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The Indian Gentleman In Robinson Food Court, Sukhumvit


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For many years now whenever I go to the food court below Robinsons at Asoke I nearly allways see an Indian gentleman sitting in his favorite seat drinking beer and wine.

Sometimes his has 6-8 large empty beer bottles sitting on his table. He must sit there most of the day just drinking.

I have seen him there for at least the last 4 years.

On a couple of occasions I have seen him pull large wads of 1000k notes from his pocket so I am guessing he is a man of means.

For some reason he facinates me. Does anyone know his story?

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For many years now whenever I go to the food court below Robinsons at Asoke I nearly allways see an Indian gentleman sitting in his favorite seat drinking beer and wine.

Sometimes his has 6-8 large empty beer bottles sitting on his table. He must sit there most of the day just drinking.

I have seen him there for at least the last 4 years.

On a couple of occasions I have seen him pull large wads of 1000k notes from his pocket so I am guessing he is a man of means.

For some reason he facinates me. Does anyone know his story?

He is the Daddy of the nut sellers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

drinking so much fermented sugars is probably pickling his liver and starving his brain and puffing out his skin, which can't breathe with so much alcohol, vinegar and formaldihyde swimming around in his pickled torso.

Oh well, he's doing it to himself, and I guess he's not doing anyone any harm in the process - and the beer and wine peddlers like him, .....so, to each his own. Hope he doesn't drive his own car after getting sloshed.

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drinking so much fermented sugars is probably pickling his liver and starving his brain and puffing out his skin, which can't breathe with so much alcohol, vinegar and formaldihyde swimming around in his pickled torso.

It should be no problem, seeing that he's survived Mrs. Balbir's cooking for so long. :)

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but what time he is there?because it's no alchole sale between 2-5 pm,so he orders all of them between 11-2pm?or he is there after 5pm?

I think he buys his grog from the bottle shop next to Tops. He then sits down in his spot and drinks all day.

He now drinks red wine too. Perhaps he drinks that untill the beer comes on sale again.

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I've seen that guy in there for ages; as I eat lunch there almost every day.

He's that guy with the turban dealy, and he sits in the same place if he can. I also see the liquor department manager hovering around him in the afternoons when you cannot buy alcohol, opening his wine bottles for him. For her to do that, I doubt seriously he buys his alcohol anywhere but Tops.

You are correct, as i've often seen 3 empty bottles of red wine on his table along with several of the big bottles of beer.

Dunno who he is, but several times I've been outside smoking a cigarette when he leaves Tops and he doesn't stagger a bit. It would seem he cam hold his alcohol well.

I will ask the radio d/j who works there by the coupon booth what the deal is with that guy.

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I've seen that guy in there for ages; as I eat lunch there almost every day.

He's that guy with the turban dealy, and he sits in the same place if he can. I also see the liquor department manager hovering around him in the afternoons when you cannot buy alcohol, opening his wine bottles for him. For her to do that, I doubt seriously he buys his alcohol anywhere but Tops.

You are correct, as i've often seen 3 empty bottles of red wine on his table along with several of the big bottles of beer.

Dunno who he is, but several times I've been outside smoking a cigarette when he leaves Tops and he doesn't stagger a bit. It would seem he cam hold his alcohol well.

I will ask the radio d/j who works there by the coupon booth what the deal is with that guy.

Yes he can hold his alcohol well, I've seen him with 5-6 large empty beer bottles and onto his second bottle of wine and returning a few hours later and he is still at it. :)

Besides being a bit skinny he looks quite healthy.

When I first noiticed him a few years ago I thought pretty soon he will get messy. But no...he looks fine.

He has been doing this everyday for at least 4 years.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This mystery is too much for me; I'm buying a ticket to BGK today and I'm going to ask him who he is and why he can drink so much. He has me envious. I can't drink anything like that much!!

Fool! I WISH I could get pissed on less. I'd save a whole wad.

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  • 3 weeks later...


If you've been mulling over this guy for four years then im suprised you havent been tempted to start a conversation with him...go up and say "i also like that sort of red/white,its good" or whatever..

what makes you think that anyone on TV is bolder than you and has made an effort to make conversation..

Besides he is not a WHITE farang, hence it is NOT a cardinal sin to acknowledge him or say hello!!

