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What's On Your Menu Today?

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As it is Sunday again I am standing in my kitchen :) .

Our menu today:

Australian black mussels(steamed) with a Thai dip(wife's responsibility),

main course will be a Hungarian beef goulash with potato dumplings.

What's on your menu today???


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Steak Rancheros burritos, refried beans, Mexican rice, guacamole, sour cream and all the fixings. If I have the energy, I'll whip up some cheese enchiladas as well. My girlfriend will make a Thai version of albondigas (chicken meatball soup).

So we are the only one's who are cooking here on a Sunday.......... :)


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Well i decided to cook today here's what we had. Huge pork chops(supplied by my Polish mate who works at local abbatoir :) ), Oven cooked with a jar of Heinz tikka spread on sauces spread on. McCains crinkle cut oven chip and garden peas. Very nice as well.

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Today I will be making lasagne, using the soft cheese I get from draining my homemade yogurt instead of ricotta. It's a very good substitute. I will have with it buttered spinach, a cabbage salad, and some rye bread. Dessert will be an apple.

Need to make more yogurt today, and baking a loaf of white bread looks inevitable. I also want to start soaking some beans for cooking tomorrow. That's on top of two or three loads of laundry. Why am I still sitting in front of my computer with so much to do?

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Well today it'll be Texas style chili, sourdough rye and a nice green salad. Yum!

I'm very curious about making my own yogurt, cathyy. Maybe if you find the time in your busy day, you could share a few tips for a beginner. :)

BTW, lasagna is my all-time-favorite food! Yum!

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Oh yum, Thaigerd! What kind of sausages are you making?

I am doing:

Cumberland, German Bratwurst, Wagyu beef sausages, Lamb sausages, spicy asian style chicken and a few more, most of them in small breakfast size. Will end up later with around 50kg for today...............just received another order by mail for 10kg tomorrow.

Just having a break with a Heineken :) .


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We had grilled Tasmanian salmon steaks with teriyaki marinade on mashed potato with blanched green beans. Rocket salad with balsamic dressing on the side. No dessert yet.

A real gourmet dish!

From where you/ve got the Tasmanian salmon from?


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Fried potatoes & onions, garnished with chives and green chili pepper (slight Thai fusion, there).

Egg omelette

Yogurt garnished with nuts

Orange juice

...nearly same here this morning :) but I need a good coffee as well in the morning.


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We had grilled Tasmanian salmon steaks with teriyaki marinade on mashed potato with blanched green beans. Rocket salad with balsamic dressing on the side. No dessert yet.

A real gourmet dish!

From where you/ve got the Tasmanian salmon from?


Mmm, yes Gerd it was very nice, I'm still licking my lips. The salmon steaks were THB 660/kg at Tops Central Chidlom Food Hall. Two medium steaks for the adults and 1 small one for our daughter cost THB 360.

I originally went looking for fillets (THB 990/kg) But they were a little grey and curling at the edges. Yuk.

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I'm very curious about making my own yogurt, cathyy. Maybe if you find the time in your busy day, you could share a few tips for a beginner. :)

I'm not cathy but I make yoghurt at home all the time as well. I follow a recipe I got from an Indian cookbook by Mader Jaffrey. The first step is to go and buy a small tub of plain yogurt and some milk. For each 1.5 pints of milk you need 2 tablespoons of yoghurt.

Put the milk in a pot and bring to the boil, as soon as it starts to rise turn the heat to very low and simmer for one minute. Switch off the heat and let the milk cool to 38-43C. Put the yoghurt into a non-metallic bowl. Beat with a whisk until creamy, start to add the milk a tablespoon at a time and whisk in. After a few tablespoons have been added you can pour the rest in faster, keep beating as you pour. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for about 8 hours or until it has set.

This method has always worked for me, it's hot enough here in Bangkok not to require any fancy yoghurt making machines. To make the next batch just use the last few tablespoons of your previous batch. I like it with some home made jam stirred in, yum!

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yesterday bbq 14 oz rib eyes (nice marbling) along with 6 imported (large size) sea scallops. Marinated the scallops for 6 hours in carribean seafood marinade before grilling. served on a bed of sprouts and topped off with olive oil, sea salt and splash of fresh lime

steaks grilled medium rare with only fresh black pepper and seasalt for seasoning.

with the newborn taking up much of our time, only get one or two chances a week to get creative so try to make the most of it.

tonight back to the quick and easy I am afraid :)

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Fried potatoes & onions, garnished with chives and green chili pepper (slight Thai fusion, there).

Egg omelette

Yogurt garnished with nuts

Orange juice

...nearly same here this morning :) but I need a good coffee as well in the morning.


Coffee for breakfast gives me an all-day "buzz." Just think how well I'd handle a large bottle of Leo for breakfast!

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Last night:

Peach/mango smoothie

Lobster bisque with sherry

Mashed potatoes

Mushrooms and garlic

bone marrow

Wagyu Flatiron steak

I had this at the Vertigo restaurant on top of the Banyon Tree. The steak was good, but the rest merely adequate. Luckily, my dinner partner gets a 50% discount as I think the meal was not worth the listed price.

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