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When Will The Madness End?


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A friend of mine is French.To deny her a glass of wine at lunch or dinner would be akin to poking an angry Tiger with a sharp stick!

pardon, i for one would not touch one drop of alchohol till 5-6pm :D

now i'm not french, but pretty close to it, yes maybe for a business lunch with a good client i may have a glass or two, but otherwise during the day never :D

so if you want to p1ss-up during the day you'd would have sorted this problem out already, like most alchies do as you obviously can't afford a maid :D

au revoir :o

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Boris does seem a little obsessed with fat white plonkers these days. Must be a knock on from those days fagging at Eton for Timpkins Major.

At the end of the day the main issue is that these laws are simply an inconvienence which serve no purpose whatsoever. As highlighted already, beer is still readily available from many smaller places. Get it from there. End of problem.

I do wonder how much tighter the screw is going to turn on fun..........

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Pedro " :D " is obviously overworked and stressed out running his big international company. Sweating and straining down the gym every morning is not helping much either,loosen that tie, chill out have a beer!! you big stress head  :D  :D  :o

Errr - small international company - who told you I had a big one ?

Took your advice - had a beer last night - thanks. :D

I still won't be bothered when 7-11 locks the fridge this afternoon, though. :D

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A friend of mine is French.To deny her a glass of wine at lunch or dinner would be akin to poking an angry Tiger with a sharp stick!

So what? The issue is not whether a glass or two of wine at lunch makes sense, although I think it does.The issue is whether its worth foaming and raging that one can't buy booze in the middle of the afternoon at supermarkets.It's such a tiny little inconvenience that its hard to see what all the fuss is about.I am sure that a civilised French man or woman wouldn't worry about it.But for the fat white plonkers with nothing else to do.......ah well.

It makes sense to the person who wants it doesn't it?

Where did the fat white plonkers come from Boris?

I can assure you that the "civilaised' French lady that I know , has been having a glass of wine with her dinner since she was 12 years old, would be rather taken aback at being told when she can and when she cannot have a drink.

next we will have "toilet hours" and told when we are allowed to pee!

personally,I couldn't give a rats fat backside if you can have a drink or not with a meal.A choice would be "adult", don't u think?

I can not see your reasoning here, apart from the fact that you want to put your little oar in about fat white plonkers.

You have entirely missed the point.Nobody is preventing anyone from having a drink whenever they like.For whatever reason it is now difficult however to buy booze from supermarkets in the middle of the afternoon.Its scarcely a major restriction and can be overcome by a little planning ahead.Ever heard of the concept of a "cellar" which needn't be very large or expensive?

Fat white plonker (fwp) is just a generic term to describe the legion of useless Farang wastrels-well represented on this forum- with nothing much in their heads other than to whinge about eg inability to buy hooch in their unproductive afternoons.

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Boris does seem a little obsessed with fat white plonkers these days. Must be a knock on from those days fagging at Eton for Timpkins Major.

At the end of the day the main issue is that these laws are simply an inconvienence which serve no purpose whatsoever. As highlighted already, beer is still readily available from many smaller places. Get it from there. End of problem.

I do wonder how much tighter the screw is going to turn on fun..........

As explained elsewhere fwp is just a useful generic term to describe useless farang losers usually based Thailand but could equally be elsewhere, eg Tottenham.Don't necessarily have to be fat porkers but they often are.

By the way congratulations on introducing a "class" reference to a topic where there was no suggestion one existed.

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You have entirely missed the point.Nobody is preventing anyone from having a drink whenever they like.For whatever reason it is now difficult however to buy booze from supermarkets in the middle of the afternoon.

No,you have missed the point,or can't read English. YOU CANNOT LEGALLY BUY ANY FORM OF ALCOHOLIC DRINK FROM ANYWHERE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF MIDNIGHT -11.00 AND 14.00-17.00. That is Supermarkets,Pubs,7/11's,AM-PM's,Restaurants. When will you people read what is put in front of you instead of whinging about Fat White Plonkers every time a debate arises. No doubt if I raised a question 'Do you speak Thai?' Boris's reply will be 'Fat White Plonkers don't' or if I started a topic 'Have you been to the Maldives?' Boris's contribution would then be' Fat White Plonkers have'

Is it maybe the fact that you are the fattest,whitest, plonkiest plonker that has ever walked this Earth that causes you to make these ridiculous assertions. Try hard to make at least ONE sensible reply. If that is too much for you 'Phone a friend' :o

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You have entirely missed the point.Nobody is preventing anyone from having a drink whenever they like.For whatever reason it is now difficult however to buy booze from supermarkets in the middle of the afternoon.

