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No if and this is a big IF the government remain stable, no more civil fighting, closing airport, the tourist will return in number greater than ever, again just look at what the neighboring countries have to offer. :D:D:):D:D

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Taking into account the strong Baht, the Thais have lost the plot when it comes to pricing of - well everything. They have also become arrogant and greedy and their propensaty for increasing prices when buisiness is bad is plain nutts.

I recently heard that a small restaurant, being refitted by its new tennant, in a modest foot traffic area of Patong.. Is getting a 280k per month rent !!

As this is an Italian restaurant to be, what price will the meals be ??

Who would consider an 280k per month rent !?!? Look at what tha gets you in a western country..

I don't think the decline of tourists is good though I do like having room to walk on Sukhumwit. It's bad because it will increase crime and negative feelings towards Farangs even though it's not our fault Thailand has shot itself in the foot repeatedly then moved on to shot itself in the hands and maybe now even head. I posted on another thread I feel quite safe in Bangkok which is true however I don't feel safe at all in Phuket and would seriously question taking a holiday there vs. another safer destination. I do find many friendly and good matured Thai's but they are offset by a lot of aggressive arrogant and possibly dangerous touts harassing and exploiting tourists to an increasing degree. Think about it would you honestly let your old mother walk down most streets in Thailand?

Ah seriously! :) 'Would you honestly let yer ol' mum walk down most streets in Thailand' :D:D

Yer Ol' Mum would most certainly be 10000% safer 'walking down any soi, er street in Thailand'. Day or night, unlike some poor old biddy out on her way home from a night on the lash in Glasgie :D

My mum doesnt live in Glasgie.. But after trying to live in phuket she is back in devon, where she often doesnt lock the door when she leaves the house, has open windows, has nearly no crime, etc.. In Phuket she was pushed about, treated like crap, charged 200 baht for a single slice of water melon and when she protested the price the guy waved the knife in her face and menacingly told her she ordered it she had to pay for it, threatened by a taxi driver who changed his price mid journey and had her house rental deposit stolen.

Crime comes in many forms.. Taking advantage of a meek old woman like that is crime on a daily basis..


TV posters love to overstate the importance of tourism to Thailand.

It makes them feel important.

Their precious bucks and pounds and euros and brilliant minds are all that keep Thailand afloat.


Now everyone knows its proving a bad year for tourism. 5 star hotel occupancy is currently between 15% to 30% in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket around half normal levels for this time of year. I suspect the lower end of the market is doing a bit better. I dont know the exact numbers but I am sure they will show few tourists and tourists spending less money.

Now it is easy to blame this all on the global recession but there is more going on out there...

Compare this showing record numbers flocking to Bali....


With this showing arrivals down 25% to Phuket...


Why should Bali's visitors be at record levels and Phuket's collapsing. Is it simply the politics? Is it the slew of bad press over crime by here?

One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.

So has Thailand had its 'day in the sunshine' as far as tourism is concerned or is it just a temporary decline due to politics and the economy?

... and the primary cause: relative strength of the THB. Its hit tourism big time yes, but its hit the manufacturing and export base big big BIG time as well.

Thailand Inc. can expect things to stay like this (and get worse) untill it revalues the Baht.

TV posters love to overstate the importance of tourism to Thailand.

It makes them feel important.

Their precious bucks and pounds and euros and brilliant minds are all that keep Thailand afloat.


I'm liking you more and more with every post.

Now everyone knows its proving a bad year for tourism. 5 star hotel occupancy is currently between 15% to 30% in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket around half normal levels for this time of year. I suspect the lower end of the market is doing a bit better. I dont know the exact numbers but I am sure they will show few tourists and tourists spending less money.

Now it is easy to blame this all on the global recession but there is more going on out there...

Compare this showing record numbers flocking to Bali....


With this showing arrivals down 25% to Phuket...


Why should Bali's visitors be at record levels and Phuket's collapsing. Is it simply the politics? Is it the slew of bad press over crime by here?

One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.

So has Thailand had its 'day in the sunshine' as far as tourism is concerned or is it just a temporary decline due to politics and the economy?

Chickens coming home to roost I'm afraid. Thais have done it to themselves, it is 100% self-inflicted. For as long as they behave in the disgraceful way that they do, I will shed no tears.



as posted in another topic

number of tourist in thailand for april 09 has increased by 25% compared to april 08, that is teh first month this year that tourism is up compared on month to month.

and in april last year there was nothing, compared to april this year the songkran riots

as posted in another topic

number of tourist in thailand for april 09 has increased by 25% compared to april 08, that is teh first month this year that tourism is up compared on month to month.

and in april last year there was nothing, compared to april this year the songkran riots

for you who will ask where i got this information from, i would have posted the link but they just removed April,


it was listed 4 hours ago


Jan - down -19.69 %

Feb - down -25.69 %

Mar - down -16.94 %

Apr - down -15.74 %

May - down -26.18 %

I followed Zeids link and went on the website and downloaded the Excel spreadsheets

And it looks like they are DOWN every month this year 2009 compared to last year. :)


