasure' of all this we had to stump up 850 bht! Enought for us to eat out

every night for a week locally, including beer!

(one more thing, why do Americans have to talk so loudly when eating out, is it a

cultural thing?)

I use to eat there alot when I was jones-ing for a huge salad. They use to be really good! And to be quite honest, I rarely ate anything else, forced to drink an expensive

beer. Yea, the prices are beyond. As for the noise?? It's the acoustics of the room itself. I always eat outside in the dust and noise of the traffic. Since the prices/food

went south, I guess I don't go there anymore. New restaurants have sprung up since then with better prices. Oh yea, I can't stand the owner trying to carry on a conversation

with me while I eat.

So... won't be eating there again, but could list it in my top 10 worst places I have eaten

in Chiang Mai


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You cannot get a 2 topping pizza this size in the U.S. for $5 at regular price. Ahhhh, after a week of rice, this is pure joy. :)

The closest pizza availabe to me is the Pizza Co.

My wife and I went there last week.

Eight modest slices with one bottled water and one glass of coke -- 660 baht.

While it was thick crust, which I like, will not be back there any time soon.

I had a brief conversation with my wife over dinner. We came to the conclusion that the Pizza Co. is very possibly the most expensive restaurant in Nong Khai. :D

Jing Fcukin Jing.

Be happy that you have as many options as you do.

Edited by Texpat
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Hi all

after all the recent fuss/ravings about the Duke's, I thought I'd give it a try, having

managed to not eat there yet in the year and a half I've been living here.

And to be honest, we won't be eating there again. We thought we'd try some of our

favourite farang foods so ordered buffalo wings, ribs, and a pizza, and I had a couple of G n Ts :)

The sauce the wings came in was horrible, quite sour and un-appetising, and a small portion, the ribs

never came at all!!! so can't comment. The pizza was impressive looking, but SO SALTY

to make it almost inedible, and the G n T's were 150 bht each, extortionate!

For the 'pleasure' of all this we had to stump up 850 bht! Enought for us to eat out

every night for a week locally, including beer!

(one more thing, why do Americans have to talk so loudly when eating out, is it a cultural thing?)

So... won't be eating there again, but could list it in my top 10 worst places I have eaten

in Chiang Mai


Yes, it is because our country can kick your country's arse...don't be silly. There are 300 million Americans, don't be a generalizing ninny.

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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

I do like reading the food topics and in my opinion there are a lot of shall we say the same same people going on about the same same food venues, any one would think there are only a handful of decent resurants in CM and while i agree the ones mentioned usually by the same same people are on the whole very good, i do agree with you that when some has a bad experience and actually tells us about the out come of the thread usually detracts from it's title in to a slanging match.

There are a lot of cl icky people here thats for sure and if an outsider has different views to the norm then that seems to be fround upon.

Not every one runs with the same herd ... eats the same foods or reads the same books, the original poster on here in my opinion did not have a hidden agenda to run the place down he merely stated his experience.. he thought the pizza was not up to his standards and was salty ... but that's no reason to get the sort of treatment by some of the cl icky few on here.

I cant help but think how long will it be before another topic will appear on the never ending roller coaster ride of the same topic regarding the same venue to add to the previous 7 pages yes 7 fukcing pages pointed out by a moderator on another thread that has been devoted to this place usually by the same people over and over again

.. and the new post will read where can i find the saltiest pizza in Chiang Mai.

Yes as someone said before these similar topics do clog up the other topics and why cant food topics be put on the food threads surely the logical place for them to be.

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Hi all

after all the recent fuss/ravings about the Duke's, I thought I'd give it a try, having

managed to not eat there yet in the year and a half I've been living here.

And to be honest, we won't be eating there again. We thought we'd try some of our

favourite farang foods so ordered buffalo wings, ribs, and a pizza, and I had a couple of G n Ts :D

The sauce the wings came in was horrible, quite sour and un-appetising, and a small portion, the ribs

never came at all!!! so can't comment. The pizza was impressive looking, but SO SALTY

to make it almost inedible, and the G n T's were 150 bht each, extortionate!

For the 'pleasure' of all this we had to stump up 850 bht! Enought for us to eat out

every night for a week locally, including beer!

(one more thing, why do Americans have to talk so loudly when eating out, is it a cultural thing?)

