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Maxnet - 1) Connectivity Problem (or Login Problem) - 2) Can Use A Splitter?


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At present, I again have not internet (modem works, local connectivity only). When newly installed, internet did not work, so on last Friday two TT&T guys came to my home ... and then it worked ... they said it was a problem with the username and password only.

On Saturday internet worked well, even when I have disconnected my notebook and connected my netbook.

On Sunday and also this morning no internet again.

The settings say that after log on of my notebook, it should connect automatically.

However, if it does not, how could I re-enter my username and password?

Of course I called 1103 but it will take some time until they will come to my house again.


Can I use a splitter? I have an old, no digital telephone line, 038 7....7. (It did not work for some months because there always was that much noise on the line that I could neither hear or speak. No problem, I had another internet provider and used my mobile phone for any calls.)

So, TT&T brought in a new telephone line for the internet, cut the old telephone line into my house (without telling me of course), and connected the new internet line with the cables going into my house. So, since last Friday, when they came again, the internet connection works. And the telephone not, because the lines is cut.

The guy of TT&T said that I need a 2nd line (cables) going into the house, installed by myself (respective paid by myself) to connect the telephone line.

Is this correct? One of my niehgbors is telling me, I could use a splitter and the old telephone line and the new internet line could go through one cable into the house (and from there the splitter).

Any experience on that?

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I was considering changing from True to Maxnet, but after all the incompetence I hear about their staff, I'm now having second thoughts.

Does anyone know if Maxnet would install on a ToT line? Is this the way it works?

Assuming they service the Don Muang area, that is.

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...Does anyone know if Maxnet would install on a ToT line? Is this the way it works?...

I don't think so. In Phuket, TOT numbers start (076)3xxxxx and TT&T numbers (076)2xxxxx

And you must have a TT&T number to have Maxnet.

(Now waiting for the guys with 0763xxxxx to say they have Maxnet :) )

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Thanks. I was reading it. Probably I just have to try. The TT&T guy asked me to install a 2nd line. And I believe that a splitter could work.

Yes a splitter will work IF all of your tel extensions run through the SAME splitter to which the ADSL line is connected!


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And you must have a TT&T number to have Maxnet.

Oh! How inflexible they are.

I had an 03xxxxx number, went to TOT and asked about ADSL and they said they'd have to check whether it would work as I was on the distance limit for good ADSL (in those days it was 512/256 kbps).

They said it was "doubtful" but that they were in the process of installing new equipment in their exchange ('central office') and if I waited a couple of months they could do it then. They even said they would install a new line for free if I waited! But I said 'no thanks' and that I would check with TT&T.

TT&T said the distance was "no problem". But just before I signed all the papers, someone noticed it was an 03xxxxx number and said I couldn't have their ADSL as it had to be an 02xxxxx number!

Fortunately the house also had an 02xxxxx line to the pole outside, but disconnected, so I got them to reconnect it to the house line and all was OK!

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