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Ever Noticed How B/g's Pray Before Starting Work?


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Very clear the OP knows nothing about Thailand , their culture ,

and thoughts and believes .

Very much ignorant and lofty attitude you have there .

But you just could learn something from them , no matter you believe it

or not and the fact that you are in a different culture with different customs then your own .

If you bothered to read and attempt to understand the op then he was asking for reasons why the girls do it as it was fairly obvious that he did not know about the custom, that does not make him a fool or anything else.

Why is it that TV has so many posters that just cannot wait to put someone down, have you nothing better to do with your time, and as for people not knowing something that is no more of a crime than not being able to correctly express oneself in english, it's not a crime so give people a break for christs sake.

some are like described correctly,

others are bored to start with the broom again.

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If you bothered to read and attempt to understand the op then he was asking for reasons why the girls do it as it was fairly obvious that he did not know about the custom, that does not make him a fool or anything else.

Why is it that TV has so many posters that just cannot wait to put someone down, have you nothing better to do with your time, and as for people not knowing something that is no more of a crime than not being able to correctly express oneself in english, it's not a crime so give people a break for christs sake.

I agree with your point that some people seemingly jump at the chance to put anyone down.  But in this case, I think people were reacting to what they view as his hypocrisy.  Here he is, sitting in bars in Nana, putting down women who work there for praying?

If he had merely asked about the custom or asked for what they were praying, then that would have been diferent.  But he was clearly being judgemental, and while I don't speak for all the other posters, I would imagine that is what is the crux of their posts back to him.

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I agree with your point that some people seemingly jump at the chance to put anyone down. But in this case, I think people were reacting to what they view as his hypocrisy. Here he is, sitting in bars in Nana, putting down women who work there for praying?

If he had merely asked about the custom or asked for what they were praying, then that would have been diferent. But he was clearly being judgemental, and while I don't speak for all the other posters, I would imagine that is what is the crux of their posts back to him.

I agree with a lot of what you said but however remote the thought may be, he may not actually have gone in the bar to pick up a woman it could have been just for a drink, and is'nt it a fact that most religions are full of hypocrisy, he made the mistake of thinking it was about religion rather than some spiritual thing, people should think first before jumping down peoples throat. :)

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Sitting at a bar on the ground floor of Nana Plaza the other week I noticed that all the bar girls stopped and prayed at their respective little alters.

Not just some of them...ALL of them.

Now this somewhat seemed hypocritical to me and got me wondering just what it is they are actually praying for.

Are they praying for:

1) God to help them get out of this awefull mess they've found themselves in? (unlikely)

2) God to give them a rich jai dee customer tonight?

3) God to bless their family and friends?

4) Non of the above they just pray out of habit.

What else could they be praying for?

Every morning most Thai's in the lower income bracket pray for buddah to bring them money.

The BG's will be praying for the big fish to come their way that day so they can get him hook, line

and sinker. You see the same with the taxi drivers, cleaners etc...

Of course the BG may be just looking to top up the supply of farang sending money every week

and not be hoping to leave the bar at all.

On the offering food to buddah thing I think all religion is an idiotic and weak minded concept so

I can't defend it...

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Ain't sure if anyones mentioned this already... But at the gogo which is directly in front of you when you walk up the left hand stair case to the 2nd floor at Nana they do some sort of tribal dance with a wooden dildo at the start of the night.. :) It was a few years ago last time I was in there, but its certainly worth watching if they still do it, all very wierd...

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why do some people have such a disgusting one dimensional view of thai people.

what i have noticed is many still make the offering at night even though they have a boyfireind and are out of the bar business.

old habits die hard.

There praying the the meal ticket hangs around.. :)

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