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Tourist Visa Limit

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Thanks guys. It seems that it might matter where you apply from. I applied for a tourist visa in Hong Kong a few years ago and they told me that it was the last tourist visa they would issue me. At the time I only had one tourist visa, but also had a few boder runs.

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My son has just been to Khota Baru for a new tourist visa. They wrote in his passport that he would not be able get another (tourist visa).

Useless to ask 'how can this be?'.

But "How can this be undone?"

Any advice, chaps?

- Roger -

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Penang, Malaysia. issued the same 1-2 years ago. We all got the same stamp before.

Next time your son can go to Vientiane,Laos and get 2 entry tourist visa.

I had the red stamp in my passport when i went to Laos - no problem at all.

Read updated reports on this forum, and your son know where to go next time.


Edited by Smile4u
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Is it possible to stay in Thailand on tourist visas alone? As far as I can remember, it is 3 per year. Please confirm or correct my assumption. Thanks in advance.

Depends. Ask yourself - is it possible to stay in any country on tourist visas alone? For a holiday, yes. For ever? Of course not.

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Is it possible to stay in Thailand on tourist visas alone? As far as I can remember, it is 3 per year. Please confirm or correct my assumption. Thanks in advance.

As things stand . Yes it is. It may change in the future but at the moment . No problem

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Is it possible to stay in Thailand on tourist visas alone? As far as I can remember, it is 3 per year. Please confirm or correct my assumption. Thanks in advance.

As things stand . Yes it is. It may change in the future but at the moment . No problem

Stricly speaking from a legal perspective - so long as you don't have a problem with declaring yourself as a tourist on an official document - the visa application form and the TM card - when you may not actually be a tourist. Right now there are no repercussionns, but you can't count on that as Lite Beer says.

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To the Op . There is nothing wrong and nothing illegal with staying in Thailand with Tourist Visas. While they keep issuing them it is perfectly ok.

It would be appreciated if members would resist from posting otherwise. There is no reason for not staying in Thailand on Tourist Visas until the rules are changed. This may be soon , it may be never.

Thank You.

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To the Op . There is nothing wrong and nothing illegal with staying in Thailand with Tourist Visas. While they keep issuing them it is perfectly ok.

It would be appreciated if members would resist from posting otherwise. There is no reason for not staying in Thailand on Tourist Visas until the rules are changed. This may be soon , it may be never.

Thank You.

Hi Lite Beer - what you say would be true if trying to live in Thailand on s tourist visa did not entail making a false daclaration on the visa application form and TM card regards residential status. Like you say, right now the authorities are not enforcing tourist visas for tourists only, but as you say this could change any time with no notice whatsoever.

To ask members to post advice that is contrary to the Thai immigration law in that it misrepresents their true purpose of entry and stay is in itself against TV rules.

Why do people have such little regard for Thai immigration law?

Edited by dbrenn
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To the Op . There is nothing wrong and nothing illegal with staying in Thailand with Tourist Visas. While they keep issuing them it is perfectly ok.

It would be appreciated if members would resist from posting otherwise. There is no reason for not staying in Thailand on Tourist Visas until the rules are changed. This may be soon , it may be never.

Thank You.

Hi Lite Beer - what you say would be true if staying in Thailand on s tourist visa did not entail making a false daclaration on the visa application from and TM card. Like you say, right now the authorities are not enforcing tourist visas for tourists only, but as you say this could change any time with no notice whatsoever.

To ask members to post advice that is contrary to the Thai immigration law is in itself against TV rules.

In what sense is the declaration false?

What you have in your mind is your own interpretation of the word "tourist" that a tourist is someone who stays somewhere for the period of time that is within the parameters of a normal length of vacation for a western employed worker.

That is entirely your own interpretation and not the definition of Thai law.

To the Thai immigration department a tourist is someone who is not working in Thailand, has only a short term visa which they need to reapply for from the Thai authorities when it expires and doesn't have the rights that come with a different form of visa issued by the Thai government.

Unless the Thai authorities themselves issue a declaration that tourist visas are to be linked to total time spent in the country (as the visa exempt stamps were for a while) then your definition of "tourist" and subsequently the illegality of it and the breaking of TV rules in discussing it is something that is factually correct only in your own mind.

