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Modifying A Condo Unit

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If one buys a condo unit and wants to modify the single unit design - are there rules and laws to follow? I imagine interior design changes must follow some safe building code and exterior must not detract from the overall appearance of the condo building? Also must building construction noise to neighbors follow any legal guidelines? Who controls this if anyone?

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If one buys a condo unit and wants to modify the single unit design - are there rules and laws to follow? I imagine interior design changes must follow some safe building code and exterior must not detract from the overall appearance of the condo building? Also must building construction noise to neighbors follow any legal guidelines? Who controls this if anyone?

The contractor is supposed to put up a deposit bond against any damage to public properties, such as lifts, stairways etc., and to provide photocopies of ID cards of each workers, so check with management first and inform your contractor of the restrictions and conditions, all works can only be conducted between 9 and 5, building materials and debris cannot be placed in public areas.

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Thanks, never thought of the damage deposit, will ask if they have it.

The Mrs wants to extend the room size to encompass the balcony space, so from the outside the room would look different to the condo unit next door, but as we are on a high floor it wouldn't bother us at all as we cannot see any neighboring rooms and would only be noticeable from street level. Some other rooms have already done it so there is a mix of appearances albeit slight across building facade. Could we be stopped by someone for proposing such ourselves?

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If you change the exterior of your unit, you need to get the approval of the majority of condo owners. According to the latest condo act, if you modify the exterior of your unit without the proper approval, you can get fined.

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As a general rule, I would say if you ever wish to sell the unit in the future, any structural modification to the unit will work against you when viewed by a prospective buyer. It's best if you keep the original design and have the original brochure or flat layout to go along with showing the flat. Cosmetic changes or changes which can be easily converted back to original, should be OK; structural changes, better check with juristic office and get their consent in writing.

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