No,you have missed the point,or can't read English. YOU CANNOT LEGALLY BUY ANY FORM OF ALCOHOLIC DRINK FROM ANYWHERE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF MIDNIGHT -11.00 AND 14.00-17.00. That is Supermarkets,Pubs,7/11's,AM-PM's,Restaurants. When will you people read what is put in front of you instead of whinging about Fat White Plonkers every time a debate arises. No doubt if I raised a question 'Do you speak Thai?' Boris's reply will be 'Fat White Plonkers don't' or if I started a topic 'Have you been to the Maldives?' Boris's contribution would then be' Fat White Plonkers have'

Is it maybe the fact that you are the fattest,whitest, plonkiest plonker that has ever walked this Earth that causes you to make these ridiculous assertions. Try hard to make at least ONE sensible reply. If that is too much for you 'Phone a friend' :o

With respect read my post carefully and you will see that I suggested forward planning might solve your problem.Other fat white plonkers take notice too.


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With respect read my post carefully and you will see that I suggested forward planning might solve your problem.Cheers!!!!

I run an a pub that has it's busiest period in the afternoons between 14.00 and 17.00 (or used to) How can I forward plan to tell customers 'Sorry I can't serve you even though you have travelled 100km's for a drink'

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With respect read my post carefully and you will see that I suggested forward planning might solve your problem.Cheers!!!!

I run an a pub that has it's busiest period in the afternoons between 14.00 and 17.00 (or used to) How can I forward plan to tell customers 'Sorry I can't serve you even though you have travelled 100km's for a drink'

Of course bar owners aren't going to like it...

Punters on the other hand can simply stock up in the fridge to tide them over during the afternoon drought.

BTW - you really get people travelling 100kms just for a drink between 14.00 & 17.00 ? Don't they have a local ? Sounds awfully inconvenient...

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If you are having a problem buying at one of the big super market chain,

make sure you complain.

Those boys have a lot of clout.

Remember how the opening hours where cut back, "to save fuel"

The supermarkets lost billions of baht, and they complained.

The law was soon amended.

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BTW - you really get people travelling 100kms just for a drink between 14.00 & 17.00 ?  Don't they have a local ? Sounds awfully inconvenient...

Yes..................Surin is in the heart of Isaan and we are one of the only Farang watering holes around. And of course those poor souls doing visa runs know they can get a beer before heading off into the wild blue yonder whence they came. Or thought they could. Most of the guys from way out that do the runs are all finished and thirsty by around..................yes you've guessed it 2pm. It is very disappointing for them not to be able to be able to partake of the amber nectar, and even more disappointing for me not being able to serve them. Of course they could listen to Boris and plan ahead. Get up at 4am,travel to the border for 8am,visa run done by 10am back to the town by 11am. But why should they?

They are all grown men. They should not be treated like kids. If this is the great white chiefs new plan to promote tourism, then I think it's time for a lot of us to say goodbye,before they come out with some other insane plan :o:D:D

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BTW - you really get people travelling 100kms just for a drink between 14.00 & 17.00 ?  Don't they have a local ? Sounds awfully inconvenient...

Yes..................Surin is in the heart of Isaan and we are one of the only Farang watering holes around. And of course those poor souls doing visa runs know they can get a beer before heading off into the wild blue yonder whence they came. Or thought they could. Most of the guys from way out that do the runs are all finished and thirsty by around..................yes you've guessed it 2pm. It is very disappointing for them not to be able to be able to partake of the amber nectar, and even more disappointing for me not being able to serve them. Of course they could listen to Boris and plan ahead. Get up at 4am,travel to the border for 8am,visa run done by 10am back to the town by 11am. But why should they?

They are all grown men. They should not be treated like kids. If this is the great white chiefs new plan to promote tourism, then I think it's time for a lot of us to say goodbye,before they come out with some other insane plan :D:D:D

goodbye then :o

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Whilst I've come across 7-11s and Bic C not allowing off-sales during the afternoon, I'm yet to find a bar that won't serve an alcoholic drink between 2-5pm. That's around Petchaburi, Cha-am and Hua Hin.

I thought this regulation only applied to off-sales. Onsales in bars, guest houses, hotels and restaurants are unaffected, other than closing time at night.

At least that seems to be the case around here.

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Whilst I've come across 7-11s and Bic C not allowing off-sales during the afternoon, I'm yet to find a bar that won't serve an alcoholic drink between 2-5pm. That's around Petchaburi, Cha-am and Hua Hin.

I thought this regulation only applied to off-sales. Onsales in bars, guest houses, hotels and restaurants are unaffected, other than closing time at night.

At least that seems to be the case around here.

I think it depends on where you are.A friend of mine has a share in a resturant in BKK.They have already been visited by the boys in brown and have been told NOT to sell alcohol during the restricted hours. He's really happy about that too. :o

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Just had lunch at 12.45 h in the street restaurant around the corner and guess who was also there at a neighbouring table and had some Heineken?

Three police officiers in full uniform (obviously not off duty yet but just taking a break from managing the traffic in the heat) :D while I was a good boy entertaining myself with a plate of kao pad moo and a bot of Singha soda water. :o

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Can anyone think of any laws that are, for all intents and purposes, effectively enforced 100% ???