I read a report today that stated global warming is increasing Beijing's tourism by 30% Stockholm up 25% Calgary up 32%

The shape of things to come.

as posted in another topic

number of tourist in thailand for april 09 has increased by 25% compared to april 08, that is teh first month this year that tourism is up compared on month to month.

and in april last year there was nothing, compared to april this year the songkran riots

for you who will ask where i got this information from, i would have posted the link but they just removed April,


it was listed 4 hours ago


Jan - down -19.69 %

Feb - down -25.69 %

Mar - down -16.94 %

Apr - down -15.74 %

May - down -26.18 %

I followed Zeids link and went on the website and downloaded the Excel spreadsheets

And it looks like they are DOWN every month this year 2009 compared to last year. :)

pook look

there are two tables on the top one for all arrivals and the lower one for at suvarnabhumi airport, there for when you want to see the total number you look at the top one

and that is why i think they removed the april one from teh top one i think some one did an oops


Thailand has followed Ratner's UK jewllery business example.

It's succeeded in alienating it's core market by taking it for granted. It cost Mr Ratner his business. The same as countless thousands rued having invested in "Ratner Crap" so Thailand has shown its hand. It is no longer a brand as far as tourists are concerned.

Thailand has followed Ratner's UK jewllery business example.

It's succeeded in alienating it's core market by taking it for granted. It cost Mr Ratner his business. The same as countless thousands rued having invested in "Ratner Crap" so Thailand has shown its hand. It is no longer a brand as far as tourists are concerned.

Sad but true. Of course, many die hards will continue to holiday in LOS but the flock will/have generally move/ed on. Tourism is a fickle business by nature and it is behovent to those in the business to generate repeat custom. However, such long term thinking is not in the Thai mindset which embraces Budhism and the notion of living in the 'now'.

Every action has a reaction and we are now witnessing the reaction of those who have been scammed, overcharged, victimised by the BIB, a subject of bad service one time too many. :)

<br />Now everyone knows its proving a bad year for tourism. 5 star hotel occupancy is currently between 15% to 30% in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket around half normal levels for this time of year. I suspect the lower end of the market is doing a bit better. I dont know the exact numbers but I am sure they will show few tourists and tourists spending less money.<br /><br />Now it is easy to blame this all on the global recession but there is more going on out there...<br /><br />Compare this showing record numbers flocking to Bali....<br /><br /><a href="http://indonesia.homesgofast.com/news/bali-tourist-arrivals-now-up-I1376/" target="_blank">http://indonesia.homesgofast.com/news/bali...s-now-up-I1376/</a><br /><br />With this showing arrivals down 25% to Phuket...<br /><br /><a href="http://www.travelfish.org/board/post/travelnews/5796_phuket-tourist-arrivals-continue-to-plummet--grim-times" target="_blank">http://www.travelfish.org/board/post/trave...met--grim-times</a><br /><br />Why should Bali's visitors be at record levels and Phuket's collapsing. Is it simply the politics? Is it the slew of bad press over crime by here?<br /><br />One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.<br /><br />So has Thailand had its 'day in the sunshine' as far as tourism is concerned or is it just a temporary decline due to politics and the economy?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

sorry yr wrong with your numbers, hotel occupancy all across Thailand down to about 10%, incoming travellers to Thailand down from 160 to 170 thousand a month now and 20 thousand a month... thid has more to do with what Thailand has down, and peoples percecption that Thailand is NOT a safe place to come to, they are simply going to HK, Vietnam and Singapore and yes Bali..Bali's numbers are going through the roof!

<br />as posted in another topic<br />number of tourist in thailand for april 09 has increased by 25% compared to april 08, that is teh first month this year that tourism is up compared on month to month. <br />and in april last year there was nothing, compared to april this year the songkran riots<br />
<br /><br /><br />

your figures are wrong... incoming people into Thailand dropped from 160-170 thousand now at 20 thousand a month......or the article is typical Thai propoganda

One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.

Of course, rather not market Thailand than answering "What happens if I get stranded at a Thai airport" with "You are on your own. unless or until Oz government sends C-130 Herculeses to evacuate you".

This plays such a huge part in it and it's something the Thais cannot do anything about.

Simply, the agents in England, US etc. will not risk incurring the wrath of their customers if they are caught up in one of the miriad "bar closure weekends", regular bouts of airport closures and rioting.

The Travel shops in the west simply are not interested in selling trips here and are oblivious to the wild desperate ramblings of the TAT and the lame duck government of the day!

A friend who lives here had trouble buying a ticket back. He told me last xmas that the travel agents not only tried to talk him into going somewhere else, they also had a notice printed up stating they were not responsible for the ongoing circumstances in Thailand.

Add to this the horrendous customer care levels (albeit with a smile) and the corruption... my friend a long term expat was still taken to the travel shop on the phuket bypass road by the taxi driver and interrogated about where he was staying. Whilst there he said two mini busses pulled up, decanted all the passengers there and charged them 200- baht to continue to Phuket Town or Patong! After telling them that their hotels of choice were closed, no good, filthy or none existant.

You get the level and quality of tourists you deserve in a country. And this country at the moment just about deserves a few hundred overweight sex tourists, which is exactly what they are getting in Patong at the moment.


