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Impact Of North Korea Situation On Tourism In Cm


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What is the feeling in CM about the situation in North Korea? If they start firing stuff it will be heading South or East, even so it could make ex-pats and tourists think twice about staying in the area. Would they be stupid enough to fire off dirty bombs? As they are nuts it wouldn't be a surprise.

Given what I have been reading about the shortage of tourists is this simply more bad news?

To be honest it doesn't bother me at all and will not alter my view. However, if people start to fret and the area destablises then maybe it is time to think again.

I would welcome your thoughts.

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I know they as stupid But I doubt they are that daft IF and I repeat IF

That would be Bye Bye North Korea. All hel_l would break loose.

The world superpowers Could not and Would not stand and watch.

Not Nuclear retaliation but desisive.

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I imagine a few punters may drop their plans to visit Chiangmai and go instead to North Korea because it is becoming such an exciting place, but I don't see it having that much of an effect as a whole on tourism in Chiangmai.

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I can't imagine what linkage there might be between North Korean activity and Chiang Mai tourism. North Korea is one of the many proxy Chinese states that are unstable. That's the way China likes it.

I think their recent actions have more to do with the internal politics of NK and less to do with their neighbors. If I'm wrong and they do try to start a regional conflit, I would expect the Thais to be more welcoming to American military outposts. I'm not sure if America would respond positively because it would cause friction with China, who, I think, they have already bequeathed East Asia to in their long term planning, and of course they're broke as well.

I have to agree with the earlier poster that Korean women are beautiful and that's never a bad thing.

Edited by lannarebirth
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What is the feeling in CM about the situation in North Korea? If they start firing stuff it will be heading South or East, even so it could make ex-pats and tourists think twice about staying in the area. Would they be stupid enough to fire off dirty bombs? As they are nuts it wouldn't be a surprise.

Given what I have been reading about the shortage of tourists is this simply more bad news?

To be honest it doesn't bother me at all and will not alter my view. However, if people start to fret and the area destablises then maybe it is time to think again.

I would welcome your thoughts.

CM is so slow now maybe some nuclear fireworks would brighten things up!!

it is imposssible to get any more dead here ,, maybe not.

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The leaders in North Korea are probably no more crazy than leaders in Myanmar, Iran, Pakistan and several countries in Africa. China will probably keep a lid on it because China has too much to lose if the leaders in North Korea go off the deep end. It's just a case of the "little man syndrome" where the runt is always posturing to show how important he is. With a few exceptions, like Hitler or Bonaparte, nothing much comes of it. And, if it did there is nothing that will affect Thailand any more than it will affect the entire world.

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The leaders in North Korea are probably no more crazy than leaders in Myanmar, Iran, Pakistan and several countries in Africa. China will probably keep a lid on it because China has too much to lose if the leaders in North Korea go off the deep end. It's just a case of the "little man syndrome" where the runt is always posturing to show how important he is. With a few exceptions, like Hitler or Bonaparte, nothing much comes of it. And, if it did there is nothing that will affect Thailand any more than it will affect the entire world.

Being a "little man" myself, I confirm that we bark more than we bite.

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We do have to watch out for our buds in South Korea. We have to be careful about leveling stuff. :D

That is why the Americans have "smart bombs". Smart bombs ask if you are from the north or the south before they blow up. :)

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On a slightly more serious note: South Korea is the second largest source of tourists to Thailand (not counting Malaysia). Apparently many of them come to Chiang Mai for "extended weekends" to play golf (and possibly other activities :) ). If the crisis makes South Koreans less inclined to travel, that will certainly have an impact on the Chiang Mai tourist industry :D

/ Priceless

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If the crisis makes South Koreans less inclined to travel, that will certainly have an impact on the Chiang Mai tourist industry :)

I should think that if I were South Korean, the crisis would make me much more inclined to travel.

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If the crisis makes South Koreans less inclined to travel, that will certainly have an impact on the Chiang Mai tourist industry :)

I should think that if I were South Korean, the crisis would make me much more inclined to travel.

Hence the "if".

/ Priceless

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On a slightly more serious note: South Korea is the second largest source of tourists to Thailand (not counting Malaysia). Apparently many of them come to Chiang Mai for "extended weekends" to play golf (and possibly other activities :) ). If the crisis makes South Koreans less inclined to travel, that will certainly have an impact on the Chiang Mai tourist industry :D

/ Priceless

Why not make them the third, and leave Malaysia out of it?

We get a lot of them (or at least we did last year) at our lovely

moo baan restaraunt, they usually come

in two or three large coaches and have a buffet in the aircon section.

I'm gald they come and would be sorry to lose them, especially

the drunk karaoke bit! (or at least, they sound drunk!!!)


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On a slightly more serious note: South Korea is the second largest source of tourists to Thailand (not counting Malaysia). Apparently many of them come to Chiang Mai for "extended weekends" to play golf (and possibly other activities :) ). If the crisis makes South Koreans less inclined to travel, that will certainly have an impact on the Chiang Mai tourist industry :D

/ Priceless

Why not make them the third, and leave Malaysia out of it?

We get a lot of them (or at least we did last year) at our lovely

moo baan restaraunt, they usually come

in two or three large coaches and have a buffet in the aircon section.

I'm gald they come and would be sorry to lose them, especially

the drunk karaoke bit! (or at least, they sound drunk!!!)


Because the discussion is about tourists, but the only available statistics are about arrivals. Malaysia is by far the largest source of "Arrivals" according to the TAT statistics that I used, but probably would come in far down the list of "Tourists", if there were such a statistic. Arrivals from Malaysia in 2007 were in excess of 1.5 million (over 10% of the total), with more than 1 million by land though.

/ Priceless

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I would guess that short of war there should be little or no impact.

South Korean tourists to Thailand like to play golf, sing karaoke, and.....etc. They are risk-averse, but IMO not so much as the Japanese and Chinese nationals. They have had a hard existence in previous decades, and are reaping the rewards of their hard work.

Not sure about the above comment regarding the 6 US nuclear subs off the coast of Korea, their intended targets, or whether President Obama is less or more likely to pull the trigger. Maybe we have the PACOM fleet commander here on the Thai Visa Chiang Mai sub-forum?

Welcome, Admiral! :)

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... snip ... but the only available statistics are about arrivals. Malaysia is by far the largest source of "Arrivals" according to the TAT statistics that I used, but probably would come in far down the list of "Tourists", if there were such a statistic. Arrivals from Malaysia in 2007 were in excess of 1.5 million (over 10% of the total), with more than 1 million by land though.

Among tea-leaf-readers, mor doos (psychics), and fantasists, and loquacious zombies possesed by an Orang soul, a source of facts is Priceless !

It would be interesting to know among that cohort of arrivals (roughly) what percentage were in country for business reasons only, for transit reasons only, and for tourist reasons. What percent leave the greater Bangkok area, what is the average length of stay for the business only traveller, etc.

thank you, ~o:37

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