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Catuddisa Sangha Press Conference


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Catuddisa Sangha Press Conference

"March Project" Buddhists Peace & Solidarity March

May 27 - June 6

Central Event: 4th June

Day of Prayer for World Peace by Buddhists in 2009

Weds, June 3 at 10:00 am

Catuddisa Sangha is a new Buddhist movement established five years ago, which conducts grassroots social development activities in various parts of Asia in cooperation with Mahayana, Theravada (Hina-yana), & Tantra-yana Buddhists for the purpose of the wellbeing of all human societies.

Catuddisa Sangha promotes common Buddhist principles of non-violence and maintains an unyielding stance on taking action for the truth of Dharma. It responds to actions of misgovernment and successive persecutions, such as in Burma in September `07 and in Tibet in March `08. Catuddisa Sangha provides on-going humanitarian aid to Cambodia, to Tibetan settlements in India, and inside Burma and Bangladesh, and distributes donations across Asian nations.

Catuddisa Sangha will announce the realization of "Another Independent Sphere" among Buddhist communities around the world, such that they may secure a minimum standard of living via a "Bank of Buddha", a micro-credit bank without interest, which mixes both national currency and community currency.

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