When I got home to Canada at the end of March I was continually being asked about the dreadful problems in Thailand. I said "What problems? I didn't have any problems." That is because I was not involved with the airport fiasco and I stayed away from any and all political rallies. That doesn't mean there weren't terrible reports sent all over the world which DID affect the tourism industry in a VERY negative manner. The fiasco at the airport probably did more damage to the Thai tourism industry than even the down turn in the economy. Foreign governments were issuing travel warnings to all travel agencies throughout the world recommending not visiting Thailand. It will take a while for people to forget.

Most of us understand that tourist facilities expansion was happening too quickly in Thailand and eventually the bubble would burst. Well, it has burst and it will take a while to recover. I just feel sorry for all those that were affected at the lower end of the pay scale. For many it was the only good paying job they had.

Thank you IanForbes for your opinion.

Have been visiting here for a long time and after retirement decide to settle in Isaan, away from the madhouse of "popular destinations"

When the Baht still bought a lot ( that's a LONG ....TIME ago) as a tourist I am happy and most people are reasonably honest & happy.

NOW - when I go to Samui : there are few decent beachfront bungalows in the Bht 1000-1500 range, food still reasonable at food centers but

outrageously expensive in the highend restaurants, and I don't go around spread my (retirement) Baht in other places except within

walking distance . Refuse to pay astronomic taxi rates ! (meter never used ofcourse !) and songtaew sparse/crowded/overcharging.

NO decent round the island BUS and this is year 2009 !

NOW - when I visit Koh Samet , I have to sit on a beach that just absorb the filthy outflow of sewer water from beachside establishment,

take your test tube and check the bacteria count near those outflows. Check the beach at lowtide and see the small worms wiggling

around (in the morning). Oh ... the rates have also gone skyward, wonder what happened to those "entry fees" paid by farangs.

Do you see the road condition ? Is that a road or a buffalo resting hole when raining. Every establishment try to go UPSCALE (in price)

but forgot that a certain level of service & comfort/cleanliness must accompany that advancement .

NOW - I don't even put my feet in the waters of Pattaya Beach (along Beach Rd.) - see first how filthy the water (still) is.

20 years ago it was filthy, I get rashes just wading in the water. Nothing has changed, nothing ever will.

Jomtien as an alternative was OK for a while and now most everybody (establishments) going UPSCALE (in price - ofcourse ! )

SO : where will I go next ? Maybe Satun/Trang area or Chumphon, not Koh Lanta and not Koh Chang !

Despite all these irritations, Thailand is still my choice and here will I stay.

Vietnam is a tightly controlled state, try as a foreigner to take a girl in your room without going through your hotel's (unofficial concierge)

and see what happens. You don't want to deal with their police. There's no real sanuk attitude there and most establishments going upscale.

Laos is a backward place, Myanmar a NO choice, Cambodia - for some OK - but Thailand Expat hardcore will not find the same sanuk there.

Malaysia is a Muslim country - definitely NO sanuk bar/bargirl scene. Their IMM. dept is more accomodating for long term stay visas when

you are qualified. I would recommend Johor Baru as a good place in Malaysia. Singapore is doing its best to make itself "tourist friendly"

and if you have the disposable income ( SIN$ 5,000.- p/mo or more ) - then go there. Things are being "relaxed" in certain areas).

That's about Baht 120,000.- p/mo !! So that's a HIGH PRICED destination. Indonesia: BALI is acceptable and reasonably friendly -

after the "temple visit" / "watching cultural performances" / "shopping for local products". Remember this is a small part with HINDU/Balinese

culture in the midst of a Muslim majority population. MANADO might be your next choice with majority Christian population & Western

oriented education/outlook. Jakarta as a city is definitely NO comparison to BKK/SIN in everything and make sure you avoid the rainy season.

Beaches in Bali ? NOT to be compared with Samet/Samui/Phuket and safety at night might be questionable.

Philippines is not bad if you stay away from Manila - Cebu, Palawan & surrounding islands is still a good choice despite safety concerns.

That's my opinion on the state of Thailand & S.E.Asia/Asean tourism as viewed from a long term perspective (1980-2009).

kg1947 in (peaceful & affordable) Isaan !!

Thank you IanForbes for your opinion.

"Refuse to pay astronomic taxi rates ! (meter never used ofcourse !) and songtaew sparse/crowded/overcharging."

To me this quote from Ian Forbes (whoever he maybe) rather sums up what is wrong with the tourism industry and also perhaps what is also wrong with the average tourist.

You see the problem with taxi fares in Thailand has as much to do with the fact that 'meter taxi fares' are far too 'low' resulting in crappy taxis and useless taxi drivers as it does to higher pricing in Samui or Phuket. They are virtually unchanged from 1992 when they were introduced and the baht was 25 to the dollar oil was much lower as were car prices.

Tourists either pay an uneconomic price, get ripped off or a crappy service, or they pay a higher price and feel ripped off.

Thailand has shot itself in the foot in many ways but at the end of the day its biggest problem is that too many people caught on to the fact it was such a good deal.

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