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Yep it's Ubon Ratchathani I talk about.

It's lot of fun here, but it cued be funny also to see some farrang's :o

Hi Mr Ubon

If you want to meet farangs in Ubon try the Swing party house on the main road accross from the Toyota showroomsthere is usualy some in there on a friday around 9 pm.

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Yep it's Ubon Ratchathani I talk about.

It's lot of fun here, but it cued be funny also to see some farrang's :D

Hi Mr Ubon

If you want to meet farangs in Ubon try the Swing party house on the main road accross from the Toyota showroomsthere is usualy some in there on a friday around 9 pm.

Hi again

If anyone is still interested there is still a number of farangs get in the SWING PARTY HOUSE on FRIDAYS at around 8-30 to 9-00 pm on FRIDAY nights come and have a chat with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :o:D:D

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Hi Bluie, count me in for a beer, I will be visiting the family at the beginning of December. It's our first visit for over a year and we are planning to stay for two weeks. A break in the middle will be great, also gives me an excuse to stay at the Laithong and experience their excellent breakfast buffy the next day.


sorry I didn't reply to your post ealier in this thread, but since we are neighbours you living only 40k from Pho Sai would love share a few beers. My wife bought a car recently so I need an excuse to get out and drive it. What is the name of your village and I will see if the wife knows were you are.


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Hi Bluie, count me in for a beer, I will be visiting the family at the beginning of December. It's our first visit for over a year and we are planning to stay for two weeks. A break in the middle will be great, also gives me an excuse to stay at the Laithong and experience their excellent breakfast buffy the next day.


sorry I didn't reply to your post ealier in this thread, but since we are neighbours you living only 40k from Pho Sai would love share a few beers. My wife bought a car recently so I need an excuse to get out and drive it. What is the name of your village and I will see if the wife knows were you are.


:D:D If its breakfast you are looking for the best in town is at Tim's place from the Laithong drive towards the main road through the city and at hte 4th set of traffic lights turn right Tim's place is called the POLER BEAR and its about 50-75 yards on your right ( white sign on thr roadway. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I'll be in Ubon for a visit from Feb 21 until Mar 1. If anyone would like to meet for a couple of pints, I'm planning to stay at the Laithong Hotel during that time. Maybe a Friday or Saturday nite meet will work for any of you who are in the area at that time. We could meet at the Laithong or someplace else that you prefer.


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Hi all,

I'll be in Ubon for a visit from Feb 21 until Mar 1. If anyone would like to meet for a couple of pints, I'm planning to stay at the Laithong Hotel during that time. Maybe a Friday or Saturday nite meet will work for any of you who are in the area at that time. We could meet at the Laithong or someplace else that you prefer.


Hi Mandl

From the Laithong head towards the main road through the city and at the 4Th set of traffic lights turn right and about 50 yards on the right is the Polar bear Cafe owned by Tim you can get a good English breakfast there and a lot of farangs meet there, then on a friday night we usually meet up at (The Swing Party House) which is opposite the petrol station by the Toyota car showrooms at the traffic lights on the main road and the road leading to the Airport. :o

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I would imagine Ubon is much the same as Surin. That is, there are around 2,000 to 2,500 farangs living within a 50-100km radius of the city. We have over 1,000 locals in our visitors book. By local I mean guys (or girls) that live within that circle, that have built a house in the village, and if not live there, visit for a period of a month or more at least once a year. It is very surprising,but nearly all of the villages, have at least one girl that is married or courting a Farang, sometimes two or three. There must also be Tambons around Ubon that are full of Farangs. In the Surin/Buriram area we have Sang Kha (around 80 to 90, live there) Prasat (around the same as Sang Kha) Krasang ( about 100), Ban Kruat (around 60/70)

Now one of the strange things is, that I have met countless people from Sang Kha or places of the like who tell me they live in a place where they are the only Farang. I have quite often introduced people to each other that only live a stones throw away from each other. Lets face it, Big C, or Tesco/Lotus is not the place to meet people, because Farangs do not like talking to another Farang when they're out shopping with their wives. Also remember there are countless Farangs who do not have telephone lines, let alone computors, so reading about meeting places on TV is out. Maybe I'll open a new Farang Connection in Ubon. If I don't, someone sure needs to. :o

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Thanks for the replies. I was thinking about meeting some fellow TV members (a few perhaps). Just wanted to say HI and put some faces to some of the nicks of the forum. As February gets closer, I'll post here again and maybe some of us can organise a meeting place and time. I won't have a computer available while in LOS, but hopefully we can get it set up in advance.

bluie - the Swing Party House sounds like the place. Perhaps we could meet there. I'll let you know in my later post.



