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The story (or probably should say joke) that used to go around my airline was that one time during F/A union contract negotiations, our airline sent out a questionaire to the Flight Attendants and asked them "What one thing could the company do to make their job as a Flight Attendant happier and more of a pleasure? The overwhelming answer of the F/A's was to 'get rid of all the passengers' After reading some of the posts here, I see that the joke probably contains a little truth for both sides of the issue. :)

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I'm not a flight attendant.

For every lazy or bad flight attendant in the world, there are a million inconsiderate and idiot passengers who seem to leave their brain at home the minute they get near an airport or aircraft.

I don't know how they do it. Having flown alot over the years, if I was left in charge of a flight, there would probably be 10-50% less passengers alive at the end of each flight.....they should build in injector seats for these idiots so they can be catapulted over the indian ocean or where ever they play up.

Inconsiderate travellers really erk me :) WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!

rant over

Love your suggestion, even tho' it is a typo.

Imagine, unruly customers being injected with a sedative for the duration.

A prick for the pricks , yaaaaas.

Brilliant, Neverdie, you need to get a patent.

As for F.A's all over, I have rarely had any problems, 99% are tops.

Funnily, worst and best were on Qantas, best back in the 80s, worst 2 years ago.

Qantas is a mizribl airline, only one beer from Melb to Auck.

Guess if I harrassed to FAs I may have had more, not on just one flite either.

I wonder if the flight attendant haters on this thread have ever had to work in a job that deals with the public in a service position.

Actualy I do, I deal with the public everyday, I have a small 1 man business serving the public on a daily basis so I do know what it is like.



LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


I think the real issue here is not people's issues with flight attendants, which overall is reasonably good, but rather with issues with airlines, in general.

Let me pose this question to you since you are a small businessman. If you surveyed your customers and 64% (give or take) said they were satisfied with your business (meaning that about a third of your customers were not satisfied with your business), what would your response be?

LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


I think the real issue here is not people's issues with flight attendants, which overall is reasonably good, but rather with issues with airlines, in general.

Let me pose this question to you since you are a small businessman. If you surveyed your customers and 64% (give or take) said they were satisfied with your business (meaning that about a third of your customers were not satisfied with your business), what would your response be?

Concentrate on the 64% that are happy and keep them coming back. In this case it would be the 64/36 rule.

Concentrate on the 64% that are happy and keep them coming back. In this case it would be the 64/36 rule.

So you just lost over 1/3 of your business and will suffer from word-of-mouth critiques of your business, thus limited new customers.

Concentrate on the 64% that are happy and keep them coming back. In this case it would be the 64/36 rule.

So you just lost over 1/3 of your business and will suffer from word-of-mouth critiques of your business, thus limited new customers.

Well in my business, like many others i know, if I take care of the really good ones that make me most of my money, they will provided enough postive word of mouth to like minded business.

In today's world, specialise is the key. Don't try to be all to everyone. You end up being mediocre. you know the old saying, 20% of your customers give you 80% of your business. It is often very true.

I find it interesting that in your example you say what if 1/3 of my customers were not satisfied....if this was the case they would not likely be my customer now would they.

But as such, for the effort it would take in trying to satisfy that group, I would be better off finding more that fit the 64% group. :)


Flight attendants from hel_l... I used to encounter them on a regular basis using my national (defunct now!) carrier.

For a Belgian, frequent traveler, the real meaning of SABENA was: Such A Bad Experience Never Again...


Good flight attendants deserve loads of respect for doing a tedious and often very difficult job well, the vast majority of FA on Cathay Pacific do a magnificent job which is a large part of the reason that I use that airline. Some of the other airline FA's however leave much to be desired, case in point is BA cabin crew who have repeatedly managed to disappoint me over more than twenty years.


Well I have been an airline customer for thirty years flying mainly business but some economy and my expectation is that I receive the service I pay for.

All the airlines advertise their service quality as an inducement to fly but only some of them are serious about ensuring their staff provide this service.

If I (my company) is paying £5k for a ticket I will complain if service is poor, thoughtless or rude.

I also have the choice of airlines on any route and make my bookings accordingly so to that extent the airlines that tolerate bad service from their staff are losing business.

In my experience on the major carriers the Eastern Airlines provide the best service....why this should be is conjecture but it may be that their culture does not see service as in anyway demeaning to the person providing it.

The worst service I have encountered is from 'senior' FA's on BA and various US airlines who really seemed to resent having to do anything...I guess they had been doing the job for too long and were jaded in their attitude.

I have of course witnessed some very poor behaviour by passengers that would try anyones patience but at the end of the day FA's choose to be in a service role and if they can't do the job they should find something else.

Well in my business, like many others i know, if I take care of the really good ones that make me most of my money, they will provided enough postive word of mouth to like minded business.

In today's world, specialise is the key. Don't try to be all to everyone. You end up being mediocre. you know the old saying, 20% of your customers give you 80% of your business. It is often very true.