So... won't be eating there again, but could list it in my top 10 worst places I have eaten

in Chiang Mai


Fraid this is a total smear against a one of the few good places in Chiang mai. Only surprising thing is he didn't manage to mention Tuskers :)

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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

There is only one problem with this theory, the Marco's threads are the same as all of the other food threads - lots of arguing and fighting and the mods shut them down. No conspiracies here! :D


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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

I do like reading the food topics and in my opinion there are a lot of shall we say the same same people going on about the same same food venues, any one would think there are only a handful of decent resurants in CM and while i agree the ones mentioned usually by the same same people are on the whole very good, i do agree with you that when some has a bad experience and actually tells us about the out come of the thread usually detracts from it's title in to a slanging match.

There are a lot of cl icky people here thats for sure and if an outsider has different views to the norm then that seems to be fround upon.

Not every one runs with the same herd ... eats the same foods or reads the same books, the original poster on here in my opinion did not have a hidden agenda to run the place down he merely stated his experience.. he thought the pizza was not up to his standards and was salty ... but that's no reason to get the sort of treatment by some of the cl icky few on here.

I cant help but think how long will it be before another topic will appear on the never ending roller coaster ride of the same topic regarding the same venue to add to the previous 7 pages yes 7 fukcing pages pointed out by a moderator on another thread that has been devoted to this place usually by the same people over and over again

.. and the new post will read where can i find the saltiest pizza in Chiang Mai.

Yes as someone said before these similar topics do clog up the other topics and why cant food topics be put on the food threads surely the logical place for them to be.

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood this topic.

I thought it was a slagging topic against The Duke's. You are correct. While the positive topics about The Duke's get pulled down by the same slaggers and eventually closed, the slagging topic continues railroaded by a select few. In the middle of this topic although there is one rather large keeper of The Duke's faith, so you must be referring to UG, it appears to be a lot of one time posters lending their support to The Duke's and the slaggers continuing the slag against each and every one of the restaurant's supporters and UG.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the opinions should probably stated and then left. Much easier that way.

This case can be made for every restaurant from The Red Lion, to O' Malley's, to Buonissimo, to Chez Marco, to The Queen Vic, The Pub, Paradise Pizza, Miguel's, Art Cafe, Mike's, Texas BBQ and other restaurants where someone has put their hard earned money into making a living for themselves and perhaps their families. This is just a partial list of the restaurants that regularly get a bashing from some unhappy, tired or bitter poster. The cringe can be heard by every respectable restaurateur in CM when their name is brought up on this forum.

With respect to the original poster, he merely stated his position. Some supported and some dissented. If you want to single out UG on this post and any other of the other food posts he contributes to, he never, ever bashes a restaurant as incessantly as posters bash him directly or indirectly on food threads or any other thread. If someone wants UG, or any other of the supporters of the many International restaurants in this town, to lighten up then they should live by the same code that they expect other positive poster to live by. State your piece in a polite and constructive manner and move on.

Edited by getgoin
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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

I do like reading the food topics and in my opinion there are a lot of shall we say the same same people going on about the same same food venues, any one would think there are only a handful of decent resurants in CM and while i agree the ones mentioned usually by the same same people are on the whole very good, i do agree with you that when some has a bad experience and actually tells us about the out come of the thread usually detracts from it's title in to a slanging match.

There are a lot of cl icky people here thats for sure and if an outsider has different views to the norm then that seems to be fround upon.

Not every one runs with the same herd ... eats the same foods or reads the same books, the original poster on here in my opinion did not have a hidden agenda to run the place down he merely stated his experience.. he thought the pizza was not up to his standards and was salty ... but that's no reason to get the sort of treatment by some of the cl icky few on here.

I cant help but think how long will it be before another topic will appear on the never ending roller coaster ride of the same topic regarding the same venue to add to the previous 7 pages yes 7 fukcing pages pointed out by a moderator on another thread that has been devoted to this place usually by the same people over and over again

.. and the new post will read where can i find the saltiest pizza in Chiang Mai.

Yes as someone said before these similar topics do clog up the other topics and why cant food topics be put on the food threads surely the logical place for them to be.

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood this topic.