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I've been in Ubon for about a year now. There is no meeting place that I've heard about, though I have been able to meet a few other farangs that I hang out with on occasion. Some places I've seen guys include: Robinson, Big C, Lotus, KFC, SWING PARTY HOUSE, and sometimes walking around downtown. There are quite a few farangs teaching at the local colleges and universities here. Also there are a number of us retired here and it's a great place for that... if you don't crave any action.

Ubon IS the kind of place that farangs come and live because they don't really want to see other farangs. I include myself in this group. Yes, it's nice to feel "special" by being one of the few... however, that's not really a motivation for being here. I have never felt the emotion "jealousy" at seeing another farang in the city - what an odd idea. One thing that is true is that I might not go out of my way to say HI to another westerner in Tesco or Big C.

In my own view most of the farangs I see coming here are some of the same ones I see in Pattaya or Patong... Loud, fat, bald, smoking, rude, tattooed jackasses that have come because they think that Ubon is an extension of Pattaya and they will find some drop-dead gorgeous Isaan girl that is just dying to jump in bed with their degenerate selves.... or they are here because they met a whore in Pattaya, BKK, Patong or Samui and are back here to meet the girl's parents and family.

That categorizes most of the farangs I have seen come through Ubon... however, there are those that come for other reasons... and I've had great conversations with some that I've met.

I have few farang friends here because there are so many guys here that are rejects of their European or American society residing in Ubon. Really, even though we see each other on a weekly or once per month basis we might not say even a word to the other.

In this boring little town I've met some of the most bizarre people that I have ever met in my life... one 60 year old teacher at a government school in downtown Ubon and another while getting my motorsai fixed... the old guy fixing it told me that I just HAD to meet this other farang he knew... (Both were Americans like me).

Swing Party House club across from Robinson and the big Toyota dealer on Chayangkun seems to be the club with the most farangs in it at any specific time. It's not to my liking, but I get dragged there by co-workers occasionally. You'll likely have to introduce yourself because nobody will care that you are a farang in there. Coffee shops seem to be hot spots. Anywhere around Tung c Muang during the tourist season you can spot a farang or two. Really not many though. On average over the course of one year I've seen maybe 1 farang per day here.

Remember... In Ubon you're special to the Thais, they will stare at you, smile at you, you'll have women talk to you first... But to the other farang, you're not special. Don't expect to be and you'll have a more enjoyable stay... or life if you intend to live here.


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In my own view most of the farangs I see coming here are some of the same ones I see in Pattaya or Patong...  Loud, fat, bald, smoking, rude, tattooed jackasses that have come because they think that Ubon is an extension of Pattaya and they will find some drop-dead gorgeous Isaan girl that is just dying to jump in bed with their degenerate selves.... or they are here because they met a whore in Pattaya, BKK, Patong or Samui and are back here to meet the girl's parents and family. 


I can see why you don't meet very many people. So can anyone prove this <deleted> wrong? Are there any of you in Ubon that do not fall into this catogary. I certainly wouldn't want to meet someone with a view as biased as yours.

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In my own view most of the farangs I see coming here are some of the same ones I see in Pattaya or Patong...  Loud, fat, bald, smoking, rude, tattooed jackasses that have come because they think that Ubon is an extension of Pattaya and they will find some drop-dead gorgeous Isaan girl that is just dying to jump in bed with their degenerate selves.... or they are here because they met a whore in Pattaya, BKK, Patong or Samui and are back here to meet the girl's parents and family. 


I can see why you don't meet very many people. So can anyone prove this <deleted> wrong? Are there any of you in Ubon that do not fall into this catogary. I certainly wouldn't want to meet someone with a view as biased as yours.

Well if you are in Ubon, why not register yourself: http://www.frappr.com/thaivisa

The nearest member we have so far is Ben01 in Surin.

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In my own view most of the farangs I see coming here are some of the same ones I see in Pattaya or Patong...  Loud, fat, bald, smoking, rude, tattooed jackasses that have come because they think that Ubon is an extension of Pattaya and they will find some drop-dead gorgeous Isaan girl that is just dying to jump in bed with their degenerate selves.... or they are here because they met a whore in Pattaya, BKK, Patong or Samui and are back here to meet the girl's parents and family. 


I can see why you don't meet very many people. So can anyone prove this <deleted> wrong? Are there any of you in Ubon that do not fall into this catogary. I certainly wouldn't want to meet someone with a view as biased as yours.