I find it interesting that in your example you say what if 1/3 of my customers were not satisfied....if this was the case they would not likely be my customer now would they.

But as such, for the effort it would take in trying to satisfy that group, I would be better off finding more that fit the 64% group. :)

I think that in today's world, as you put it, there are a lot of "keys", the internet being one. If I am going to make a certain type of purchase I am very likely to go to Amazon.com or some other website where regular people review items. I know there will be a certain % who don't like a product or place of business, but if 36% are giving it a bad rating, I'll definitely go elsewhere.

In terms of your one comment, exactly -- the dissatisfied 36% will probably no longer be your clients. I would guess you'd want to know why they were dissatisfied and would at least consider if changes needed to be made.


Just my two satangs worth. Asian attendants have been way way way better than USA airline attendants. Nine trips to Thailand connecting through either Japan or Taiwan. JAL is a stunner. extra polite, industriousl. They even cleaned the toilet regularly during the flight. USA attendants just were never friendly. Externalize their tiredness as the flight wore on, definitely less tolerant of non english speakers. Well, this is a flight to asia, and they better expect some communication difficulties. China airlines gals always fine. Thai airways OK. United, and American airlines pfffff. Miserable. Thankfully I had a JAL connection in Japan to BKK and it restored my joy in traveling that trip.


I usually sit in an isle seat and if I want something I get up and go ask for it. I really get annoyed if I am sitting next to people who can't move their butt for any reason--they hit the 'call' button. I also bring an empty water bottle with me and fill it as soon as I get on the plane. Saves a lot of trouble.

I generally fly United, and as a whole, I have found the flight attendants and counter staff to be friendly and helpful. I regulaarly give out the little attaboy slips United sends me in the mail (I do get frustrated rather often with their corporate polices such for valid complaints such as destruction of bags and taking no liabilty, theft of items in the bags, and changed such as reducing the usability of upgrade coupons or miles.)

BUt with every group, there are exceptions. I am a 1K (over 100,000 miles flown each year), and the attendants know that. So yes, I do expect (and receive) a little leeway such as having an extra 4 lbs in my luggage without them getting upset, getting on the flight first so I can stow my carry on, and such. And I do appreciate when the purser comes to thank me for being a 1K. It doesn't do or take much, but it is a nice touch.

I used to get upgrades on most of my international flights (not anymore , due to the change in policies this year), but when I am in coach, I get an exit row or bulkhead row due to my status. And once we are at cruising altitude, I make a loop with a blanket, hang it from the strap in front of my seat, and use it as a sort of hammock for my legs. I have been doing this for years and attendants smile and remark on how clever that is, if they make any comment at all. Well, on a flight to Costa Rica, I did this again, and one of the attendants came over to meand told me I couldn't do that (this after the purser had seen me do it.) I asked him why, and he got very snitty and said that just because I was a 1K, I couldn't be doing whatever I pleased. I asked him what was wrong with it, and he started blathering about safety. I took my feet down, then calmly asked his name. He went into a hissy fit, (that is the only way I can describe it) covered his name tag with his hand, and started screaming that after 911, he doesn't have to tell me anything, that he was not going to let me "track him down" at his home. Finally the purse

(My post got cut off, so there is the end of the story, not that is is particularly interesting, in retrospect.)

r came over and told the attendant to leave. The purser gave me his own name and apologized, but whenI asked if I could put my feet back up, he said that he didn't want to overrule one of his attendants.

When I left the plane in San Jose, I looked at the attendant and did mutter something about rude behavior loud enough for him to hear, and he went into another hissy fit right there.

I wrote United about this incident, and I got an apology, but I doubt anything happened to the offending attendant.

I have to point out that in over a million miles flown with United, this is the only time I have witnessed what I considered to be inappropriate behavior by a flight attendant. I usually have had very good experiences (once even getting invited out for dinner and drinks with the crew after we landed.)

Yup, I have 700,000 miles flown with United, and 100K/Global Service status, and my biggest issues are with UA Corporate Headquarters and the gate agents at the domestic airports.

Though I've read plenty of horror stories about UA's FAs on flyertalk.com, frankly, I've had 99% good experiences with them (especially the old non-union Bangkok-based Thai crew, which was laid off last year :) ).

My worst flight-attendant experience was on a flight from Honolulu to Japan, when an FA tried to be funny, but wasn't:

My wife and I were sleeping in our biz-class seats, and she had her arm draped on my gut... an FA from economy class was walking down the biz-class aisle and he woke us to say "that isn't allowed..."

The FA behind him (who'd worked our cabin that whole flight) looked astonished that he'd do that, then gave me a look of sincere apology, and gave him a "<deleted> are you thinking?" look. Had he not had a big smile during the whole thing, and the 2nd FA not properly interpreted the situation, I might've been more angry. I wrote it off as bad humor on his part and tried (but failed) to get back to sleep. Still, for a "worst FA" experience in over 700K miles flown, that's not too bad.

