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Scam Area's Around Bangkok


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More VIP Bus Drugging/Robbery.

Reports like this are all over the internet.

When will Thai Authorities get serious about protecting tourists?

"Went from Krabi to Bangkok with a VIP Bus with my boyfriend on the 2nd of January 2009. I don't remember the name of the agency , where we bought the tickets, but we were waiting for the bus at "Guitar Tours", where it was already strange, because they were obviously lying to us, about "no break during the trip to Bangkok", so they wanted us to buy sandwiches and stuff..and after a strange first bus-ride, in which some of us even had to take their bags inside the bus, because there was not enough space inside the luggage-room they stopped after a few hours somewhere, where we had to sign our names (which was again just a reason for the passangers to go to the placeand buy some food) we had to change the bus..Nobody was replying to any questions.Not even in Thai. They were just turnig around and ignoring all the questions...Then somewhen of course everybody felt asleep...When we arrived at Khao San Road, we first didn't noticed anything, as it seems like all our stuff was there (I had my valuables under my seet between my legs, covered with a blanket and I checked it a few times, and everything was there, I thought....) We felt pretty dizzy and sleepy but of course that's no wonder after such a long busride..At home we slept for a few hours and felt really strange after waking up..sick and like as if somebody has drugged us(I took Tramal/Tramadol once, when I had the worst pain in my back, and this is really like a drug, makes you high and sleepy and gives you a weird feeling and the next day you feel exactly the same..)..I wanted to pay the rent and realized, that all my money was gone ...(13000Baht......."

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I found this on the net it is not new info however this weekend some of the same people were working central world passing themselves off as central world managers.

here is a link I hope its ok with the mods


What is the financial advantage to the so called "Mafia"?

Nothing on that page indicates an advantage.

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