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You Can't Buy That Here


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You must have all heard it from someone. Look what I brought back from home or 'When I go home I'm going to bring back..................'

Two of the funniest 'imports' to date what people have brought back to Thailand are Orange Juice and Rice. Anyone heard of any funnier imports?

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I'm not sure about "TOYS", but since you can buy XXX movies in broad daylight on some streets in downtown Bangkok I wouldn't be surprised if somebody, somewhere is pedaling these things around. One of my former students at a Gov school was telling me how he has a stack of porno VCD's...and I'll bet he's telling the truth! :o

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You know the ones I mean...  :D

You just can't get them here... :o

Thats next on my list when I pop back home! :D I think they are illegal here though as even Ann Summers won't deliver to Thailand.

Last time I bought back 'Pepperami's, Hoola Hoops, Jaffa Cakes and loads of choc! The next time my Dad visited he was under orders from my hubby that he 'must bring more spicy Peppelami's' :D

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You can get toys here!

I get a lot of stuff sent or brought over (although you can get some of them here): cheese, PS2 magazines, Marmite, sausages, Jaffa cakes, macaroni cheese in a tin, dumpling mixture, suet, self raising flour, Paxo, rice pudding, Bovril, mini cheddars, all day breakfast thingies in a tin, etc.

I know some people though that had some Pot Noodles sent over!

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You know the ones I mean...  :D

You just can't get them here... :D

You can get some old 'Dinky' and 'Corgi' toys from Chatuchak.

If you want 'Hot Wheels' then I know a man who knows someone who smuggles them into the country. But they come at a price and they move really fast. :o

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You know the ones I mean...  :D

You just can't get them here... :D

yes brought one of those back from my last trip home ...... she didn't like it..... nothing like the real thing :D

I think I might give it to the mother inlaw...... :D ... here mum a gift for you..it's called a purple intercepter :o

I also brought....

NZ sheep skin car seat covers

ps2 and games


kiwifruit wine

2 adult dvd's.... she sure loved those :D ..... the wife I mean...... not the mother inlaw....

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I think Kennakif in #7 has got the 'most popular' list off to a tee in his post.

Some things I've bought myself or asked mates to bring include Holland's Meat and Potato pies, Vimto, Pot Noodles (the Thai ones just aren't the same!!) Videoed hightlights of the Summer's test matches, Viz Comic, Crisps, Rind on Back Bacon, Scrumpy Jack Cider.......

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A friend of minebuilt a nice house just outside Pattaya, had a sauna installed and insisted on having a gym solarium - as they couldn't get him one in LOS, he had it imported for quite some money!

Says he is too lazy to go to the beach, and in the garden are too many insects!!

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Marmite, Tetley tea bags, as many bottles of baileys I can carry & bed linen, even the decent expensive stuff in LOS feels like sand paper, theres nothing like an egyptian cotton bed set after sleeping on the crap nylon stuff they sell in the department stores in Thailand. :o

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Whenever I go overseas I take a big box of Tim Horton's donuts. I always run into some expat Canadians who inhale them like they were some circular chocolate glazed ambrosia (gotta be canadian to understand). That and some beer, whiskey, and smoked salmon.


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