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Riding Bikes At Night


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The other night, when I was driving my bike from Patong to my home in Kamala, I was knocked over by another bike on the dark stretch on the last hill-top. I landed on my shoulder, and took a bit of a tumble. The perpetrator started heading towards me, but then a car came by, so he split.

Back in Patong Hospital, for an X-ray, I lay next to another tourist who had had the same experience, on that exact same stretch. Only she wasn’t so lucky, as she lost her purse and money. The police confirmed that the road between Patong and Kamala (even Kalim) has currently been ridden with similar incidences. And only last night, there were three more attempted muggings on either one of the unlit roads in or around Kamala/Surin.

Now, I’m aware that this has been going on before, but I believe there has been an increase in such incidences after the Tsunami. So I would just like to heed this warning: I would strongly urge everyone not to drive their bikes on the unlit roads at night. At least around the tourist areas. If only the local officials would put their heads together and trying to find a way to reduce transport costs. Or, at the very least, put lights on the most desolate roads.

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Interesting you should bring this up - as my wife has been saying that many people where she works have been reporting similar instances of forced bike accidents followed by robbery. One woman was literally yanked off her bike by the robber grabbing a gold chain around her neck.

I thought she was just being paranoid - but I think you may well be right that the incidence of such situations is on the rise.

Time to be careful - at least until things stabilize.

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We are in Malaysia and this 'snatch theft' method of crime is rampant here, just don't ask the government to confirm it. There have been numerous deaths as a result due to the falls and spills, mostly head injuries. Sounds like the 'fad' is just catching on in Phuket, sorry to hear that.

Also beware of people on bikes riding very close to you and grabbing for your bags even when you are on foot. A variation on the theme.

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At least two muggings in the darker parts of Nanai Road lat at night that I know of.

Farang riding motor bike, then whack across the face with a bit of 4 X 2, or other weapon. Money, mobile, jewellery, etc. etc. all gone.

Best to take a tuk tuk or motor bike taxi i that area at night.

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I just got an e-mail confiming that it is not uncommon and the run at the top of the hill into Patong from the south is the hot spot. I wonder why the dark curves from, Kalmala don't qualify as a "Muggers Paradise". This exactly why I'm getting my Thai DL and a Car...one with big bumpers so the accident makes will think twice about ramming me on a motor bike. Falang w/ thai DL and Thai Ins, you still will get the short end!

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A friend of mine last year was driving on the highway between the monument and Bangtao when two bikes came up from behind and pulled the key from his ignition. They then robbed him at gunpoint and left him stranded with his bike and no key. This happened during a weekday about 11pm.

Nowhere is safe.

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