My basic take is that most flight attendants give decent (or better service), despite all of them constantly getting screwed by their employers. The FA's that give bad service usually just can't handle the crap from their employer any longer, and take it out on the passengers.


It seems almost everybody agree that on the average US airlines have the worst service :) .

On the other hand, we usually get good service in restaurants. Why this difference ? Because America is backshish country :D . Let's introduce tipping in US airlines and the service will probably improve :D .

It seems almost everybody agree that on the average US airlines have the worst service :) .

On the other hand, we usually get good service in restaurants. Why this difference ? Because America is backshish country :D . Let's introduce tipping in US airlines and the service will probably improve :D .

Personally, I think wait staff in restaurants here in Thailand is better than in the States. Here, every waiter is your waiter.


'defecated in his clothes'???

<deleted>! Someone who is that disgusting (drunk or not) should be banned from flying....period!

'My wife and I were sleeping in our biz-class seats, and she had her arm draped on my gut... an FA from economy class was walking down the biz-class aisle and he woke us to say "that isn't allowed..."' :) .....now that IS quite funny!

Personally, I think FA's are ok, all pretty similar really, I think they do a pretty good job especially when dealing with some of the complete a**eholes I have seen on flight before.....I would just not have the patience!

I treat them the same as anyone else in a service industry, with respect and politeness....I've never been one of those people who thinks he is the big 'I AM'...eg. coming back from Malaysia month ago some bloke started on an FA, shouting and belittling her, she was really upset...... and why.....because he said he had paid his 100baht for a pre-booked meal (a sandwich!!) but her records (and his receipt) said he hadn't, she stood her ground for a minute until another FA came along to try and sort it out....but the bloke got his own way.....if that was me, I would have said 'pay your 100bht or go hungry mate!'

Other pet hates:-

1. Kids....sorry but why do some of them they have to fly? Do the parents not know that they are really annoying! Running around, getting in way of FA's etc...some parents seem to want to show them off as if to say 'look how cute our kid is?' To you, yes they are, to everyone else they are just really really annoying!

2. The people who find it necessary to undo their seatbelts and try and stand up, the second the plane lands.......why? Please explain! IMO the pilot should do the odd 'emergency stop' on the brakes, they wouldn't do it again!

Thai Airways.....get rid of that ancient 747 going back and forth BKK to LHR......it is rubbish!


I've found that being polite, humouring them & chatting about their sometimes interesting/sometimes difficult job, generally gets any extra requests (within reason) met, and with a smile.

My current prefered airline is Etihad, however their FA service is quite basic compared to others. No second drink offered, (either pre-meal alcoholic or post meal tea/coffee), finished with meal trays being left for a very long time after everyone has finished eating (you can't get up to go to the toilet!), call lights being ignored for over an hour during the night (when there's like maybe 5 or 6 on), etc.

Earlier in the thread the use of "Do not disturb" stickers were mentioned. Those, along with a different coloured "please wake me for meals" are a truly excellent idea & should be routine on all airlines. (I first came accross them when flying domstically in the USA. AA I think.

LMFAO, I wish, I'm afraid I have a small retail business selling mainly ice cream.


I think the real issue here is not people's issues with flight attendants, which overall is reasonably good, but rather with issues with airlines, in general.

Let me pose this question to you since you are a small businessman. If you surveyed your customers and 64% (give or take) said they were satisfied with your business (meaning that about a third of your customers were not satisfied with your business), what would your response be?

To ask the unhappy customers why they were unhappy and what I could do to change things for the better without affecting my other customers.



Hear the one about the new hostie who didn't socialise and failed to turn up for transport after her first night stop? The purser went to her room and found her in floods of tears. She explained that she had been trapped in her room all night. How come? Of the three doors in her room, one led to the bathroom, one led to the wardrobe and the third had a sign on the handle saying "Do not disturb"


Q. How do you stop a Flight Attendant from having an orgasm? A. Press the F/A Call Button - She'll never come.


Hear the one about the new hostie who didn't socialise and failed to turn up for transport after her first night stop? The purser went to her room and found her in floods of tears. She explained that she had been trapped in her room all night. How come? Of the three doors in her room, one led to the bathroom, one led to the wardrobe and the third had a sign on the handle saying "Do not disturb"


Q. How do you stop a Flight Attendant from having an orgasm? A. Press the F/A Call Button - She'll never come.



Hear the one about the new hostie who didn't socialise and failed to turn up for transport after her first night stop? The purser went to her room and found her in floods of tears. She explained that she had been trapped in her room all night. How come? Of the three doors in her room, one led to the bathroom, one led to the wardrobe and the third had a sign on the handle saying "Do not disturb"


Q. How do you stop a Flight Attendant from having an orgasm? A. Press the F/A Call Button - She'll never come.


Both very old...but still very funny!!

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