Except immigration laws for westerners, of course :o

Maybe the sales hours will be like that? Kinda doubt it. People do it now because they're told to, but there's no popular support for that, is there? Not like the popular support to keep farangs in check... :D

Sooner or later, it'll die off...Maybe on the books, but enforcement only happens on occassion...

Just like a majority of the other laws :D

I must admit to appreciating much of the 'flexibility' one encounters here :D

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On the soi near my school, there are a number of 24hr. establishments, including hotels with restaurants, 7-11, street stalls, etc., etc. It was quite common almost any hour of the day to see guys sitting around getting off work having a beer together before the law was re-enforced-

and it STILL is- nothing has changed. Even in the 7-11 some old guy was haranguing them the other day at about 8am and they finally sold him some beer to shut him up.

People will eventually give up on this current silliness- it's just that the ruling party has to find another silliness for the people to concentrate on so they don't realize how much money they're making up there.


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Can anyone think of any laws that are, for all intents and purposes, effectively enforced 100% ???

Except immigration laws for westerners, of course  :o

You forgot to include work permit requirements for tsunami relief volunteers (starting in March). :D

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Just had lunch at 12.45 h in the street restaurant around the corner and guess who was also there at a neighbouring table and had some Heineken?

Three police officiers in full uniform (obviously not off duty yet but just taking a break from managing the traffic in the heat)  :D while I was a good boy entertaining myself with a plate of kao pad moo and a bot of Singha soda water.  :o

I find it my sworn duty to point out to you that 12.45 is in fact not during the hrs of 14.00-17.00 :D

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Can anyone point to the exact (translated) wording of this liquor law, either on this forum or elsewhere?

As some have said here, there seems to be no problem getting a beer with your meal between 2-5PM -- and that's been my experience in Chiang Mai. What, then, does the law really say? Or does no one really know, including the cops?

Same with supermarket purchases. Rimping has a sign posted that says you must purchase at least 10 liters of booze to be legal. No such sign in Carrefour or Tops, at least that I saw. Is Rimping, then, correct on their interpretation? If so, since a can of Singha is 330mls, I would be legal if I buy one case, plus one sixpack, plus one individual can to total 10 liters. Can I substitute a bottle of vodka (750mls) for that one can of beer, i.e., is mixing allowed to reach the 10 liter minimum? (I haven't tried any supermarket purchases yet with this new law, so haven't tested the 10 liter thingy.)

But before this thread got hijacked by the holier-than-thous, I have to agree with its originator that it makes shopping a real pain. I live in the country and it just happens that my shopping fits nicely (or used to) between 2 and 3 (after the lunch crowd and before rush hour). And it has nothing to do about when I pop the tops.

But, that's how it is. But it would be nice to know exactly what the law says (which makes no difference, I guess, if the shopkeeper thinks it says something else).

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Can anyone point to the exact (translated) wording of this liquor law, either on this forum or elsewhere?

As some have said here, there seems to be no problem getting a beer with your meal between 2-5PM -- and that's been my experience in Chiang Mai. What, then, does the law really say? Or does no one really know, including the cops?

Same with supermarket purchases. Rimping has a sign posted that says you must purchase at least 10 liters of booze to be legal. No such sign in Carrefour or Tops, at least that I saw. Is Rimping, then, correct on their interpretation? If so, since a can of Singha is 330mls, I would be legal if I buy one case, plus one sixpack, plus one individual can to total 10 liters. Can I substitute a bottle of vodka (750mls) for that one can of beer, i.e., is mixing allowed to reach the 10 liter minimum? (I haven't tried any supermarket purchases yet with this new law, so haven't tested the 10 liter thingy.)

But before this thread got hijacked by the holier-than-thous, I have to agree with its originator that it makes shopping a real pain. I live in the country and it just happens that my shopping fits nicely (or used to) between 2 and 3 (after the lunch crowd and before rush hour). And it has nothing to do about when I pop the tops.

But, that's how it is. But it would be nice to know exactly what the law says (which makes no difference, I guess, if the shopkeeper thinks it says something else).

You're flogging a dead horse there son. This is the 5th such topic (including two of my own) that I have pleaded for help in interpreting the rules :o

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Just had lunch at 12.45 h in the street restaurant around the corner and guess who was also there at a neighbouring table and had some Heineken?

Three police officiers in full uniform (obviously not off duty yet but just taking a break from managing the traffic in the heat)  :D while I was a good boy entertaining myself with a plate of kao pad moo and a bot of Singha soda water.  :o

I find it my sworn duty to point out to you that 12.45 is in fact not during the hrs of 14.00-17.00 :D

Thanks lampard,

somehow I had the incorrect assumption that Prohibition was between 11.00 and 17.00 h. I stand happily corrected particularly since you brought back my belief in law and order. Thank God that the policemen were not breaking the rules but behaved according to the textbook. :D

Edited by Richard Hall
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