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What a bunch of nosey ba*stards.....I actually hope if one of you actually get the b8lls on you to talk to him...he tells you to f*kc off....

What has it got to do with you if he sits there are day and gets legless, if he is not bothering anyone, leave him alone...

Some of you people must really have sad lives, counting the number of bottles on somebodies table on a regular basis.....

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For many years now whenever I go to the food court below Robinsons at Asoke I nearly allways see an Indian gentleman sitting in his favorite seat drinking beer and wine.

Sometimes his has 6-8 large empty beer bottles sitting on his table. He must sit there most of the day just drinking.

I have seen him there for at least the last 4 years.

On a couple of occasions I have seen him pull large wads of 1000k notes from his pocket so I am guessing he is a man of means.

For some reason he facinates me. Does anyone know his story?

You must have great eye sight to see him from Mt. Tamborine.

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I see the "judge, jury and executioner" of all things thai has weighed in with a satang's worth of unwanted words of wisdom.

As I said; I've seen that guy almost every day for the last 4 years; he's always keeps to himself, although I've seen other "indian-ish" people sitting with him on occasion. Just last week when I was leaving Tops Market I noticed he had 3 empty bottles of wine and 4 big empty beer bottles on his table. He can really polish it off, but he always keeps to himself, and when he leaves he's remarkably stable for having imbibed that amount of alcohol.

In answer to the illustrious poster known as Soutpeel: it wouldn't bother me one iota if I tried to engage him in conversation and he told me to "<deleted> off". He'd be filed into the category of: "just another f*cked-up foreigner" here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". It will come as no surprise here in thailand; that category has quite a lot of people filed in it.

Sadly with Soutpeel being neither my father nor someone with even a modicum of say in my life, the stern admonishment to "leave him alone" falls on deaf ears. Last time I checked, I pretty much I do what I want here; neither seeking permission nor approval, especially from anonymous posters on an internet forum.

If he's there tonite when I go to Top's, I'll see if I can get him to acknowledge me with a reciprocal hello or at the very least a nod of the head. It'd be progress, and here I measure progress in baby steps. .. :D

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What a bunch of nosey ba*stards.....I actually hope if one of you actually get the b8lls on you to talk to him...he tells you to f*kc off....

What has it got to do with you if he sits there are day and gets legless, if he is not bothering anyone, leave him alone...

Some of you people must really have sad lives, counting the number of bottles on somebodies table on a regular basis.....

If you walk around with your eyes open it's perfectly natural to make observations - to not do so either makes you abnormal or a liar.

Don't confuse making an observation with passing a judgement.

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the new grumpy expat?

South Asians aren't classified as expats. Vedic/Bhraman/Hindu presence have quite a history here. Perhaps he's an eccentric Uncle of a very influential family.......aren't universal mysteries quite confounding?

Edited by zzaa09
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I see the "judge, jury and executioner" of all things thai has weighed in with a satang's worth of unwanted words of wisdom.

As I said; I've seen that guy almost every day for the last 4 years; he's always keeps to himself, although I've seen other "indian-ish" people sitting with him on occasion. Just last week when I was leaving Tops Market I noticed he had 3 empty bottles of wine and 4 big empty beer bottles on his table. He can really polish it off, but he always keeps to himself, and when he leaves he's remarkably stable for having imbibed that amount of alcohol.

In answer to the illustrious poster known as Soutpeel: it wouldn't bother me one iota if I tried to engage him in conversation and he told me to "<deleted> off". He'd be filed into the category of: "just another f*cked-up foreigner" here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais". It will come as no surprise here in thailand; that category has quite a lot of people filed in it.

Sadly with Soutpeel being neither my father nor someone with even a modicum of say in my life, the stern admonishment to "leave him alone" falls on deaf ears. Last time I checked, I pretty much I do what I want here; neither seeking permission nor approval, especially from anonymous posters on an internet forum.

If he's there tonite when I go to Top's, I'll see if I can get him to acknowledge me with a reciprocal hello or at the very least a nod of the head. It'd be progress, and here I measure progress in baby steps. .. :D

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the new grumpy expat?

South Asians aren't classified as expats.

Is he Thai...is he a PR..is he a Citizen.....If none of these.... he is an expat, So dont know have race got into the definition.

Chances are he's akin to ancestrial heritage whom have been around here for ages. Citizen? Politically? People are soooo slow.

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