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Definition of Tourist

The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

Thailand is a member the The World Tourism Organization.

List of members: http://www.unwto.org/states/index.php

So I must assume that Thailand would use their definition of tourist.

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:) Yep - Some of us are tourists till we die. I am off to Spain to be a tourist (well,should I wish to work no visa required as I am a Brit) and have lived here for 11 years as a .............tourist,not broken any laws, just been a lazy tourist! I have never understood the vitriol aimed at those who have asked perfectly innocent questions about extending their lives here as tourists

and I am sure that most of those who were "abusing" the system left some time ago.It is no longer cheap here for the illegals and most Westerners (I hear) who were working illegally teaching have been ousted by The Phillipinos who accept a much lower rate of pay.

Long live the right to be a tourist! A well-behaved one of course.

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Different Thai ministeries and agencies will have their own definition. The tax office has for example a different interpretation of who is considered a resident then immigration. Traveling for business they will not consider tourism.

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No limit. As many Visas back to back as you want.

16 touristvisas back to back. Thats 4 years. Since i m not 50, not working and not married.

All issued in KL.

For a while they wanted copy of bankbook, but not the 4 last times.

Are you aware that double entry tourist visas are available in Vientiane? It could cut your visa run frequency down by half.

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Definition of Tourist

The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

Thailand is a member the The World Tourism Organization.

List of members: http://www.unwto.org/states/index.php

So I must assume that Thailand would use their definition of tourist.

You know what they say about the word assume - it makes an ass of u and me :) . We can't assume anything when it comes to what Thai immigration may or may not do to regularise residennt tourists.

Most countries put the screws on people who spend too much time on tourist visas. How much time is too much? No set rule - just when they stop believing what you say about why you want to go there.

Thai consulates are rather ad-hoc in enforcing this, but with some already refusing too many tourist visas and making nasty comments in passports, it perhaps won't be long before they all start working to the same standard.

To the OP - the limit couuld be anywher, at any time, so have a plan B and don't invest your life in a place on such a tenuous visa.

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Different Thai ministeries and agencies will have their own definition. The tax office has for example a different interpretation of who is considered a resident then immigration. Traveling for business they will not consider tourism.

Right - 180 days or more per year is resident as far as the revenue department goes. For immigration purposes, residence seems more to do with having an address in Thailand and living there, as opposed to tourists who have a residential address abroad and visit Thailand. At the end of the day it seems more at the whim of each consulate at the moment whether to keep dishing out back to back tourist visas.

Edited by dbrenn
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Go someplace else. You can not undo what has been done. We have no other such reports so it does not appear to be general policy. Did he have many tourist visas in succession?


1) A covering letter

The Announcement of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu

It is appeared that some of applicants for tourist visa for working in Thailand is not a real tourist.

To be informed that such doing is illegal, therefore, if the fact appears that the applicant who ever applied for tourist visa and enter to Thailand for working in the period of three consecutive years, comes to apply for tourist visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the neighbpouring countries of Thailand after the period of stay in Thailand expired. Itr would be held that the said applicant doesn't have the purpose of visit to Thailand as a Real Tourist. The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, will deny the receipt of the said person's visa application.

The Announcement will be effective from the 1st June 2009.

Given... etc. 28 May 2009.



Excuse my errors, please: the following in Thai script was written on the visa stamp in the passport


I will try for a better transcription.


Yes, he had five in succession


- Roger -

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Go someplace else. You can not undo what has been done. We have no other such reports so it does not appear to be general policy. Did he have many tourist visas in succession?


1) A covering letter

The Announcement of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu

It is appeared that some of applicants for tourist visa for working in Thailand is not a real tourist.

To be informed that such doing is illegal, therefore, if the fact appears that the applicant who ever applied for tourist visa and enter to Thailand for working in the period of three consecutive years, comes to apply for tourist visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the neighbpouring countries of Thailand after the period of stay in Thailand expired. Itr would be held that the said applicant doesn't have the purpose of visit to Thailand as a Real Tourist. The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, will deny the receipt of the said person's visa application.

The Announcement will be effective from the 1st June 2009.

Given... etc. 28 May 2009.



Excuse my errors, please: the following in Thai script was written on the visa stamp in the passport


I will try for a better transcription.