I thought it was a slagging topic against The Duke's. You are correct. While the positive topics about The Duke's get pulled down by the same slaggers and eventually closed, the slagging topic continues railroaded by a select few. In the middle of this topic although there is one rather large keeper of The Duke's faith, so you must be referring to UG, it appears to be a lot of one time posters lending their support to The Duke's and the slaggers continuing the slag against each and every one of the restaurant's supporters and UG.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the opinions should probably stated and then left. Much easier that way.

This case can be made for every restaurant from The Red Lion, to O' Malley's, to Buonissimo, to Chez Marco, to The Queen Vic, The Pub, Paradise Pizza, Miguel's, Art Cafe, Mike's, Texas BBQ and other restaurants where someone has put their hard earned money into making a living for themselves and perhaps their families. This is just a partial list of the restaurants that regularly get a bashing from some unhappy, tired or bitter poster. The cringe can be heard by every respectable restaurateur in CM when their name is brought up on this forum.

With respect to the original poster, he merely stated his position. Some supported and some dissented. If you want to single out UG on this post and any other of the other food posts he contributes to, he never, ever bashes a restaurant as incessantly as posters bash him directly or indirectly on food threads or any other thread. If someone wants UG, or any other of the supporters of the many International restaurants in this town, to lighten up then they should live by the same code that they expect other positive poster to live by. State your piece in a polite and constructive manner and move on.

no do not group Chez Marcos with all the swills fests named above... Chez marcos had 100% positive rave reveiws from folks that went to eat there!!(read marcos and chez marcos threads everybody that actually went an ate raved about foor presentaion,quality,freindly service, and incredible inexpensive prices for such fresh wonderful food ...100% positive!!!

so promote all you want... but DO NOT lump Chez Marcos fine food unigue speacil food with the more common very slaggable places (for some people ) mentioned above in this post,weather too salty ,fatty,bland,common,staff clueless or whatever.

Edited by gatorhead333
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I had pizza on my first visit to Duke's, with a quiet Italian-American. We ate outside - good pizza, not great by American or Chicago standards. Not cheap. Had filet mignon there next time - good, not great, not cheap. Ate there once more, with george, and will again, by george. But I never write home to my Chicago-born sisters about it.

Thai cooks are no excuse. Hire them and train and manage them.

This is an answer to my heart.

I tried the Dukes three times. (so what about giving them another chance) same with Tuskers. ALL three times the food was below standard and to answer the question if I complained? Yes I did.. Not even a Sorry!

I had restaurants all my life in Europe and one thing I learned is Never to sit back and think: They are coming anyway. For example the Michelin stars.. every year you have to deserve/earn them.

Another thing...

I used to order dinners through Meals on Wheels. The reason I do Not anymore is because the restaurants in general (with exemption from Dukes) simply mix everything together in one box. I mean.. when you do Not use their chairs, staff, glasses, plates, electricity and so on.. Is it really so difficult to pack the ordered meals properly? And this has nothing to do with MoW. They are doing a terrific good job!

Just a suggestion for all...

since pizza is Italian, why don't you try to eat one in an italian restaurant?

May i suggest you Pumpui restaurant? Is big pizza, the margherita is 150 baht if i recall well, and excellent taste.

And believe it or not...the staff speaks english!!

EXACTLY Where Is Pumpui? staff speak english ... rare & very unigue...maybe pay more than 4500 baht month pay??

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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

you think amybe juts maybe Chez Marcos went on and on because it is the only resteraurant ever on TV that when people actually went an ate typed in rave reviews?? the only restaurant ever 100% great reviews .... duh?? go back re read the marco and chez marcos threads once people actualy found the jewel of a eatery ,,... they all raved including the mods!! second post was a complete blow out rave reviews..

huh?? duh?? get it now??? popel finally found excellent food at a fair price in CM!!...and let everybody esle know it thru post...

hey if chez marco see me dumpping pepper or salt on his food he will come over sand say hey!! please taste first i seasoned your food to perfection!! please taste!!

the real deal there!!!he autually cooks the food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you think amybe juts maybe Chez Marcos went on and on because it is the only resteraurant ever on TV that when people actually went an ate typed in rave reviews?? the only restaurant ever 100% great reviews .... duh?? go back re read the marco and chez marcos threads once people actualy found the jewel of a eatery ,,... they all raved including the mods!! second post was a complete blow out rave reviews..

huh?? duh?? get it now??? popel finally found excellent food at a fair price in CM!!...and let everybody esle know it thru post...

hey if chez marco see me dumpping pepper or salt on his food he will come over sand say hey!! please taste first i seasoned your food to perfection!! please taste!!

the real deal there!!!he autually cooks the food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i do like your obsession with english-speaking staff when you struggle to speak it yourself by the way.