Difficult to prove the <deleted> wrong when a lot of what he said was true. In the tourist season you do see a lot of genuine tourists here to see the sights (nowhere near as many as visit the better known places though) but there are a lot of falangs on a one time visit to see the family of the whore they met in BKK, Pattaya or other hotspots. Some of them will be nice guys and some will be 'fat, balding, smoking drunkards.

The whore that brought him here may be the nicest girl you could meet and the guy could range from top of the heap to a disaster, you do see them all. Because Ubon is a very out of the way place there has to be something that will bring the guy here and 9 times out of 10 it's a girl he met in the major tourist hotspots.

As a 25 year expat resident of Ubon I have seen most types but I will give you eye contact in Tesco/lotus and say hello - if you just mumble hello back and continue on your way I'm happy to do the same. My idea of a meeting place would not be Swing party house either - the '<deleted>' does have sense.

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but there are a lot of falangs on a one time visit to see the family of the whore they met in BKK,

The whore that brought him here may be the nicest girl you could meet

So you catergorise every girl that comes to Ubon with a farang to see her family

" a whore" You small minded little arschhole. It's guys like you that tar everyone with the same brush, that makes life that little bit harder for the rest of us. What if a fat, balding, old man has a nice girl on his arm. Are you that jelous that you make it into a major crime. I am a fat, balding old man, and I married a beautiful chef from a steak house half my age. Does that make me one of your asreoles. The reason she went for me was not my looks, but my personality, which by your posts you do not possess. I have many friends here that did not take the "whore' route as you so delicatly put it. And I have many friends that have. I make no distinctions.<deleted>.

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but there are a lot of falangs on a one time visit to see the family of the whore they met in BKK,

The whore that brought him here may be the nicest girl you could meet

So you catergorise every girl that comes to Ubon with a farang to see her family

" a whore" You small minded little arschhole. It's guys like you that tar everyone with the same brush, that makes life that little bit harder for the rest of us. What if a fat, balding, old man has a nice girl on his arm. Are you that jelous that you make it into a major crime. I am a fat, balding old man, and I married a beautiful chef from a steak house half my age. Does that make me one of your asreoles. The reason she went for me was not my looks, but my personality, which by your posts you do not possess. I have many friends here that did not take the "whore' route as you so delicatly put it. And I have many friends that have. I make no distinctions.<deleted>.

G'Day all of you

It's kind of funny to read you guy's.

I live permanently in Ubon now 9yrs and try my best to say hello to all farangs who i see in I.e Lotus, Big C, i have to say also that i do not have time to hanf around in So called Party places like "Swing Clubs" and so not meeting many farang's, but every time i see some, I.e SK, most of them after i been saying hello put head down or look some where else, only few people there care to talk, i have been trying to get "us Farang's" together but every time, it seems that Only way to get to gether is getting pist in the bar.

Few people who are active in Ubon or surraounding area and really funn to meet and talk are Sezzo in Khem and few of his freinds there, but in Ubon,, well not met any one yet, Also few people in Phibun has large community of Norwegians and in the Det Udon has few OZ and Uk dudes.

Ubon like few in here said, 1 or 2 farang per day you might see, if you dont count Mormons.

But maybe some day.


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He has trouble reading and understanding posts Whiteshiva, if I said what he read I would be calling my own wife a whore which, as a retired teacher with over 30 years service, she most certainly is not.

The fact that 9 out of 10 one time visitors are here to see the family of a girl they met in a bar in BBK is simply that - a fact. There are a lot of Falangs here on a longer basis that you will bump into and will do as Marco said and if their answer to my 'hello' is a mumble and head down as they scurry away I am quite happy for that to be the case.

Two large schools here have 'English programmes' staffed entirely with Falangs and other teaching establishments have Falangs on the staff but you very rarely see them. A visit to Tesco/lotus at any time will have a couple of Falangs in there and although I do not go running across the shopfloor to shake hands I will always say hello as we pass but it really is as Marco said - No one has ever stopped and continued the conversation.


Although my son part owned a stall in SK when they first opened I have never been into the shopping centre simply because I live inbetween Tesco and BigC/Makro so would have no reason to go shopping at SK.