Yes, he had five in succession


- Roger -

More evidence of tightening up. First border runners, now resident tourists are no longer considered "real tourists" by this consulate ... will others follow suit?

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No limit. As many Visas back to back as you want.

first i would like to thank you for all the good advises you provide.

I just would like to share my experience :

I use to make a lot of trip in thailand, at the beginning with visa run and after with tourist visa. When i took the decision to live in thailand i asked for a tourist visa in a western embassy as it was a multiple i was able to stay 60 + 30 (extension) + 60 without any problem.

I found a job in bangkok but couldn't begin it before the end of my last 60 days so i decided with my thai GF (now wife) that we will go to cambodia (PP)and i will apply for a new tourist visa in order to stay in thailand and to apply for a 1 year visa (witch i have now) as soon as i have all the required document.

Believe me, i was really a surprise when the lady in the ambassy told me that she will not give me any visa as she considered that after already 150 days in thailand i was not a tourist anymore :) .

I always think that it was unlimited

I had to ask for appointment with the consul in order to plead my case. My GF has to make a statement that we were living together, that she was working in thailand and in the process to get married, I had to show my bankbook and at the end fortunately he give me this visa and he told me that he was doing me a favor.

Maybe i'm not lucky but it seems that the rules for a tourist visa are really different depending on where we go and the mood of the personne we talk to.

BTW when i went to this ambassy I wore normal clothe (trouser, shirt) i don't have red hairs and i spoke correctly to this lady.

Edited by isanb
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Go someplace else. You can not undo what has been done. We have no other such reports so it does not appear to be general policy. Did he have many tourist visas in succession?


1) A covering letter

The Announcement of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu

It is appeared that some of applicants for tourist visa for working in Thailand is not a real tourist.

To be informed that such doing is illegal, therefore, if the fact appears that the applicant who ever applied for tourist visa and enter to Thailand for working in the period of three consecutive years, comes to apply for tourist visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulate-General in the neighbpouring countries of Thailand after the period of stay in Thailand expired. Itr would be held that the said applicant doesn't have the purpose of visit to Thailand as a Real Tourist. The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, will deny the receipt of the said person's visa application.

The Announcement will be effective from the 1st June 2009.

Given... etc. 28 May 2009.



Excuse my errors, please: the following in Thai script was written on the visa stamp in the passport


I will try for a better transcription.


Yes, he had five in succession


- Roger -

More evidence of tightening up. First border runners, now resident tourists are no longer considered "real tourists" by this consulate ... will others follow suit?

Of course you had to come in here and do it all again.

Big deal. KL have decided to tighten up. So what.....

Back in 2007 the Penang Consulate did exactly the same thing. They started putting warning stamps in passports if a person had a few consecutive tourist visas already in their passports and even started refusing to give applicants tourist visas. This happened when the consulate employed a new Consul General. They soon fired the Consul General and changed back to issuing back to back visas with NO warning stamps.

Evidence of tightening up for awhile and then loosening up again.

It was almost impossible to get tourist visas in Phnom Penh until late last year. Then all of a sudden they started issuing double entry tourist visas. During the free visa period they changed this to single entries only. Will find out soon if they are once again issuing double entries as was anticipated by visa run companies.

Sign of tightening up? NO.

The Vientiane Consulate circa 2006 used to put warning stamps in passports when back to back tourist visas were evident. They now give double and even triple entry tourist visas to most applicants.

Sign of tightening up? Absolutely not!

If you want to add useful advice in a tourist visa thread, you really need to keep up with what's actually happening.

Edited by ubonjoe
deleted a inflamatory comment ubonjoe
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Right now it's obvious you're just looking for an excuse to say: "I told you so" to back up your endless drivel and wave your new flag around in tourist visa threads.

Well, now you mention it, I did tell you so, and here is an example of further tightening up - the OP went to Kota Baru to get a tourist visa and was refused. That's the problem with resident tourism, you never know what will happen next - it's a constant run around.

In your case, you are eligible for a retirement visa, so your position is more secure than others here. The nice sense of security that you enjoy doesn't apply to everyone, so it is worth warning people for their own benefit not to rely on resident tousism as a way of staying.

Better to get the right kind of visa than bend the rules by fibbing on official documents that you are a tourist when you are not one.

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