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Been there loads a times and never a bad meal. <deleted> orders a pizza at a sitdown restaurant as a main dish anyway? :) Perhaps have one on the side for the table, but... Go again and try the Chicken Fried Chicken.

Haven't had a problem with loud Yankee doodle dandees there either. Last time there though, there were three very annoying, loud European <deleted>... that grating froggie-esque sound that makes one cringe even at 1 decibel. Give me 100 redneck dB over that anyday. :D

probally 1/2 the people that eat out in usa.... that being said .. also if restaurant has huge pizza oven then it is kinda a pizza place and some humans yes go to eat pizza! was that a joke? or a defense ..humans should not order/ don't order pizza as a main dish???HUH?

if you get salty

u think is crap

just send it back!!!

not put on map!

deal with the manager and save us this "review" which was 100% negative .. kinda makes me wonder if this ain't the owner from another eatery joint having his mate torpedo this place again...

but yeh sometimes local cheeze is salty ,maybe that was problem

good thing we have UG as cheerleader to keep a balance on this feeble posted thread!!

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Anyone eats at Tuskers?

Why can't you just accept his opinion in the same way you seem to accept other (and possibly opposing) opinions?

This time I must agree with you. I happen to have met the OP on several occasions and very much doubt that he was trolling. I think he and his wife just went to the Duke's with very high expectations, and were disappointed. I have myself only been to one (1) restaurant of which I have never heard that they had a "bad evening". That restaurant is in Europe, however, and has two stars in the Guide Michelin :)

/ Priceless

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I ate at Che Marcos once. Didn't like it, food wasn't salty enough, don't think I'll go back.

Have a look in the kitchen if you ever go, that will put you off! Toilets filthy too.. Maybe its a french thing :)

I do not believe either of you.

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Anyone eats at Tuskers?

Why can't you just accept his opinion in the same way you seem to accept other (and possibly opposing) opinions?

This time I must agree with you. I happen to have met the OP on several occasions and very much doubt that he was trolling. I think he and his wife just went to the Duke's with very high expectations, and were disappointed.

Yes I met him too once. :) He's alright, just perhaps a bit of a drama queen when it comes to online forums. :D But I don't doubt that in essence he's relating his actual experience.

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I had pizza on my first visit to Duke's, with a quiet Italian-American. We ate outside - good pizza, not great by American or Chicago standards. Not cheap. Had filet mignon there next time - good, not great, not cheap. Ate there once more, with george, and will again, by george. But I never write home to my Chicago-born sisters about it.

Thai cooks are no excuse. Hire them and train and manage them.

This is an answer to my heart.

I tried the Dukes three times. (so what about giving them another chance) same with Tuskers. ALL three times the food was below standard and to answer the question if I complained? Yes I did.. Not even a Sorry!

I had restaurants all my life in Europe and one thing I learned is Never to sit back and think: They are coming anyway. For example the Michelin stars.. every year you have to deserve/earn them.

Another thing...

I used to order dinners through Meals on Wheels. The reason I do Not anymore is because the restaurants in general (with exemption from Dukes) simply mix everything together in one box. I mean.. when you do Not use their chairs, staff, glasses, plates, electricity and so on.. Is it really so difficult to pack the ordered meals properly? And this has nothing to do with MoW. They are doing a terrific good job!

Just a suggestion for all...

since pizza is Italian, why don't you try to eat one in an italian restaurant?

May i suggest you Pumpui restaurant? Is big pizza, the margherita is 150 baht if i recall well, and excellent taste.

And believe it or not...the staff speaks english!!

EXACTLY Where Is Pumpui? staff speak english ... rare & very unigue...maybe pay more than 4500 baht month pay??

Mun muang Soi 1, very near Top North guesthouse.