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I agree with Marco

If the only way to meet is on a night time in swing party house then it may not suit all farangs. My wife and I have a two year old son who accompanies us to Ubon. We have often thought on our last few trips that the city is crying out for a good English restauarant open through the day and night. You would find slowly and surely that all farangs would congragate there after a time. Ubon is getting better with regards to food availability but still has a long way to go in terms of satisfying my hunger pains. Pizza, KFC, MK, Lai Thong and a few other hotels were basically the only places where we could eat out. As for the quality of some of the food in particular Nevada hotel well yucccckkkkk..... the steak I had was like the bottom of my shoe. Most of the time we eat in at our home in Ubon but a good full roast dinner wouldn't go a miss now and again. As for speaking to foreigners in shopping malls.. well I don't talk and shop much back here in UK and my wife does not run over to the first Thai she sees in ASDA on a Saturday afternoon. Not because we are ingnorant but friendships do not always start up from a meeting in a supermarket. Anyway for me I think it is the duty of one of you permanent resident farangs to start a good English pub grub establishment. I'm sure it would be a huge success as many more farangs are starting to visit each year struggling to find a good meal.


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There is an excellent French restaurant next to the police station that will do you a steak to die for - if you come out of Wat dhow (sorry to the pedantics that will correct me on the phonetics for turtle) and face the police station, turn left and 'sincere' is on the next x'road on the right facing you. Not a Falang meeting place though - it's small n cozy n normally full of senior police officers, nice place to make some high level contacts though! :o

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I agree with Marco

that the city is crying out for a good English restauarant open through the day and night.  .  Anyway for me I think it is the duty of one of you permanent resident farangs to start a good English pub grub establishment.  I'm sure it would be a huge success as many more farangs are starting to visit each year struggling to find a good meal. 


A lot of the Ubon lads use our place now and again, and we did talk of opening out to Ubon, but saying that we have just shut our second restaurant in Surin, because we are so busy in town. Don't forget any of you need a sunday roast , we're only just down the road. And everyone is welcome, be it a fat, balding ugly old man with a tart on his arm, a young, handsome adonis with a Katoey on his arm or a married man with family and kids. Check the menu out on the pinned site at the top of the Isaan forum.

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If you can let me have your address I'd love to visit for a roast dinner. Its the only thing I miss on a Sunday in Thailand. I wake up smelling bisto on a Sunday morning... Do you have yorkshire puddings aswell?


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If you can let me have your address I'd love to visit for a roast dinner.  Its the only thing I miss on a Sunday in Thailand.  I wake up smelling bisto on a Sunday morning...  Do you have yorkshire puddings aswell?


Last week it was roast lamb,roast potatoes,yorkshire puddings,cauliflower,peas, carrots and bisto gravy. This week it's Roast Chicken, stuffing or roast beef and horseradish sauce, YORKSHIRE puddings and all the trimmings. How are you feeling. We also do North Sea Cod, chips & mushy peas, Cottage Pie, Ploughmans lunch (with Branston,real pickled onions & pickled beetroot) Steak & Kidney Pie,mash and beans. Check us out on http://farangconnection.com .We also do lots of things in our shiop that you just cannot get in the rest of thailand.

Tetley tea bags

Yorkshire tea bags


Bovril stock cubes

oxo cubes

Birds custard powder

4 different types of Branston

Heinz spaghetti hoops

oxo gravy granules

green tabasco

fiery tabasco

heinz baked beans ( out of stock)

And a few more things I can't think of off the top of my head.

If you're coming for sunday lunch, order on 044511509. . Served from 14.00-21.00

Edited by lampard10
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Long way to travel for a Sunday dinner though Lampard!

Must admit that mushy peas would be a treat though as it's the only thing I have never found in LOS and have always had to bring the dried peas from UK. There was a pub/restaurant that served them in BKK a lot of years ago just a few paces away from Soi Cowboy but Geordie sold out and the new owners stopped doing them. I am sure that there are bar/restaurants that serve mushy peas but I've never found one that is easy to get to from where we stay when we go to BKK.

Tesco/lotus here in Ubon used to sell Bisto but seems to have stopped now, they also sold malt vinigar but have stopped that too.

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In my own view most of the farangs I see coming here are some of the same ones I see in Pattaya or Patong...  Loud, fat, bald, smoking, rude, tattooed jackasses that have come because they think that Ubon is an extension of Pattaya and they will find some drop-dead gorgeous Isaan girl that is just dying to jump in bed with their degenerate selves.... or they are here because they met a whore in Pattaya, BKK, Patong or Samui and are back here to meet the girl's parents and family. 


I can see why you don't meet very many people. So can anyone prove this <deleted> wrong? Are there any of you in Ubon that do not fall into this catogary. I certainly wouldn't want to meet someone with a view as biased as yours.

Lampard 10 I couldn't agree more this joker sounds as if he should return to the good old USof A ( or did they throw him out ) I have quite a few farang friends in Ubon and I know that they would all converse with a decent sort of chap :o

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