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I recommend two fictional novels set in Thailand by the author John Ralston Saul. The Next Best Thing (1986) &

The Paradise Eater (1988]. The next Big Thing is set in Chiang Mai and Burma and is about an Art Dealer smuggling artifacts from Burma into Thailand. The Paradise Eater is set in Bangkok.

I second that.

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It just occurred to me that there are enough serious readers that we might take a look at the AUA library collection. At least, that is the only library collection that I am aware of that might be appropriate. Maybe nice folks could donate books they have found important? It is a bit much to expect UG to start a lending library, although someone else might. The good stuff might leave his shelves in a hurry.

Thoughts on this? Any regulars who go to AUA to check the stacks?

That's a great thought, although I'd think that the really good books, people prefer to keep. With that in mind it's occurred to me that we could organize regular get-togethers where we could lend to each other from our personal collections. Of course that involves changing out of my PJ's, taking a shower and leaving home, but it might be worth it. Alternatively, we could set up a google-group each of us listing some of the books we have that we are prepared to lend out. It would be especially great for my kids because good children's books are difficult to get hold of.

PM me.

Thank you for this gracious idea. I wish it would work.

I think a lot can be offered here, yes, right here on TV Chiang Mai, home of.....whatever!

My original suggestion, the AUA library, was made casually without mentioning how limited that collection is, as good as it is; after all, we're not talking about a large library. It is very small. Individual book exchange would be even less effective, in my view.

There is some sort of book exchange through the Chiang Mai Expats Club, I think. Perhaps that is a limited answer, but not for children's books.

Re children's books, there are schools, although I am not at all an expert on them, where you can get books, but so far as I know even the best of schools have very, very limited collections. The expense of buying books, outside of UG's kind of business, is hugely prohibitive!

There are a number of places on line for "classics" in English. But children's books? I don't know. Are there places to buy new or used books? Absolutely! Just do some digging. Prices aren't bad at all in many cases.

I am not an expert on where to find books in Chiang Mai whatever the audience. But perhaps a person to ask questions of is UG (aka George), the proprietor of his TV-advertised used book stall, who posts regularly on TV Chiang Mai. He exists upon scavenging books. He probably has some good suggestions.

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I import used books from other countries in large quantities because Thailand is not an English speaking country and decent quality foreign used books are very difficult to come by. Paying for the books and shipping them and customs charges really add up, so they can not be as cheap as they are where I'm buying them.

I mostly do not bother to "scavenge' books in Chiang Mai because it is a waste of time, but if I do, I go to Bangkok's Chatuchak market and dig through piles of old books in the heat looking for something decent.

Anyone can do it and most used book stores all over the country shop there, so if you want to save money, have fun. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I HAD a very good book called "In the bed and out of trouble". It dealt with many aspects of Thai-farang relationships, up to and including marriage and business relationships. Unfortunately, I loaned it to a friend who never returned it. I've never seen another copy anywhere and I wonder if it is still in print. It dealt with some things in very explicit detail. It had pages of numbered questions in English on one side with identical pages of the same questions written in Thai. That allowed a couple to convey an honest answer to the same question without someone interpreting.

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It just occurred to me that there are enough serious readers that we might take a look at the AUA library collection. At least, that is the only library collection that I am aware of that might be appropriate. Maybe nice folks could donate books they have found important? It is a bit much to expect UG to start a lending library, although someone else might. The good stuff might leave his shelves in a hurry.

Thoughts on this? Any regulars who go to AUA to check the stacks?

That's a great thought, although I'd think that the really good books, people prefer to keep. With that in mind it's occurred to me that we could organize regular get-togethers where we could lend to each other from our personal collections. Of course that involves changing out of my PJ's, taking a shower and leaving home, but it might be worth it. Alternatively, we could set up a google-group each of us listing some of the books we have that we are prepared to lend out. It would be especially great for my kids because good children's books are difficult to get hold of.

PM me.

Thank you for this gracious idea. I wish it would work.

I think a lot can be offered here, yes, right here on TV Chiang Mai, home of.....whatever!

My original suggestion, the AUA library, was made casually without mentioning how limited that collection is, as good as it is; after all, we're not talking about a large library. It is very small. Individual book exchange would be even less effective, in my view.

There is some sort of book exchange through the Chiang Mai Expats Club, I think. Perhaps that is a limited answer, but not for children's books.

Re children's books, there are schools, although I am not at all an expert on them, where you can get books, but so far as I know even the best of schools have very, very limited collections. The expense of buying books, outside of UG's kind of business, is hugely prohibitive!

There are a number of places on line for "classics" in English. But children's books? I don't know. Are there places to buy new or used books? Absolutely! Just do some digging. Prices aren't bad at all in many cases.

I am not an expert on where to find books in Chiang Mai whatever the audience. But perhaps a person to ask questions of is UG (aka George), the proprietor of his TV-advertised used book stall, who posts regularly on TV Chiang Mai. He exists upon scavenging books. He probably has some good suggestions.

Gecko books has a large children's books section lots of Dr Seuss , Roald Dahl etc.

The 99 baht bookshop sometimes gets big shipments of Children's books, my kids like the old fashioned encyclopedia type books they sometimes get in with colour plates a bargain at 99 baht.

I would't describe George's stores as stalls :) he must have over a 100,000 books if you count all his shops!

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I get it every once in a while. If you like, I will PM you if I get a copy. :)

Thanks, Ulysses, but wait until I get back to Thailand in the late fall. No sense holding something for me if I'm not around to pick it up.

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Gecko books has a large children's books section lots of Dr Seuss , Roald Dahl etc.

The 99 baht bookshop sometimes gets big shipments of Children's books, my kids like the old fashioned encyclopedia type books they sometimes get in with colour plates a bargain at 99 baht.

Indeed, my family and I visit the various book shops often and Gecko seldom disappoints. The 99 baht shop is often a delight as well. On our last visit my kids were over-budget and were ruefully mulling over which books to put back when the owner, perhaps recognizing us as regular buyers, kindly gave an extra book each to my girls as gifts, ending their dilemma and prompting an embarrassed dad to insist on paying, but the owner wouldn't hear of it.

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