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you think amybe juts maybe Chez Marcos went on and on because it is the only resteraurant ever on TV that when people actually went an ate typed in rave reviews?? the only restaurant ever 100% great reviews .... duh?? go back re read the marco and chez marcos threads once people actualy found the jewel of a eatery ,,... they all raved including the mods!! second post was a complete blow out rave reviews..

huh?? duh?? get it now??? popel finally found excellent food at a fair price in CM!!...and let everybody esle know it thru post...

hey if chez marco see me dumpping pepper or salt on his food he will come over sand say hey!! please taste first i seasoned your food to perfection!! please taste!!

the real deal there!!!he autually cooks the food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i do like your obsession with english-speaking staff when you struggle to speak it yourself by the way.

obsession with english speaking staff? again, this is typing not speaking. s who is the dumming here??

dude i see you have mans name so i guess u are not in a skirt but all my english teachers were always frumpy old ladies..so i figured you were in a skirt.

so r u one of thesew guys paying 4200-4500 month slave wages to their workers???

did i offend your cheapness??

by the way obsession is your highlighting my verbalege!! get a life and maybe put your obsession with english highlighting into teaching A FEW THAIS HOW TO speak ENGLISH so i can get my food order right at some of these points!!!!.

maybe you like sombies taking ur food order with blank stares

then bringing u the wrong stuff or u are unable to order what u need due to no english ..

sorry i want a smile and pretty honeys taking my order that know the time of day when taking my order!!!!!!!!!!....

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It seems to an outsider that the people praising most places in CM are bar / restaurant / business owners in CM and as soon as somebody has the temerity to say the food at so and so's was crap / cold / expensive etc they are jumped on. The post dissolves into a slanging match and is closed where as the ones praising the food as in the chez marco post just go on and on? Just my observation :)

I do like reading the food topics and in my opinion there are a lot of shall we say the same same people going on about the same same food venues, any one would think there are only a handful of decent resurants in CM and while i agree the ones mentioned usually by the same same people are on the whole very good, i do agree with you that when some has a bad experience and actually tells us about the out come of the thread usually detracts from it's title in to a slanging match.

There are a lot of cl icky people here thats for sure and if an outsider has different views to the norm then that seems to be fround upon.

Not every one runs with the same herd ... eats the same foods or reads the same books, the original poster on here in my opinion did not have a hidden agenda to run the place down he merely stated his experience.. he thought the pizza was not up to his standards and was salty ... but that's no reason to get the sort of treatment by some of the cl icky few on here.

I cant help but think how long will it be before another topic will appear on the never ending roller coaster ride of the same topic regarding the same venue to add to the previous 7 pages yes 7 fukcing pages pointed out by a moderator on another thread that has been devoted to this place usually by the same people over and over again

.. and the new post will read where can i find the saltiest pizza in Chiang Mai.

Yes as someone said before these similar topics do clog up the other topics and why cant food topics be put on the food threads surely the logical place for them to be.

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood this topic.

I thought it was a slagging topic against The Duke's. You are correct. While the positive topics about The Duke's get pulled down by the same slaggers and eventually closed, the slagging topic continues railroaded by a select few. In the middle of this topic although there is one rather large keeper of The Duke's faith, so you must be referring to UG, it appears to be a lot of one time posters lending their support to The Duke's and the slaggers continuing the slag against each and every one of the restaurant's supporters and UG.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and the opinions should probably stated and then left. Much easier that way.

This case can be made for every restaurant from The Red Lion, to O' Malley's, to Buonissimo, to Chez Marco, to The Queen Vic, The Pub, Paradise Pizza, Miguel's, Art Cafe, Mike's, Texas BBQ and other restaurants where someone has put their hard earned money into making a living for themselves and perhaps their families. This is just a partial list of the restaurants that regularly get a bashing from some unhappy, tired or bitter poster. The cringe can be heard by every respectable restaurateur in CM when their name is brought up on this forum.

With respect to the original poster, he merely stated his position. Some supported and some dissented. If you want to single out UG on this post and any other of the other food posts he contributes to, he never, ever bashes a restaurant as incessantly as posters bash him directly or indirectly on food threads or any other thread. If someone wants UG, or any other of the supporters of the many International restaurants in this town, to lighten up then they should live by the same code that they expect other positive poster to live by. State your piece in a polite and constructive manner and move on.

hey where is the duke? anybody see him on here?

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